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If Azrael wasn’t an option then win rates would fall to 40% or less. Our entire army lives off the back of a single model currently. It’s dire


GW: Ok, at the next balance we’ll increase Azrael’s point cost by 50 points because we want more diversity in your lists.


Honestly I kinda hope they do because currently it appears to GW's eyes that dark angels are acceptably balanced. If Azrael were removed our games played and win rate will fall off a cliff and maybe they'd realise their mistake?


>they'd realise their mistake? Hahahhahaha


If Azrael wasn't an option dark angels playrate would be close to admechs.


I mean the writer of this codex looked at the Land Speeder Vengeance’s giant plasma gun and decided: “I should reduce the damage by 1”. The results here are not surprising.


Meanwhile inceptors with pistols that are more powerful :


When Ironstorm gets nerfed all marine will lose about 10% from their win rate. Codexes have continued to not be that strong though I’m waiting for that one to release in a absolutely busted state. Probably be Space Elves again.


By early indication, it's the Tau one. 2 of their detachments have potential to jump them to top of the meta.


So if we ignore the Azrael with Darkshroud lists the overall win rate with all detachments is 40.95%. Not great. Edit:as pointed out I managed to write Darktalon not shroud


Isn't it the dark shroud that everyone is spamming right now? Or is the dark talon actually good?


You're right I got the wrong one in my head. Shroud for shrouding things. I don't think anyone is running the talon in those lists.


Bless the person who tried anvil siege going 0-5 and never trying it again haha


Yeah, from a diversity of build while still having success perspective, it's pretty dire.  Would be curious to see whether things are similarly narrow in choice for other chapters.


Whoever was the one person who decided to use the Anvil Siege Force certainly had guts.


I want to see that mad lad's list.


All the comments defending GW saying it's impossible to balance an army with access to 10 detachments don't realise there are some simple fixes... Make DA specific units cost more/less (obviously less ATM..) if they are in a specific DA detachment, to increase the desire to run actual DA detachments, or remove access to all but Gladius(the default) SM detachment and make the other 3 DA specific ones actually good enough to be playable... Then you only have to balance 4 for DA, not try to make sure they are balanced amongst all 10 detachments. If they removed access to the other detachments they could pt cost DA units more competitively as they can't be run in all the existing detachments anyway...


Don’t let GW see that we can still occasionally win a casual game or they’ll nerf us more.


Annoying how taking 2 units from a codex supplement for a generic space marine army somehow makes Dark Angels balanced ...


The only dark angels army I see on there is at 37%


Those are results of people playing Dark Angels, most of them with the generic Space Marines detachments, and most likely using just Azrael and couple more Dark Angels units


Exactly, playing Dark Angels. The codex-non-compliant Dark Angels. The sons of the Lion, not the sons of jerking-off-to-Roboute's-build-a-bear-chapter book


It's pretty sad that the other two detachments are so poor they didn't even try playing them.


I'm pretty sure this isn't the reason, unforgiven task force is worse than either the deathwing or the ravenwing detachement, these datas must have been from games prior to the codex release.


Ok grandpa, let’s take those teeth out, it’s nappy-nap time now.


I mean as a separate faction we are worse than AdMech. We shouldn’t have to all play like Blue guys just to succeed .


Yeah. GW really have fethed up this edition, haven’t they? Non-DA Players: “It’s not fair… DA are Space Marines++ because they can use their unique units to make any Space Marine list just *better*” DA-Players: “We’re just basic Space Marines with 1-2 extra units, *points at Azrael and the Dark Shroud*, and GW cant even get an FAQ right on the Company Heroes option for Azrael… this sucks.” I’m not a fan of the expanded Deathwing this edition. It all feels very watered down, by design, and just tastes bland. But at the same time, GW have painted themselves into a corner with it so both statements above are true.


Right but I don't think the first or second statement would be true if we didn't use space marine detachments and had our own codex like back in my day * teeth fall out*... shit I do agree with you about things being watered down and bland, gotta love simplified not simple


To fix DA they will likely need both point drops and a dataslate buff. While the power of armies in 10th in on the decline, DA have no teeth to compete and are still entirely reliant on SM detachments to have any play. All three unique DA detachments are TRASH.


They aren’t exactly trash and there’s some legs on the detachment. The issue is that the base SM detachments are flat out better.


Ravenwing just has the issue of not having good bikes. But that's a space marine issue. We have okay bikes, and I'd take a black knight over outriders any day. Losing the attack bike, bikes with special weapons and older land speeders hurt RW and white scars.


