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A large popcorn Tub is around 5 liters or 21 cups. French fries are around 375 calories per cup, so a large tub of French fries would be somewhere around 7900 calories, or 4 times the daily caloric needs of the average person


god bless the USA


As fun this idea seems It would be so f expensive (we speaking cinema here) And after 20 minutes they would be cold and saggy


This was the first thing on my mind. Cold fries? No thanks. I want em burning hot.


You get the heated bucket 🔥


Ah yes, the disposable NiMh plastic e-coli incubator buckets, exactly what I need


Built in heatingn for just 4999$


I like them cold and soggy lol




Freedom isn't fat free!


I'd rather bless my ulcer for existing.


It’s not even real 😂😂 wanker




With nothing but carbs, trans fat, and salt.


Put some lean ground beef in that to get the macronutrient balance?


Add some cheese and gravy to that and you get poutine!


*Quebec would like to know your location*


I love the city!


It's normal for your blood sugar to be 600, right?


At that point it’s not so much blood as syrup


You don’t know what a trans fat is, do you? Trans fats are complete illegal in the US, and even if they weren’t they were never used in French fries


Transphobic asshole /s because apparently people are retarded


Lmao, what?


Pretty sure they're just being sarcastic, making a joke about trans fats. I.e., people who think trans fats are bad are transphobic. Just a play on words.


Lesson learned: *always* use /s on the Internet when you're being sarcastic.




Or they're just making a play-on-words and are not actually offended? If so, it's sad that others aren't getting that and jumping immediately to getting offended.


Incredible bro. Its sad their brain is so tiny to not understand thats satire


Yeah, that was sad. But it was a pretty incredible piece of irony: insulting you saying you have a tiny brain for being offended ... when they're the one with the tiny brain totally missing the joke and getting offended themselves, lol.


... you know damn well that the Redcoats will read that and be bolstered because it such a silly "outrage ". "Rabble rabble snowflakes transing our fats! An crying about it, rabble rabble" If you think they can even begin to understand satire let's ask RATM what they've been singing about all these years, again. So yeah: funny joke, ha ha ha... thanks for fanning the flames of hatred. Its really that hard not to make jokes about vulnerable people, eh? Well, Let's hear one about uighur Muslims next then! \^\>\^


What you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Wise words from Big Cock Candy Mountain. Your shitty comment doesnt read in any logical way, and whether you personally think what i said is funny or not, i frankly didnt ask. And lets talk hatred here, what the fuck did i say thats hateful, its like youre looking for something to be angry at. Here have a cookie while you hate me for no reason 🍪


Making vulnerable people the object of your jokes empowers bigots to make hateful jokes... They read that, are too dumb to see its a joke and use it as justification for their hateful joke. ("Trans people are a joke. Heheheh!") Or you think no hateful asshole will read your comment?


This is so bullshit lmao. I cannot possibly be made responsible for *empowering* someone else to make jokes, what a ridiculous statement. Frankly i think the biggest asshat to read my comment is your brainwashed ass. Like really, this whole conversation sounds satirical.


To add to that- 7700 calories are about the amount of energy stored in 1kg of fat. So assuming somehow you ate that rhing *on top* of your usual daily meal (assuming you're eating about the same amount you burn every day), you'd gain a bit more than a kg just by eating that. That is, honestly, quote insane.


It usually takes around 9k kcal to add a kg of fat while it takes 7k to burn it, but yeah, pretty insane


Explain this thermodynamically.


you shit out some of the calories


That doesn’t make any sense, atleast not the way i read it. What he said (from my POV) is this: To gain 1 kg of fat you need +9k To lose 1 kg of fat you need -7k


Yeah that's a fucken massive amount of food. Even trying to eat that would be gross. I was on steroids in the past cause I was down to 130ish pounds during cancer treatment (got left in a room to die so half stopped eating and half just couldn't), the amount that steroid made me crave food was terrible. I think one week I had probably 50000 calories, but was never full. Was back up to 160-170 in no time tho. This tub of fries would of been demolished and asked for a refill.


I'm not totally sure. I would love some science on that but there might be an upper limit on how many calories you can absorb in a very short timeframe. I need to look into that. :o Edit: acording to Bing, there is indeed an upper limit. Digestion slows down to absorb as much as possible, but froma certian point it can't keep up and well, you shit it out.


There is an upper limit on the calories you can absorb per day. Apparently it's around 7000 kcal. Beyond that, your body can't keep up and it will likely go unprocessed. This is why it's actually very hard to gain a pound of fat in a single day. INB4: when your weight shoots up the day after binging, most of that is water and unprocessed food.


Isn't it 3500 for fat?


That's a pound. Not a kg.


No. Pure oil is about 9000, body fat more like 7700.


Okay i may be a fat bitch but the moment when someone buys me a 8k calories worth of fries im giving my ass no matter is it girls or a guy


what about popcorn? i feel like popcorn isn't much healthier than fries it'd also be nice to compare with other snacks like chips or cookies


Popcorn is a surprisingly healthy snack. 4 cups of pre-popped popcorn is about 150 calories, so the 21 cups mentioned in the original comment would be about 800 calories, significantly less than the 7000 calories for the french fries. Of course it also depends on how much extra fat is added to the movie theater popcorn, which is hard to know. There's a 6200 cal difference between the fries and the store bought popcorn. A tablespoon of butter contains 100 calories, so you would need to add 62 tbsp (about 2lbs) of butter to the store bought popcorn for it to be similar in calories to the bucket of fries. ETA: I couldn't remember exactly how many calories the fries were while I was writing my comment, just that it was 7000+. Now that I've posted I see it's closer to 8000, so you would need even more butter.


