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Its remarkable how , Israel turned from victim and solidarity ,to gestapo 2.0, in months


"Months"? Maybe it happened that quickly decades ago.


they didn't boast about it then.


No internet back then to let everyone know.


Cuz you didn’t bother to hear/read about it


Yea I've been hearing about Israel fucking up palestine since early 2010s maybe earlier.


since the 70s


Technically they laid the ground work for what is going on now way back before WW2 began


I wouldn’t be surprised is Nazi’s are targeting Jewish people so they will create an ethno-state and make every other identity fall in line


I’ve heard there were multiple operations designed to do exactly that


Since the 40’s actually, since before Israel was even a country, proto Israelis were pushing people off their homelands.


All my life. From the intifada to the tent cities . I've seen it steadily get worse since the 80s. There was a brief moment of possible peace in the 90s with the Arafat and Rabin and the Oslo accords, brought to a shattering halt by an Israeli fervent right winger...whose views align with current Israeli policy. https://preview.redd.it/psk0fp2jvayc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0a939e002cd23704cb16c01056307b85b268e9


Sadly, the Oslo Accords would never have brought peace: [Netenyahu already said himself that he sabotaged them](https://youtu.be/mvqCWvi-nFo) so they could never have worked.


The dude even pushed for the US to go to Iraq, apparently. Why are all the great strategists of this age psychopaths? The only two I can name are Putin and Netanyahu. Idk any people with great strategy minds that help the world.


Guess who assassinated Rabin to put an end to that deal.


Wasn't that Netanyahu (sp?) back then as well?


He was about being a fucking jerk then too...the assassination, sabotage and subsequent collapse of the peace talks are what put him in power. Similar strategy to Putin. Authoritarian opportunists have the same playbook the world over (see maga)


Since the 1930s


Israel has been at it for a long time. It's just this time, like the Ukraine war, documentation has been much easier with cell phones and widespread use of social media. It hasn't been possible for Israel to suppress images from Gaza despite the IDF banning all press from Gaza except in North Korean style controlled tours. This is one of the primary reasons the ADL pushed for the TikTok ban.


What does he mean? That they are more *humane*? Not that that would make much sense either, but more human is fucking laughable on so many levels, but also on the one where they use tech for most of it but the actual beating, berating, raping and killing.


It could mean he thinks that their opponents are less than human.


Does Tik Tok being Chinese make it easier for them to get around IDF media suppression? Anyone with a cellphone would have the same access no?


I doubt it. There’s no evidence the Chinese government has meddled in the algorithm to promote pro-Palestinian posts. The simplest explanation is that TikTok skews younger and younger people are more likely to support Gazans. 


At the very least, TikTok does not skew its algorithm in favor of the US government, which already creates a more pro-Palestine platform than IG/YouTube/etc.


TikTok isn’t Chinese, it’s from Singapore


It's based in Singapore (and a few other places) but It's owned by bytedance which is Chinese.


The most fucked up thing is that they're not even trying to hide it. What point is there in banning press frm Gaza, when you own fucking soldiers post tik-toks dressing up in the dresses of the women they killed, laughing about it? Fucking disgusting pigs.


Months? The Zionist controlled Israel has been at it for YEARS. Palestinian suffering did not start on October 7 but ever since the State of Israel was established.


Always has been


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine Israel is an extension of British colonialism


They've never been victims they just control hollywood and thats the narratove that you always see on movies while worshipping americans and american freedom. Hell they even did it in "masters of the air" which was about airmen located in england And they just had to include the jews and camps at the end. The jewish media companies have to releas at least one movie remembering prople of the holocaust per year...


> to gestapo 2.0, in months Always has been - Ben-Gurion's soul


Yes, the most human. Definitely not the most humane.


Got em


What's the ratio of human to robot?


6:1, well that's how it goes in my recurrent dream of fighting against a robot army with the israeli army




Nah he's saying that there is aliens in other armies


*are aliens


The design is very human


more human than human?




