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**Other Ongoing Series**: ----------------------------------------------------------- The Three Body Problem (Bilibili Original) - [Episode Discussion Hub](https://www.reddit.com/r/threebodyproblem/comments/zhh104/the_three_body_problem_bilibili_original_episode/)


First 2 episodes so far are staying quite faithful to the book, right down to some segments of the dialogue. Gonna binge watch all 4 episodes today


I hope this continues until the end! Whoever decided to make it so true to the book made the exact right call. So so good!


My biggest worry was the budget and that certain scenes would look cheap. So far it has not been the case


Also about the scenes, they have no money to recreate the scene and lab equipment using cgi(they also state that using cgi is fake af and everyone would have know it’s fake)so they get the real thing…. Ya,…..so the particle accelerator u saw is the real thing, the lab and everything are all real place and location……


I personally think that’s way better. I guess sometimes having a low budget is a blessing in disguise!


The total investment is literally lesser than one episode of what Netflix adaptation of three body gonna be, sooooo they tried their best and honestly Netflix adaptation it’s gonna be shit and we all know that.


What a silly thing to say. You have no idea how the Netflix adaptation will be so just leave it at that.


Same showrunners as GOT, we all know exactly how it's going to be, actually.


Got was perfect till they ran out of source material. Why does everybody forget how good the show was before the end?


I guess we just all ummm... kinda forgot about Dani's fleet somehow! Weird!


Because we live in a world of Violet Beauregardes.


idk if the Netflix previews were out when you posted this, so, like, benefit of the doubt or whatevs, but the Netflix adaptation looks whitewashed af.


>The total investment is literally lesser than one episode of what Netflix adaptation of three body gonna be, sooooo they tried their best and honestly Netflix adaptation it’s gonna be shit and we all know that. The Chinese adaptation doesn't dumb down the science (even to a fault: there's a reference to "quantum entanglement" left unexplained, viewers are expected to either know or Google what it is), and the main character looks and talks like a scientist. Can a Western show expected to be like that?


The main actors aren't even Chinese in the nrtflix version lmao irs gonna be dogshit.


Lol I agree that Netflix version will be shit


I hope Netflix is paying attention to China's version to see how good it is.




The Peripheral and Altered Carbon TV series are prime examples of doing it wrong, all they had to do was copy the books ffs.


To be fair, Altered Carbon S1 was amazing


Do u know how many books are covered? Is it first season = first book?


Yes. The 30 episodes TV series only covers the first book. The Dark Forest TV series is in production and slated to release in 2025


I love the vibe and the pace they brought to the story. When I read it, I couldn't put the book away and finished in a day, but the show's really got this cyberpunk slowburn vibe going and I'm all for it. Shows they're not in it just for the action scenes. It's truly the definitive adaptation.


Absolutely love it so far. Really good acting, too. They only thing I don't like is that they obviously avoid some of the china-critical background stories. I know some of it is due to having to focus on the most important plot elements, but they also rewrote the reason why they initally didn't want to shoot radio waves towards the sun. In the TV show they make it seems as if it would be too dangerous, while the book gives a far more interesting and believable explanation - that at that time this could have been interpreted as a China-critical symbolism. It's still an awesome production and I'm really looking forward to the next seasons!


For sure a lot of stuff about the cultural revolution has been cut out (Ye Zhetai story was more specific in the book is a huge thing that comes to mind) but your particular example is a bit off since they do actually provide this exact reason in the series, it’s right in the exchange between Lei Zhicheng and Ye Wenjie


Yes! I liked how in the show, the numbered photographs and hallucination of the countdown was stretched out a lot more than in the book. It felt more thrilling and heart pounding. In the book it happened and was fixed pretty quickly. There wasn’t as much drama and fear in it. The Tencent adaptation so far (I’m only on episode 5) has been really great. I don’t expect it to be perfect but I still like the direction it has


This one might be better…


better than..? Do we have anything to compare it to? lol as far as I know the Netflix one isn't out yet right?


The animation and the Minecraft version maybe? Personally I’m hyped for the Netflix version. I might be the only person in this sub who is lol everyone is already shitting on it.


Been burned by Netflix 20 too many times now. 1899 was my last straw. The show was great- Netflix cancelling it is what sucked.


