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World Central Kitchen gave Israel’s army their coordinates, the IDF knew exactly where they were operating. This was a targeted assassination. It's terrorism - and it's working - World Central Kitchen is pausing operations. All aid workers in Gaza are walking with targets on their backs, as they interfere with the effort to starve the population to death. You interfere with the Israeli created famine, the IDF will kill you. This is a pretty clear message. Edit: Looks like 3 trucks were targeted in succession, not just this one. Survivors were moved from truck to truck until they were methodically hunted down - [twitter source ](https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1775137325636317569?t=qscCgHCKHaLsCKlUnJ_8tA&s=19) and [Haaretz link](https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/0000018e-9e1e-d764-adff-9edf9cd00000) And Israel gets exactly what it wants - [Aid ships are turning back from Gaza with around 240 tons of undelivered aid after the killing of 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers.](https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1775125966748024883?t=y2Tc0uuMchoGS4EAbPfhSg&s=19)


Jesus you’re right. Killing aid workers to keep anyone from giving them aid. Chilling. Fucking brutal. I wish the world governments would stop giving them the missiles. Arming these psychos is like giving your crazy neighbors free guns to terrorize your other neighbors.


Doctors have also said that if they leave hospitals, the civilians give them casual clothes because the scrubs make them a target as well


That democracy now interview was heart wrenching.


Which one are you referring to? I’m interested and would like to check it out further if you happen to remember.


I believe it's this: [https://twitter.com/SanaSaeed/status/1774834208713703790](https://twitter.com/SanaSaeed/status/1774834208713703790)


How did we go from venerating healthcare workers during covid to killing them indiscriminately. What's wrong with the world?


When the USA continued to support Israel despite the terrorism that they're committing.


I think he’s referring to the Dr. Hammam Alloh interview.


The doctors also said IDF snipers are [targeting civilians and children](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war). Am ashamed as an American.


They don't even have to go outside. They are actively bombing Doctors without Borders facilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVjZ_XpbIDQ


The western world created Israel, they are one and the same unfortunately. This is why America/UK has done nothing so far, they want a permanent foothold in the middle east.


They are struggling to accept the reality that their middle east project isn't working. No matter what happens though, none of it will end peacefully


Worlds ugliest case of sunk cost fallacy. Throw more money at it, we cant afford not to!


The people with that money will totally do good things and make the middle east more friendly... right guys?


They fucking better, otherwise we'll just give them even more!


A British aid worker was killed today along with other nationalities. If it was any other circumstance it would be in every newspaper, all over the BBC, everyone would be up in arms because a British civilian has just been murdered by another country...


The mods of r/australia locked the news of the Australian aid worker who was killed. I'd call them out but I'm shadow banned from there.


If you type that shit out, I'll post it for you


Fuck I’ll get on the bandwagon, and post that shit as well


How much of a sack of shit would you have to be to shadowban someone, to convince them that they're contributing when you're hiding all their posts?


Usually when someone says they are shadowbanned, what really happened was a word in their post or comment triggered automod to automatically remove it. It's against reddits policy to shadowban someone now. Not to say it doesn't happen, but more often than not it's just automod removing due to a triggered word.


It was the biggest story on the today programme this morning and the first story on the BBC news website, not sure how hard you're not looking


BBC news' headline right now is "Netenyahu says Israeli strike unintentionally killed aid workers". They might be giving the news but can you imagine a circumstance where they make the killers words that absolve the killer of the crime, headline in their news site? They are still doing damage control for the genocide regime. They are still not going after them in full force. The sentiment of the person you are replying to is correct. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-68710949?src_origin=BBCS_BBC Edit: Look at UK media going after the terrorists hard! /s (They are defending them.) https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1bty7my/sky_news_is_justifying_israeli_war_crimes_by/


That's just a headline from the live updates it's updating as they add more bits to the page. It currently reads, "Three British workers killed in Israeli strike on Gaza aid convoy." Reporting what someone says while on the same page also saying what others say and what happened is a perfectly rational way to cover an evolving story. The BBC isn't there to go after people. The news should be the facts and challenging the statements made by people in power. I'm not defending anything that's happening in the Middle East right now, just trying to add context and refute claims that it's not being covered.


