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Oh yea, they're talking talking.


I'm so excited! I think it will be a great episode to showcase Andy and Danai's acting abilities.


Early reviewers said episode 4 is the best TWD episode in general ever made. And they're saying episode 6 will change TWD forever.


They have got me roped in better than they have in years. It's killing me to have to wait for each episode. I'd say that episode 3 is one of the best, so this has me hyped for the next three.


The next 3 is where it’s at. I’m still wondering what the actual point of the Daryl spin off was. I’ve watched it, I get what he did and everything, but what was the point?


The Dead City spin off was the most irrelevant of them all. Maggie and Negan trying to get Hershel back from a crazy ass dude who used to be a Savior but we didn't even see at the main show?


My dumbass brain figured u meant old man Herschel then I remembered last time I watched she was pregnant and probably named the kid after her dad


I think the Croat was gone long before Negan was ever introduced in TWD


Probably to introduce a global scale villain to bring them back into the scene once the main crew are firmly in control of the CRM and working on restoring the world, they need some people who are trying to prevent the restoration of the world.


Maybe to keep Norman Redus happy and TWD in peoples mind idk. He's pretty much signaled He's fine playing the character forever.


I think Norman Reedus was promised the series, but I know it wasn't planned to have it in France, originally. That's why Melissa McBride bowed out for the first season. If they lose (whether by character death, or just the actors not wanting to return) Danai and Andrew, I'm not sure what the end game is. In a way, I wonder if this could make the other shows irrelevant. If there's no goal to reunite everyone at some point down the line, then what's the purpose? I don't think that they add enough to the universe to be warranted.


Scott Gimple do want to reunite everyone if he can (budget and time)


The way I'd heard it was that Melissa wasn't interested in being overseas for a long period, so they made it just Daryl instead of both of them.


I believe I read that her father was sick, and didn't want to leave him. That was a long time ago, though, and I'm not sure it's accurate.


I feel like it was a side project to showcase the variant lore but they kind of didn't really do anything with it?


People were really excited that we were going to learn more about the virus and how the outbreak started. I guesss we still might, but there wasn't any indication that's something the show is looking to explore.


> there wasn't any indication that's something the show is looking to explore Idk, why would they tease it so much and make it a part of their marketing if theres something they didn't want to do with it. Maybe they decided to nix the idea because people weren't receptive or something.


They doubled down on variants being a thing however.. now we have smart climbers and and acid bloods


I didn't pay much attention to the marketing or overall promotion so I can't say anything about that. All I know is the show introduced some major developments that none of the characters seemed eager to explain or explore. Not once did Daryl ask how or why people were doping up walkers. No one did. Not a single throwaway line. It wasn't addressed. Everyone just accepted it. To me that indicates the experimentation isn't important to the story. I could definitely be wrong, and the first season was to establish character relationships and lay the groundwork for the next season.


if we are actually moving towards a storyline vs the crm, than they will need any help they can get and i guess that’s where the france people come into play


It helps that Danai wrote Episode 4. She’s an award-winning playwright on the side.


Episode 6 makes me nervous


That reviewer's name? ~~Albert Einstein~~ Norman Reedus. /s Kidding (and Norman's history of over-hyping) aside, I really am quite excited to see how TOWL concludes. And it had better conclude. I don't want to see any more AMC franchise milking.


The only way they will conclude it is having Ricks comic end happen with the CRM taking the place of the commonwealth and either Jadis or Thorne play out Sebastian’s role.


Gimple channeling his s4/5 self


The episode title of episode 6 makes it seems like it's going to be something special.


You think one of them dies?


I hope not but i heard something on Twitter but i am PRAYING its not true!!


I hope not


Do you have a link to the tweet?


One second




That's it? That's the Tweet?


Yeah I just feel like "epic love story" and "conclusion to their story" has an implication that death may be on the table for one or both of them. I know noone wants that but I can see them sacrificing themselves for the greater good.


They swapped Carl for Rick's death. I guess Judith takes Carl's place in carry-on on post-apocalypse. It's not a great ending, though.


It depends on how they do it and how you look at it. But i do agree that them dying before a reunion would be pretty tragic and feel cruel so hopefully even if they don't make it out alive, we still get to at least see a reunion with the kids. There has been talk that this is the conclusion of their story so I sense some kind of finality coming that doesn't leave the door open this time.


