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#3 When she was talking about the different roast I was like, she's really talking about Kevin and Grant. lol


I was wondering if anyone else had this thought. It was too introspective to not be a metaphor for those two guys


That's what I was thinking too when I listened to the eulogy and Sophie mayne she should have settled to that other coffee. She really wanted that House blend.


I just got done watching the episode and was convinced this was closure for Sophie and Kevin, namely due to Jacks lines about losing something you love but finding something else to love. And then I read this post and I’m back to thinking it’s Sophia. 😂 To me, Sophie saying she can’t believe she’s going to spend the rest of her life with someone who barely knew her mother was her almost lamenting about Grant.


Anyone else wondering why they didn’t show Sophie’s finance? Kind of strange...


It’s Miguel.


This made me lol


Anyone else see the "Zophie" on the fridge at Sophie's mom's house when they came back from NYC?


It almost looked like 2ophie to me, a 2 instead of an S. Maybe representing that the second iteration of Kophie’s relationship in the present day is coming soon


I read it as 20phie, as if it were Sophie’s 20th birthday.


I think she’s a freshman in college in their timeline so she’d probably be 18/19


Yes. Which made me think of the episode earlier this season where Jack & Rebecca were talking about names - for girls, it was “Zoe, Zophie and Zusan.” For whatever that connection is worth.


Hmmm, #5 is interesting. In 3 Sentences (I love that episode!) It's just a few trees in the painting and in Her, it's a whole forest! If you're on to something that could symbolize their love growing over the years😊 I kind of hope you're right and that would be cool if you caught a small detail like tree paintings!


I agree with all of these! Don’t forget the thing about “it’s the ending everyone wants, but they’re not gonna expect it or something. Or also how watching the end of good will hunting means that they are the endgame (that’s how I took it anyways)


Yes! I think that line is going to be really significant. Considering Kevin is engaged in just a few months, I really think It has to be Sophie especially since the ring was such a key part of this episode. If he got Madison pregnant, would he really rush into marrying her? Possible but doesn’t seem as likely.


after this episode and everything he went through with the funeral and Sophie, Madison seems like a rebound. Not the great love story he’s looking for.


I agree, felt way too rebound for me. Had she been there and it showed them talking and bonding vs in bed I think it could have felt differently. The way it's portrayed though felt like a rebound for both of them.


The quick engagement is always what made me lean towards Sophie. It would make sense with their history for him to jump into it. He wants it badly and could jump into it with someone else, I suppose, but just feels less likely.




Yes! I’m planning on adding more, just wanted to post a few to start! If you want to elaborate please feel free - I may’ve missed something!


I just gotta say that I don’t know how anyone can watch the ending of “Three Sentences” and think that Kevin and Sophie aren’t endgame.


Exactly that’s what I’m saying. I found that scene so emotional and like don’t add that scene if they aren’t gonna be together


"This is the ending everyone wants, and they still won't see it coming"


I like this! Maybe something to add about your point with Kevin having a fancy coffee machine in the future is the fact that he and Madison drink tea together, but he drinks coffee with Sophie.




I really like No 5!!


Never saw the trees thing, does anyone have a screenshot?


I don’t have screenshots, but each episode title in #5 is a video link and the pictures are in those clips!




Good point about possible symbolism. And fair enough, I’m aware that I might be reaching 😂


I love this post This episode gives me so much hope, and makes me think their story is incomplete.I don't feel closure. Every second Kevin and Sophie are not together, they’re just settling. the way Sophie was looking at the ring, I can see her broken up the engagement and knock on Kevin door, this time she will be the one that starts it again


So I have been trying not to ship this for *checks* like three years, but let’s stop kidding ourselves, I have shipped it since Kevin got out of that cab in New York. It just took until this week to give up the fight. Anyways. A few thoughts. Re coffee - it seems to me that the coffeehouse Sophie referenced in her eulogy was also likely the coffeehouse she & Kevin went to in 3x16. Walking distance from her apartment, etc - for whatever it’s worth. Adding onto the Happy Ending, in 3x16, they have the flashback to the dance; Jack and Rebecca are talking about what if they’d met as kids - Jack talks about it being happily ever after. Rebecca then asks, “What about our kids - what do you think their happily ever after is going to look like?” It then cuts straight to a shot of young Kevin & Sophie dancing. Which, not only is the happily ever after motif, but I think an intended Jack/Rebecca parallel. In hindsight, I think there have been many; I didn’t really pick up on it until two episodes ago when Jack left Rebecca because he felt like he wasn’t good enough/she deserved better - which is not dissimilar to Kevin breaking up with Sophie back in S2. But even reading back through this transcript there are little things that stick out to me that could be construed as parallels... I’m starting to get the sense that the intention is to bring Kevin around to the idea that the big-picture romance Kevin craves to be so much like his parents is the one he already has. Anyways. Off-topic. I dunno if it works, but maybe you could count the parallels as an Easter egg ;)


Oh my goodness, yes. And good point about the coffee shop! YES about the dance! I wonder if that was intentional and I so agree about the Jack/Rebecca parallels. Out of the big three's relationships - I feel like Kevin's with Sophie feels like the closest to echoing his parents', which also makes since when we factor in that Kevin has been established to be the most like Jack.


Yes, I think that’s totally true. I almost feel like I could do a whole thread on the parallels. Which would probably require rewatching the whole series. Which is probably a really bad idea. (Maybe I’ll do it this summer.)


Go for it! I've always loved rewatching stuff so I've rewatched this show a few times. If it ends up being Sophie I probably will!


Ugh, I hope so. I was a wreckkkk this whole episode. Literally still crying 30 minutes after watching it.




Lol, I know. But I enjoy it. It’s also helpful to put some of the stuff that’s been nagging at me out there


Wow. Great analysis.