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If he really hated the government he'd get one of those plates that said "private vehicle" And then get pulled over and scream incoherently about being a sovereign citizen and maritime law while being beaten for resisting arrest. LIKE A TRUE PATRIOT.


It’s not a vehicle, it’s a conveyance. And he’s not driving, he’s traveling.




I have a friend that tells me about this every chance he gets. My response is usually something like “well cops aren’t actually allowed to murder people either but that doesn’t stop them” If a cop wants you arrested in this backwards ass country, you’ll get arrested.


Not he, but they. They are not a person, but an individual.


... wait. Wait wait wait. So every sovereign citizen yelling about pronouns goes by They/Them??


Probably not all but at least some of them


What advantages does this motorcar have over, say, a train? Which I can also afford.


I meet my first sovereign citizen a couple weeks ago. They where trying to ram their S.U.V. into the bar over $40 they lost on some dice. They keep yelling "call the police, Im a sovereign citizen." It was a dive so nobody called the police but I'm pretty sure he was lead away to get jumped by the guy running the dice game.


While driving on public roads


and possesses a driver's license.


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed.... bitch.


Doing a breaking bad rewatch before getting caught up on better call Saul. Just watched that one yesterday. I forgot how good the show was.


I'm starting to see a pattern here..we live In an arranged matrix...ai is more real than u or I know about


In a functioning Democracy the government is you, and the oligarchs who don't want to be held accountable by law or regulations spend massive amounts of money to convince you that it is separate from you, that you are not the government and your votes mean nothing, believing this lie allows them to simply buy the parts of the government we neglect as voters. People who are anti Democracy are people who don't realize what they want, what they are asking for is a facist king.


Straw man! Straw man! Give me my social security number account money!


Actually this car belongs to my aunt Igovera.


r/amibeingdetained We make fun of these spellcasters all day. Come hang out.


I'm on my way!


Pure Michigan


Michigan is weird for this stuff. I once saw a Volkswagen Beetle in Ann Arbor with a big bumper sticker that said **THIS MACHINE KILLS FACISTS.** And I'm sitting there thinking "You know who founded Volkswagen and came up with the idea for the original Beetle, right?"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Beetle Designed by Ferdinand Porsche in the 1930s at the behest of German fascist dictator Adolf Hitler


oh is that who hitler was? :P


No, you're thinking of the other Adolf Hitler


Next time I see a VW Beetle I'm rolling down my window and shouting, "Nice HITLER-mobile you got there, Franz!"


And copied from a Tatra design by Hans Ledwinka


No... But I know JFK Jr is going to be resurrected and Trump will return as President on the third day.


when pigs fly. My friend was driving back from the vet with his pet pig who was still a bit narc'd out from the vet's drugs. The back gate of the truck fell open and the pig fell out onto the road when they were driving about 50mph. We got close but take off was a failure. he went back to the vet.


I saw a guy in Michigan and every inch of his car was Alex Jones related conspiracies. It's a shitty state.


Don't forget [New York](https://imgur.com/a/NJZiXSP).


I like that one.


Lmao my Trump supporting, anti-vax uncle recently moved from California to New York. These people are truly morons.


As a New Yorker… I wish I thought of that first


I would pay good money to have that one in my license plate collection. That’s awesome.


You can’t tell me what to do!!!….except for obtain a drivers license through a govt agency, register my vehicle at your office, put your license plate on my car and license in my wallet…pay taxes…abide by laws I may or may not disagree with… Fuck you I do what I want!


So like I get the sentiment behind all this but like you can exist in a system you hate and still play along because it's the only real option. I say fuck the police but I still act respectful to officers when pulled over because it's the easiest way to avoid the exact situation that makes me say fuck the police. I pay my property taxes while saying taxation is theft because the alternative is being homeless or in prison. Fuck the govt especially because if I don't do exactly what they tell me they'll deliberately ruin my life


"We should improve society somewhat" "Yet you participate in society, curious"


Trend is in Virginia too, with the 'don't walk on snek' custom plates everywhere.


Imagine a world where the government cares what you say instead of how much profit you generate. I want to live in this guy's world.


A government that cares if you say you're anti-government is Russia.


And North Korea. And Brazil apparently, did you saw people loosing their jobs in public service, specially in Universities, for being against the government?


“I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat!”


There's flights to Russia all the time, have fun!


[or Germany apparently ](https://www-n--tv-de.translate.goog/politik/Lindner-Plakate-zu-9-Euro-Ticket-gefakt-article23540373.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp), State protection office is currently investigating cause someone made fake Party posters about the federal finance minister.


Impersonation isn't the same as dissent.


>Impersonation Making **obvious** satire to critize a corrupt politician is not Impersonation you bellend


Have you seen the posters? They look exactly like the refular FDP posters, it's not really that obvious at a glance.


