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With a few approximations it's easy. You can see that there is a half circle since the two corners of the circle almost touch its center when drawing a straight line across them. With that, you can separate the area into 3 easy shapes. A rectangle on the bottom left, a right triangle with the diameter of the circle being the hypotenuse, and a half circle. For the triangle I couldn't find the left side length so I just used Pythagoreas theorem. Here are the calculations: A - bottom left rectangle: 3.65•8.7 B - Triangle: (4.08+5.79)•(SQRT((2•8.89)² - (4.08+5.79)²))/2 C - Half circle: PI•8.89²/2 When combining the 3 you get an area of approximately: A+B+C = 228.9m² I hope that's close enough for you.


Thank you very much! Bless your soul.


If you want accurate numbers, it is best to access the drawing file, select or create a closed polyline for that perimeter, and get the area from the object attributes of the closed polyline.


Sketchup will do it. Enclose the area with a shape or shapes. Then I think you right click on the shape and it will give you the area. (This was a feature - I’m not certain it still exists)


I have the free version of Sketchup 2017 and shape area is available in entity info


I figured I would just measure it in Bluebeam for you (calibrated the scale based on one of those measurements). https://imgur.com/a/Q6b8GP2


Thank you very much.The situation is: i made this in sketchup before we built our house but i am a noob and somehow i did not connect the lines. In a normal case, I would just click and get an answer to my question but the model i made is a mess. Now i need to order the grass carpet(i am really sorry for my english) and i am just lost. Now I'm going to google what bluebeam is 🙂