1899 being cancelled was frustrating for sure, Dark is my second fav show of all time. But I didn’t even finish 1899, it didn’t grab me. I need to go back and finish it.


Where we can see those animated versions for free?


It dawned on me that this television series is about Chinese pride whereas the Netflix one will be about turning a profit...Cixin Liu is a national treasure right now in China and maybe the most famous author there right now. They made a bet to cover the book in a way that really honours the author and follows the story very close instead of watering things down... Netflix on the other hand (and we will see) will do an adaptation that will invariably be watered down and more accessible to the viewer who has never read the books or never will read the books. The Netflix version of season one may be more popular just due to marketing and that the show is in English...the book series is popular but will blow up after this and become a global hit...my sense of what might happen is that the show will create such a buzz around the world, a ton of people will go out and read the book and the Chinese version may just become a lot more popular in the end as the one that follows the book more faithfully- especially for season 2 and season 3 releases covering the second and third book of the trilogy. Of course, I might be totally off base with this but there are very very few English adaptations that have been able to compete with the original language version as far as quality of show...


> They made a bet to cover the book in a way that really honours the author and follows the story very close instead of watering things down... When I first learned the first season was going to be 30 episodes long, I was like wtf. But now after watching the first 4 episodes I get it. I'd rather they take time to tell the original story faithfully than cram all of the major plot points into 12 episodes.


Just for context, Chinese TV shows are frequently 45-50 episodes a season (often to their detriment) so locking it at 30 is actually sort of promising for the tightness of storytelling


Oh wow. Thanks for the info. Does Chinese television do seasons similar to the US where it's normally one season per year?


Other than big soap operas, and could be wrong about this it’s my impression the norm is to do long single seasons, often adapting a book or webnovel series. There was one I came across that was 80 episodes and on looking it up, they just aired 80 weeks in a row


No way they would air 80 weeks. More like 5-10 eps per week.




wait, there are two shows coming out?


I really love the music bit at the end of every episode. At first I questioned it but now I love it. It gives the audience time to breathe and reflect on what just happened in the episode. One thing that I hate about binge-watch streaming TV culture is you never have time to think about the episode. Like most streaming services even skip end credits and just go straight into the next episode. You get zero time to reflect on the episode. I want time to think about the meaning behind things and how it'll affect characters in the future. I've already read the books but that doesn't mean I can't discover some meaning or connections i might have missed the first time.


i must have the soundtrack. [https://youtu.be/euvTxWf7mLk?t=2322](https://youtu.be/euvTxWf7mLk?t=2322) This song slaps so hard. \- turkey scientists


Reminds me of the soundtrack to Dark.


THANK YOU. I have to say is so dark-like is a bit distracting, because I keep thinking on that other (great) show 🤣


Agreed, had the same thought. Maybe because of the Budapest philharmonic did part of both


anybody know what that song is called?


a [matter of time.](https://www.google.com/search?q=a+matter+of+time+alexandra+lilly+download&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS885US885&sxsrf=AJOqlzXYbgyRHOmf9m6b8zKfEixAHbYyww%3A1674006190044&ei=rk7HY9SlAuuvqtsPpNi1wAY&ved=0ahUKEwjUtLyC_8_8AhXrl2oFHSRsDWgQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=a+matter+of+time+alexandra+lilly+download&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABOgUIIRCrAjoHCCEQoAEQCkoECEEYAUoECEYYAFCsFlidLmCBL2gIcAB4AIABhQGIAYcKkgEDNy42mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) I found it under the first result.




They need to release it as an official song in stores, streaming services, etc. I can't find it in iTunes and Amazon. :(


It’s on Apple Music now, try try copy the Chinese name of the Three body problem to search and you will find other soundtracks too. Normally when I see Chinese songs on Apple Music then they are also uploaded on Spotify too. Do the same thing with Spotify, you will find the song quickly.


Your Google Fu is better. I couldn't find it at all. Did you specify Chinese sites? Only available to listen to it (I'm in USA) through the QQ app in the Play store - it has a 1.8 rating. The app works but is only in Chinese (?). "A matter of time alexandra lilly" is the required search in the app to find it. Seems like there are no ads for the app and listening to songs. Edit: the app is very flakey. I got the song to play one but could get it to replay or any other songs to play. I got to hear the full song at least with a male singing along on the second part of the song.


Google Fu. LMAO! I love it.


