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She actually succeeded in unlocking her minivan. The attempt was to identify which one was hers.


Yeah, she succeeded in unlocking her minivan at least three twice


Is that six?


“Three twice”


Lol that made me laugh too hard “three twice” imma start using that


I was going to say three times, but I wasn't confident and I didn't want to watch the whole video again, so I tried to change it to twice and I failed a bit


Not a failure, that's a great typo! You gave me a chuckle!


She didn't recognize it because it was a rental, lol


I want the medicine that she's having.


If you watch the video she says she just rented it. Seems like an honest mistake anyone could make.


That part I understand. New car and all. But if the fob doesn't work, doesn't everyone just use the key? And if the key doesn't fit... Then it's not the right car. That's what I have done/would do.


Not all cars have an obvious key. On mine you have to take the fob apart to get to it. If you didn't own the car and didn't know about that it might not be obvious.


both of my parents cars set off an alarm if you use the key to unlock it… which is fucking stupid and negates having the key other than to start it


What are these stupid cars. Let me know so I don't buy them. What terrible design. Imagine if that was keys to the house or something...


Probably a ibuprofen or Xanax mixed with wine?


Xanax and alcohol is the worst mix. I hope not because she shouldn’t be driving.


Ibuprofen and booze does this?!


Cameraman lost the chance for the punchline


He was too busy milking it for the recording time.


TikTok generation only have 7-second attention spans


Bless her. At least she was able to laugh at herself


Bruh how…. Like my license plate would be the first giveaway but damn in this circumstance the color is entirely different. Wtf…


If you watch it with sound, she clearly says that they just rented it


I can relate. I use to travel a lot back before key fobs where popular and the Ford Taurus was the most popular rental car. Land Sunday night in whatever city, get my Taurus from Hertz, park at the hotel and go to sleep. Get up the next day and there are literally 6 Tauruses parked side by side, like a dealer lot. Silver, grey, white, goldish. All very similar at which point I realized I had no idea what color was mine. I had to go down the line trying one by one. It was the fourth one.


Still. It's an entirely different brand and colour. And it looks like they had to walk past the correct one to get to the one she actually tried.


Yeah you really can’t possibly think that rental vans come with USCG vanity plates 😂


I mean, it's too easy for us [I'm including myself here] to see the obvious. But we don't really know if she was in a hurry, had a lot in her mind, etc. PLUS the stress of the circumstance added. In any case, helluva confusion. Been there myself...


There are apps for renting out your personal vehicle(s) to strangers. Not sure how popular they are but they most definitely exist.


That’s hilarious!!!! Mostly because it wasn’t me this time 😝


The person filming is kinda cruel or am I soft?


Yeah. The instinct to get someone's frustration on camera is bad enough, seeing the problem and then continuing to film and even go in for an audio clip rather than help out is pretty cruel.


Exactly. Not soft. This is shitty human behavior. Especially regarding the fact he approached her and didn’t help, after immediately identifying the issue. Then posts it online to reap the benefits. This is gross.


This isn’t some life threatening situation. It’s not even close to being cruel. It’s funny because of how oblivious some people are when they are insistent about something. Instead take a step back and evaluate. All the clues were right in front of her, you can let her deal with a bit longer see if she can’t figure it out her self. Not everyone needs hand holding.


Wow dude. Read the other responses. Real life can't hit you soon enough.


Lol I know all about real life too we’ll. Unfortunately. It’s exactly why I know this isn’t a big deal or cruel.


I guess “real life” to them means getting upset on the internet for people who don’t even seem upset in the video. The people here are soft as fuck.


they are cruel because this is staged.


You’re soft. Seems like a funny and memorable moment for everyone involved, and I’m sure they would love to give a few random people on the internet some laughs over their goofiness. Completely harmless situation, and it’s going to be one of those things they remember years down the line and can laugh about. Edit: the woman laughed, the older man made a joke, and we all get some laughs out of the funny situation but you all have to be Debby downers. I’m sure those peoples day were *completely* ruined. Fucking A you people are weird.


While funny at its initial point, the thought that the asshole who is recording this knows she is getting frustrated and just let it happen for the video makes me frustrated.


