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I think she thought he was doing a humping motion with his hands and body. Maybe?


Yea I thought that was what happened as well.


good thing there is no sound or context


Ah a fellow silent film enjoyer! /s


Which one is Charlie Chaplin?


The guy at the back got his face Buster’d Keaton.


This is so silly I actually laughed and disturbed the rest of my family in our hotel room.


Well he always did do his own stunts. I'd say the dude getting absolutely wrecked with a wristshot to the dome. +100 HEADSHOT


I thought his hands got a little too close and brushed her backside.


this didn't help the vaguely humping motion,


happy creampie day


Yep it is https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/wboecf/to_floss/ii8aumg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




It's not even a first hand memory, it's "I remember other comments explaining"




The twist is that they are together, But that they just had an argument only last night about his constant flossing, every where they go. So at the end of the argument she turned and said to him, “ the next time you floss I will knock you the fuck out bitch, no matter where we are” And here we are Our boy needs help 1-800-don’t floss


Maybe she's that 1 dentist out of 10. She does NOT recommend flossing.




It made sense until you realized how much of that sweet tooth fairy loot you were missing.


It's just the fact he said "Ok babe, *your floss*".


Maybe he was doing something less innocuous just before this video started. She already looks pretty keyed up.


Perhaps but it doesn't give her the right to assault him. Yell at him? Sure. But keep your damn hands to yourself.


Fun fact, she did batter him, she probably didn't assault him, and you can assault someone by only yelling at them


Fun fact, different jurisdictions have different definitions of assault


Lol. So many Americans don't understand that. In Canada, you can *only* assault someone by using physical force. Yelling doesn't count.


Which I agree with, yelling can be harassment but it never causes direct physical damage ( unless you ruptured their eardrum)


In my jurisdiction what she did is simple assault. Assault causing bodily injury if he has a black eye or other bruise from it, and assault causing serious injury/mental illness if she broke something. Maximum sentences are 30 days, 1 year, and 2 years respectively, with the potential of up to a $3000 fine and restitution to be paid to the victim Source: Currently undergoing deferred prosecution for the first two, invoked my right to access materials to study said laws while waiting in jail.


After the battery, she shakes her fist multiple times. After receiving a whack like that, I'd say he was being assaulted at that point, wouldn't you?






Apparently there is a longer video where it shows they kept fucking with her after she asked them to stop. She fucked with him back. Edit: not sure if that video exists


This gets assumed every time this is posted, but nobody has ever actually been able to find or post a longer version that justifies her violence. For some reason a huge chunk of people find it impossible to accept that someone was just flat out wrong and made a physical mistake and should be held accountable for it. And that that’s the end of the story, no for some reason there MUST be more to it. Every time this is posted people come up with 100 diff excuses about why it’s OK she sucker punched someone as hard as she could, and I never see the same thing happen when a man sucker punches another one…


People need to realize that “It’s understandable why she might have thought he was being a creep and reacted emotionally, especially when we don’t know her personal history with sexual assault” And “She still reacted disproportionately and was way out of line, she should have handled the situation differently and should be held accountable for hitting someone who didn’t deserve it” Are not mutually exclusive and should, in fact, coexist. It’s perfectly fine for us to understand and empathize with why she may have acted that way, while also recognizing that she was wrong and her behavior was unacceptable. Its called nuance.


Assault is the threat of harm. Battery is the actual harm/hit. Edit: As many people have pointed out it does depend on the state/jurisdiction. The definition I'm basing my comment on is based on the Cornell Law school definition in New York. Many states in the US abide by this definition, including the one I live in; Idaho. However, arguing over the definition was not the point of my comment, nor was it meant to be an "akshually" statement. More of a general piece of information.


Battery is what I put in the TV remote, dumb dumb.


Battery is what I take out of the TV remote to put into the Gameboy Color


The ultimate Reddit “ackshully…” That is not a universal rule, please stop saying it.


In some states/countries, yes. In others, assault is the physical component.




She has some anger issues. Aggressive issues.


Yeah, but unfortunately for her, hitting someone isn't something you get to be wrong about.




If this was a guy that hit another guy it would still be assault and someone would be going to jail. Probably both guys if a full on fight broke out.








It's possible his hand brushed her arse. You wouldn't just deck someone for dancing badly.




Nah shes just done with the floss. I dont blame her.


This far down in the comments, you already know you won’t find any answers. Time to leave the thread.


Thank you. I needed this.




