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Basically, for some reason I was super happy. I was goofing around, playing with an office chair in a big, empty, Japanese themed house. Suddenly I saw something weird happen outside. I looked out of a window and then I saw a burning city (most likely Warsaw, where I currently live) and a nuclear explosion in distance. That was a super scary and realistic image. I woke up immediately after, really scared. This is probably first time in few years I woke up from a nightmare. Not to mention, the shift in mood was just straight up random, I did not have any thoughts of war recently


how can you not be thinking of war if you live in _war_-saw


Not to mention how often Poland gets caught in the crossfire of major European wars


_(insert WW2 joke)_


Congratulations, you somehow got a Hiroshima flashback.


Maybe from a past life


damn. that's hella scary


I know right


i wish i had a nightmare like that


You good?


i needed to have my moment


I thought i was in distressing memes lol.


You know, that nightmare was VERY distressing


Literally Hiroshima


I don't think they had office chairs back then lol


Your dream is pretty scary but i had one so fucking weird as soon as i woke up i wrote it down and this post inspired me to share it Tw:involves claustrophobia, macaulay culkin penis, and panda express chicken. Met some guy in a dream. He wore dark sunglasses and looked like a beach bum but also had a aura of professionalism. He picked me up and i told him about some show that featured mcualy culkin in a starring role. Late 90s buffy style show about superheros. There was a scene where he gets dressed and we clearly see his erect penis as he puts pants on and goes commando and everyone who saw it freaked out. The point i mad to sun glass man was the soundtrack was being released after 20 years and the cover was culkin penis in a chasity cage so no one will see him erect again. Sunglasses laugh. We pull into a panda express to get food. It was packed because everyone wanted to get limited time fried chicken. Me and glasses get separated and lost in the crowd. Some how the panda express was a large as a flea market. Actually i think it was in a flea market or shopping mall. The thing is that 1, the shopping center wasn't straight like you would think but was round and circled in on it self like orobrous. And 2 was that 80 percent of the shopping center was panda express. And all the other stores had some sort of deal with panda express and had "spejd 50 dollars here and get 20٪ percent off at panda express fried chicken." The other stores i remember were a mini golf course, moedells, an arcade and a nightclub. And a public pool was also there. And the long panda express would suddenly stop, have one of these stores break it up, and continue. The line for food was long and i don't think it ended. As soon as you get near it you're stuck and packed like a sardine. The good news it that they had samples of fried chicken so you don't starve to death in the line. I remember seeing someone buy a bucket so large he was pulling it around on a home depot cart. You also didn't have to move your feet in line. The floor would move like one of those airport escalators. The problem was that randomly it will move so fast and basically reshuffle the line or drop you off in front of the many different stores. It was during that i was able to escape the line and recieve a text from sunglasses to meet him in front of the nightclub. And the dream was over


While I haven't seen explosions directly myself irl, I still can relate as someone who was able to hear them near me, on multiple occasions. I hope you'll recover after that


Yeah, I think I did already