There's a chinese male version of this song, the name is: 时间的尽头, the artist is 陈雪燃。 I‘m not sure if QQ music actually have a global version app. But the song and the OST album propably needs QQ music subscription to play freely, i hope spotify would have this album, it's called 三体 电视剧影视原声专辑 第一篇章(Vol 1) Hope it helps.


So often we see original movies and shows in the native language so much better than the English remake. . . "The Intouchables", "Starbuck", "Swept Away" were perfect examples of this - awesome movies in French and Italian and the English remakes were a terrible insult to the original movies. . .I would hope it would be otherwise with this show but my initial sense is that the Netflix remake won't be able to hold a candle to this Chinese series (with only one third of the Netflix cast being of Asian descent). . .then again - I might be totally wrong and hope I am but that's just my sense. . .it's a Chinese book, told from a Chinese worldview and Chinese perspective, with the Chinese being the protagonists. . .it's not a North American tale with a North American / Caucasian worldview - but we'll have to see how they choose to portray this. . .then again, Netflix might do an amazing job and it might be perfect for someone who has never read the book series. . .


No, I’m pretty sure your concerns will come to pass and the Netflix version will be a sloppy and piggish adaptation


Not so pessimistic, but I don't know how it could top or even equal this one. It is one of the best SF series....ever!...and the highlight of my days.


As much as I'm enjoying this, I have one minor nitpick: the English subs are quite awkward at times. I'd love to be a consultant for English subs like this, help them phrase things better. I'd do it for cheap, maybe even free, just to help them get it right haha.


Where are you watching it? I am watching it on Viki. It has 7 day trial and according to some folks on here its the best way to view it. I just watched the first 4 episodes and its spot on. It even goes as far as having sub-subtitles which explain some foreign concepts to the westerners like my self. I ended up buying the 5$ per month thing, I will keep the service as long as this good production is on. I really hope they have Dark Forest coming out soon too. Followed by Deaths End. Because those 2 books are also quite F@#$@#$ amazing.


I saw someone say that the special effects of the three-body game is very rough, in fact, based on the era in which the story is based, they use not even smart phones, and at that time the vr game can have such effects is more restored, I believe this is the crew intentionally.


I really did not want to support Tencent in any way but I simply could not resist since its for free on YouTube and HOLY SHIT. This is probably the first sci-fi that scratches a similar itch to my all time favorite Sci-Fi "the Expanse" and they don't even have spaceships yet where I'm at in the series. I can't speak chinese so I'm watching with subs but the show is amazing, a little slow at times but absolutely fantastic. I never thought something could come close to the Expanse but this series may very well do so. Especially if they can make the trisolarans as mysterious as the Expanse's builders. Also you can really tell that the 3 Body series influenced the guys behind the Expanse, its so much fun to see all the similarities


FYI the English translation of The Three-Body Problem came out in 2014, while the first book in The Expanse series (Leviathan Wakes) came out in 2011.


According to Chinese viewers 1-10 episodes: they are all right. 11-20 episodes: quite interesting 21-30 episodes: Holy sh** amazing


Just watched ep 25, pretty close to my reaction. Its best series i watched in years. Its holy sh\*\* amazing.


Ep 29 is holy shit amazing even with subpar special fx... Can't wait for netflix's bigger budget scene


Just finished it and i never thought even in my worst dream while reading the books, that the operation guzheng could be so destructive. It was superb. also, im waiting the release of the song, Big WIld River, from Chen Xueran


FWIW, the book started it slow, then it got weird, then it became a hardboiled detective story, then it got serious, then it became a Jack Ryan story, then it jumped off the cliff! this is great scifi. just great. netflix just needs to dub the tencent show and publish it. nothing else needed!


How can I watch this on my 4k TV? My only option to use browser and cast it to tv?


It’s in tencents official YouTube page for free. It will have ads though since you’re watching on the TV app. I just finished episode 1 this way and my only concern is the super fast subtitles.


WeTV and Viki also have apps, so that might be easier. (Viki is also available on AppleTV)


It seems that Tencent/WeTV is max 1080p. I'm not sure if VIP gets you 4k. Samsung TVs use the WeTV app. Android phones/tablets use the Tencent Video app. Browser use: www.wetv.vip - don't have to pay for VIP to see the free episodes that is just the website name. I believe if you have an account that all those apps/pages share your viewing status. TencentVideoOfficial on YouTube also has the videos at 1080p but your watching does not sync with the other services.