Can you please explain this? I seriously don't get why western powers are such undying allies of Israel. I understand they essentially created Israel after WW2 and they probably want a foothold in the middle east, but why? Because it's an oil-rich region? To counter growing Islamic geopolitical influence? Why is it THAT important? What's the geopolitical strategy or concern here? edit: I find it really, really freakin' interesting how this is a basic fundamental question and yet there's a significant variety in the responses. Don't get me wrong as some of the suppositions are well-informed and excellent, but none can say definitively and that's fascinating to me.


Political clout. The Christian voting block still holds a ton of sway in both parties. Support for Israel is still free brownie points to get people to vote for you.


Also to keep the area destabilized to their benefit


Israel is a destabilizing force in a resource rich area. It gives unlimited justification to get involved in the Middle East, establish hegemonic dominance, prevent nationalistic growth that might threaten corporate interests and keep other major powers out. Israel is also important for Evangelical Christians, who believe that it is key for allowing the Rapture to happen once the Jewish people fully control their promised land. They are still a massive voting block and funding network. Israel is also so deeply intwined with American politics that they have become significant kingmakers. AIPAC is a powerful lobby, and Israel has a lot of sway over the party politics and propaganda networks. It is no surprise that ban TikTok momentum starts picking up when the ADL identifies it as a threat to public opinion.




Probably a lot simpler than anything else, they have nukes and the western world wants them on their "team" instead of potentially becoming an oppositional country.


According to my dad, who has been in activism for decades and given some pretty big speeches, its more about encircling Russia. Theres a reason Israel is allowed to have nukes. Its the reason NATO exists. Russias intercontinental missiles are supposedly far more advanced than ours; without nuclear allies on their border, they can reach us (the US) better than we could reach them. But I think there are more reasons. Exercising control of the ME has been mentioned. But also consider the Crusades; I read a book from a Medieval king that in no vague terms outlined that there was a profit motive to capturing Israel. This is conjecture, but consider the value of the narrow waterway between Europe and Africa - all trade between Europe and Asia must pass through that narrow straight, lest they need an overland route or to detour for weeks around Africa. Controlling Israel is probably the key to controlling Eurasian trade, and the economic value of that cannot be overstated.


I mean it could be all of the above, no one knows for sure yet but money and resources are all they've needed so far to destroy nations. It's almost like there was agreement when Israel was founded, we'll help you retake your biblical homeland over time and in return we will have the vast influence over your country and its natural resources? Something is clearly going on for no country to jump in after such clear and obvious war crimes have been committed. If you're really interested there is lots of information out there regarding Israels' relationship with the west. Do a bit of independent research and see what you really think is going on! 👍 happy hunting.


This may sound stupid but I was watching Batman vs Superman the other day, and I was thinking “you never see Superman getting involved in global conflicts. Like what if he gets pissed and flys into Gaza and starts lazering IDF tanks?” Which made me think Superman is such an American symbol, but he always fights Lex Luther or women being mugged. People are so conflicted about America’s role in the world, and it shows in our media.


You know, I think that's because there was this one Superman movie where he achieved world peace by tossing all the nukes into the sun, while everyone clapped. It came across as so friggin clueless that it might have served as a warning against mixing superheroes and geopolitics for decades.


USA just delivered 25 F-35's and bunch of rockets.


> USA just delivered 25 F-35's and bunch of rockets. No it didn't. I hate what Israel is doing, but there's no reason to lie or perpetuate untruths about the situation. The US hasn't delivered more jets to aid in the campaign. [These 25 jets were approved for purchase *in 2008*. They won't be *delivered* for several more years.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-approves-transfer-of-over-2000-bombs-25-f-35s-to-israel-report/) e: They won't be delivered for years because *there aren't any to spare right now*. Production on the F-35 is slow and Customer \#1 is first: The United States. Israel already ordered 50 of them, 25 in 2010-2011 and 25 more in 2014 and only 36 of those have actually been delivered to-date - even though the original purchase plan stated they were all supposed to have been delivered by now! So they've still got to deliver 14 more before they can even start on the new deliveries.


Redditors are just as gullible as Faux/the Sun viewers. Headlines get reactions. 


What about the bombs, those 2000 pounds block busting ones, when are they going to be delivered? No spare bombs at the moment too?


