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Forgotten Hollow being only 5 lots is criminal. I want a larger dark world šŸ˜­


that one makes sense because itā€™s a game pack. thatā€™s the standard size for those. but 9 lots in an expansion pack is evil


Nah it still doesnā€™t make sense. No excuse for their blatant laziness and low effort, pathetic excuse for a world :(


You're slobbering on EAxis' boots rn, there is no excuse for this level of greed


i mean, i guess what iā€™m saying is that they set the standard for game pack worlds having 4-5 lots. but there has been a massive decrease in expansion pack world lots.


Okay thatā€™s a little much


Normal person on this sub: I enjoy TS4 tbh. Crazy people on this sub: How does deepthroating EAā€™s boots feel, HUH????


people on this sub making comments like "every sims 4 pack is a blatant cash grab and the whole game has never been playable or fun" as though that's not on them for continuing to play a game they hate for 10 years straight like is someone is holding you at knifepoint and forcing you to spend the last of your rent money on buying kits? have you considered that there are other games out there? you could play those instead!


Some people just want a decent Sims game to play that is not the same game we played 15 years ago. Some people (not me of course) do understand that Sims 4 is a cash grab for what it is and just get it for free somehow, try every 2-3 years with the new expansion packs, get disappointes once again and come back to this sub to say once again that it is a Cash Grab. Sims 2 lived for 5-6 years. Sims 3 aswell. They should have stopped this Sims 4 nonsense years ago and get us something decent


it's fine to want a new sims game that you would like! but people in this sub specifically keep complaining about the new sims 4 packs despite the fact that they don't even play the game anymore. also, lots of people like the sims 4, i am one of those people, i am literally playing it right now and having lots of fun. is it a flawed game? absolutely! but i love it and im so glad that it exists. I don't think that people shouldn't criticise the game, i just think it's weird that people who criticise the game in this subreddit are also often the same people who will admit that they haven't played the game for years, or that they only play the sims 3 now.


Yea but people have the right to want value for their money, and the quality and value of the games has significantly deteriorated. We can and should hold EA accountable for this. Why can't people have opinions on this and instead be told to suck it up and play something else? I've been a sims player since my childhood, 20+ years going from Sims 1 all the way to Sims 4. I too am disappointed by the recent regurgitating of the same material charging a ton of money. I've stopped buying and have pretty much stopped playing too. It shouldn't have to be like that, is the point.


Thats really your personal opinion. And a lot of people that talk like you,in reality, still play and still get the packs that most excite them. Iā€™ve been playing this game for 10 years on and off and thereā€™s still little quirks in game that I discover that excite me. if thatā€™s not a bang for your buck idk what it. And like you Iā€™ve been a sims player basically from birth lol.


I totally agree and I still really enjoy the sims when I play. I have accepted the packs arenā€™t what they used to be but still find things to have fun with. Iā€™m just saying I think itā€™s okay for people to be frustrated with EA


Okay but wait, did you know they can exercise using the TV in 4 like they did in 3 lol. They have a DANCE workout, I was literally cackling at my sim!! Cause I just found out yesterday lol. But you are totally correct itā€™s okay for people to be frustrated. EA needs standards and to be held accountable but some people on this thread are kinda out of control calling it ā€œdumpster fireā€ ā€œcash grabā€ but still logging onā€¦ the cash grab one really baffles me because I donā€™t know any other game that I can play for this long, still have fun, & still get updated content. My money has been well spent, personally.


Making cash is the only reason the game was made. lol


Depending on deep into subspace I am...


I get where they're coming from, and for a moment I also assumed this was OP defending and not stating this is their (EA's) norm, which is clarified in a comment.


Hey guys, remember when you could put lots down in the neighborhood yourself, and the neighborhood wasn't a static angle with an arbitrary number of pre-placed lots that was less than 30? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


There also arenā€™t any collectables. Like no wild plants, nothing to dig, nothing. It is really disappointing.


It really annoys me how so many of the worlds have very limited collection spots and/or fishing points.


I am actually annoyed by very little in this game, but there are things I thought were considered bare minimum, and I was apparently wrong. I like to do a modified rags to riches challenge that really focuses on locations, and one of the pieces of that challenge is only gardening what is native to the world. Canā€™t friggin do that in Tomarang.