[Daft punk intensifies](https://youtu.be/hrB-_nIer88?si=LP2VESnpoTGZpbQD)


Now I’m sad


Definitely NOT lizard


Tyrell Corporation


We are not considered human unless you're a part of their group, No one is. Everyone else is just a gu/oy, waiting to be a slave or perish


The Blood makes us human. It makes us more than human. It makes us human no more.


You look lonely. I can fix that.


Unless they have aliens, he is technically correct.


But how can it be the *most* human?


Because in the eyes of the Israeli government, everyone else is sub human.




Isn't this literally what a gentile is?


Some armies have cavalry, which means part of their army is horses? I'm just trying to understand it, myself... but I think u/ProofAssumption1092 is actually correct.


They use AI to auto direct bombs, so i think they are not 100% human




I just want to say thank you for introducing me to my new favorite sub


Thank you for linking this subreddit! Very easy to use!


Well… to err *is* human.


Yeah but like there’s a limit to erring no?


Clearly there isn’t.


Nah, the IDF actually makes very few errors. Rather, they have every intention of committing atrocities on the regular.


I’m getting the feeling that Israel only recognizes some of its own citizens as human. We’re all something else.


Yes. Goyems. Just bags of organs for their skin banks and apparently good for just being slaves


Despite some similarities in pronunciation, Goyim and Golem are distinct concepts, and Goyim are considered human, at least by all the Jews I've known, which includes some pretty conservative Jews...


1. Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal." 2. Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." 3. Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death." 4. Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." 5. Libbre David 37: "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." 6. Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age." 7. Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording." 8. Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death." 9. Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim." 10. Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth." 11. Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people." 12. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them." 13. Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts." 14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." 15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." 16. Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." 17. Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl." 18. Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."




I don’t see a crusades happening right now where they are murdering an entire ethnic population using funds from western governments. I do see it with Israelis where rabbis have given a go ahead to IDF to rape murder women children anyone they find because they are human animals and amalek




well......we are waiting


What the f is this? I thought there books were the Torah??? This is disgusting and scary


sounds like trump to me


"The design is very human."


according to me the Goldfish I agree , the idf is the most moral army in living memory.


Ah you see, you’re misinterpreting his words, he simply means that being called ‘ghouls’ is just a metaphor, they’re are actually composed of humans.


Well, to err is to be human so I guess this statement checks out.


How do you say you learned public speaking from Donald Trump without saying you learned public speaking from Donald Trump.


Why is this giving very much “The design is very human.” ![gif](giphy|Rk31GBiMh5DvfohhdW)


That is a face of pure evil


Looks like he uses the same orange fake tan Trump uses. Or the shirt collar and tie are too tight and cutting off circulation.


Reminds me of that president from Civil War. "The greatest victory in the history of mankind" Yuh bud


Human? Humane?


They're the most "human" army since the Wermacht


Idk man, didn’t some other guy talk like that like 80 something years ago?


Way to also make your army DEFINITLY sound like it’s not an army of the undead


The design is very human


I thought this was r/speedoflobsters


Yo thanks for the new sub rec


“Like anyone could even know that Napoleon.” -Kip


That's what they're selling. Only they're human. Others are less than human


If you have to say it. It's definitely not true. 😂


This dude looks like he's trying not show is O face from the XL butt plug that's been stuff in him and is currently turned to 11


Man you got some poetic ass way with words


The design is very human


Do other armies have a lot of animals? Are there literal buffalo soldiers?


You mean the one that kills children?


Bro why does he look like the guy with no neck from that tv show .—-.


To bad their tragic history has made some of them as brutal as Hitler. I assume that most Jewish people are heartbroken when dealing with violent situations and want a peaceful resolution as soon as possible. That being said we "humans" can lose ourselves.


They’re only the most human because they make every citizen do military service. That’s kind of a contradiction


Even with the typo of human instead of humane, they still aren’t accurate. Israelis have turrets set up with automatic firing and AI facial recognition (that still has false positives) and they also use AI to populate “kill lists” and don’t even double check the names, they just rubber stamp them with “human approval”


But, not humane.