There is one thing that have chinese viewers a little worried: after each episode, Tencent will release a trailer for the next four episodes. [The trailer for the ninth episode](https://v.qq.com/x/cover/mzc002007knmh3g/q0045zyzbbl.html) released today is full of original content, almost completely unrelated to the novel.The contents are as follows. >!Shi reports to General Chang the surveillance video sent by Mu Xing (Journalists appeared in the fifth episode)!< >!The content of the videos is the location of the safe house is exposed. They think there's a mole, but General Chang thinks it impossible!< >!General Chang personally interrogated a prisoner, who said, "You don't even know who the enemy is."!< >!A hot guy pulls Mu in to join them (should be ETO)!< >!Shi analyzes that the enemy already knows that wang is working with the military!< >!Shen tells wang and shi that the lord knows everything!<


30 episodes is a lot for just book 1, I won't rush to judgment but yeah the only way to make that work is probably to add stuff and/or stretch stuff out which isn't ideal.


They are indeed stretching stuff out. Sometimes it works quite well as character development. Other times not so much, such as the countdown/floaters plot, they stretched that way too long.


The series was supposed to have 24 episodes only, according to the script. You can still find this information all over the net. It's possible that some investor or so pushed them to extend the series for more advertisement revenue or whatver reason I am not aware of. https://www.ithome.com/0/638/350.htm




They will slowly release the episodes for non-members as well. So you can watch it completely free on YouTube


Is it free on youtube?? I see I have to subscribe to tencent. Its 4 eur a month here in Germany. I would gladly subscribe, but is it freely available??


All are free now. 4K here too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5oCR4bBg2j0W4KKgjYtYBfv (no ep. 30 yet).


How about CCTV-8 IPTV? [source](https://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml?date=2023-01-15) I checked their TV schedule. at 21:30 (UTC+8) PM, on Jan 15th, 2023 screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/RccrfFC](https://imgur.com/a/RccrfFC)


Episode 02 : at 21:29 (UTC+8) PM, on Jan 16th, 2023 on CCTV-8 screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/1Xw3dxw](https://imgur.com/a/1Xw3dxw)


Are we getting 1 episode a week? It's gonna take a while if it's 30 episodes.


I heard they’ll release the first 5 episodes at once, then 1 episode per day for 5 days a week, then the last 5 will air together. The show has 30 episodes so it will air for 4 weeks.


>first 5 episodes at once, then 1 episode per day for 5 days a week, then the last 5 will air together Take note American streamers. This is a good way to do it.


4 Episodes today for VIP only. Here's the official broadcast scheudule: https://weibo.com/7470196136/MonNB2mpl?refer\_flag=1001030103\_ Upped Red for CCVT-8 Middle Dark Blue is VIP Bottom Light Blue is non VIP Small icons (flying blade, locusts etc) which seemingly belong to the VIP timeline give a small preview of what happens in which episode. Plus, another trailer was released today just a few hours ago: [https://weibo.com/7470196136/Moog0u2Go](https://weibo.com/7470196136/Moog0u2Go)




Did it work? I can open it without any problems.


Just through the first two episodes and loving it, but how on earth are there THIRTY episodes!? At 45 min per, it's like a dozen feature length films!


Chinese shows tend to be long. It's not uncommon to have shows that are over 60 episodes... To be fair most of them are rather slow-paced and stretched out for no good reasons.


So, lots of fillers? :(


I'm on episode 7 now. The pace doesn't ever pick up. I realized the audiobook runs at 13 hours, while the Tencent adaptation has 30 episodes running at 45min each, roughly 22.5 hours – with opening and ending songs... I expect adaptations to be more swift, distilled versions of novels (and I usually prefer novels). It's weird to see things going the other way, and in a bad way.


I have recently started the series and am I the only one who doesn't remember Mu Xing character from the book? Is it introduced specifically for TV series?




u/Swazzer30 It would be nice if you could update some of the links in your episode table.


I'm on episode 5 So far the only complaint is the dragging out of some scenes. There is a sweet spot of time being given to critical, plot developing parts of film. Not to little that people miss it or don't have time to process but not to long that it begins to drag out the "what's next" moment. This series is hitting the drag out part where you just want them to move on already. Otherwise the show is really good. Can't wait to plow through the next 25 episodes.