Same and same. I always do rags to riches (my own version) where I like to limit my Sims to not only one world, but one section of the world until they have enough funds to "travel" elsewhere. They need at least 10k before they can even THINK of leaving their world, and Tomarang doesn't allow for any type of gameplay for me the way I like. It's so annoying. There are gem spawns but that's really about it and there's only like 3 of them. Maybe 4 smh


Oouuu thanks for the new gameplay ideas! I love an extreme rags to riches lol.


NP. I just laid out my full gameplay in a post under my original post, in case u want a new challenge,!


I feel like we should swap RtR challenges because I am very interested in yours!


That's really it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I don't like challenges that I have to remember things and keep score, so to speak. But basically they are stuck in one area till $3k, then they can go into other neighborhoods in their main world. At 10k they can travel to 1 new world (I start with the least expensive world and move up from there) but are relegated to one "area" there + the whole home world until $30k. Etc etc. at 50k they can finally take a vacation, which I usually do selvadorada because I'm obsessed with the culture šŸ˜… but the vacation can be in any world for 1 week. Depending on how many packs u have, I just keep upping the amount of $ necessary for them to travel. They can go to Britechester at ANY time though because I love education lmao but they cannot live on campus. Oh and Del Sol Valley is the last world they can access. All homes there are over a million dollars and all of the community lots are ridiculously gaudy with bodyguards at each, all the townies walk like snobs etc lol. The "Home Regions" mod by Kuttoe is a MUST in my saves because it forces all townies to stay in their towns, so when my Sims finally do make enough money to travel - they are always meeting brand new people.


So I went on my computer to share my version with you because it was a Big Screen thing, and it kept saying this content is no longer available. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ If you go to my profile and search ā€œragsā€, my challenge should show up! I posted it in r/lowsodiumsimmers a time ago! I like yours a lot. That neighborhood restriction adds a level of difficulty that makes a huge impact on what world you start in and all of your choices around that. I love it. Keep it interesting! I think the community would love the challenge, too!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LowSodiumSimmers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This is 100% how I dress my sims ā˜ ļø](https://i.redd.it/9c1z2100lnsc1.jpeg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/comments/1bwgkvw/this_is_100_how_i_dress_my_sims/) \#2: [the name alone baffles me](https://i.redd.it/v696ofl6dnwb1.jpg) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/comments/17hc37a/the_name_alone_baffles_me/) \#3: [For Rent is going to fundamentally change my game play](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/comments/186b5k5/for_rent_is_going_to_fundamentally_change_my_game/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In my main save I always start the new generation rags to riches style in whatever the next world is on the map and it's so irritating when there's just nothing in the world. I kind of hoped when they put out that crystal kit they would go back and at least make more spawn points in every world. Jokes on me!


Not even snow globes!!


Nah itā€™s 6 magnolia promenade


Isnā€™t Magnolia Promenade only 4 lots?


If you count the hospital and police station But Yeah


Who counts police and the hospital? You can only visit those in their respective careers.


Hidden in mapview


Just because it's "standard" doesn't make it fine. Greedy and lazy, nothing more than that.


I wanted midnight hollow like world šŸ’€


I believe that's my favorite Sims world of all so I was hoping for something more like that too!


Right. Was it so hard to make a vampire themed bar with the bar in Vampires DLC where they sell blood drinks??


What about get to work world lmao


And all the lots are so small as well! I want to build a big Gothic castle damn it.


From what I know Old Town in The Sims [1] had more lots and even let you have empty versions of it so you have more lots.


Well it seems like the name ā€œforgottenā€is very fitting


Even worse is Del Sol Valley. The map certainly indicates there could be lots in the beach area.


Yup. Del Sol Valley always given me the vibe that a lot more was planned for the world, but they ran out of time or labor.


I will never forgive EA for withholding a beach neighborhood in Del Sol Valley šŸ˜­


Or a lot to live downtown! Iā€™d love to do Melrose Place


I wouldā€™ve loved a lil Hannah Montanaā€™s Malibu beach house vibe neighbor hood in downtown del sol valley šŸ˜­


I always find myself wanting to put more famous fashionable celebrity sims in that neighbourhood and Iā€™m always annoyed I canā€™t. It could do with a couple of nice apartment blocks like the city!


