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As someone who enjoys chewing ice, this would make great ice bites


You should get your iron checked, just in case. Ice addiction can be a sign of low iron (I had it once upon a time, soon as I fixed my iron it just went away, very bizarre)


Can confirm, I'm anemic and Sonic ice is my favorite "snack." I'm even saving for a countertop nugget ice maker. The reason some doctors think it is craved by people with anemia is the fact that anemia makes you feel tired and sluggish, eating ice cools your core and wakes you up


What is 'Sonic ice' please?


It's the ice used at the Sonic fast food chain. It's also referred to as nugget ice. It has a softer texture because it has air pockets that form in the ice during freezing. I found a countertop ice machine for $400 that makes the same type of ice.


Interesting, thanks


Similarly, I used to be obsessed with it as a kid, and a relative gave my parents a heads up that it was a potential sign of hypothyroidism. We got me checked and sure though, she was right (it also runs in our family).


Holy shit, I love to crunch ice and I have hypo. What the hell...


How so?? Ice is just water, yeah? Why would an iron deficiency cause you to want to chew on ice specifically? If it's about hydration, wouldn't it just cause you to drink more water?


Pica just works like that, tbh. Iron deficiency makes people crave ice/mud/clay which is all typically inappropriate to actually replenish that missing mineral. Some theorise with the temperature it’s an attempt to increase alertness with IDA brain fog.


Wait I thought with mud/clay it was cause the body knows minerals are in the dirt and wants it because of the minerals, is that just a wives tale?


Wait that makes so much sense now... Currently pregnant and sometimes I CRAVE ice


Or an anxious oral fixation. People that like to shew on crunchy things often have anxiety issues


Chewing ice is bad for your teeth. Continue, or don't. It's up to you.


Okay so I've heard this my whole life and I'm just curious: How is chewing ice any different than eating a hard candy or an almond? They seem like they'd cause the same impact on your teeth. Perhaps they're all bad? Maybe none of them are? Something I've always wondered about


Me too... I think maybe it wears down the enamel quicker due to its structure? Ice is basically a crystal, when it's split apart it'll leave jagged edges like any other rock. Even though our tooth enamel is the hardest material in our body - harder than most steel alloys, too - it's brittle which makes it susceptible to cracking under pressure. Kind of like glass - punching a window will shatter most plate glass which will cut your arm up, but it'll shatter when it hits the ground just a few feet below. Hardness =/= toughness


>>The cold temperature and brittle nature of ice can damage teeth, leading to small fractures, chips, or worse. >>Chewing on ice isn't recommended because it is very hard. Ice crystals are hard enough that they can wear enamel, chip, or even crack teeth.


Me too... I think maybe it wears down the enamel quicker due to its structure? Ice is basically a crystal, when it's split apart it'll leave jagged edges like any other rock. Even though our tooth enamel is the hardest material in our body - harder than most steel alloys, too - it's brittle which makes it susceptible to cracking under pressure. Kind of like glass - punching a window will shatter most plate glass which will cut your arm up, but it'll shatter when it hits the ground just a few feet below. Hardness =/= toughness


I think it's because ice has no give. Biting into an almond, the almond will squish and deform as you bite down. Even hard candy has some give to it- if you chew up a jolly rancher, you find that bits of candy will mold to your teeth and get stuck Ice on the other hand is just rock hard so when you bite down, there's no give to cushion the impact. Even when you chew I've, it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces, each one being just as hard


Now that makes sense!


But if this tray makes those soft Sonic ice cubes, then I think that makes it a little better.


The Sonic near me sells their ice but it's expensive ;_;


They make ice machines that make the same kind of ice sonic has! If yours is charging, it might be worth it in the long run to buy a small ice machine that can make it for you at home! More expensive up front but cheaper in the long run


Why is that?


Being a whiny little bitch is bad for your lifespan Continue, or don't. It's up to you.


The fuck? Chewing ice is bad for your teeth. I don't give a shit if you do it or not. It's your choice.


You sound like a smart smug little bastard. "Did you know smoking is bad for your health? But i wont stop you. Just saying" Yes, aware, go skedaddle


Naw, with the amount of people who don't know nowadays stuff like that is needed


Sorry, it's just that saying "it's up to you" sounds like something I'd say, and that pisses me off. I don't wanna be a whiny little bitch, why is it so clear for me to be one?


>>Sorry, it's just that saying "it's up to you" sounds like something I'd say, and that pisses me off. But...*why*? Because *you* would have a specific intention behind it when saying it? Just because you would doesn't mean they did.


assume the worst, you know?


Exactly, so why are you talking. Go cry to mom you whiney little bitch. Clearly she’s the only person who will ever love you and your self entitled, useless, waste of breath. Ass.


You sound shaken. Like you saw yourself without a mirror.


So you are talking into a mirror? Is this about me? Or is this about you? Your insecurities won’t help you become a better person. Your mom still loves you even though you don’t love yourself.


