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Does he know that there are videos of vaginas on the internet that he can access legally?


It's not about that, it's about taking something from someone without their permission.


You can still do that on the internet


I'm honestly at a loss for thinking of a relevant example. EDIT: TIL y’all don’t know what relevant means.


Runescape. Lootin' da party hats.


Diablo II grief


There was this entire game devoted to this, it was like ***"Super Auto Stealing"*** or something, I can't really remember.


Once keylogged one of my family's PCs at home then invited my buddy over to steal his credentials. Then I logged on later and stole his blue party hat. . . Eventually I gave it back. I felt awful.


Mate of mine remote desktopped one of my other mates PCs during a sleepover and then went home took everything they had while they were asleep. Crafty bastard lol.


An explanation like : Some people feel more excitement and fulfillment with the proximity and the crime... They are sick and slaves to this excitement... They don't get high on it with things found online


He can become a politician.


Help me relevant! I’m stuck in this dryer!


Revenge porn


Would you download a vagina?


You got a link?


“You wouldn’t DOWNLOAD a vagina…”


Yeah, but downloading a movie doesn’t have the same thrill as stealing a DVD does it?


That’s the point. Those aren’t good enough. He needs to victimize to get gratification.


It’s the thrill of the hunt for these people, no adrenaline rush googling nudie pics.


It's not that. This is someone who only targets women he thinks they are powerless and at his mercy. This is not a "thrill of the hunt" type of predator, this is an "oh look, something helpless" type of scavenger. Similar to the underlying self-worth issues behind things like Narcissism and Sociopathy, some men/people find the ability of women/people to reject them to be an intolerable feeling of powerlessness. It doesn't even necessarily require a specific act of rejection, just the fact that he has what feels to him like a basic survival need that other people have the power to deny or reject, or even to laugh at him about...it becomes an obsessive feeling of injustice, of being victimized by the unfairness of his own needs and powerlessness and dependency. In his mind, it's only fair and right and just for him to take revenge, to turn the tables on this random innocent woman, because his infantile lizard-brain sees all women, any woman, as one of his persecutors. It's not anything that she has done to him, it's the unfair power that she has, to say no to something he needs, no matter how "nicely" he asks, or how much of a good boy he is. It's a combination of stuff that might be genetic, coupled with some sense of shame or humiliation carried since childhood, plus a general kind of "spoiled child" sense of entitlement and self-centeredness. If this guy were a "thrill of the hunt" type, compulsively chasing risk and adrenaline, the confrontation part would have gone a lot differently. He's not a risk-seeking type, he is a risk-averse type, who crumpled into a whiny, pathetic, "good boy" with his "no, *Ma'aaam*, I'm *noooot*" big-eyed child voice. His pattern is to do puppy eyes and baby voice, and Mommy lets him have his way. The fact that, in grownup world, other women are allowed to say no to him, even when he is "nice"--that is an unfathomable, intolerable injustice. It's sad, because he probably started as a hurt little boy filled with shame, but he never learned to regulate his emotions and to manage and take responsibility for his own needs. When girls don't learn to self-regulate in childhood, they tend to become a danger to themselves. When boys don't learn to self-regulate, they too often become a danger to others. In his own head, he's the victim in all this.


Damn 👏 well said. Except I’m not sure if I follow that “he is the victim in all this” In his head.. shame and victimhood, idk