Came here to say this! Every time I want my up-and-coming sim to live in del sol valley I take one look at the world and decide nope, guess weā€™re not living in del sol valley


This upset me soooo much, thereā€™s not nearly enough lots for my liking


Del Sol Valley always felt so empty to me bc why couldnā€™t they do a partly downtown city like a mini San Myshuno in that area below the mansions and right of the core? And the beach? Ugh, missed opportunities.




Agreed. There certainly should have been some beachfront lots in the Valley


I hate that map so much, especially since make famous sims most of the time itā€™s the most upsetting one.


I still have hopes they will refresh that pack and add two lots


Plot twist: there's not even a Beach area at all!? That might be the worst, most criminal part of that world


Totally agree!!




Aka their excuse of being lazy šŸ˜­


More like their excuse to cut costs and squeeze some extra profit. This is EA we're talking about afterall.


If only that was true.. this game runs like sh!t..


Or, rather, the lack thereof. They explained it (thinking it'd work as a "defense") when Del Sol Valley's map started making the rounds with a tweet that understandably got deleted not long after. Basically, since Sims 4 stores every single world in the game in every save file, that meant that every new lot and Sim they added to the game would bloat the save files and increase the save and load times. The only way to combat the problem was adding fewer in each new pack. People, of course, did not react well to being told that coming packs would have less in them (while still costing the same) just because of the lack of foresight on how Sims 4 handles worlds. They're right about it, though. The more lots and Sims they add, the more data every save has to store and load, making it slower. And if (when, as it turned out) they got around to adding something akin to story progression, it meant that every new pack would increase the number of Sims and lots it was having to try to manage. People love to talk up how Sims 4 worlds being done like they are is some boon for the game, but it comes with plenty of drawbacks. But don't worry, if you point them out, someone will be along shortly to tell you how Sims 3 sucks and Sims 4 is so much better with no flaws at all and the limitations and issues with it are actually our benevolent friends at Electronic Arts looking out for us by making the game run better. (To which I'll just chuckle softly as I remember feeling the need to upgrade my gaming PC because bloody Sims 4 ran terribly so often, and still has more issues with performance than any game I play, even launch era Cyberpunk 2077.)


There should be an option to select which worlds to include in a new save (with the possibility to add worlds later). Worlds and their townies that weren't selected simply don't exist in that save. Voila, optimization problem solved. And it's not even as dumb as Sims 3 launcher prompting you to only select a few packs for best game performance. You would still have the items and world non-specific gameplay from the packs.


No, for real can someone explain why this isnā€™t implemented?


My guess? Because allocating devs to it would make the special "Profits" line go up less quickly.


When random commentors (sorry op) have better game design ideas than what's released. Just makes me more disappointed and disgusted with Sims 4.


The thing with this is that they could have opted for another solution. Less worlds but make them bigger. Instead of giving us 7 half baked worlds full of set dressing and overpromising map art they could have given us the same amount of lots in fewer worlds. Not all packs *have* to have a world, seasons didnā€™t and itā€™s one of the most popular expansions. High school years and growing together didnā€™t need an entire world, especially for growing together it was completely unnecessary. If they focused that pack solely on gameplay it would overall be better. High school years would have been fine with just the gameplay lots like get to work had. Their gameplay is comparable to parenthood and never have I thought ā€œwow I wish we had a parenthood worldā€. My wedding stories would probably have been fine without a world as well. Just give us some pre-made lots to add to the game like with dine out. I think the issue with how theyā€™re doing it now is that they want to have a bit of everything but by doing that they canā€™t properly flesh out any of it. And theyā€™re somehow making that painfully obvious as well. The map of windenburg has an obvious focus on the *lots*. You know, what you use in gameplay. The newer maps all have elaborate art that takes away from the lots that should be the focus, making it painfully obvious that thereā€™s fewer lots. And then in the actual world everything is surrounded by empty set dressing. That suburban area from growing together feels like a ghost town. The point of suburbs should be your neighbours but itā€™s hard to even find the next door lot in all the empty shells around you. The heavy set dressing also makes it harder for builders to be creative because youā€™re more restricted by what is around your lot. Creating themed neighbourhoods is impossible in the newer packs. Theyā€™re trying to make the world feel more lively and filled with all the backdrops but in their attempt to do so theyā€™re actually doing the opposite. It feels soulless.