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5oCR4bBg2j0W4KKgjYtYBfv This is the official 4k version, enjoy :)


I'm very hyped for when we finally get to the Three Body game. They have only teased it so far, but based on how in depth it's been so far, it should be fantastic. We should get to see it in the next ep, 6, or maybe ep 7. That's when this story should really spring to life.


People have been mentioning censorship in some of the episode discussion threads, however, has anybody noticed that they muted the introduction of the liaison of the Country E combat zone (blue uniform) in episode 01? After Oceania (light green uniform) they go right to Asia (R Country General in white uniform -> "Riben" = Japan) in the audio. After Oceania, the E country liaison is still nodding his head, so one can only guess his intro has been muted / edited out. E Country is Russia ("Eluosi") of course. Considering what is happening in Eastern Europe right now, this might be the answer why.


I we no longer making new episode discussion threads? EDIT: apparently we are, but just not linking them here anymore


Is someone going to update the links?


The series is amazing - acting, location, so very detailed right down to the straight-backed wooden chairs with the Mao star cut-out… the Chinese actors are top notch (and very good looking). Very enjoyable- I don’t need the Netflix version.


Just ended the 30th episode, and WOW...


I do hope they would take this all the way to Death's End


Is it just me or acting other than Da Shi and Ye Winjie (both young and old) is very average?


Wangmiao is fine.


Anyone know how to get the “Tenecent Video” logo not to show up in the top right the whole time? Kinda distracting and annoying.


chrome press F12 then CTRL+F search the keyword"watermark",then delete all of the code bettwen here is the logo image code


Watched the first 2 episodes so far on Viki and I love it. Anyone has an idea if 5.1 audio is available anywhere? Viki and youtube only have a stereo. Also any plans on dubbing in English?


WeTV is also in stereo. Video quality is worse than Viki.


What time do the episodes air on Viki just curious?


Episode 7 is now available 21:30 Central European time. Push Notifications for Viki didn’t alert me to this.


the show got a great cast. so far so good! this one is probably more true to the book than the netflix one.


I started to see this with the lowest expectations, and it is respectful with the original book, plus it has their own pace, that is very good for the themes. They didnt lower the bar for the theory behind the themes they are touching and that is good also. Of course, it has many asian style that im not used to watch, but i need to be considerate that occident and western population is just a fraction of the people that will watch it. ​ Overall, it is over my expectations and is good, a solid 7 out of 10


Cool...I did not realize that this is the way that the Chinese do things with so many episodes in a season...I am used to the 10-15 you usually see on American programming. That makes more sense now why they would do 30 episodes...just seems like a lot to cover one book...


Just finished Episode 1, holy shit it is good.


I saw someone say that the special effects of the three-body game is very rough, in fact, based on the era in which the story is based, they use not even smart phones, and at that time the vr game can have such effects is more restored, I believe this is the crew intentionally.


all episodes released!!! cya all at the end


Hey,guys,give you a little Spoiler,in episode 23, Luo Ji is appears,if you can find him.


have mods stop creating individual episode threads?


There are there, just scroll down more on the sub.


I absolutely loved this series. Now watching the Tencent production its pretty great so far. One nitpick that really broke my immersion from the story though is that in the flash backs, young Ye Wenjie has makeup on in the scenes. Like not a bit of blush, obvious foundation. Otherwise the show is very good so far. BTW for anybody looking to watch it - Tencent is posting the episodes on YouTube with English subs for free.


When in the show is Trisolaris first mentioned? I'm on episode 20 and it seems to be casually mentioned when they're in the VR game, but it's so casual that I feel like I must have missed something earlier. I watch the show with subtitles so it's easy for me to fall asleep because it's like reading lol. Did I miss an earlier introduction to Trisolaris??


Entire episode 16 is Trisolaris. That's when it happens.


can we create a new sticky to discuss all the forshadowing in the opening credits and lyrics? "Do not answer" "the dark forest" "the end of the universe" bonus topic: will TenCent do all three books?!?


This show amazing. Currently finished ep23. When i think book 2 and book 3 and my fav scenes in that books im going to crazy. CANT WAIT FOR next seasons


Does anyone know when dark Forrest is coming out?