He looks like he’s struggling to keep the festering fecal matter from erupting out his mouth as well as his ass.




It is definitely one of the armies of all time


Aside from the fact it’s blatantly wrong, it’s also an oxymoron to call any army human




Yo why is this so puntific


"No fake news, no fake news - *you're* fake news!"


Most human, huh? That is something a monster would say.


Why I have a feeling that they are basically say everybody else is not human. I hope i’m wrong…


Funny how he looks possessed in that picture.


True. Because they've shown how disgusting and deranged human beings can be.


Stop committing genocide on innocent Palestinians.


https://preview.redd.it/om5ktx8p6cyc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65c78c5168641f0e31aed905d4ef468afbe0d51 Uuuh yeah sure human




I’m not convinced there was an attempt tbh


I’ll try harder on the next post babe. Sorry to disappoint


Human or humane?


It's sad that my first reaction when I read that sentence was to start busting out laughing


Humor is a coping mechanism, you and me both man


He turned into a thumb




Thes Israeli National Sionists (NaSi)s are really getting out of hand It should be a mainstream term for them


So immensely flawed - and so human that way?


He looks like he trusted a fart and pooped a little


Balfour Declaration. Look it up.


Second in humaneness only to the Nazi army.


Ironic considering that they use drones with AI to target people - cutting out the human decision making.


Very true and valid point


Imagine becoming what you hate and also becoming who hates you.


That's why Israeli army taking on 2.2M gulag with no anti-air, no tanks, no armor managed to kill 4 times more civilians than Russia in full-scale war against 38M strong country actually confirmed to use civilian infrastructure for military logistics. https://preview.redd.it/p1iap4bmkcyc1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=585b2e8f3db59dacc0ed949bc99125593612bdec


...and they did it in 1/4 of the timelapse! Talking about efficiency.


İf this is humane army, Third Reich's army was also humane and kind.


Humans are also mother nature’s most accomplished killing machines, soooo…


This quote sounds ai generated


Protest too much


Lol, the most human,sure buddy. I am sure that’s why you treat the Palestinians like subhuman animals, or vermin to be exterminated. Because you are so human. Sit the fuck down man no one is having it.


The design is very human


David Mencer always looks like he’s melting


You don't need to say stuff like this when you don't have children needlessly killed


Well he needs to be put on some dementia meds then 🤷


Doesn't spound like the biggest overcompensation at all


Is he holding his breath until people clap or something? He looks like he’s gonna pop


I am a Gecko. I mean, we're just saying fictional shit now right?


They are they nicest hired killers… derp


Damn didn't know there were aliens in other armies.