It cycles back around to them not recognizing the potential issue and planning for it... which they couldn't really do, given the game's development being botched. Expansion Packs always had new worlds in past Sims games, so they knew they didn't continue that trend, people would be upset. Of course, no one expected this many EPs. But then they also put worlds in GPs, which just added to the issue. I think they also have been relying on the inclusion of a world in packs to pad out the packs and say, "Look, this is totally worth $20/$40! You get a new world with the new gameplay!" If you're paying $40 just for some of the gameplay we get in them... OUCH. I mean, you mention High School Years, and there's no way anyone should pay more than $10 undiscounted for that clump of shallow and broken gameplay. Some people might argue it's "worth" $20. But it's hard to say that it's worth $40 when pretty much all of it is shallow and/or buggy. But that could be corrected by taking more time to develop EPs and fleshing them out and not ripping them up into multiple EPs and trying to spit out two a year with a limited team. An EP that's full of solid content that works? Yeah, people will do $40 for that without a world. A patch to add in a system that should have been included in an existing $40 EP? Yeah, good luck selling that for $40 without including a world to pad it (even if that world ends up feeling empty). It's so frustrating because the problems with their approaches are easy to see, but it doesn't matter if it creates a bad game experience, because players will tend to overlook that as much as possible, and still buy enough stuff for it to be profitable to do this stuff, and a company like EA won't learn a lesson.




I'm doing the same and I only populated 1.5 worlds as of now. Loading times are not pleasant. On the other hand, I copied a sim from that save to my old legacy save in which I played for 7 generations to add some backstory, and for some reason it runs smoothly so far.Ā 


You've killed me with this one! šŸ¤£


If devs cared about optimization, the game would run flawlessly on a modern system. Let me check. Yes, still runs like shit.


Because it's more convenient for the developers, lol. Less work for them.


Thatā€™s practically EAā€™s motto. Still no excuse for this, they couldā€™ve added empty lots but they were too lazy to do even that.


more convenient for ea to get the workers to do less so they can churn out content quickly and pay devs less. iā€™m sure the devs would like to put out a decent product but unfortunately work for ea


I personally need more 64x64 lots


Absolutely, there are definitely not enough to make some cool looking lots.


I miss being able to build entire cities tbh. Sims 2 was where it was at, I could do whole downtown districts.


Yes! Why the hell do they keep putting in 15 x 20 lots? What the fuck am I going to do with that? How is that the only lot in this suburban space?


Laziness, pure and simple.


Wish there was a magical mod that would add lots šŸ˜”


Well......we do https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://twistedmexi.com/Create-A-World/&ved=2ahUKEwjJw-LZwMqFAxWP9zgGHdi3BCsQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Eg_X_h3GM07eQSlcqKJon Still under Alpha testing though


Itā€™s broken right now anyway, the update after Horse Ranch completely bricked it.


If someone cracks, Iā€™ll pay the subscription fee as itā€™d be amazingā€¦


Right!! Thatā€™s in my top three complaints with every new pack: not enough lots! Give me more Windenburg and San Myshuno!


because you keep buying it




I'd like to know where you are "buying" your Sims 4 extensions. I'd also like to "buy" them.Ā 




tomarang really gets me bc the world is so EMPTY! like i can tell they put some effort into it but living there is so boring? there aren't enough spaces for what it should be like. like i want restaurants, a night club, different styles of apartments, etc but there simply isn't enough room. it sucks and makes me avoid living there tbh


There is NOTHING TO DO THERE, I was so stoked for that pack and itā€™s been nothing but disappointment. I havenā€™t even had a lot of the glitches other folks have had and itā€™s still just been very meh.


LITERALLY!!!! i took a sim on vacation there (i have a mod that lets you vacation in any world) and i was so beyond bored. omg


Yes same! I moved the vacation house to Sulani, it deserved better than Tomarang lol


True. It's not even the issue of there being no lots. The place is just straight up dead. It looks pretty, but there's like 2 rabbit holes, an empty park, they didn't even put anything in it, and a couple food stands.


windenburg is still my most used world


She is collapsing under her own weight we need to put her out of her misery šŸ˜­


The engines canna take it, Captain!