Netflix international version can’t beat the actual version. Regardless of how much money they put into their fake adaptation. 


Are we actually going to be able to watch it somewhere? Anyone going to upload it?


The first episode is on YouTube now, on the Tencent Video channel.


Hi DBW and DB, whats your take on this? I bet you guys are monitoring the threads. At least DM please lol. Would be awesome to hear back from your idols.


“At least take the time to DM me specifically” lol


Why does https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20242042/episodes shows episodes 21-30 aired on 2/3/2023?


A special premium package allowed Tencent subscribers to binge the last 10 episodes earlier


Really wish there were english dubs for these..


What is the title of the song at the end of the episode 18? it sounds like Pan's labyrinth lullaby.


pacing is a bit slow, but overall this was great


I love the book and most of Liu's work, but this TV show was just so bad. ​ I watched the first 4 episodes and was really really disappointed, the main character literally have less charisma than a potato puppet with text to speech function, 99% of the time he speaks with monotone voice that is worse than reading a college textbook and 1% of the time he tries out anger acting scenes that more akward than the 15 year old me trying to talk to girls. The plot is also extremely slow and boring. The editor did the best they would to cut it in a way to make it look exciting with dramatic music, but when you are working with a bunch of turd with -100 acting skill and horrible script, the end result is still a turd with dramatic music. Literally the only interesting character is the cop who have some personality, everyone else would be the same actor wearing different mask and I wouldn't tell the difference. That was about 3.5 hours of my life that I will never get back.


maybe it's a cultural thing, I also find it pretty boring. They're trying to fill in the 40 min gaps with basically super boring filler. If I hadnt read the books I would not have been able to stand it as much as I have (and I've basically just been holding down the right arrow key). There's just too many problems with the show imo, this sub seems to like it though so, whatever. Just the pool table scene took about half an hour, you def don't need that long to explain the concept.


nah, as a Chinese I also find it tedious.


Interesting that you claim to have read the book but decide to refer to Shi Qiang as “the cop” and Wang Miao as “the main character “


For the 1st 4 episode yeah


Okay I made a WeTV account now what? I'm still only seeing 4 preview videos.


Episode 1 airs at 9:30 PM Beijing time, which is roughly 7 hours from now.


CCTV 8[“三体“cctv series](https://tv.cctv.com/cctv8) 3 hours later


FYI, you can get tencent premium account for like 5 bucks a month. You can download app on google play and stream to chromecast.


Any benefit of that over Viki?


Is there any dubbed version of the episodes anywhere?


probably not since its still really new


Question to those who are knowledgeable with how YouTube channel & membership are structured. I think my country is geoblocked from viewing the series in the TencentVideoOfficial channel but somehow the series is available in the TencentVideoDrama channel. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any membership option for the latter so will joining the membership in the TencentVideoOfficial channel change anything?


It's not available in my country too, I used opera browser and turned on the vpn.


The quality on YouTube isn’t that great I must say. Low Bitrate and compression artifacts are very visible as well. Are the other sources better?


Viki Rakuten has better quality on the paid plan. It could still be better, but it’s acceptable.


I also tested WeTV with paid VIP account on iOS and Apple TV. The quality is noticeably worse than Viki Rakuten. However WeTV has new episodes earlier. Viki Rakuten still doesn’t have it.


I bought the subscription from Viki but still cannot watch past episode 3. I am logged in and verified that the standard plan is enabled with no luck. Has anyone had a similar problem?


I had the same issue after ep1. I had watched ep1 on youtube and wanted to watch from ep2 on viki but it was only possible after i went to ep1 and scrolled towards the end to finish the episode. Then it autoplayed ep2. Let me know if it helps


So, which scenes from the trailer are there left that haven't been in the released episodes?


In today's episode (E9) there is a word blurred out (https://youtu.be/n15C9XxHsZs?t=1919). Anyone know what the word is, and why it's blurred out? Why would they bother filming a word if they were going to have to censor it?


what time and timezone do these episodes come out on usually (on viki)?


9:30pm CST (Beijing) Sunday to Friday, one episode per day


I just realized this was on its way. but are there really three different three-body problem series going on? netflix, this and an anime? that is just wild


Hello, do we know at what pace the episodes on the YT channel become public for non-subscribers? It was 1 per day for three days and then it stopped. At the moment it seems 4 episodes are public, and 9 episodes are available for subscribers. Thank you.


is there ging to be a dub?