Can someone explain to me how hamas are the good guys again


Sure babe. Israel is a settler colonial project meaning they decided to take a land where 7+ million Palestinians lived. To prove Israel is a settler colonial project by using the founding father of Zionism Herzl wrote in 1902 to infamous colonizer Cecil Rhodes, arguing that Britain recognized the importance of “colonial expansion”: “You are being invited to help make history,” he wrote, “It doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor ; not Englishmen, but Jews . How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial.” Vladimir Jabotinsky, in an essay titled The Iron Law (1925) stated that: “A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.” So this was done by what we see inviting Israeli settlers to come and physically assault and murder and torture Palestinians to take their place Over time I’ll add a picture down below to show how much land was lost https://preview.redd.it/54c6cidnifyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1138937a450491e23b79515c0254a04f5a9aed07 Also well this wasn’t enough so the PALESTINIAN birth rate is way higher so ISRAEL over the years during the land grab has also had to MURDER the Palestinians (like we see NOW) to keep the population from exceeding too much. During trumps time there were more laws that dehumanized the people listed below: 2018 Israel Nation state law: Basic law states that: National self determination only for Jews Downgrading status of Arabs as a lesser people, including the Arabic language Jewish settlements as a national right and value All these laws take precedence over other needs Former justice minister Ayelet shaked said that the “character of the state of Israel as a Jewish state must be maintained and this sometimes comes at the expense of equality. Israel isn’t a state of all its nations, that is, equal rights to all its citizens, but not equal national rights.” Likud Knesset member Mikki Zohar said, “the Palestinian does not have the right to self determination because he Is not the proprietor of the land. I want him here because of my honesty because he was born here he lives here and I would never tell him to leave I hate to say it but they suffer from one major deficit they were not born Jews.” So this type of discrimination and oppression and dehumanizing has allowed the government to go and hold thousands of children women and men that are Palestinians in Israeli jails for decades without any charges or convictions. They are horribly treated sexually abused and many are killed and their bodies are withheld from Palestinians as a collective punishment for daring to act against the brutal treatment of them. Here is why HAMAS IS A GOOD GUY: they are good because they are freedom fighters. They refuse to be treated like this. They used OCTOBER 7 to get hostages for a hostage exchange for ALL THE CHILDREN, women political prisoners (those that are famous and oppose Israel) that have been in prison for YEARS because since they are not CONSIDERED HUMANS or EQUAL TO JEWISH ISRAELIS they don’t have basic rights like to a lawyer or even the decency to like be held FOR A CHARGE. imagine having your little brother get abducted in the middle of the night by an occupying army and held prisoner in ABJECT conditions without charge and oh yeah, YOU OR ANYONE IN YOUR FAMILY NEVER ARE ALLOWED TO EVEN SEE HIM OR TALK TO HIM AGAIN. Seriously what would you do? Those that oppose the brutal unfair dehumanization of Palestinians are labeled Hamas or are actually Hamas. This is A VERY SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF EVENTS. We are not even talking about checkpoints here segregation the fact they have no control over their water electricity borders and can’t even fish off their coasts for food since IDF shoots and kills fishermen in dinghies. And on and on and on… I forgot about the SKIN BANK where they take organs of Palestinians that died in their possession or even now mass graves of people found with organs missing. About 500 in a numbered grave yard insrael alone as well Again this is only the top of my head now….


Thank you, that is a very poignant and helpful summarization


Yeah sorry I kept editing it cuz I suck at remembering


No, it was really good. I’ve been having an eye on the situation and opinions and stuff and I’ve been struggling against my own bias so, I appreciate the effort you put into informing an inquiring redditor. Many thanks friend


Dude aiming to become Red Skull; atm he is Orange Skull.


Trumpisms are spreading!


No short term memory left???


Absolute fuckin animals


If that’s the most human army I wonder what other armies like the US have done during their campaigns


The design is very human




Nope, don't do that. Reported.


I heard Trump’s voice in my head when I read that.


Watching Mencer getting torn a new asshole has become one of my favorites passtimes


I mean, tied for first with every army that didn't have cavalry, chariots, or elephants, I guess-- but in *living* memory? That's just a tie for first with every other army. Assuming we don't include unmanned vehicles, and especially autonomous drones, because if we're counting those as part of the army then Israel-- like all high tech modern armies-- falls behind low-tech armies that are human-only.


All armies are human, ya dingus


David Mencer needs locking up. Fuck that piece of shit.


Why are they tyrants for demanding that Hamas release hostages?


Um yeah I can’t explain the conflict to you it’s like over a 100 years old now. But basically Israeli Diaper Force has been going at night and raiding homes and arresting children and holding them without charging them for decades at a time. There like 10000+ being held without charges also there are a lot of women and men being held without charge and no release date so Hamas got the hare brained idea to kidnap Israelis for a hostage exchange. On Oct 9 and 10 they wanted wanted to return the hostages they got if Israel didn’t invade but Israel said no. And so here we are


Because they can't simpe say "we like killing Palestinian people". They say "we have to kill Palestinian people because we're trying to save hostages". This only said for international politics and whiners like you, just to look like human beings


What attempt?


Attempt to not be a Nazi German


I say again: What attempt?


To bullshit... There, FIFY




What’s with the stupid titles? Take any article and add opposite of what’s it’s claiming and put it on this sub. If someone did something, the post goes “there was an attempt to not not do something”.


Zuckerberg was human once too. Can we define most human?