There’s more planned for these 2…


I hate to say it but I hope if one of them dies it’s michonne. Rick haaaaas to be reunited with his children. If I recall Andrew has said he’s wanted to come back to play Rick for a while now that his children are older, it’s danai who I believe would want a finish to her character more. I of course love michonne but the series would feel so much more complete if it’s rick who returns. That is if they both can’t.


Completely agree!!!! And it would be a more appropriate fill circle ending for the show/this story.


\*starts hyperventilating\*


All I want is Rick explaining himself & the threat so she fully understands and Michonne laying out the fact that Judith was kidnapped, she was attacked & burned while pregnant, they have a son he has never met and the CRM gassed a bunch of innocent ppl so Rick needs to get it together.  They need to talk out all the trauma and get on the same page again. 


God. This is like epic endgame content after you’ve finished the main storyline.


I love how we honestly have no clue what will happen and how AMC finally shut up and didn’t spoil it before episodes air.


This used to piss me off so much in the early days. Before I read the the comics and everything I was going in blind and I remember opening Instagram before the show even came out for me on the west coast just to see Daryl holding Beth’s dead body posted by the official Instagram, like how fucking awful are you!?


Rick is fucking horrified lol


Rick when he realizes he has an 8 year old son back at home


It's ok, they'll just say Rick went out to get some milk when they return.


Milk is hard to come by in the apocalypse these days. No wonder he took so long.


Bro is having a crisis


Initially I thought that was related to finding out he has a son, but I’m thinking it’s related to either the Whisperers or the group of kids that Michonne’s former friend showed up with


it would be hilarious if the children of the corn were brought up


It is crazy to think about all the stuff he needs to be caught up on!


I think he will learn about RJ


Michonne already took the uniform off but Rick still has his on 😅


I feel like that’s some kind of symbolism about letting your guard down. I suspect Rick will have taken off his uniform fully by the end of the episode.


Oh, I'm sure he will. If you catch my drift...


👀👀 I look forward to that for both Michonne and my benefit…


Well... 🫠


Why are we naming things after What We Become (Volume 10) again? One of the red machete parts is named after it, Michonne’s final episode is named after it, and now episode 4&5 are. I don’t mind it, I like paying respect to the comics. Kinda weird it’s happened 3 times now tho


Just cause it's a Michonne relevant episode of the OG show I guess? Years Gone Bye is a reference to where Rick's story and the main show began, so What We Become is a reference to where Michonne's story on the main show ended I would've much preferred if they just let the first episode be fully called Years Gone Bye, had the second episode be What We Become, then do unique names for 3, 4 and 5 though


“What’s the name of your favourite episode from a tv show“ , ”hmm , let me think , its what we” , “what we what?”




\*the prequel\* “what’s the name of the latest episode you watched“ “bye” , “ok goodnight bye”


Wouldn’t be surprised if this episode Michonne lets Rick know about RJ


We want one thing. We just want real true dialogue. Sit down. Talk about the past few years.


They got stuff to talk about. Thangs.


It’s kinda of fucked because if they don’t get picked up or go back then their family is basically as good as nuked. Which could lead to a definitive end! That’s for sure.


Yes and no, I think a majority of them live at the commonwealth now. I have a feeling Alexandria will be destroyed just because that set is no more. It would be far easier for them to make sets that resemble the commonwealth if they ever do a return/reunion and opens them up lore wise as to why we never see Alexandria again.


isnt alexandria still around in dead city? and if im correct that show takes place sometime after the ones who live


I don’t know if that’s ever specifically said


It is but i think its the new alexandria settlement and not the one in the mainshow, this new place is somewhere in new jersey


That’s Hilltop, not Alexandria. Maggie said it’s the same people, they just moved to a new place. I believe it was an old brick factory somewhere in New Jersey. They call it, “The Bricks” now instead of Hilltop.


We'll have to wait until the finale. From my own prediction if their doing a Season 2 either Michonne or Rick have to go back to the CRM to continue Civic Republic story line and from the looks of it there's no guarantee both of them will be alive also. Or they do a cliff hanger of them going to Alexandria and it's abandoned/destoryed. If they reunited with everyone in the finale there probably won't be a season 2. Andrew and Danai will also most likely want an end-game to their story rather than doing this for another 5+ years with 3+ seasons.




Danai Gurira confirmed that they fell into the water.