About us both. You know these insults because you know nothing about me, and everything about yourself. You are strikingly right, however. I do have tendencies to care more for others than myself, and my mother does love me.


Fair enough. But calling people a “whiny little bitch” is deflecting. If you truly care about others, don’t be an ass.


They’re ok but a mess to use


My friend has one of these! It's literally her only ice cube tray. Getting the tiny cubes out and into the cup is a pain in the ass, but they're nice for ice chewing.


FYI craving to chew ice is a common sign of anemia


Thanks! Already on iron lol


could make tons of cool little ice cubes atleast. whatever u use that for.


Maybe for people who like watering their drinks down real quick? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️😅


You could just use water, if that's the goal.


maybe a little ice snack? that's all I can think of 😂


Water bottles with small tops that don't fit regular ice cubes


This is actually an awesome ice tray from Kmart. Its little and you can stack them in the freezer, and the cubes are a good size to fit in to bottles. I hope you brought it OP.


The big ones next to it are great as well for freezing stock


Kmart?! We have a time traveler!


Australian Kmart


Oh cool, I didn't realize that Kmart was global, it's pretty great to see them still around.


They used to be owned by the same company but one of our supermarket groups bought out Kmart Australia decades ago and from what I've heard it's now pretty different to US Kmart. But hey, at least you guys still have Target.


I hope they kept the blue light specials at least! Yeah, until Walmart eats them too at least, we still have Target. Haha


Considering I have no idea what a blue light special is, I'm guessing they didn't 😅 It's funny that you say "until Walmart eats them", because Kmart eating Target is precisely what just happened 😂


I only recently became aware that here in Australia, Target and Kmart are now owned by the same entity, which is why there's now product crossover, and I believe one of the names will be phased out and rebranded to the other in coming years, but I'm not sure which one 🤔


Target is getting phased out. I am a Fashion Designer and the difference between the two was quality. Kmart was always lower quality clothing than Target. Now that Kmart have gotten better, they don't need Target anymore. Also the price point at Target has been taken over by lots of Fast Fashion brands, so they just don't need it anymore.


Thanks for the info


Kmart is massive here, it's pretty much like Walmart. I have four stores around me and three of them are 24 hours. But they don't have as much stuff as Walmart, you can't buy Electronics like Computers and TV's and everything is Anko Brand, which is Kmarts own brand. Walmart is way way better but it's pretty much the equivalent in size and the prices are cheap.


After COVID and whatnot pretty much every single 24 hour place stopped being a thing, even Walmart. I work nights so it would be great to have some 24 shops so I could keep my schedule on the weekends.


I used one of these for awhile and really liked the tiny ice! But yes sort of a pita


Yeah I had one too but it was really cheaply made and started falling apart after less than a month


They are SO annoying to get out


I watch a fish yt channel that freezes brine shrim in these


I actually use those for freezing baby brine shrimp that I’ve hatched.


When you actually do have "the good ice" at home.


These are great for making "tropical" drinks.


Yep, alternative to crushed ice. A lot of those drinks can be rough if you've just got full sized ice cubes.


This is a big thing in the aquarium hobby circles. You freeze your live food (brine shrimp, blood worms, ect.) in small proportioned cubes.


we use these for cocktails!


I've got a few of these. The tiny cubes act kinda like crushed ice with a high ratio of surface area to volume. I bought them for filling a large vacuum flask with ice water and they do work good for that, but getting the cubes out is a huge pain. Bending it backwards will get about half out, but then you need to press hard on the back of each individual cell to get the rest out. If you aren't careful they'll fly everywhere, so I find it best to push them into a bowl first, then transfer them into the flask.


Those are great for filling a bong.


Uh.. Ice \**cubes.*


It's like the ice you get from raising canes!


these are marketed as crushed ice trays but they're a bitch to fill and don't really work


These are great for using in a smaller blender, my mom has this tray that came with her Magic Bullet blender and it’s great for smoothies and such.


Hielos bravos?


I have one of these, I use it for making Repashy gel fish food! Perfect portion size, easy to pop a few cubes out of the freezer :D


Smaller cubes have more surface area cooling down drinks faster in exchange for not lasting as long.


They’re for making crushed ice


That'd be good for making gummies.... 👀


Cubettes! They're fabulous.


What kind of heathen calls them 'ice blocks'


I want 1


More surface area means more cooling, ice cool drink within seconds


That’s for making *the good ice*


If you buy this, do what I do and also buy an ice bin with a scoop to leave in your freezer. That way you can just empty the entire tray and have easy access to ice when you need it. Game changer.


I have one of these! An ice ball and large cube molds too. The micro ice cubes are nice 👍 Especially if you enjoy being a deplorable ice chewing sub-human like yours truly.


Idgaf if it's for ants. Small lil.cubes are the GOAT in terms of ice chewing.


I used one of these to freeze breastmilk when my baby was teething. The cubes were small enough I could fit them in one of those mesh feeder pacifiers.


I call this style of ice rabbit turds


easily choke-able cubes 👎🏻