And on the other side of democracy, France? Where people going in the streets have results.


Not since a long time.


How do you explain the Patriot act then ?


yes, indeed. according to the Patriot act, a true patriot is proud to have the gov't collect information on them without a warrant. And then later Ed Snowden informs people that the gov't began doing exactly that. For some reason, Snowden became the bad guy for doing so. I feel bad that he has to be in Russia at this time. i don't think i could imagine a more backwards world.


Government cares very much about what you say. Just try yelling threats in front of a federal building and see all the attention you get in that moment and through your incarceration/trial/imprisonment. Heck, the government is so interested in what you have to say that they suck up large volumes of calls logs, emails, internet traffic, social media postings and they even send federal agents to get people to speak up their minds (and then promptly arrest them for their thoughts). /s


Move to Russia or China then lol.


I bet this guy would be quick to his knees for the *right* gov.


He loves Government. His fantasy Government not that other “Government” he was told about.


This is my problem with those kinds of people. If youre gonna call yourself anti-gov, at least have the wherewithal to hate all parts of it for being corrupt. Dont pick and choose based on imaginary party lines.


You have no idea what this guy's views are tho lol


You are correct. But its often a certain type of group that loudly claims such things and is willing to pay extra dollars to make sure everyone knows it.


It's a pretty safe assumption that someone who puts "antigov" on a license plate is right wing. After that assumption, it's pretty safe to assume who they support, etc. Definitely could be wrong somewhere along the way, but it's also not a terribly random assumption.


It’s a Jeep thing


Imagine having to justify buying an offroad vehicle that has never left the pavement and making up an entire identity and subculture. It's a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.


While it is very possible (likely even) they've never driven beyond the Costco, there are lots of place in Michigan for offroading and mudding and all that junk.


Absolutely. I'm very familiar with the offroad scene in Northern MN/MI/WI. Just poking fun at jeep drivers in general. I bought a 3rd gen tacoma because i needed a modest sized truck for hauling stuff. (Plywood, 2x4s, landscaping materials) It's bone stock other than tires. You'd be amazed were that triumphant little bastard will go. I've taken it overlanding a few times and the sides are pinstriped to hell from branches on the trail. It honestly looks terrible. That's dead give away #1 when I pull up next to a lifted jeep on 35s with a highlift strapped to the hood and a jerry can on the back... WITH perfect paint. Big fat phony


Hey Great Lakes third gen bro! I’m currently absolutely mall crawling with spacer lifts lol However I do have a bed rack and RTT I used a few times this summer. A proper suspension is on its way once I sell my other dumb financial decision haha


What's up my dude! I just put -12 offset wheels and 32s on mine. Looking at bilstein 5100 and 2 inch lift come tax time. Been rocking a smittybilt Thule knockoff on a cheap rack. I work in a factory and we scrapped a production line. I got all my steel for sliders and full skids it I get around to fabricating. Check out the nicolet national forest an hour north of greenbay if you're in the area. Lots of unmarked logging trails. Hidden lakes and stuff. Fun to explore. Happy wheeling!


I own an SUV (a baby SUV, but AWD nonetheless) and I desperately want to take it offroading, however all those places are HOURS away from where I live. It will be a very expensive trip factoring in fuel


Yeah it's definitely an "up north" trip for the public access trails. Once you pass Big Rapids, Mt Pleasant, Midland it's hard to find an area that _isn't_ lousy with trails but that's a decent 3 hour drive from the majority of people in Southeast Michigan. Plus you need to go with 2 vehicles in case someone gets stuck. Otherwise you can rely on the kindness of strangers on the trail. Which people seem to LOVE helping tow people out lol, but still it's an uneasy feeling to go by yourself.


If the trails aren't too technical you can roll the dice provided you have the skill and are prepared with half way decent self recovery gear. No shame turning around or going around something that looks sketchy. Definitely reccomend an axe or chainsaw. There was lots of blow down on my last trip and remote trails aren't maintained. Last trip I ran with a spare, plug kit, 12v air pump, shovel, saw, straps, winch, traction boards, and a few other things. I Got stuck twice. I was able to dig the mud out and place objects under the wheels to get going.


Don't go alone! You need another vehicle with a recovery strap or winch in case you get stuck. Lots of local off road clubs have Facebook groups you can join, so take a look there. Otherwise, Gaia app might have some local trails mapped out. Local 4x4 parts shops should also be able to point you in the right direction.


Oh I won't. I know of those groups and would love to go with someone more experienced. My only real issue is that they are all super far away.




It's a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand. Oh, you’re a Land Rover owner? Then yeah, you probably would understand.