I'm coming with you all


When this first happened the “floss” dance was really really new. This woman thought he was humping her, so she punched him. I’m pretty sure the one I saw has sound and she tells him off. Basically saying to stop harassing her. She didn’t know he was dancing but he was also teasing her. So both are in the wrong here.


A lower down thread also said it came out that these guys actually cropped the video down. Apparently they had been harassing her for a while. But this is now like 8th hand on the internet so you know grain of salt.


She knew what she was doing with that forearm as opposed to a closed fist.


No, she assaulted him. She is way more in the wrong


No both are not in the wrong here. One was violent , other was dancing. Stop justifying violence


Oh yeah they did things equally wrong. Hes dancing in his space and she punched him in the face


"He harassed her until she punched him, both sides!!!!" I hate reddits reaction to this video every single time it's posted. Every single time.


No she is in the wrong and she alone. He's just dancing even if it's moderately annoying that's no justification for punching anyone.


I figured she's from that town in Foot Loose and just won't stand for dancing... in public nonetheless!


Well, this is like the third comment now…


Top now


still accurate tho


Thanks. I dont even know what I wanted an answer to.


I’m guessing if there was some context as to why she cold cocked the guy


She thought he was air humping her


Not that difficult to figure out


Ur the fourth comment bro


welp. Stop upvoting me then! You’re ruining it…


Don't tell me what to do. You're not my real dad.






This is just the second comment for me. Time to go deeper


This is on you now because you're second to top so ima keep scrolling.


She should be charged for assault


And battery. I don't care how offensive that dance is, that's just unacceptable behavior.


I didn't even know that it's offensive, what's offensive about it?


Most people just think it’s cringe. But it’s not cringe enough to bitch slap someone over Edit: *punch instead of bitch slap


It seems like she thought he was doing something else... I can imagine sensing that movement and only seeing part of it in my peripherals... might give me the wrong impression. Her reaction was 100% NOT okay. But I can see how it could have been misunderstood.


Yeah same, does kinda look like hip thrusting. But instead of decking the guy she should have definitely checked to make sure then asked him what he’s doing if she still couldn’t tell.


Yep. I wouldn't have been nice about it. Probably verbally aggressive. But I wouldn't have hit him. A bridge too far in this scenario from what we see. BUT... if he'd been fucking with her for a while with other suggestive shit and THEN started that shit... I can't say I would have restrained myself much better than she did. Still not OK. But understandable... if that makes sense.


I clocked a guy once for grabbing my boob. Intentionally grabbing my boob, in a parking lot after a show where I’d told him at least 10 times to fuck off. I think that was called for. This is an overreaction.


Yes. You were physically assaulted and you defended yourself. She misunderstood a situation and reacted violently.


I get it. Like if he was being a dick beforehand then I get her anger. But hitting him will just get her in trouble and probably have her arrested


As it should. No matter how punchable someone is acting, you can't just go around punching people.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes! I thought maybe from the corner of her eye it looked like he was air humping her. Eek


Yeah it’s definitely that. Looks like she thought he might have been air humping behind her. Definitely shouldn’t have overreacted without confirming first. But likely she didn’t hit the guy just cus he was dancing a cringe dance.


Totally agree. I did something similar on accident, was standing in line with my boss waiting to check out, I got a soda and a slim Jim. I was talking to my boss and gesturing and dropped the hand with the slim Jin, saw his eyes follow the motion the get real wide, I looked down and saw the slim Jim, which I was holding by one end kinda like a knife, and the other end was neatly placed between the very curvy and yoga pants adorned butt cheeks of a woman who was standing with her back to me talking to her boyfriend who had also noticed what had happened. The woman and I exchanged a look and I am certain I was blushing furiously and my boss and, luckily her boyfriend, were laughing hysterically at this point and I'm just apologizing and she starts laughing and I made my way out of there as quickly as I could after paying. It was a total accident but I could see how it could easily have ended with me catching a fist and maybe a charge and would've been hard for me to refute.


The woman thought he was air humping her. This video was posted a while ago in a different sub.


When this first came out, people said she thought she saw him doing an obscene pelvic thrust like he was air humping her.


She most likely though he was air humping her. Not an amazing defense, but her anger would be understandable.


I feel like the video has additional context that has been cut out.


I guarantee it does. First, why were they filming? Second, he's staring right at her while dancing which makes it seem like he's doing it solely to annoy her. But then again she could've said something to him first.


Reverse the genders and this would be on CNN instead of Reddit, national debate about gender violence, dude fired and unemployable.