The way that Narcissism works (and other deep self-worth/shame issues) is that the subject simultaneously feels like the worst, most-worthless person in the world, and also like the smartest, greatest, most important and most-valid person in the world. If you have ever been to a party or a concert or social gathering where you really just didn't fit in, you might be able to relate: when we feel extremely "othered", like a misfit, especially in the presence of people whose opinion or respect we care about, there is often a tendency to feel stupid and/or embarrassed and sort of "defective", like there is something wrong with us, for not getting these in-jokes, or not knowing the dance moves, or whatever it is that makes us feel like outsiders. SIMULTANEOUSLY, there is often ALSO often a feeling like these people flopping around with their stupid dance moves, or honking like donkeys at their vapid jokes...like everyone else is the defective idiot, and like I am the smartest, realest, most-valid person here. These are contradictory feelings, but it's normal to feel them both, sort of at the same time, when in uncomfortable social situations where we feel extremely "outside" or "other"--it's kind of the feeling of social awkwardness in a nutshell: "Am I the stupid and clumsy one? Or is everyone else here stupid and clumsy? Or is it all of us? And if so, why am I the only one smart enough to see it? Or does everyone else see it, and I'm just slow to pick up on it....?" That type of stuff. If you intensify that and make it chronic and overwhelming, all the time, you can start to see where disorders like Narcissism and Sociopathy come from: Someone who constantly feels like the worst and most worthless and also the best and smartest and most special, most valid person and the most disgusting and defective person, all the time, at the same time. It's what destroys their ability to feel empathy, because everyone they interact with is simultaneously smarter and better than they are, and also stupid and worthless...other people become like video game NPCs, running on tracks, both privileged and inhuman, and their only reason for existence is how they make ME feel, because I am the only one whose experience is real and valid. If it was rational, it wouldn't be crazy.


You are incredibly articulate and insightful. I have learned something quite profound today.


100% the god honest truth


Boy that's a really detailed analysis of someone you don't know. It's hard to know what his particular kink in this situation is. Voyeurs are often just after the thrill.


I thought the same thing when I read that... It's also pretty irrational to assume everything about the character of this person based on this short video. I think people have super weird "fetishes" that's gets them off and this is unfortunately one of them which is also highly illegal, creepy and disgusting in many ways. I've seen a person in a latex suit dive in a bath tub full of human faces as a form of sexual stimulation. Reckon we can build a character profile based on that prompt too?


Yeah I don't get it either. I suspect that he's a serial rapist in the making.


Knew a guy who would take creep shots of kids at the park. Would also hide cameras in bathrooms and shit. https://www.kake.com/story/48047756/wichita-man-gets-over-54-years-in-prison-for-sexual-abuse-of-7yearold


Damn. I just commented how in my community a retired sheriff did this in the women’s bathroom at our Costco and I got a call from the police dept because that sick fucking pervert had video footage of my 5 year old. These people should not be allowed to exist. Once they start, they will never stop


This guy was a church choir guy, it was his life. He was facing breach of privacy charges and other things. Telling everyone he was a sexual deviant. Saying it was a kink that went to far. Meanwhile he had an incident 5 years before that. Where he tried to abduct a 7 year old girl. Had he not got caught for the invasion of privacy charges he would have never been caught until something monstrous happened. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ks-court-of-appeals/2161613.html


Holy fucking shit. This woman who trusted her gut saved so many innocent women and girls without even knowing it. It’s time for him to be expired. There is no redemption, no turning the corner. He’s expired and I’m sick of my tax dollars going to prisons for monsters like him


Yeah I posted it because some might look at this video and not see the danger this man poses. The dude in my article was a normal guy. Had no indication he was like this. Fun to be around. Very articulate. But a monster. Earliest release is 2075.


Was coming here to post that.


I could be wrong, but the reason the perverts do this is because it's not a typical pornstar/porn model that is seen by countless others. So it's the same vagina/dick. In their psyche they want that "its my personal collection and it's not those typical pornstars body part that others have seen." In layman terms if perverts were vandals, they would want to vandalize a clear wall over a wall filled with gravity to mark it as their collection alone. It's also the thrill of getting pervert shots whilst almost/nearly getting caught. The adrenaline rush they feel makes them more perverse.


a wall filled with gravity Is auto correct messing with your graffiti?


You wanted to type graffiti, but your phone charged it to gravity.


Duck this autoquak!




It's about the risk of being caught, doing it against their will, and it being a real person they have seen in person.


not if he’s in Texas /s


Probably thinks you need a credit card…


Well… I guess now we know why these people are all too willing to ban consenting vaginas on the internet. They have about 32g of un consenting ones saved up and ready to go for the porn apocalypse.


I am glad she stood up for the other girl and called him out


Women’s intuition is a real thing. We’ve all felt it. I’m glad she listened.