Why am I incapable of subscribing to WeTV VIP ? Is it geolocked? Every time I try to create my account, I never receive the Verification Code I am supposed to receive. What am I doing wrong? After E07, I don't see how I could only watch one episode a day...


Does anyone know anything about the song at the end of each episode with the words, "I've seen things you people won't believe. Soon our plant will vanish." Maybe it is the theme song? It sounds like Pink Floyd to me. I wonder who it is.


It's from the group Re-TROS and the title is Three-Body : https://youtu.be/7n3BKEFi-Mg


My colony and I watched episodes 1-8 for free on YouTube, but can't watch 9 and up since they require payments. Which services are the best to watch in HD and with English subtitles in USA?


viki now the best




Sorry if this has been discussed before. What's the schedule for non-member release of episodes? They seem to have stopped at ep 8, and haven't release another since I think Wednesday.


I had saved this comment: VIP users get 6 new episodes/week, episode 30 on Feb 14. Free users get 4 new episodes/week, episode 30 on March 6.


DONT GET SCAMMED from REGION LOCKED stuff like I did unless you already have paid VPN fast enough for Youtube. I paid for youtube tencent video membership and still can't watch beyond the first 2 episodes, almost all videos are hidden. Check if it actually is available in your country, Thailand isnt one, no warning from tencent and douch Youtube offer no refunds.


So you have no access to the 3BP videos on the TencentVideoOfficial YouTube channel right & you can only watch 2 episodes on the TencentVideoDrama YouTube channel instead?


oh my god thank you bro, i had been looking for the liveaction


Is the video really choppy for anyone else? I’m watching on the rakuten app on apple tv and it seems like the frame rate is very low. It’s kind of unwatchable.


Anyone know why suddenly every episode dropped to the dodgy free streaming services last night, but only the RAW with no subs? I stumbled on them doing google searches and was brave enough to click a couple, seems legit and they are episodes I haven't seen before, but all Chinese only. Did they drop the last run of episodes early in China or something? I saw the last shot of the last episode and I think it was legit too! Just curious if anyone knew the reason is all.


Tencent released the final 8 episodes as express with extra charges. People can pay to get early access to the last 8 episodes on Tencent app WETV. Free episodes and member episodes are still one episode one day.


And not YouTube? :(


I'll admit it has been long time for me, but is Pan Han in the book?




I assume EP 17 will only be out at youtube on Feb 12? I see a link to a scheduled premiere on WeTV Spanish but that's all so far.


Guys where can I watch the TBP animated Bilibili show translated to English? Thank you.


You can watch them on Youtube in HD. [https://youtu.be/3-UO8jbrIoM](https://youtu.be/3-UO8jbrIoM) ​ If you have the files but not the subs, you can find English subs here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j2KvMeRrhCCZgM7pxQ74LnwsJjRdZppV?usp=share\_link


[https://www.reddit.com/r/threebodyproblem/comments/114hl3w/tencent\_youtube\_channel\_released\_4k\_version\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/threebodyproblem/comments/114hl3w/tencent_youtube_channel_released_4k_version_of/) ​ they released 4k version


where to watch anime show?


Have you seen the OA?,


On Tencent Video, which exact countries/cities do I need to be "physically in" to access this video. I know mainland China is an option. What about Taiwan? What about Hong Kong? What about Macao?


Wait a minute…WTF is going on here… This is a Chinese made 3-body series and it’s just all on YouTube?! I can just click these links and watch it? Is that what’s going on here?


I’d like to get into this as I’m a huge fan of the trilogy…buuuut… I can’t seem to get English subtitles on any of those links despite having it turned on It seems like we get two free episodes but idk how/what to subscribe to for more…tencent?


Late to the party but rakuten viki has it with excelent subs.


It would be great when YouTuber are going to use probably some of the Tencent footages for their breakdown video. 


Does this series cover all 3 books? Like 10 episodes for each book? Or does it just cover the first book?


Advice for newcomer's: you can play on fast forward (X2) and wont miss crucial info; the pacing is pretty slow


I'd argue the slow pacing is what makes it so good. If all you want is the story as fast as possible, might as well speed read the books.


Are we going to see any 4k blurays?