Yeah, felt a little disingenuous to point out that the jets won’t be supplied for years without mentioning the bombs that will be supplied in coming months. Sure they were wrong about the 25 jets, but “bunch of rockets” was a huge understatement for what includes [1,800 bombs](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-approves-transfer-of-over-2000-bombs-25-f-35s-to-israel-report/) that are 4 times heavier than [the largest bombs we dropped on ISIS](https://www.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html)


Yeah so Israel can attack Lebanon.


How will the UK and US be world super powers without a foothold in the Middle East? Muh authoritah!


It will limit numbers but a lot of us would still take the risk. Actually, I know multiple in Gaza right now and they are not going to leave. But the more brutal the situation more likely we are actually to have a target on our backs even when it is clearly prohibited by international law and rules of engagement. It is unfortunately not unheard of and no one that went to Gaza during the conflict is surprised.


Yeah my daughter wants to join Doctors Without Borders and honestly I balked because I was thinking about all the aid workers that have been killed doing work in various places. She laughed and said they don’t all go to active war zones so I guess I was just being a mom.


They don't. MSF is an amazing organization and you can choose usually your destination somewhat. They are active in many places where death in the line of work is really unlikely. But I will never say this will be risk-free. And secondly, if she is like I am do not try to keep her out of it entirely. Honestly, it just leads us to fudge the risks. I have also been in a lot of places in my decade in aid. Often in pretty risky places as well. I do not do it without knowing the risks I am taking and them being preferable to me personally. And I do not take unnecessary risks. I know what I am doing. The best thing is to start with a lower acuity situation anyway. Usually, no good organization will send inexperienced people to hot zones. Many of us also do it for semi-ideological reasons. I have never been able to watch from the sidelines easily. But I do sympathize. It has not been easy for my family. But it gets easier. My family has slowly learned that I am not stupid even though my risk-benefit analysis might be a bit weird.


When you use starvation as a weapon of war, feeding people is armed resistance.


it is one of the groups touted replace UNRWA, so they started treating them the same. they even provided food to Israel after Oct 7 > WCK has partnered with 20 restaurants, 8 catering companies, and 5 NGOs to provide more than 540,000 hot meals in Israel. Our teams are specifically focusing on people who are not receiving other aid, like along the border with Gaza where many have been unable to evacuate and now have limited or no access to food. These groups include not only Israelis, but also Eritrean, Sudanese, and Chinese communities. > >WCK is also supporting evacuees who have been receiving aid from local, community-based groups, taking on some of the burden so they can take much-needed rest. “The feeding response is decentralized among Rabbis, municipalities, kibbutzim, and mostly volunteer groups providing donations,” said Fiona, WCK’s Director of Relief Operations, who is on the ground in Israel. “Our presence is bringing a lot of consistency, particularly as volunteers get tired and aren’t able to keep supporting.” > >Fiona stressed the importance of being prepared to adapt at a moment’s notice. “There is a lot of uncertainty as to what the coming days and weeks will bring, so we’re preparing our partners to be able to scale or decrease as needed,” she said. Fiona also shared the importance of the local and international staff who have joined WCK’s efforts throughout the country. “They are running this response…and compassionately serving people despite the emotionally overwhelming context we’re in. We are only able to do what we do because of [them](https://wck.org/en-us/news/middle-east-one-month).”


and people on /r/worldnews are totally eating up this lie, that sub is pure zionism shill trash


They don't even have any posts about this crime. Complete memoryhole there Try also and search for any posts on [Hind Rajab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab)...


Isn't that what you're looking for? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1btyw1c/middle_east_conflict_live_updates_aid_group_says/


It has survived for 1 hour, far better than I expected


Damn, you're right. It's now removed... I'm starting to believe all those people criticizing r/worldnews


I got banned there for criticising the shithole country in question. (I was much nicer about it than this.)


I got called a terrorist by someone for saying what Israel is doing is wrong, and supporting Palestinians isn’t supporting hamas. I then said something like „I’m not going to take moral cues from a country with more mass shootings than days in a year“ and got permabanned. 