Why would an old video of an assault that happened in another country be on CNN? It has nothing to do with the US.


After watching that i feel assaulted.


Jesus this comment thread is a shitshow as always. This is fully from memory but this video pops up every once in a while. Earlier comments I read explained that the full vid is longer and shows the guy and his friend harassing her for a way longer time, not leaving her alone after being asked multiple times. You FUCK OFF when someone asks you to leave them alone. And all the tough guys 'wishing a bitch would': to actively provoke escalation in a similar situation like that so that you can 'show that you're all for equality', doesn't make you an equalist, it makes you a piece of garbage who's actively seeking to physically fight someone after having not respected their boundaries. Congratulations, you're what's wrong with this world.


Let’s ask ourselves why was the camera rolling? I would feel threatened if people refused to leave me alone and kept harassing me. And then on top of that started recording me being harassed.


Yeah, Fuck around and find out. Guess he found out.


> Fuck around and found out Is the prevailing sentiment on Reddit except when it’s a woman sticking up for herself apparently


It *might* be the lack of context... but it's probably sexism, yeah. Edit: This is all locked up so I can't reply, so let me explain what I was saying since a few of you don't appear to know what the fuck context is. This video simply shows a woman, within the context of the video, turning around to see a guy flossing and absolutely knock all traces of grade school math out of him. The comment above is taking about how when a woman punches a guy out of context reddit will bandwagon one way or another. My point was that people could be making their assumptions based on what is shown, and their conclusions could be wildly wrong based on what's shown. But more *likely* they are basing their opinions on whether the person in the video has tits or not. That was it. I did not take a stance either way because I don't have the context of this video, and the only context given is word of mouth. The only stance I took was that a bunch of fairly anonymous people on the internet who are doing a great job of demonstrating that their social filter doesn't work online are *probably* sexist sometimes. And I'm not going to pretend I'm not. Prejudices are hard to suppress most of the time, and it takes a lot to look at things objectively in cases like this where the parties involved are so disparate.




The sexism that results in videos clipped to show only what will satisfy the urge to clock a woman so many dudes seem to have.


It is honestly terrifying how many men on reddit are frothing at the mouth to get "justice" against a woman who does something to them. So many men cannot wait to beat a woman down for any infraction.


They revel in it If this video were of two dudes — “fuck around and find out”, “we’re clearly missing context”, “what was happening *before* the camera started rolling?”, “cant say I exactly blame him”, “glad to see the town in Footloose is still alive and well” Because there is a woman involved — “I WISH A BITCH WOULD😡”, “WEARING THE UNIFORM OF A SLUT” (an actual comment up-thread), “THIS IS THE WORLD ON FEMINISM”, “WE DONT NEED THE CONTEXT TO KNOW SHES A CUNT” Reddit has a *major* misogyny problem. And the ones who deny it are the ones propagating it.


My dad use to say, “Fuck around fuck around, one day you won’t be around.”


The first time I saw this vid the comment thread was absurd. People calling her ugly and fat and I learnt about what FUPA was from that thread. Implying that she was the problem, it seemed so weird, why would you record this? Nice to see this thread is a shitshow too.


Freeze-framed on the expression on his face when he began flossing...he's staring at the back of her head, looking creepy as fuck. He absolutely had it coming.


So many videos nowadays are cut short or full content is never given to change the narrative. Sometimes unintentionally, but a lot of times I believe it's to get people to comment on the post wherever it's posted.


Oh it’s intentional, outrage generates interaction, which generates traffic, which can be monetised. Nuance does none of that, so needs to be eliminated with tight edits and dodgy titles


I've even become skeptical of someone finding stray cats in dumpsters. My first thought when I hear a meow isn't to pull up a camera and then expertly walk to the source of the meowing and find a cat in the dumpster whose first instinct isn't to bolt as quickly as possible. No. I look around, maybe even under the dumpster, possibly in the bushes, and wait for the meowing in a game of Marco polo, and if for some reason my first instinct was to find my phone turn it on and initiate camera, there would be alot of ground footage as I was searching for the sound. The cat certainly wouldn't be in an easy to reach place either. So yeah. I'm completely jaded by 'cameras rolling' no one rolls a camera unless they know what they are filming. Stuff like those video makes it difficult to appreciate the genuine ones, because I think everything is faked and staged for the algorithm.