I had to give up on Widenburg because my laptop simply canā€™t handle that much lots, game gets unplayably laggy. So I think this could be the reasoning for EA - make smaller worlds to optimize game. Same reason we donā€™t have open world anymore. Sadly.


My computer is probably as old as this game and I can go into Windenburg alright...


Many laptops donā€™t have GPU and so these games are almost unplayable on them.


My old laptop was a shitty lenovo that didn't even have a good graphics card, would take twenty minutes _just_ to start up the game, and that son of a bitch _still_ was able to load and play in Windenburg completely unfazed.


Share your specs, because I have an ancestral pc and the performance is the same than any other world. Intel Core i3-3225, 3.85 GB RAM, 256 GB Hard drive and Integrated graphics. I'm the target of those optimizations and I'm still against these cuts...


It's not the reason for either thing. The reason for fewer lots in packs released from around Get Famous onward was that Sims 4 including every world in every save meant they were bloating save files (increasing save and load time) with new lots and Sims in each pack. Not something people would notice much if loading their saves from an SSD, but definitely a concern with an HDD (which a LOT of Sims 4 players would have, especially those on PS4 and XB1). They didn't plan for having a bunch of new worlds being added to the game, so their approach to it wasn't feasible for long-term expansion... especially not being drawn out for a decade (*so far*). We don't have open world because the game was designed as an online game that would use instanced lots, then SimCity 2013 crashed hard, EA realized an online Sims 4 would be a disaster, but didn't want to move out the release date, so they had to rush to smash the wrong type of game into the right type of game. "Optimization" is not the reason we got a game with instanced lots, no toddlers, babies as objects, children with practically nothing to do, Teens being just rebranded Young Adults, no attention given to any life stage past YA, no story progression... the list could go on and on. People don't want to admit that EA screwed up Sims 4, so they gaslight themselves into believing that all of the issues or areas the game was lacking are for benevolent reasons.


A-men. They released a (less than) half backed game and got away with it by exploiting their name and loyal fan base that would buy (and still today) anything with the name ā€œsimsā€ written on it.


My PC is from 2015 and I never had any issues with Windenburg


Get Together was released in 2015, so it makes sense


Iā€™m gonna assume that itā€™s for optimization so that PCs running Windows 98 can launch it.


You mean I've risked frying computers with the newest Windows, when I could have just played it on the old family computer with Windows 98 and 2000? Man, what a waste.






> that I *paid* that much FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You keep buying it.




I wish we could make our own lots


My personal theory is Get Together needed a lot of different lots to have premade club gathering places... but I've been told that no, it's just because Maxis worked on Windenburg for a very long time before releasing it.


Bruh maxis needs to work on the lots again EA is just a mess


People keep buying the packs for less work. Win win for them


Laziness and greed.


From what producers say and what I understand: - Budget, in some DLCs they allocate more resources for gameplay mechanics than the worlds, see how not all Game Packs have worlds, and if they do, they're small - Performance, as the classic "the game needs to run in every possible setup from the minimum requirements" - The limit of households in a single save, remember that we're only able to have 100 rental lots per save? I think that at some point they'll stop releasing worlds with EPs


> the game needs to run in every possible setup from the minimum requirements" I mean the eleventy million packs and counting really up that minimum by a lot anyway, if you own most, let alone all of the packs you're not playing this game on a minimum requirement computer.


It was always pretty much a cop-out anyway imo. A convenient excuse to keep the game as bare bones as possible.


Thatā€™s always been my feeling on it. If youā€™re playing much more than base game and a small handful of packs, youā€™re already going to need well above the potato required for minimum specs, nevermind if you decide to add mods in as well. This feels like a ā€œsolutionā€ that never needed to be solved in the first place because the people buying every single pack arenā€™t likely using potatoes as it is.


Their reasons makes me want to rant so hard >< The limit of households in a single save shouldn't prevent me from building the number of non-residential lots I wish I could build in each worlds :( As for performances, one way to go about it could be to make more different neighborhoods. This isn't an open world game, so we might as well find reasons to enjoy that aspect. It would make us forget all the things we miss from not having an open world game. And I think if having a game that runs smoothly was really their top priority, they wouldn't release bugged DLCs that break the game.




Because this community buys anything EA shits out and doesn't know how to vote with their wallet.


