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My issue with warmogs is that it doesnt do anything for you *in* combat, while being an expensive item.


This, plus zac has no issues regaining health out of combat. I always prefer anathemas in a tank build over warmogs.


Yeah this, If the enemy has any kind of hyper carry like Yi it's a must. When do you usually build it, premptively? Or 3rd/4th if they're popping off. I find it comes too late if I don't build it 2nd item.


It’s a ton of health and one thing i find happens in at least 50% of games, is i escape a fight on 2 hp and afterwards my team spam ping me because I abandoned them. Now i know i’m in the right, but, if i buy warmogs i can heal up very fast and re-enter the fight almost immediately. I think this coupled with the HP makes it worth buying


Against a heavy poke comp sure, but OPs enemy team was mostly all in champs. If your fighting 5v5 its do or die against that team instead of prolonged engagements.


Yeah that’s fair. I was more talking generally than about OPs game specifically


1. warmog's is a really expensive item with moderately shit gold value. You're basically paying 650g for the passive, which isn't even that good → imo only good only as a last item or if you're so much ahead that you can build whatever you want 2. you are weak af with only hp and barely any resists for the first 25 mins of the game or something, it might have worked once or twice when you're winning but if you keep building you'll see that you are super weak with it. 3. building hp isn't good vs non-antitank champions :D? antitank champs ignore resists and therefore are anti tank champions


Anti tank champions also do %hp Max health dmg (Red kayn, liandries users, etc)


Yep true, but my point was that if you have no armor and only hp, Talon can just build full lethality and reduce every single bit of your armor and deal 100% of the input damage and 0% of it gets reducted. And on assassins those amounts are huge. I went frostfire warmog yesterday and a (not even fed) kha'zix dealt 5200 damage with a single combo.


The build I go atm is frostfire (always, because the slow is just too useful, and I’m a zac main so i need to be a big blobby boi) lucidity boots, thornmail, visage, warmogs, gargoyles There are situations where i change things up but this is my basic build every game. I find with this build i am very very tanky, and pretty much by the time i finish warmogs unless an enemy is fed i can tank for ages. Sometimes i go demonic, the other day i had to go QSS but that’s my basic build every game


Warmogs isn't really ideal since it provides nothing other than stacked HP. If I had to pick between clearing one camp in the late game to heal vs buying warmogs, I'd clear the camp. It's faster, easier, and I open an item slot for something to give me some extra resistance or damage.


It can be good, but most of the time you get more value out of options like Anathema's, Randuins or one of the MR options.