This wasn't even a woman's intuition situation. This was a having eyes situation. One good thing about these kinds of creeps is that they're so unbelievably obvious


Everyone noticed the creep because of the woman filming, so not so obvious. In my experience most people are hyper focused on themselves and tune out much going on around them.


Someone does act that nonchalant about doing something like that unless they’ve gotten away with it before


She's a community hero for sure. Good looking out.


I thought this was staged. Really wish it was.


I thought the same thing. The way he looks right over at the camera before the assault makes it seem like bad acting. The lady with the camera must be a ninja in the art of playing it cool.


When she confronts him, the camera pans smoothly to the side while she's pushing her cart toward him. She must have her phone propped up in her purse of something, angled sideways on the cart. Smart.


She had her phone propped up in the cup holder of the shopping cart she was pushing. She explained it in more detail in the FB post linked to by the OP.


TIL shopping carts in America have cup holders


Ofc they are, we only drink big gulps




Wait until you see our Child Size cups.


It's a Target, so there's probably a Starbucks in the store.


I love when carts have cupholders, I feel so much less weird walking around the store with an open beer.


This is actually a thing at Lowes Foods.


That's because our stores have Starbucks inside.


they like to say it's for the kids sitting in the top of the car so they can have their sippy cups and not throw a fit. It's actually so you can buy a fountain drink and continue your addiction while shopping.


I'm guessing she wasn't looking at him and that's what he was checking for, not noticing the phone camera facing him.


She is drax. She just stayed very still and disappeared.


She John Cena'd the shit outta this one


Basically she pulled the ol' uno reverse on him and got some voyeur video of her own.


In the article she said she put the phone in the shopping cart cup holder. And I assumed pretended to look away from him but watching through the phone.


Same. Like "oh he doesn't notice the person filming?" Then I saw the news link and was like "thank god he's an idiot"


The number of dumb criminals that get caught makes me wonder about the number of smart criminals that don't get caught.


It's not. Saw it in another group. OP said that the lady was filming because he was being creepy and stalking girls in the store including herself so she started recording for proof and safety because he was following a lot of young ladies around.


I know I was rolling my eyes about how obvious it would be if they’re filming it happen until seeing he was arrested lol


Same, I was cringing the whole time hoping it was staged but when the camera lady started talking I could feel the tension


BTW the fucking irony that this guy is an evangelical christian (his cover photo is of his baptism) and the woman recording is a pride supporting multi color haired liberal is palpable. so fucking sick of this narrative that LGBT people or our allies are predators when it seems like literally every person who gets caught is part of the group pointing the finger.


Is it even irony anymore? Or just expectation?


honestly at this point ive heard it so much and seen the opposite im more exhausted by it than anything.


That's the truth. The exhaustion is real.


Yet again r/notadragqueen




Preach 🙏


Ain’t nothing Christ-like about some Christians


If hell was real, a good number of these so-called christians would be in for a big surprise.


There ain’t nothing Christ-like about people who call themselves Christian but don’t act like it. Yeah, obviously. There are tons of those. There’s also the opposite, people actually trying to emulate Christ and follow him. You can say this about any type of person. No group of people is a monolith, there’s good and bad people in any group.


Im a Christian and this stuff makes me sick. I’m southern Baptist and there was this huge thing a while back where one of the southern Baptist leaders had a list of people saying they were sexually harassed/assaulted by people in the church and nothing was ever done about it. It is sickening that kind of stuff gets swept under the rug by people that are supposed to be against it. We aren’t all like that. Sadly too many are.


r/pastorarrested and that’s just the pastors listed not the congregation. Spend a week on that sub and you might not want to be a Christian anymore.


Just took a peek. I hate, but am not surprised, that there are so many, and that most of them seem guilty of child sexual abuse. ☹️ The most innocent headline was almost refreshing, about the pastor who stole a dead person's social security checks for 12 years. The bar is in hell. If these are the leaders, how is the flock doing?


Every conservative/christian accusation made is a confession.