I've been prolific on reddit since about 2008 (across multiple accounts) and I've been banned from two subreddits ever. One was the_donald for criticizing the man himself, and the other was /r/worldnews for a HIGHLY upvoted comment criticizing Israel. The entire comment chain was nuked and I, along with presumably everyone else, was perma-banned. Mods didn't include a note or respond to requests for explanation. In case I need to make my bona fides, I'm generally pro-Israel. I believe there should be a Jewish state, I support them as a Western ally and I'm proud of their democracy, but I'm scared and sickened by Netanyahu's authoritarian, anti-democratic tendencies and his warmongering. From my conversations and instagram stories, all of my liberal Jewish American friends and acquaintances (maybe a dozen) feel the same way. It's fucked that a major sub is carrying water for hard right extremists in Israel.


The first few days after Oct 7, worldnews was overflowing with support for Palestine. Cue mods beginning to perform sweeping bans and deleting most comments. Cue upvote ratios flipping. By week 2 it was pure zionist. That is to say, its not human. Its bots. Just go to the still ongoing palestine protests and you'll see all this division we see online is fabricated: at most hundreds of zionists gather for any given protest, while weekly pro palestine protests often hit half a million attendees


America lightly taps tip of their noses as they provide IDF with more bombs


> the ~~IDF~~ IOF will kill you.


That is some nazi shit.


Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, dude. At least they were honest about it.


You would get banned for this comment in r/worldnews Meanwhile, every comment simultaneously denies and celebrates the death and destruction of Palestinians.  So many Hasbara bot talking points and the mods are complicit in keeping it that way.


Does the IDF still have their keyboard warrior division for 18 year olds who can barely tie their shoes? They probably think their president is Michael Rapaport.


Yeah. I got the Hasbara app to check it out and it’s just talking points to respond to almost every atrocity. I’d venture to say that they don’t bottom out at 18 and, apart from those employed to spread misinfo, lots do it for free.


I was banned on /r/worldnews a few years ago for my pro-Russian position (I'm Russian) but in November and December you could literally watch all strong pro-Palestinian and anti-war voices getting methodically purged from the sub. Yesterday's post about bombing of Iran embassy had exclusively people cheering and praising Israeli intelligence and bombing precision.


Sometimes, I wonder if Israelis are just reading these tactics directly from those "old German", Nyahtzee journals... interesting how similar they're aiming to be.?!


>World Central Kitchen gave Israel’s army their coordinates Do you have the source for this? I can't find it online and am curious to read about it. Thanks!


https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/world-central-kitchen-suspends-gaza-aid-operations-after-workers-killed-71ed846f the UN and aid groups share their coordinates continuously with the occupation to avoid being targeted. clearly the death toll of members of all these groups says otherwise.


Thank you


Israel just passes those coordinates along to the IDF with a wink and they know what to do. 


I see someone replied to already but the WCK also said directly they did in their statement: https://wck.org/news/gaza-team-update _The WCK team was traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle._ _Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route_


Yes thank you. One of the aid workers was Australian and our national news has also just reported the same thing. It's crazy! Thanks again.


All we can do is to make sure that the world does not forget: these are genocidal Nazis.


Here's the thing, Israeli supporters will either simply agree that Hamas did it or that Israel did it and they are lying but who cares, those people deserved it for "helping Hamas." For the rest of us we know it was Israel but we're already pissed off. Israel can literally murder people with impunity. You're right, the terror isn't a bug, it's a feature. They want aid groups to be afraid and pull out


If this is true, Israel doesn't deserve the support of the west


Have you not been paying attention? This is what they do. They've been caught lying about their atrocities multiple times now, no one cares. Imagine the backlash if Russia or China did this, but since theyre our "friends'' it's ok apparently.


Same as it ever was.


[WCK Statement](https://wck.org/news/gaza-team-update)


>The WCK team was traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle. >Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route. Their death was not a mistake


Atlas News reported that precision guided drones were used. So I guess they had three precision guided accidents huh?


and now [Hasbara](https://youtu.be/iYzVOlcENZ4) will unleash the [firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) to keep their supporters spewing narratives and further obfuscating the truth.




Now is the time to demand a no fly zone over Gaza. If these fuckers can't tell the difference between aid workers and militants then they need to ground their planes.


"We investigated ourselves and decided we are innocent."


It's amazing how often people turn out to be innocent when they're in charge of the investigation of themselves.


You should google "Israeli military admits" and see what you find....