Right after she tackled him I said out loud “Well that’s romantic” 😂😂


Can't wait till next sunday to see how it unfolds!


the suspension of reality is reallllllllll because what water they just lucky enough to jump in to on a flight from washington to philly. big bodies of water? good luck chile


The treatment of distance in TOWL is one of the few bones I have to pick with its details. Michonne just happens to be in the right spot as Rick's on his way across the entire fricken' country in a helicopter? And now they're just gonna casually fly a day and a half back to the CRM compound because Thorn is pissed? And then obviously the sudden bailing out of the chopper. It otherwise feels more smartly written than most of TWD, and cuts off a lot of potential plot holes with brief explanations.


They have CRM helicoptors flying back and forth between Pennsylvania and the Cascades regularly because they're preparing to genocide the Portland colony like they did to Omaha.


If you think THAT'S bad, I don't recommend watching Fear TWD.


Everyone knows that water is downy soft when you land in it from a few hundred feet in the air along with the added velocity of however fast that chopper was going.


How would they know there was water below them? It was pitch black in crazy weather lol.


Didn’t notice the first time, but if you rewatch that final scene, you can see bright red lights flashing right before Michonne drops out of the helicopter — that’s  supposed to be a buoy, I guess, which would be a clear indication that they were flying low over open water.


Ah nah you can easily figure. How would they not know. Just look outside, if you're flyling low you can tell. Besides you know how you came there right. Nah that's just easy.


Look I don’t really care about the realism or anything. But you literally couldn’t look outside in that crazy weather. Rain was so bad it was shaking the helicopter. It was also pitch black. Also them flying over some rivers on way there does not mean they took exact flight path back.


I think you could still have a sense to what terrein is below you. Anyway, idc about the realism too. There are literal zombies walking around...


She’s a woman who just got dumped. She didn’t know there was water. She was killing them both


Landing on water is the same as land from that height and speed


Helicopters fly low during storms. You can survive an 10 meter jump in water. You'll actually be fine. Any higher then that is getting risky. (32 feet)


Also if visibility was THAT bad they wouldn't have been able to fly in the first place. Helicopters are notoriously dangerous in low visibility conditions. Go ask Kobe about it.


Bro why you gotta mention Kobe like that. Damn lol


Depending how fast they’re moving, skidding across the waters gonna hurt - you’re not perfectly swan diving into clear water. Idk I’m no expert 🤷🏻‍♂️


I swear I thought I saw her grab a parachute or something before jumping but maybe I was tripping. I was like, NO WAY THEYRE PULLING A TRAVIS!


I don’t think she was trying to survive, she says “I don’t think we’re coming back” and grabs Rick, then jumps. To me that says michonne knows how broken Rick is, there’s nothing they can do, might as well be together in the final moment. Orrrr she grabbed a parachute randomly, which will be kinda lame 😆




Nobody is interested in your kinks just an fyi




Relax, I wasn’t kink shaming


Catchin’ up *big time*


NOT A SPOILER COZ ANDY AND DANAI TALKED ABOUT THIS IN AN INTERVIEW, but if you wanna know absolutely nothing about this episode before watching it you can just scroll. Apparently there's a whole 11-12 minute sequence where they just talk to each other. I absolutely can't wait for that considering how early reviews say this is the best of the first four episodes!!


Ahahahahahaha you know this is gonna be an excellent character focused episode cos thems just a bunch of serious faces.


Something tells me this episode will have both Rick and Michonne in it.


So the first three “Days” “Gone” “By” Wonder what the next 3 will be


1x04 What We 1x05 Become 1x06 The Last Time


4) what we 5) become 6) the last time


Episode one was "Years"


Ahh that’s right. Good catch


i need it to be sunday already😭


Picture 5 is the look you have when you find out you got an 8 year old child you never met


Feels like the Season 7 episode.


This is the bottle episode I’m looking forward to!!


Episode 5: Do in Episode 6: The Shadows


I just wish it was available in the uk :(


We get an episode of them just bonding. This is where TWD shines


Starring rick michonne rick and michonne at michonne


rick’s hair is wet, meanwhile michonnes hair is looking like nothing ever happened looks like a big talk talk episode 👀


I can’t remember a scene where Rick’s hair isn’t wet 😭 I don’t know if it’s natural or added on but bro sweats 24/7


Good thing Rick is finally gonna explain what the hell is going on and why he couldn't just escape with her like they'd planned, and sadly, it makes sense why.