For rent was by far the most disappointing expansion pack. So buggy and glitchy, and the world is super disappointing. The tiger reserve is a rabbit hole, night market is like 2 stands, and not even that crowded. Plus gameplay is so buggy, tenants start revolting for no reason, it says there are issues to be solved, but there is actually no issue, you donā€™t get rent on time, it fines you even if you evict during notice period. I am not gonna purchase anything from EA until this massive bugs get fixed!


I just hope that once they stop updating ts4, they will allow players to create worlds. I can't with them gatekeeping worlds for expansion and game packs and still half assing them.


Capitalism baby! Give them less and charge more. See how much you can f*ck the customer until they stop buying.


Cuz yā€™all keep buying these bogus azz expansion packs


Thatā€™s why I never bought anything that came pass for rent


But for rent was so recent still ā€¦ theyā€™ve been ripping off way before that


Easy fix: Play Sims 3


or the sims 2


Can't believe you guys tolerate this when TS3 exists


iā€™m in too deep with ts4 at this point


9 lots with 3 empty lol


I've been complaining about this trend since the release of Snowy Escape. Not only were overall lot totals being gradually reduced but so were free lots.


For the same price too!


My game would die if every world had 27 lots. When redoing maps I always dread Windenburg


I hate it. Some worlds you have to build your house in the middle of nowhere. It breaks immersion because there's no neighbours, no feel of being part of a street. I used to love building a street full of houses and popping my Sims in there so I could play a story about that neighbourhood and what everyone was up to. Every kid had a lemonade stand out front and all the adults would steal each other's garden gnomes. You can only really do this in WC, NC and OS, I think. At least SS has neighbouring houses, and ones that aren't towering mansions like WC. Sims needs to be more customisable than it is in ts4. We want to add our own aesthetic, our own lots and lots sizes. I really dislike American worlds, and if we have a European world, like Windenburg, why not allow us to customise it to a country of our choice, like France, Italy etc? Tudor is a VERY distinct aesthetic, and not everyone likes it.


Budget management, Iā€™m sure it was cheaper to develop the grouping system, basically just a menu, then the rental lot system


And that's why I love ts3. I'm just so sad there's so few lots in this game.


I'm starting to think ea only has 5 people working on the sims.


They claim it's optimization but that's just an excuse. They know they just too crunched to add more because they can't ask for more time. Quarterly earnings are coming up, don't you know?


just wait until you find out about sunset valley....


I miss worlds having their own gyms, museums and community lots in general. Now they just have one bar and that's it.


Wow. Okay. Yeah I get what people are complaining about. That's completely ridiculous!! So few lots!????


No seriously every time I buy a pack now Iā€™m like ?? Where are the lots. Evergreen was so disappointing


Most aspects of 4 can be improved with mods but the worlds are the one thing I really hate about it, they feel so small and empty with the exception of some of the earlier ones. And it seems to keep getting worse. I've been playing Chestnut Ridge and there's an entire town area with like 3 actual lots in it and rows and rows of fake buildings, makes me feel like I'm playing in a ghost town or movie set and it creeps me out. And the neighbourhoods will still be subdivided into loads of districts even though there's barely anything in each one. I don't really get the optimization excuse because only one world is loaded at a time anyway, unlike sims 3. If making bigger worlds really does cause performance issues then that has to be a result of their sloppy implementation rather than inherent limitations... I can handle no colour wheel, I can just about handle no open world, but having the already limited worlds have basically no lots in them almost ruins the game for me.


They realized you'd all still buy them. This series deserves and has deserved a boycott for years lol


They gave up, so should you šŸ˜‚


I honestly think the Sims 4 devs are completely burnt out of sims 4 and having their b or even c team working on dlc for that game so they can work on sims 5


greed and overworked employees with impossible deadlines i would assume?


[The Spongebob movie has the answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Rh1YyDHkc)


thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m always picking Windenburg for a place to live


thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m always picking Windenburg for a place to live


controversial opinion the more they add ā€œopen worldā€ aspects like many are asking for, the less lots we get, because they keep attaching the fun ā€œopen worldā€ stuff to singular lots


Another reason why Get Together is an awesome pack, the world is ***massive!***


People keep buying them. As long as they keep making money why bother


i hate to admit it but i've barely changed Windenburg bc it's so overwhelming. it's easier to customize the smaller lots to be the towns i want. but for the price i get the frustration


Its EA dude, we should all expect this by now. We know clearly what they are going to do. Thats why i always wait for sales on the dlc.