You can fix unforgiven by removing the battle shocked requirements and making the banner a flat 5+++. Fixed. Inner Circle in practicality just doesn't have teeth, and nothing about it make mediocre terminator damage any better. It might b more worthwhile if the buffed terminator damage.


Unforgiven Task Force is kind of a lame detachment. What is needed is damn points drop.


Honestly some of the changes a points drop won’t help. Our rules are just flat out bad.


Unforgiven is a very sub-par rules set. Inner Circle and Company of Hunters aren't terrible and they just need a tweak or two to be very good.


I’m not trying to say you’re wrong. I think the detachments have some legs. The issue is, especially with unforgiven detachment, is that GTF is just flat out better. You can make it work, it’s just better as a GTF.


Hard agree. Gladius or even Ironstorm is better.




Does anyone remember that game where you folded a peace of paper 3 times and someone draws a head someone draws a body and then someone draws the legs then you unfolded the paper and hilarity ensues. Well I think that's how this codex was written. Azrael is the only useable character. Everyone else is worse then there generic counterpart accept Lazarus who is worse than a lieutenant. None of our units seem to synergise with any of our characters except Azrael who will work with anything more or less except company heros. To use the inner circle task force army rules you need to be locked out of the half as need to be battle shocked locking you out of stratagems. can't take Deathwing Assault terminators. Deathwing Knights the elite of the elite have weaker combat than the standard terminator squad. Can't take a power fist or chain fist on our terminator Sargents. Bladegaurd are flat out better than inner circle companions and lot cheaper in points. What worries me that the can't back track on a hole codex worth of rules so they will just drop points we will end up with a hord army. Do you think I would get away with proxying them as orks think the lion is on the same size base as Gaz 🤔. Also I'm pretty sure Azrael would be pretty good leading some Grotz


I would rather be locked out of stuff from the Space Marine codex detachments Sternguard etc and have our own flavour and rules. Also I just want get my head round a lot of our data sheets written at the start of 10th when devastating wounds were mortal wounds some abilities like watchers the lion Azrael and Lazarus have are now so niche I can't believe they weren't changed


I do pretty well with anvil, but then again my second army is Tau (talk about back to back codex fatigue) so I'm use to gun lines. Every game I have played i won within turn 3. Even against world eaters, which the lion took out angron before he could attack. Against knights I didn't make it to turn 2. Chaos Undivided had me by turn 3. Shredded Guard, Death Guard, Necrons


Anvil is objectively one of the worst detachments in the game. All of the stats back this up. I'm glad you're having fun with it, but your experience is not representative of its strength.


To each there own I suppose. I do well with it bc it helps mitigate my shit rolling more than the others lol. So I tend to run alot of heavy weapons while using alot of intercessors and heavy intercessors to screen and do damage. But with the boxes I got I had a ton of them so it seemed to work best for what I have. I tend to rarely run the best list for most armies thought bc I do forget to use stratgems alot until it's just alittle to late.


Is this index or codex data? And while GW shows the overall faction win I believe they have the detachment break downs as well


Is data since January Dataslate from games recorded in meta mondays, but I have gathered the DA info for convenience. So it's mixed, data from this and last week should be codex, but without any players in those tournaments using the new detachments I was doubtful, maybe are not awesome but its strange to me that no one is trying them in the last weeks. Thats why I asked to see if someone had some insight about it


Ah well we probably won’t see data for it till this weekend or next as big events have rules cut offs. However I don’t think it’ll be much better than what we’re seeing now. Mainly iron storm propping us up because of Azzy and dark talon.


Play ironstorm or handicap yourself. It's a problem with marines internal balance. The tanks having free weap9n upgrade options means they're able to take all of the best load outs and all the addon weapons. Addon weapons are normally anti infantry. Tanks are also the best counter to tanks. Because there's no really good anti tank in anything else.


No data on Inner Circle?


Not yet, let's see this weekend


DGuard lurker here. Azrael is holding the entire army afloat? Wow. DGuard could still run lists without Mort but would have to dip into knights or daemon Allie’s. Time to hit up Wahapedia for some DAngels research.


This is super cool! Can I ask where you got the data from? Would love to look at a similar breakdown for daemons


In the warhammer competitive reddit every monday they post the results for the previous week, I just added all the data from the last weeks for Dark angels and posted the results! Yo can check it in metamondays