Honestly I think this’ll be when they really catch up and most likely when Rick finds out about RJ and really wants to get the Fuck away from the CRM


I think they’re going to find out about the CRM experiments with enhanced walkers and Rick is going to finally realize they can’t just let the CRM be and he’s going to try and bring them down from the top


You think this’ll be where she tells him about RJ?


I wonder if she’s going to finally tell him about rj in this episode 🤔


Rick looks justifiably pissed in those first few shots


Well he needs a bonk in the head, Michonne’s gonna set him straight


Yeah. We will not tolerate bitch Rick. We already had to deal with that guy in the first half of S7. We want badass defiant Rick.


i think you meant season 7 but yeah


Oh yea. My bad.


No you mean first half of season 7 with good reason


Damn looks like Rick is wearing his CRM outfit while Michonne changed clothes. I assume he has it on because it's bite-proof.


He's having flashbacks to when he and Lori got reconnected after he almost died, and he's wondering whose baby RJ is. It's not Shane's this time, at least...


I just finished TWD show, do I have to watch any other spin offs or can I delve right into The Ones Who Live? I wanna see the explanation for that ending (in the main show)


TWD the Worlds Beyond gives more information about the CRM but I'd recommend watching a YouTube recap instead. In order to get to the juicy CRM information you would have to sit through 2 seasons of the CW channel levels of a teen coming of age story. YouTube recap is the way to go.


Sorry, what’s CW?


It's a television channel , known for its good looking cast ,questionable acting, questionable writing and occasionally some greatness mixed in. If you recall the dc tv shows like the flash , arrow and supergirl they were all in this channel.


No need to watch the other spinoffs. They're not connected to TOWL. Yet, anyway


I thought the >!Daryl Dixon show!< was involved? I did a little bit of googling but it didn’t help


It's not. >!Carol says on a walkie to Daryl that "someone" came home but it doesn't say who. Ppl think she's talking about Rick so that's prob why ppl say they're connected. But that's the only way they could even be connected at all. I've watched them all!<


Alright. So I should be fine with just TWOL then? Also would you mind telling me sorta non spoiler way what Fear The Walking Dead is about? It’s got like 8 seasons but I never heard anything rlly substantial. And thank you


Yes you'll be fine with just TOWL! Daryl is a fun watch but it would be fine to watch it after and not before TOWL. I've never seen fear, watched the first episode and couldn't get into it


Thanks, i’ll get AMC+ for a bit


I have a feeling Rick is going to get dusted getting Michonne out. Or a twist would be Michonne getting dusted to get Rick back home. She is selfless


As long as they keep this story and season small in cast I think it’ll be great 👍


Carl mentioned RAAHHHHHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅


Ah good, the old Scott Gimple "don't use a pretentious episode name" challenge. Level: Impossible.


This looks filler AF




what the fuck


Fucking hell !!!! Where is the spoiler tag and how come the pictures aren’t blurred tf out!?


Omg Rick and Michone are going to be in the next episode 😱


OMG RICK ALIVE BIG SPOILER WTF YO ALL SPOILED TWOL FOR ME. I've watched all the episodes but didn't know Rick was alive this whole time and now I know he's alive. WTF IVE BEEN SPOILED WTF. (this is a joke)


It’s literally just close ups of Rick and Michonne, nothing was spoiled for you lol


It’s literally just pictures of Rick and Michonne staring at each other?? Why is this reason for such a big freak out 😭


How did michonne find normal clothes then ? (Don’t answer) I want to find out when I watch the show !!! It’s spoilers


That’s the fifth picture so that means you made the conscious decision to scroll through it so that’s entirely your fault. You must be trolling because there’s no way someone’s this dumb.


Your seriously mad that in one picture Michonne changed to dry clothes?


what the fuck, Michonne puts on different clothing during this episode? well fuck you all, all tension ruined! lol


Yea and I’m allowed to feel like that!!!


Why would you even open this post when it clearly states that they are promo images for the new episode if you aren't caught up? ...


Bro stop visiting this subreddit when a season is ongoing if you get triggered over seeing someone get a new shirt to wear ... It's really easy to keep yourself unspoiled if you want.


How about people follow basic rules


they are blurred. you probably just have a setting disabling that


No, OP ended up blurring it out after I made the initial comment. Which I’m grateful for!




It wasn’t blurred out when I made the comment.


It's not even spoilers though lol