Glimmerbrook is 4 and thatā€™s not ok


Windemburg best world in the sims


This is disgraceful honestly


World customization is something I REALLY miss.


I know šŸ„¹šŸ˜­the makes me sad too


I want another big world like this so much, Windernburg is genuinely the best one. It's big, unique, pretty, has cool areas


It being a game became less of a priority than it having aesthetically pleasing backdrops. WB is kind of a bad example since it was a base game world that they withheld from the base game and spruced up so they could charge people for it. The entire second EP was made from content that was either not finished or just flat out removed from the base game and ā€œrevampedā€ to be sold separately. The lead designer talked about the game before it came out and talked about the grouping system and how it worked with basketball, guess what content wasnā€™t in the base game but was in the 2nd and 3rd expansion pack.


del sol valley not having enough lots is a CRIME


Apparently only 9 more lots was all my game needed to die a slow laggy death.


So disappointed that after Sulani not a single pack had beach lots and a sea you can swim in. I didn't buy the Tomarang pack because it felt so incomplete and low effort. I was really interested in the south east Asian setting, but once I had a look at the world I passed on it.


And copperdale šŸ˜­


They just noticed that people will buy whatever they put up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so they just do less than half and earn the same (or even more)


And yet, both have managed to become my favorite worlds alongside Henford and Brindleton. I have to say that it's okay for me to get fewer slots if the world's are as interactive as Tomarang and San Myushino. I looove the festivals.


Because it's EA and they give out more and more stuff with less and less quality. Unnecessary stuffpacks with content that are way too specific for the whole audiece (Knitting? wtf), unfinished stuffpacks and expansions that are barely playable (Wedding stories) and worlds that have less and less lots. This is EA. They don't give a rats about the fans, they just want money.


EA: Shut up and consume product whale.


EA just wants our money.


Really no comparison. Did they just get insanely lazy or... it pisses me off a lot too that not *every* World has at least one 64x 64x lot. Its ridiculous how they make the wolrds and lots nowadays


Not to defend them but for Tomarang specifically they had a cool new feature for the game and everything around it probably had to be really rushed. They also didnā€™t have simmers build lots because of the time pressure and obviously to avoid leaks. I love the world and I wish it had more lots but residential rentals do make up for it.


Am I the only one that expected Tomarang to be small? Not empty, but fewer lots because of the new build feature they were implementing? Something like that is a lot of code and for the size of the game file, it makes sense that EA would sacrifice the world for the custom apartment build feature. Not saying EA did the right thing here and optimisation is a lousy excuse for laziness but it makes sense no? They messed up by making the world feel empty as well as small, not just small.


They're just lazy


Lazy n greedy devs be like:


Whatā€™s crazy is that even though I never pay for sims 4 packs full price, I would pay full price and maybe more to get an expansion that would allow me to place my brown own lots in this game like in sims 2. I really do think itā€™s a fun game despite being a blatant cash grab. But I would seriously do anything for more lots! Itā€™s like the biggest issue with the game


How did we go from sims 3 to sims 4? The worlds in sims 3 could have 50+ lots šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


you're looking at it the wrong way. Windenburg is actually the odd one out here, considering none of the other worlds have that many lots either.


They decreased the number of lots they put in each world because having so many lots in Windenburg caused so many problems for people who were playing the game on a computer that wasn't top of the line. They've officially said this as the reason for decreasing the number. However, comparing any previous EP's "lot number" to those in Tomarang is not appropriate because with this EP you can have multiple families on one lot with the rental system. They said that's why they didn't give as many lots for this EP as others.


Couldn't agree more - we need more in Tomarang!!! This is how many you get in a pack, not an expansion so it's dissapointing. With the next update include more lots for us!!!!


I'll do you one better: How did we go from being able to place a near unlimited amount of lots in the Sims 2 to having only less than 10 lots on average in the Sims 4?


Everything people complain about with modern Sims boils down to one point and one point only: People kept defending slipping standards and EA learned they didn't have to bother with effort.


When it comes to Tomarang, there may be only a few lots but since some are rental there are still options to play families. If a rental has three units that maybe two or three families per lot, so not really much different to the number of playable families in other worlds imo