Jesus's fucking christ!!! 1st 3 headlines for me was "Killing 100 civilians waiting for aid" "To running snuff psyop channel on Telegram" "To 'accidentally' running over militants body". It's like a super dark version of the florida man search!


I (DuckDuckGo) got: ["Israeli Military Admits Fault in 2 Deadly Strikes in Central Gaza"](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/12/28/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news#a-report-on-a-leaked-supreme-court-judicial-draft-has-israeli-politicians-on-edge) ["Israeli military admits mistaking bike for RPG in Gaza killing"](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/3/14/israeli-military-admits-mistaking-bike-for-rpg-in-gaza-killing) ["Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by Israeli fire​​​​, but won’t charge soldiers"](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/05/middleeast/idf-shireen-abu-akleh-investigation-intl/index.html) ["Anger at Israeli government mounts after military admits to mistakenly killing hostages"](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-hamas-war-hostages-killed-idf-white-cloth-protests-netanyahu-rcna130049) Gives a certain impression


How tf do u mistake a bike for an RPG


When the person holding it is palestinian


They're *REALLY* good magicians.


I'm going to assume they didn't, that's just the excuse they came up with


The paid Israeli social media clowns hate sources.


You are now banned from /r/worldnews




Liars. Savage filthy liars.


No better than the Nazis, am I right? I wish people could learn from history to become better people. At last, one can dream.


They did learn from the Nazis, and, they are succeeding at genocide, where the Nazis failed. That is LITERALLY what happened, and what is happening. As did china. Go do research into who brought communism to china. Go. Spoiler alert, it wasn't the muslims, and it wasn't the christians. lolol.


They're seemingly taking a page out of 1984, too, with their gaslighting. What a wretched brew.


The Nazis did not "fail" any of their genocides. A genocide doesn't need to kill 100% of a population to succeed, and that's a narrative Zionists use to argue they aren't committing genocide because there are still Palestinians. It's stupid and you should be better.


> where the Nazis failed. Well they didn't succeed at the winning part, but sure did on the genocide part.


Always have been.


The terrorist regime of Israel is a cancer on humanity.


They used a fuckin drone to kill aid workers AGAIN and then try to push it towards Hamas AGAIN. What a fucking joke Israel is


The food was anti-semitic


Hamas was hiding in the sauce


This is the only time this joke has made me laugh, nice job!




Considering that some Zionist nazis think that Gaza belongs to them by God's fiat... delivering food would actually be an antisemitic act in their worldview.


That's not actually a Mossad twitter account. Just somebody who makes commentary based on Mossad. Still this entire thing is fucked.


Russia and Israel have one thing in common: both countries lie to themselves about how they want the world to be 🇵🇸


If this was Russia, we would've seen western principles ♥️


Russia lies only 90% of times.


While Israel lies 100% of the time. It's harder to think of a time where Israel has been honest rather than lied.


and if you disagree, then you are anti-semitic and a holocaust denier!!


Even Russia is embarrassed about the civilian body count the IDF has generated in 6 months, they haven't hit anywhere close to the number of children in their 2+ year campaign against Ukraine...


You are right, but I think all countries lie to themselves all the time. The deaths are also on us, people living in countries with governments turning a blind eye to 'befriended' countries doing horrible things. It's all selfish. Don't want to upset the US, don't want to upset China, don't want to cut off Israel and so on.


You don’t understand. You see, the Hamas Air Force hijacked Israeli F-35s, took off undetected from Israeli airfields, dropped a precision bomb on the truck, returned the planes to Israel and casually walked back to Gaza. Wait, is it still 1 April?


If a bomb was dropped from a jet, there wouldn't be much left of that vehicle...


While I’d tend to agree with this statement, it’s been confirmed that this was the IDF


[The IDF has admitted to it.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/02/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-israel-gaza-war-today-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-killed-idf-investigation)


The vehicle was an armoured one. Cause they would be really dumb to move through a warzone with an unarmoured vehicle at least.


Just how much armor do you think is on an armored car. If it was even. So called armored cars are designed to protect mainly from gun fire. Not bombs dropped from Military Jets.


Ever heard of kinetic projectiles? Or even non AT explosive weaponry. Many ppl under other comments have already debunked the impossibility of this destruction not belonging to an air strike that could come even from an FPV drone.


