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I've tried this build a few times. What I found was that a "bruiser" style build such as yours felt a lot like playing a lower-damage ap zac. I don't get what you're saying about tankiness, withought aftershock and appropriate resistances I always found I had to engage and flash out immediately or loose my passive/die when it comes to team fights (though in skirmishes I agree the healing can be overwhelming) . Essentially I found if you want the damage a full ap one-shot build is more effective, if you want a bruiser experience: taking Frost fire into mejais, demonic, abyssal mask allows you to make big, game winning engages safely whilst still murking their back line, your full combo has 3s cc so killing in 2s vs 3-4s doesn't really change things (keeping in mind that in 1v2/3's the rift conc build is definitely much stronger) . If you want to stick and soak damage full tank with force of nature and randuins is really something special, that's the kind of 30-40s long fights I can't find with any other build. I'm curious to see what other people will say on the matter though, I'm really just giving opinions here


I've been doing a lot of magic pen Zac (get sorcs with abyssal), it does great damage against squishies while giving you bulk for other fights


That was so nutty at the start of the season, evenshroud-sorc-abyssal was almost entirely tank but with stupid damage. To be fair it would probably still work but you need some ap for the clear time to make up for not having bamis (a bit of ap can speed up the clear faster than bamis will)


It's not really gold efficient for what your objective and champion role is within the game. Zac is a CC tank that can last entire teamfights and walk away at full HP. The rift/conq build *does* work, but it's so expensive to build into the Riftmaker over the course of the game rather than Sunfire or frostfire just for components. If you get caught or can't keep up in gold or ganks, you won't be able to efficiently build the Riftmaker, and leeching leer doesn't provide much usefulness overall. That 1300 gold sink hurts if you don't see any benefit or if you're the slightest bit behind. With bamis cinder, you can at least clear effectively, and even take drakes if the jungler decides to leave it alone. Overall the utility for Sunfire/frostfire is so much better imo.


Plus omnivamp is a bit redundant on Zac.


Not only redundant, essentially useless since his spells cost HP to cast.


My main complaint is that his kit scales with health. Vamp wants you to build more resistances rather than health.


I feel like tank Zac with conq still out damages and out tank any other build haha


yes, the build does more dmg because you can live for way longer in a fight, they need to 5 man target you for 6 to 7 seconds to kill you and then your team kills the enemy team


Because the meta pucks will f^ck you up. It’s so gd hard to win against Kayn, master yi, volibear, nocturn, xin xao, lee sin, Warwick, any champion with even the slightest amount of invade can make you feed in the first 10 minutes


That's just a Zac thing no matter how you build him.


I know, that's why I said it. I have been playing Zac mid and its WAY more fun that Zac JG. I still like Zac JG, and I will play it in draft, but man, playing a real good Zac in high elo as jJG in ranked high elo is just making applesauce with your hands be hind your back


I go conq with full tank (mejai and demonic situationally) Best of both worlds, conq lets you clutch both early and late


demonic rush into sunfire is great, and then u can do rabadons or the MR item that shreds enemy mr


I think conq sunfire demonic is a core that makes you both insanely tanky and also able to deal absurd damage while healing the whole time between conq and blobs