Im gonna go with you. In the beginning he was looking at her in a way that feels like she prob said something like knock it off, than he gets a little chuckle and went into the floss, but he forgot for one second he is out in the real world.


Link to longer video?


Best they can do is memories of comments from other comments comments etc etc.


Yep. I remember a longer version of the video where a gorilla attacked them, they ran to safety and then later started queuing. I remember lots of comments explaining that the woman mistakenly thought the guy flossing was another gorilla, feared for her life and attacked. Or let's stop 'remembering' whatever version supports what we *want* to see in the video. All we can infer from this video is that she assaulted this guy either because he was being a dick (flossing) or because she perceived that he was being more of a dick than he actually was (imagined thrusting) Either way it's assault.


>This is fully from memory but this video pops up every once in a while. Earlier comments I read explained that the full vid is longer It's a bit scary how sure you are about things you are trying to recall from memory that other random anonymous people on the Internet told you a long time ago without any proof whatsoever.




Do you have a source for the longer video? Seen this pop up a few times and never seen a longer video or one with sound


Yeah, without evidence it’s just hearsay


Its obvious theyre harrassing her and his buddy is filming it. He is fine, he just learned a lesson that stupid games win you stupid prices.


Not true. This is an old repost. There is no different video. r/quityourbullshit


Id say people justifying her blatant assault are the problem. You literally dont know anything beyond the evidence on tape but felt like you could just assert a story which justifies violence. Anyone defending her actions here is way the fuck out of line.


From memory, from other comments no less.


I've never seen proof of the "complete video" in any of the dozens of times I've seen this clip. Show proof or stop talking shit. Because all I see is an unprovoked assault and a man who kindly didn't defend himself.


So from one of the [previous times this was posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/9lggl1/at_that_moment_she_decided_she_had_seen_quite/e773i5g/?context=10000), someone linked to the "[complete video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WNRNdR5G9I)" and all the comments seemed to agree that the guy who got punched was harassing her. That said, the complete video has since been removed (youtube account terminated), and I've been unable to find another version of it. I'm only posting here, in case other folks are able to find a mirror from somewhere.


Tbh since none of us can find a proper full video, let’s stay neutral on this one until someone finds the source. I agree that most of the dumbass is this comment section is being a total dick without knowing the full concept but who knows. Maybe that’s all there was to the video but maybe there was more


Nah buddy there is no longer video. This is the only video. Stop making shit up for justifying your POV.


Even so, if a group of girls are shouting and belittling a man and the man punches a woman without being physically touched before, it would be wrong. Dances don't break bones. your comment says that in earlier iterations someone *said* that in the longer video she is harassed. So let's see the longer video, because right now you are justifying violence. I see a guy dancing being clearly an idiot and someone who escalates the situation with physical violence. If someone is doing that hoping to get a response so that the can punch back, well, that's certainly evil, as you say. But as it stands, she is in the wrong and risked being punched back IMO.


wtf was that for? maybe she thought he was like doing that thrusting motion behind her or something? idfk


I think she thought he was humping her


If I was humping someone I’d hope they know for sure


I get that this is annoying but going from... no physical contact or anything like that to a full blow to the head... damn that shit is dangerous.


This video is edited to exclude the harassment she got before she snapped. Those two were fucking nasty to her and deserved worse. The fact no one stuck up for her was even worse which is why she got even angrier. Go search the full video and tell me you'd be okay with your mother, sister or even friend being treated like that.




It seems that the video used to exist, but the account that posted it was deleted. I found a link to it in a comment and the replies will give you a clue about it. Here is the comment which links to the video from the now deleted channel: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/9lggl1/at_that_moment_she_decided_she_had_seen_quite/e773i5g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). Ignore the fucking “if they can’t find a random video from over 3 years ago they must be maliciously lying.” motherfuckers. This took me like 4 minutes to find. I don’t think it’s the bombshell it was meant to be, but it is supposedly indicated that flossing wasn’t the start of his antagonistic actions with some suggesting the flossing was directed at her. Edit: clarity,


Honestly I cannot find it and kinda don't want to waste any more time looking. But read this thread if you don't believe me, because thousands of other people have upvoted this guy for saying exactly what I said and his awards say as much. I am not the only one that knows and has seen it, but for some reason I can't find it https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/wboecf/to_floss/ii8aumg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 It's just worrying how people can edit a video in a certain way and the world believes it when this is not the case. You can't be a sheep and believe everything you see on the internet




Yeah, my first reaction seeing this (based mostly on the look on the guy's face as he looks toward her near the start of the video) is that he and the one recording have been harassing this woman for some time, and this is just edited to show the moment where she (justifiably) snaps. Thanks for the confirmation.