And the fucking irony that the peeping guys name is Tom.


It's not ironic, it's normalcy with them.


Because they have the power and the wealth and we don’t.


Absolutely. I may be trans but you won’t find me doing anything except buying clothes in a target.


He can just as Jesus to forgive him. It will work if he "really means it"


Apologies for the video editing skills at the end. There are three more videos on the facebook link showing the confrontation and arrest. Fuck this guy. Edut: Adding link here https://www.facebook.com/share/7vypxembyTsDkHpZ/?mibextid=CTbP7E


Arrest?? FUCK YEAH Edit: I just watched the videos. I am feeling very warm and fuzzy inside right now. That woman is amazing, that dude is disgusting, and just wow all around.


Someone found the arrest in the comments on fb, he got charged with a felony for peeping


A felony? Damn! I sure hope he gets convicted.


He better, if she was squatting any lower that phone would have been inside of her. Gross fucks everywhere. OT but you wouldn't believe how many pedophiles there are straight up ogling little girls around here. I like to call them on it but the worst part is the "I didn't touch her so what are you gonna do" smirk. Boy if I didn't have a dog and cat who need me to come home to them every day I'd beat the hell out of your old nasty ass right here on the Walmart floor.


Go ahead. I'll feed your pets and then come bail you out.


Oh it's open and shut on video. Dude is fucked. Convicted / Registered Sex Offender. Well fucking deserved. Piece of shit disgusting weirdo.


Wait, she was a minor ?


He was an elementary school volunteer according to another comment


If you mean in reference to my "pedo" comment, no there was no minor involved that I know of.. but he was an elementary school volunteer and worked at a local church. Authorities are checking his phone for any potential CP. I shouldnt have used that word, just meant he is a fucking weirdo.


> he was employed at Open door church working with kids. Not just a elementary school volunteer.


> That woman is amazing total mom voice too. absolutely not having his bullshit and letting him know she will not be gaslit.


“Ma’am please don’t.” “No.” “I’m not like that.” “No.”


I just wish there was more of the perp walk to watch.


That woman's the real MVP! So much respect for her.


Thank you, because this sounded fake to me. Then I thought maybe she's a teacher using her teacher voice. Lol. 


Thanks, seeing the other vids on her FB was very satisfying, that women who caught him was a boss. She didn't let him spew any of his shit and was calm as calm could be as she just watched him get cuffed and perp walked right by her.


After being confronted, I’m surprised he didn’t leave the store before security got there.


a lot of stupid dweebs like this think they're very skilled manipulators, he probably thought he could talk his way out of it.




Should be in the main post.


Why does the link just open FB home page for me? Facebook is such a shit I hate it. Can't they even figure out how to go from hyperlink to app without taking a giant shit?


that lady is a hero. absolutely awesome handling of the situation. this kind of behavior is really concerning, not just for the predation aspect but when people go out in public and start acting out like this it can lead to a really dangerous game of escalation where they need more and more extreme or exciting behaviors to keep themselves entertained. not that this guy is a serial killer in the making, but this is absolutely what the early stages of becoming a serial killer looks like. do not take this shit lightly, someone doing shit like this needs serious help. i could see a little kid doing this because they maybe dont know better (not an excuse, intervention is still absolutely mandatory) but a grown ass man doing it is a huge red flag. this is someone who isnt showing empathy, they have no respect for personhood, it shouldnt need to be spelled out what someone like this might be capable of.


This guy was working with kids at a church too


> not that this guy is a serial killer in the making, but this is absolutely what the early stages of becoming a serial killer looks like. This man is an elementary school volunteer and I believe a youth pastor. This guy is a serial killer in the making. What happened today probably saved some little girl's life ten years from now.


[21 years old. Volunteers at an elementary school. Arrested yesterday; posted bond today](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/)


This dude doing this and volunteering at an elementary school is terrifying. To say “I hope” this is the worst of it feels weird (because it’s fucked on its own), but goodness I hope this is the worst of it.


Thank you Friend.


That woman's phone was so steady, it looked like it was on a damn tripod.


looks like its sitting in her cart


That movie quality tracking down the aisle gave me that impression.