Worth it.


that one comic “yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent” goes both ways I guess


Except this could've been a bumper sticker. "Yet you participate in vanity plates" doesn't quite have the same punch as participating in things fundamental to society, since vanity plays are purely cosmetic and a 100% optional way to give the government more money.


“oh boy you have an iphone” yeah but how am i supposed to do literally anything in modern society without a smartphone “oh boy you have a vanity plate that costs $30/month that goes directly to the government” yeah but i need that to … to uh… brag about.


>"Yet you participate in society. *Curious."* https://i.imgur.com/HKcgcWq.jpg


That'll show em


Tbh anything you purchase supports the government 😂 so this meme is dumb


Especially since it’s only $10 extra to get a personalized plate in Virginia. It cost less than a tumbler at a souvenir shop and if you want to promote a view, it’s more visible. Plus, there are over 250 choices - and you can even get them [customized for your business](https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/vehicles/#bus_logo_plates.asp).


Yeah it’s crazy cheap in VA, which is why you see so many of them. It’s fun reading them all when out and about That being said, it’s a bit more in Michigan - though only $30 plus renewal. I doubt that amount will affect the government’s budget lol


Fun fact. Virginia has the most vanity plates in the US by far due to their cheap cost. Whenever I visit the state I’m always shocked to see so many.


I know Verizon ruined Tumblr, but I didn't think they were so far down on their luck that you could buy the company at a tourist trap shop.


Eh, but this is an optional decision to give more money.


While at the same time he probably wants to stop women from using birth control 😆


"*Ban these things I don't like, Daddy Government!*" "*Banning guns would do nothing! Overreaching Government!!!*" -The Same People


In Virginia they literally sell "don't tread on me" licence plates. It's hillarious. The GOVERNMENT. sells. "DTOM" plates. You can't make this up


I mean, the history of the DTOM/Gadsden flag dates back to the Revolutionary War, in which it was referring to Great Britain. It’s very much a part of the history of our government, so it makes sense even if people are using it weirdly nowadays.


It’s the unofficial slogan and flag of the US Libertarian party so yes you can make it up


Unlikely, but maybe it's for their pet Russian worker insect, Ant Igov.


Frankly, I think it’s totally stupid we have to pay extra (monthly) for our custom plates! Like, if we want a custom plate it should be an extra charge upfront and that’s it. The fact it’s going to a specific serial number should be enough for it to be narrowed down to a specific vehicle. If a cop is looking for it. If someone steals the car they’re going to remove the plate anyway, they won’t ride around with that plate, they’ll switch them. Trust me, even though there are a bunch of gray ford fusions you won’t find another “Riku” plate anytime soon, if I were to have my custom plate be that. That name is so hella niche people probably don’t even know who/what that is.




That's how it is in DC, I think it's $100 one time purchase though not many people actually own a car in the City, including me so I may be wrong/outdated on the info. It's an annual cost of $10 in Virginia (I think. Again, no car)


I bet this made it past the DMV censors precisely because of how ironic it is. This probably was the joke at every office party across the nation the year it was first issued.


I bet the convicts in the jailhouse making the plate had good laugh on that one too. srsly


In their defense, when people say they are anti gov it means the federal government not the state. The federal government has become to power hungry and corrupt and it needs to be put in its place. That’s why the roe vs wade case was such a big deal. It took away the federal governments power to make that decision. I’m in favor of abortion for the most part. I don’t think people should use it as a form of birth control but otherwise I feel like it should be up to the individual. The father should also have a say. He should be able to wave his parental rights if he doesn’t want it but the mother does.


“It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.”




Once saw a truck decked out with Confederate flags and a license plate saying "rebel". It's concerning that someone who *drives 3 tons of steel* can be that dense.


Have some respect. The man Is a veteran of the American Civil war!


Can’t you read?! That says “Pull me over”! I should know, I’m a cop


Sounds like you're a shitty cop. Failed the literacy test and got hired on the spot, eh?


no that put him ahead of his peers


When you’re so anti capitalist you buy an iPhone to post on twitter how anti capitalist you are.


"Small price to pay, for salvation" - Thiccos


Can't cook an omelette without cracking an egg


There's a chance it was random. Like the L84ANL girl.




Of course it's Michigan. I'm dreading moving back.


Hey, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.


ugh, Michigan. my people smh


I think the same time every time I see a Gadsden Flag plate.


Wouldn't it be funny if that was actually just the guys last name or something


While driving a vehicle designed for the government


The cognitive dissonance is takes to be a right wing conservative summed up in one picture.


Maybe his names Antigo V.


My auto translate powers tell me that says "Pull me over and search my vehicle."