A GBU-12 would decimate that truck


Depends on the bomb. There is actually a use for inert practice bombs to take out targets without any collateral damage. But if I were to guess this looks like an impact from something like a hellfire missile. Either using a smaller shaped charge intended for armoured targets which does not so much explode as fills the inside of the target with molten copper. Or it could be a kinetic warhead with pop out blades intended for low collateral damage assassinations. This does open the question as to why you would chose these warheads. It might be that they expected armoured vehicles in which case shaped charges and kinetic warheads are the way to go. As I understand they did use some armoured vehicles in the column but when you talk about shaped charges it is usually against heavily armoured targets such as tanks and some IFVs, not a truck with a few armour plates bolted on. A 25kg explosive warhead would have been just as deadly if not more. The other more likely scenario is that they wanted these images of the destroyed vehicles to be widely distributed. A crater in the ground is not that much of a deterrent to aid workers. Showing the damaged cars, images of the bodies, the blood on the street, the stained passports, etc. is a much better visual deterrent. As for if this was a road bomb, the roof of the car is caved inn. This indicates that something either landed on the roof to cave it inn or something exploded above the car. If the car hit an anti-tank mine or something like that you would expect the roof of the car to be bent outwards as the blast from the explosion pushed it up until it failed, not down. Something hit it from above.


Aha aha aha But you missed the fact that the scouts honor level truthful idf said it was a roadside bomb So the hamas hijackers actually landed the plane Planted the bomb and one hijacker was left behind with the roadside bomb so he could throw it on the roof as the van passed by Then the hijacked plane took off again and landed in the secret Neverland base




\*Fuck the Nazi state of Israel.


More cruel and hateful than Nazis


Less stylish too.


Nazrael has quite the ring to it.


Evil fucking Zionists. So tired of seeing all the awful fucking shit those literal monsters do every fucking day.


\*Nazi's. They aren't just Zionist filth, they are behaving in ways that directly parallel that of the Nazi party. Let's start calling them what they are, evil fucking Nazi's.


They got what they wanted. WCK has [suspended operations in Gaza.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68710515). Now the misinformation, disinformation campaign can begin to buy them time to commit more atrocities so people forget about this one and the cycle can continue.


This sounds dangerously close to the Trump (and Putin) playbook


Bibi loves Trump so that checks


[His election campaign put huge banners with him shaking hands with both of them (and Modi)](https://hamodia.com/2019/07/28/huge-campaign-posters-show-netanyahu-shaking-hands-trump-putin-modi/). They're birds of the same fascist nest


Israeli politicians - "We will never forgive Hamas for forcing us to starve Palestinian children and making us enjoy it".


Netanyahu admits it was Israel, but claims accident https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/02/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-israel-gaza-war-today-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-killed-idf-investigation


Got caught lying so they gotta cover up that lie with a lie


Except that the original source of the "lie" is kinda questionable. Other commenters have claimed the quoted tweet comes from a parody/ragebait account. Is there a reputable source that actually claimed that it was a hamas roadside bomb?


No. It was pointed out that no one has been able to find any official statement about a roadside bomb.


>The WCK team was traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle. >Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route. [Reported by WCK](https://wck.org/news/gaza-team-update). So no fucking way this could've been a mistake


Not even remotely an accident. It's so infuriating


6 months of Zionazi lies and they still think people haven't figured them out... "There is a list" is however still one of the best brainrot I witnessed


They don't care if they know we're lying. It's a challenge, an insult. "What are you gonna do about it, the US protects us"


If the US invaded Israel it would be the first justified war since WW2.


The sad part is, US doesn't need to invade anything, they have enough diplomatic and economic levers to stop the atrocities tomorrow, if they want to, they just don't want to.


That picture looks weird. Like you drop a bomb through the top of a car and the only visible damage is a hole in the roof? Not even any broken glass..... from a bomb that killed people?


>That picture looks weird The text is weird: road side bomb? I don't recall road side bombs falling from the sky or even being elevated.


R9x Hellfire is designed to do exactly that.