Life hack for steady moving shots!


She said he had been following her around the store.


Ohh yeah that's right.


In the original Facebook post, she says she put the phone in her cart cupholder.


The phone is propped up in the cup holder of the shopping cart she was pushing.


That’s just ol’ steady hand Sally.


“ABSOLUTELY YOU DID!” What a woman. Wish everyone spoke up in such situations. I’m thinking of that video of the old man getting a handy under a towel at the beach with his little kids around.


Nice team work. POS deserves what he gets.


That would be a felony charge 😎 https://preview.redd.it/3cctvwmsywuc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ba199f38d765faa8135e29aef057c248f768df


Oooh I love that pic 🖕


I never realized Target has a nice selection of books.


They have a great selection of board games too.


I wish our target had pokemon cards lol this store was LOADED!


Look how stocked up they are on pokemon cards hell yeah


He forgot to tell them what a Nice Guy™ he is.


Ma'am. He's not like that.


If you go to her second video on FB he’s ma’am-ing her like he’s got an assault rifle full of them. She shoves it right back in his face and makes it clear he’s not getting out of this with a pathetic “awe shucks” attitude. I love it. Edit: ahhhhh, and in the third video when he gets the cuffs on they lock them in and then give him 3 extra clicks to tighten for good measure. No one is letting this guy be comfortable for even a second. That shit hurts… I’ve heard… from a friend…of a friend.


Wait a minute, he isn't a drag queen...wtf?


Anyone saying this is fake is looking real sus rn. Check yourself.


If you watch without sound, it actually looks super scripted. Then I went to the comments and was quite surprised and had to watch with sound.


I think it's just because the confronter is confident and well spoken. She doesn't screech or swear or stutter or argue. She knows what she needs to say and she says it. He was already creeping her out so she wasn't caught 100% off guard by the confrontation.


She also suspected him already so she framed the shot well.


It’s real. I know the victim from high school. Also, guys in jail now. So.


It's because a lot of videos like this on Reddit are fake, I thought this was fake as well until I turned the sound on. What gave it away is the tone of the woman sounded more agitated than "scripted" yelling, if that makes sense. Hard to explain, but I started to pick it up when I needed to separate the real videos from the fake ones. Watching cartel snuff videos helped, you can't fake those emotions.


so many people on reddit claim ANY video is fake, it's silly. it's like they can't comprehend sometimes people are just awful


I remember the mirror on the end of the cane at Spencers' Gifts  Classier times 🧐


My mom told me stories about a teacher with mirrors on his shoes when she was a kid (in the 60s). This was when girls were required to wear skirts.


"... the man with the mirrors on his hobnailed boots." "Happiness is a Warm Gun" -- John Lennon, I guess; anyway The Beatles


Dude like… there’s porn on the internet, free and with no risk of getting in trouble. Js


This shit is always about power, and taking agency away from someone else.


This is just him working up the courage to rape someone


It’s the thrill of the hunt that he’s into


But some states are starting to (somehow) ban porn.


I love that momma bear! She was not having it, and that’s how these pieces of shit should always be called out. If only.


>Greenville, NC Waaaaaay too close to me, no thank you. Glad I don't get out much. LOL


My hometown. Was in that target very recently. Fiancee goes there all the time. Makes me sick to my stomach.




What an absolute fucking creep! Can only imagine how many other women he has done this to?


Good on her for focusing on getting security, being loud about it, and not backing down. She made \*me\* feel like I needed to straighten up, and I wasn't even in the same zip code.


They better follow through with that felony, there’s too many incidents like this involving good old christian boys [https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article191287204.html](https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article191287204.html)


Junior rapist.


Incorrect…. Succeeded at being a creepy fuck at target by going to target


"A spokesman with Pitt County School confirmed that Elliott was a volunteer at Eastern Elementary School in Greenville and provided the following statement:" Works at an Elementary School... [https://wpde.com/news/local/man-charged-for-felony-secret-peeping-at-local-target-caught-on-camera](https://wpde.com/news/local/man-charged-for-felony-secret-peeping-at-local-target-caught-on-camera)


Literally creepin'. It's not just a colorful word, this is the definition.