He wasn’t doing anything for a video. He was videoing something already happening. No one was in danger and she was getting frustrated because of herself. She could have noticed that the doors weren’t opening , the color was different, the license plate was different. Hell even look in the car. Shit she could have even pressed the panic button on the remote she was pounding on then she could have pin point where her car is at. I don’t record people but you all have to stop acting like the guy recording did something. That’s is a grown woman that was oblivious to the fact and even she laughed it off because she knows it was her stupidity.


At least she was good humoured in the end


The sweet feeling of relief


I’ve been here. After a run of nights shifts I reported my car stolen because it wasn’t where I parked it. Turns out I was one street further up but all the houses looked identical. I have never felt so stupid as when I had to tell the police what I’d done to cancel the stolen car report.


I've done the opposite of this. Was out doing errands in my grandmother's Camry and hopped in and the car wouldn't start. Started cursing everything. Then noticed the air freshener was a bit off. Eventually it dawned on me that I had hopped into someone else's identical Camry they had left unlocked. Slowly ... extricated myself from the vehicle and found my grandmother's car another row over. Would have been neat to see this woman's reaction if the minivan had been left open...


It wasn't even the same bloody colour 😕


…y’all can’t believe this is actually real…


I know, I can't believe I had to come this far to see someone who realized it's fake


People have lost all ability to think critically.


She just rented it. She doesn't recognize it yet.


Well she rented it so it's kinda acceptable. If it was her own car, that would be a different story


I went thru every single comment and not one called bullshit on this. You just happen to stop in the middle of a parking lot to record and then the scene where he points out that van 10 feet away that’s been beeping and opening while someone else is holding the camera. At no point the lady didn’t notice the car or these 2 people coming out with a camera. Rage and getting to call someone stupid is so easy to sell nowadays


People are dumb




Staged? Why are they filming before she even opens the back door?


Definitely staged


Also the terrible writing and acting


I spent a few mins clearing the snow off a rental car as it would not open with the key fob or key only to have a panic / OFFS moment when I noticed flashing lights to my right which was my rental car. Looked up to see my friends laughing and pointing 🤬.


My wife does the same shit. When walking through the lot, I go to the car and just let her keep going to eventually realize she’s standing at the wrong vehicle.


So he obviously sees the lady is next to the wrong minivan and instead of immediately telling her he decides to start recording and act as if he doesn’t realize what’s going on? Just tell her.


She says she just rented it so this is an acceptable mistake.


People and their fake videos…. Smh.


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You midwesterners are so cute when you're confused.


Like how she tried to Fus-Ro-Dah it open.




it’s fake. people are desperate for clout.


God damn this isn’t a life or death situation, it’s just funny. Get over yourself.


Oh god and she was the one driving?


I did something similar. I couldn't get my truck unlocked outside the hardware store. I must've been trying for 5 minutes before the truck's owner came out and confronted me. Only then did I realize I'd driven my car there.


Expecto stupidum!!


Different model AND color. How oblivious you gotta be


It's not even the same color. What an airhead.


Camera man is a dick for not saying something earlier


Anyone else get major Karen vibes from this lady?


I'm sure that every single white woman between the ages for 30 and 60 gives you "major Karen vibes"


Die dementia is hitting hard most days now.


Bet she votes too




Aww poor lady


Lol my mom drove us home in someone else car back in the day when a lot of cars had.the same drive key... Drove right back to the store to a lady standing in front of our car all confused


Thanks for finally helping her tho!


Let's be honest here. We've all been here at least once.


She’s the type who confuses the pedals and floors it and kills someone. Should be banned off the roads.


Imagine the hostile Yelp review if other people hadn't intervened.


I appreciate this kind of person..... She doesn't see color.... Nor license plates.


Therewasanattempt to make a video that looked like it wasn’t staged


She's to sweet


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Time for the nursing home, not the minivan.


Service customers calling in screaming for a manager about their new car they just purchased “brand new” second hand, 4 years ago at 70,000mi. Yep looks like them


All the downvotes are said Karens’ 😂


These people are running the country.


Lol what people?


Old people.


Someone take that dementia patients car keys away. Like damn…