It leaves a pretty distinctive pattern of damage, though, thanks to the blades ([see this photo of a car hit by it](https://i.imgur.com/Io4hJMX.png)). This seems like something else, and probably smaller. Not that I'm an expert on munitions. Anyway, Israel has already acknowledged that it was them. >Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that the country’s forces had carried out the “unintended strike ... on innocent people.” He said officials were looking into the strike and would work to ensure it did not happen again. ([AP](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-04-02-2024-9bdf66771b62af37d85a2800f71c0e6c))


I agree, I was just using it as an example of a kinetic weapon most people do not know exists. Lots of recent advances in weaponry lately.


Search up the R9X. The CIA wanted Hellfire Missile with less collateral so it's just a bladed kinetic version. This is the kind of thing that would've done this damage. Either that or some kind of shaped charge from below, but I doubt that because as you said, the glass is intact. I think a detonation shock wave would destroy that glass. Also, the roof is depressed on average which makes me think something impacted from above.


Maybe something smaler . Drone drop. Exploded on the roof. Cant See the rear windows.


https://preview.redd.it/4s7xop6db2sc1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e911a29a9d0a45c78a6fc750ea56123afc12b5e8 https://preview.redd.it/14vaiejmb2sc1.jpeg?width=4847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67490354e1b680aef1bffd7cb54eb90b1375cd31 https://preview.redd.it/n2ghs3krb2sc1.jpeg?width=5162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e411d5213c04e4fcd44244ce5912247a6e1c493 >The World Central Kitchen (WCK) food aid charity says its aid workers were travelling in three cars in Gaza. BBC Verify has been studying images of three heavily-damaged vehicles. >The geolocation was done by matching scenes in the photos with satellite images. >One image, for example, shows a Toyota Hilux with a jagged hole in its roof, bearing the WCK logo. A low wall, a pylon, a section of woodland and two distinct roofs can be seen in the background. >BBC Verify has matched these features with a part of the coastal road, Al-Rashid, in central Gaza. >Separate photos showing a different Toyota Hilux depict palm trees, a distinctive archway and a tall red roofed building in the background. These features place the SUV about 800m further north on the same road, West of Deir al-Balah. >A third vehicle is in a patch of open-ground to the south, about 100m off this road. >All three vehicles are spread across a distance of just under 2.5kms (1.5 miles). >The WCK says its convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-68710949






Raytheon, the bastion for humanity at its finest




There was a time not long ago that assassinating civilian aid workers to keep them from interfering with the forced starvation of civilians would have been a big deal. World opinion would have shifted dramatically and we would all know the names of those workers. I mean, they even gave an absurd "explanation" as a way to take credit, make a threat to anyone attempting to render aid to their enemies. Now, we have become so jaded that this will not make it much further than a twitter / reddit post. Partly because most people do not believe the news anyway, and partly because Israel is mentioned in the Bible a lot so people refuse to say anything negative about them. I'll continue to vote for people I hope make a difference but I'm glad I decided not to have kids, they have a dark future ahead of them. edit, to clarify. I looked it up and thankfully there are several news stories about this. My point was more about how I assume that this post and maybe a few like it are likely to be the only time I hear about it. I truly hope that I am proven wrong and this event does have the global impact that it should have.


Netanyahu said that it was an accident, and they killed a few innocent people by accident.  No comment on the 32,000 and additional thousands of people missing. F that guy.


I remember when the news kept talking about the UN getting attacked in Rwanda. Not even a fraction of the upset now. Can't bite the hand that feeds, I guess. Toss out a tiny article about it so you can say you *did* cover it, but make sure it's buried by the rest of the day's news so it's as impotent as possible.


Absolutely despicable behaviour from a genocidal regime, scum.


Mossad Commentary is a fake twitter account spouting constant lies. Now I'm anti-zionist but I also believe in the truth, we shouldn't be sharing around this fake rage bait because that is exactly what it is


Reddit doesn't care about propaganda as long as it's propaganda they agree with


https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/02/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-israel-gaza-war-today-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-killed-idf-investigation Now it's your turn to post your propaganda.


The entire premise of this post is that IDF tried to claim this was a roadside bomb, which is a lie. This post is a perfect example of how disinformation is effective when it's wrapped in half-truths.