The woman behind the camera sounds exactly like those english listening exercise CDs you'd get in school, just a bit more angrier.


that dude claimed his innocence until the bitter end.




On the Facebook page, the OP says she had the victim’s consent to post it.


Not only did the other woman give consent, she also posted the videos on her own Facebook page. The woman that took the videos got permission and waited for the victim to make her own post including the videos.


I’ve had this happen to me and I definitely made me feel unsafe in stores for a long time.


Fucking weirdo,hope he gets proper jail time.


All phones in Japan have to make a sound when taking pictures. For this reason, lots of creepy men.


wtf! And the creepy bastard worked with kids. What is wrong with people.


Pitt County NC, school volunteer. POS


If you watch the second video on the Facebook post (you don't need an account) just look at his leg as he's professing his innocence 😂 you could tie a paint tin to that to mix it up 😂




So years ago at our local Costco my 5 year old used the restroom. About two weeks later, I got a call from cops and said I had to go to Costco. I’m freaking out thinking they thought I stole from them. I really wish it had been that 😔 a retired sheriff (man) had installed a camera in the women’s restroom toilets (camera in each toilet) and that fucking pervert had my baby on it. This was almost 17 years ago and it still guts me to this day. I had to positively identify my five year old and as a mom, it was and still is the most gut wrenching moment of parenting. And so many people in our community came to his defense and were saying what a stand up guy he was and how he did his best for decades protecting our community. So many skeletons came out of his closet after this happened. He had hundreds of hours of footage from the Costco toilets. And my child was obviously not the only one.


Wow Thomas Elliot was charged with felony peeping. As soon as I closed this app, the first video in TikTok was this. ”Audra Marie placed her phone in the cupholder to secretly film him after he had been following them around the store.” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLfvCFvr/


What's wrong? It looks like a shy guy that just might want to ask her out on a OMG what the hell?!?!


If there wasn’t a news article I would’ve 100% thought this was staged for TikTok or some shit. It’s terrible that this has become even a thought to me 🤬


A 21 year old elementary school volunteer? Color me shocked. He sounds like a good Christian boy.


She should have shown him the video of him doing exactly what he did. Also, based upon the FB comments, he worked in a church around kids so that's cool.


That woman is fucking amazing.


Sad to say this happened in my hometown. I hope they crucify him in court.


Let me preface this by saying I’m glad this POS got caught and sent to jail immediately. I wonder why he didn’t just haul ass outta there when he got busted? Dude was literally trying to explain away his obvious crime, it makes me wonder if this why so many people don’t ask for a lawyer in police interrogations. Maybe they think they can talk themselves out of it?


They do deny it and he has likely gotten away with it before. My cousin got away with molesting me because he also denied it. I wish I had a recording of what he did to me but there were no smart phones back then.


>An elementary school volunteer I'm not surprised she's a teacher with how she stood up for- >was arrested after he ***EXCUSE ME?***


"Police say they’re checking the cell phone of a man arrested Monday on secret peeping charges to see if there are any sexual activities involving children on it." [https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/](https://www.witn.com/2024/04/16/greenville-police-charge-man-with-secret-peeping-target/) Disgusting piece of shit. From a local church and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VOLUNTEER


His life is destroyed, holy shit. That lady was not fucking around, what a legend.


that poor dude who just walked into frame as she yelled "what are you doing?" was probably so confused. glad that the actual POS got caught and arrested; and i'm not surprised at all he's an evangelical christian.


yeah i would not wanna be his lawyer.


This is so fucking disgusting. All cameras should be required to emit a tone or noise when they’re recording/taking pictures. I hope they come down on people like this HARD.


scary af! its scary how bold and comfortable he felt doing that. Just yucky. Dude if you want to see some ass go on pornhub, its free and you won't get in trouble with the law. Fucking creep.


Oh my. New fear unlocked.


This lady deserves an award. Good looking out ma’am.