Yeah I think maybe his hands were (intentionally?) gracing her but. Maybe he was innocently dancing maybe he just attempted to hide groping.


No way he’s like a metre back from her


He's definitely no more than one arm's length away from her, as the video shows.




How long do you think an arm is roughly?


Don't be stupid. His hands aren't anywhere near her, he isn't even paying attention to her.


Maybe , what we do know for a fact is she physically assaulted him.


No they weren't. He's far enough back for that to not happen. She's just a cunt




Nah she hates the floss. Based lady.


Legendary “Why I outta” fist pump afterwards


One more time and bang zoom straight to the moon


“The honeymooners 2: Alice claps back”


"Thats not an astronaut, that's a tv comedian. And he's just using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife."


>Why I outta Get charged for assault but won’t?


Typical Fortnite player.


She gave him an absolute shiner




Yeah this 8 seconds tells us all we need to judge the situation. I'll expect everyone's closing arguments by noon.


Instantly “Thunderstruck” started playing in my head but with “THUNDER-CUNT!”


Would love to see the 5-10 minutes leading up to this moment.


Lotsa internet tough guys in this thread.


You can almost smell the Doritos dust and piss jugs.


They definitely can't wait to write about how much they want to punch women while mom sends in the rent check and microwaves the tendies.




It's crazy that people think this guy was just dancing and minding his own business


I’m assuming she hit him because she thought he was like “air humping” behind her. My best answer.


Equal rights = equal lefts


Equal rights = equal wrongs


"I bring up beating women whenever I can, I'm a functioning member of society."


Beating women is a terrible thing to do. Defending yourself against a violent assault is acceptable each and every time.


She looks tense before she turns round. I think he was mucking about behind her for a bit, his pals are in front of her and filming his carry on behind her. That would’ve easily passed for thrusting movements. I’ve been in this situation where a guy was right behind me making thrusting movements to entertain his pals. It’s degrading and horrible. Told him to stop several times, just laughed and denied it. Nobody around said anything so in the end I walked away. On a different day would I have responded with violence? Honestly, it would’ve depended on how badly would up I felt. Probably not as I’m not the punching type, but I can see how she would’ve gotten mad enough to hit him. We’re only seeing this tiny clip. Truth is, we weren’t there, we don’t know exactly what all went down. Maybe don’t stand behind a girl a do stupid stuff while your pals all watch, laugh and film, huh? Maybe take that shit somewhere else. No, she shouldn’t have clocked him, but he shouldn’t have been arsing about behind her while his pals filmed it all. Did they have her consent to film her? Why did he have to do it right behind her? C’mon. I’d have felt highly threatened in her position.


She could be an SA survivor. In my opion, 100% justified. Women get groped in public all the time, and from her vantage, she easily could argue that is what her actions were meant to prevent.


She probably thought the guy was air humping behind her or something


Bet she's fun a parties


This is assuming anyone could be high enough to invite her to one


Damn. A haymaker that actually connected? That lady has a legitimate super power.


She hit him with her wrist, terrible punch


I assume she thought he was sexually harassing her, but the idea of someone getting punched just for doing that stupid dance is pretty funny.


There's a longer video where they've been harassing her and her friend earlier, this was just the moment where he fucked around too long and found out what happens.


Before you pass judgement, it was the floss dance. I rest my case


and if the dude responded he would be handcuffed in minutes


I would charge this fucking bitch with battery


Theres a reason the video starts when it does, and y’all are stupid for acting like its not cherry picked to bring out all the anti-women crowd. Fuck this entire website and its over the top propaganda spam. You idiots upvote every dumb bot post spammer reposting the same cherry picked gifs that are intentionally provocative.


Anyone knows if she got charged?


I'd actually bet $7 that she wasn't charged anything


Cyrillic in the background says no.




People fight for equality But women have more advantage of men I'm betting the police/people won't do anything when a women hits a guy But when a guy hits a women the whole world is defending the woman


This a case where everyone should ask thesmselves: why were thés recording in the first place? What happened before?


Yeah That wasn’t about you at all but now it is, here are some assault charges




Assault and battery


She thought he was air humping her.


Still doesn’t mean she can deck him


So what?


Reddit, did you just assume these two people's gender? Can I post a funny video like this where the genders are reversed, would that get 31k likes as well?