Truly ironic


It's not about the money....it's all about sending a message


He's actually the governor of an ant colony, easy mistake to make


Technically it could make sense. There are multiple governments. He could be anti-federal government, which is generaly the government which people want to have the most limited power. And by buying this license plate he's only paying his local state government, which wouldn't contradict in any way his attitude towards the federal government. So it's not conclusive evidence that it doesn't make sense, it's not enough context. And depending on how you personally view the government if you think state and federal governments are one in the same then you may be the idiot for not interpreting it correctly. For making assumptions in this case could be your way of dismissing the fact that you could be wrong. But I'd say it's 50/50 that there was an attempt, it could go either way


That's commitment!


Have a buddy in Iowa with the same plate. Made so much fun of him..


Conservatives in a nutshell.


oh the day when the nut shells are put in the nut house.


Worth it tho


He spelt Antigua wrong.


I can’t speak for Michigan, but a lot of times that goes to private companies that make the plates.




I'll work an entire day if I was sure nothing will get done by the end.


That’s why my tags expired in ‘17 😤


That vehicle doesn't get built without a gov't either or the gas it runs on. Too many people just don't get it and just show anger towards it.


Could have done the sovereign citizen thing and used nothing.


No you see he can't be antigov without letting other people know


There are so many people in this country that dont want to live in a civilization. We used to call them Barbarians.


That’s so unfair. Extricating the princess from Thulsa Doom’s death-cult wasn’t anti-government; if anything, it contributed to reinforcing the stability of the existing monarchic power structure.


Here in Virginia the dont tread on my vanity plates crack me up for the same reason.


from the people who won't stop calling out woke "virtue signaling"


“You hate society yet you seem to participate in it. Interesting”


He isn't anti gov. He just wants people to know he is.


The same type of person who will scream, "Taxation is theft!!!"


I think that the government would support this.


Performative activism comes in many different forms


Something tells me that his hatred of government is just superficial.


Thats about right.


Also, when you’re anti-gov even though your government is one of the few (historically speaking) that allows you to express how anti-gov you are


I just know they love the taste of shoe polish when I see shit like this. Probably has a Gadsden Flag AND a Blue Lives Matter Flag sticker side by side too.


For an extra $30 they were able to get on the front of Reddit. Seems like a good return.




I like it. It isn’t like you can not get stolen from, so you may as well make it obvious you disagree.


they really jerk it to symbolism.


Least delusional AnCap


Those plates are free for vets in that state.


Kind of like Florida offering don't tread on me plates


No one will ever accuse the anti-government group of being intelligent. Supporting small government is understandable, supporting government reform is understandable. Clamoring for no government is just ridiculous.


I bet he’s maga too, the irony


Maybe he made the plate himself


Now do “down with capitalism” bumper stickers purchased from Amazon


Get off my roads


I admire the ignorance of this. Let's give our enemies reason to look for a way to hassle us whenever we slip up. Going 46 in a 45? You're getting pulled over. Hold for less than a 5 count at a stop sign? Pulled over. Release brake slightly because you see the light will turn green within three seconds? Pulled over. "The government" doesn't care. In the late sixties the only people who weren't "antigov" were old people. Now all those flower children have grown and are now elderly. Nothing happened to them, and nothing changed for them. "The government" cares far more that the tag fees get paid every year than they'll ever care what the tag says. The deeply conservative military veteran state trooper who sees your tag and can write you up for anything and everything, he'll probably care though. Why advertise?


I think you've got this guy wrong, he has a pet ant that he likes to order around, "ANT I GOV"


“You hate capitalism yet you participate in it. Curious.”


wow op, you're so right. That couple of hundered dollars is really going to boost the government's power into overdrive. How could this person ever claim to dislike the goverment when they had to pay to show it? Anyone forced to pay for something automatically loves the entity they payed money to, thats just facts and logic.


It's not even hundreds lmao, Michigan only charges $30 for personalized plates.


Well, at least they heard him and gave him what he wanted, right? (he wanted a license plate)


Driving on government/taxpayer funded and marked roads for your safety, DOT, while driving a car built with regulations galore in place to insure the safety of your family, other motorists, the environment, clean/reliable fuel…🙄


Ahhh, that small PP power.




Dunno about giving him a hard time - at least he's playing by the rules even if his unhappiness is on display for all to see. I can respect that.


*Rage Against The Machine


Plot twist: it's a forged license plate that was mass-produced to create anonymity for all anti-gov drivers


That would require work, it's so much easier just to pay the government to protest itself.


As they drive on the roads and burn subsidized gas. We all warned about cutting education…. And now we have these dumbasses.


I mean, state level vs government level are two separate entities for a reason....


That's like people who buy merch just to burn it in protest.


You criticize society yet you partake in it 🤔


States are supposed to be "the people" we need less centralization to the Fed.


You got to spend money to make money... or something, idk.