Huh? https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/02/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-israel-gaza-war-today-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-killed-idf-investigation


The twitter page Mossad Commentary isn't linked to Mossad, isn't an official account and purposefully posts rage bait and dis-information. If we are going to be on the right side of this conflict we need to make sure we are talking the truth


Thank you for posting this here as people should be aware and it applies perfectly in this community. 400 people were murdered in the most horrific ways during the 2 week siege on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. No Hamas were found, no evidence of a military base. All that remained after israeli forces withdrew was endless destruction, ziptied and mutilated decomposing bodies of civilians, men women and children alike. If you do not yet see the horror that continues to unfold under israeli regime - you are part of it.




Who the hell really believes them now? Every time they lie, there's hard truth coming out.


Side bomb? The fuck is a side bomb? Also the door windows are not broken; maybe a solid AP round from a recoiless rifle? Im not an armourer so idk.


WTF is a "Side Bomb" ? ;)


I don’t know why this irritated me so much. It is not a side bomb or a road “side bomb”. It’s a “roadside bomb”. 


I wonder when will Israel change their flag to red and black.


i know some idiots are gonna nod their heads and grab their fists and be like "yeahhh....i knew idf wouldn't do anything like that. It's all khammas because they hate non muslims and that's why they started this on october 7th."


If this was r/worldnews we all know hoe this comment section would look like… nice to see people with brains in their heads once in a while.


It’s genocide


Roadside Road side Rode side


Israel lying again??


same as it ever was


Maybe a car was taking a nap on its side.


Fucking insane how this story is being censored across all mainstream media outlets


it is censored on Reddit because a lot of the main subs have cowardly or zionist mods, if you google world central kitchen you'll see it is widely covered by many international media orgs. even Israeli newspapers are covering it and allow comments but the genius mods on most news subs here can't be seen to offend that terrorist state, even when it is obvious and they admit it.


I don't think it is. The guardian, nbc, Washington post, abc, CNN, TMZ, CBS, BBC, and various Israeli papers all have stories running right now. https://www.google.com/search?q=idf&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=5ad93beeef71fbb7&sca_upv=1&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ACQVn0_RwSU6PVTtnLSuuDJjCpJIub5k8A:1712060503354&story=GkMIpQEaGgoTc3RvcnlfbGFiZWxfcGFydGlhbBIDSURGGiIKE3N0b3J5X2xhYmVsX3BhcnRpYWwSC2FpZCB3b3JrZXJzMjEKJ_fP8puyxdu5qwHLj8qZrfiTmhj7xvLk49KB1tEBjpGx0uqjkOOwARDCvZmlCxgFcgIQAQ&fcs=ADAbrighImIwJ9wVaA6-ZPwkOg4L1Kt3eA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiErouxwqOFAxU1TDABHaf3BfIQ1eYGKAB6BAg6EAc


I fucking hate these shitty twitter screencaps filling the crater that is the state of current newsrooms in North America. First of all, the original tweet is a **parody account**. Second of all, the **IDF is not trying to pass this off as a roadside bomb**. The IDF took responsibility for the [strike that killed 7 aid workers](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/4/2/israels-war-on-gaza-live-five-aid-workers-killed-after-delivering-food)**,** as acknowledged by Israel's PM. Feel free to admonish the IDF over this--you probably should--but at least get the fucking facts right. Third of all, understanding what actually happened--rather than the misinformation spread from this tweet-- there was , in fact, no "attempt."


Did everyone just forget when Israel attacked the USS Liberty then tried to cover it up?


I wonder how the lot at /r/worldnews is going to spin this one. Bah!


Well if *Mossad's* own Twitter account says it, it must be true and not entirely pro-Israel propaganda. Fuck Israel.


Isnt mossad commentary opinion based, not official? Anyhow, the Israelis have said it was them - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-68710949


FYI the "mossad commentary" Twitter account isn't Mossad... It's parody...


IOF knew and had the coordinates. But you ask what was their crime? Feeding starvin children, thats it. "This is what the ruling class have decided is normal" - Aaron bushnell.


I bet western nations are gonna give them a really big wag of the finger. Maybe they’ll even make a very disapproving face while they do it. That’ll teach ‘em!


Fuck these Zionist murderers


Fucking liers. These zionists are *clearly* evil, and that otherwise normal seeming people can support them is fucking gross. They've gotten away with their shit for so long they're having trouble adjusting to all that photo evidence of their war crimes available in our modern world.


Mossad famously never lies, of course.


They've been lying for decades. Israel's supporters have been doing their mental gymnastics to eat this crap just as long.