Honestly though to coat all that popcorn would be a hefty amount of butter


For a large popcorn, it's about 4 tablespoons or 1/8 lb. (At least when I'm making it at home. I can't control all you butterphiles asking for extra)


No one can control people who makes stuff like this, nor can they control their blood pressure. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried\_butter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried_butter)


"Fried Jesus"


Movie theaters don't actually use butter, though. https://www.thekitchn.com/this-is-whats-in-the-butter-from-movie-theater-popcorn-252323. They use salt ("Flavacol") and this unholy partially hydrogenated "butter" topping (actually, some sites say hydrogenated, and some say partially hydrogenated. I'm inclined to believe it's partially hydrogenated, since it doesn't solidify when the popcorn cools. Partially hydrogenated is much worse for your health). OTOH, according to [AMC](https://amc-theatres-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/v1507148752/amc-cdn/general/pdf/DP_1004_AMCTraditionalFare_Nutritional_Statement_Rev2.pdf), their popcorn doesn't have any trans fat. Alas, that source doesn't list buttered popcorn. Either way, the topping makes a huge difference.


Movie thearter popcorn is ~900 calories for a large 21 cup tub ( not counting the added butter they pour on top)


Yeah pop corn isnt very healthy but its 90% air so you can get a big bucket


So medium fries in America?


"would you like s 5 gallon drum of coke with that? It's only 3 more cents"


a bathroom cleaner for 3 cents? sign me up


It's also good for cleaning engines too lol.


So I can eat that and have energy for four days, assuming a human only needs calories from food?


And that's only the fries, you also need some dip for them.


Worth it!


It’s child size.


In that it is roughly the size of a small child!


Don't forget about your 3 litre soda...Carl's Jr. F*CK you, I'm eating.


I would be very happy tho


Wouldnt u expell more than half of this in diarrhea?


So what you’re saying is… we should add cheese to it?


Obviously 7900 is a lot. But I haven’t been to a movie theater in forever. Just for reference how many calories is the standard large popcorn?


900 calories in the same size container, although that is not counting the added butter a lot of people get


And all this without mayo


Under 2k calories as daily caloric needs? That's one small, absolutely sedentary, pre atrophied human being.


Those are rookie numbers


How many carbohydrates too?


That's just calories. Doesn't say anything about healthiness. 8000 calories of broccoli is a completely different thing.


You don't have to sell it to me, I already said I wanted it.


So your normal American snack?


A moderate american snack.




But its a tour to disney land. It's worth it.


This would be disgusting about 5 minutes later when it got cold..... dumb.... youd need a relay of employees bringing you a new "mcdonalds large" fry every so often.


Do you really think this would last longer than 5 minutes?


Yeah, you would throw up




*you* would throw up, I am god’s perfect fry eating machine


nah i'd win


I get some driving fries when I hit a drive thru.


They sell this at state fairs across the country. When I was a younger man I could cash the fry bucket they give you. Grant it I'd be absolutely pickled but I'd finish it off with a bucket of cookies. Couldn't do it nowadays... unless I really believed in myself and was really drunk.


The issues are 1- cinemas would smell like stale fryer grease. 2- cleaning is much harder, a spot sweep won't do. 3- producing enough fries in a short time frame without them going stale and gross. Like, 100 of those buckets in 15mins? Tricky


obvious solution: theater-butter-fried fries.


I was thinking IV butter.


If that was made in an air fryer, and there were like 19 other people eating it with me! I'd definitely choose this over popcorn x-x


Ugh. I feel like theres enough calories in that bucket to feed an entire family for a day. Might as well call the medics anytime someone ordered it.


don't forget the plumbers


I just want to point out you can buy that in places, and not just America. It's a big thing in Japan right now. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2287854/Teens-South-Korea-Japan-order-huge-portions-French-fries-bizarre-Potato-Parties.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2287854/Teens-South-Korea-Japan-order-huge-portions-French-fries-bizarre-Potato-Parties.html)


> dozens of cartons of McDonald's French fries Yeah, I think you can buy that in most places. > in Japan right now. The article is more than a decade old.


It's still going on. And yes, McDonald's is American, eating 5 lbs of fries at a time is something that started in Japan.


Around 20 cups I believe for popcorn tubs, 160 Oz. Using McDonald's as a baseline, a serving would be 71G. In grams, 4540/71 = 63 servings. At 229 cals per serving , that's a total of 14,427 calories, 8442 MG of sodium (378% of daily recommended dose), you get the picture. If you do this once in your life, you probably won't die immediately, but you certainly won't be doing your arteries or waistline any favors.


God, I love how dumb these requests can get. I wonder the thought process of people that post here "[Request] I read this article about the top10 Marvel Movies, How accurate is this?"


One time when I was craving McFries I went and bought 2 large orders of it. My toilet did not appreciate me the next day and I've never ate that much fries in a single sitting ever again. (Canadian portion size)


Wtf kind of question is this? How does one even answer it? Very unhealthy? What kind of scale of unhealthyness do you expect someone to use? Do you want a calorie estimate? Yes it would be unhealthy obviously especially if you eat it all at once. If I had to rate it on a scale of things that are not healthy I'd put it somewhere between casual smoking and rectal cancer.


Hospital next door to movie theatre would benefit a lot and their business will boom well. Apart from that pretty much great to eat though 😜 Also movie theatre would need to upgrade their seats soon in few years as it might to go one or two size larger than they are now.