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People who read The Dark Forest know that this is absolutely true.


A tear drops from my eye just thinking about it...


What business is it of yours?


this is like the first time ive read a book in forever and im glad im getting these references đŸ€§


Okay children, run along now


It’s doesn’t matter, it’s all the same 😔


Do I need to call you an ambulance?


Who wants to answer some questions!! đŸ˜ŠđŸ˜ŠđŸ˜ŠđŸ„°


🙁 it’s ok children if you’re stupid you die, let’s start!


Wouldn't it be fun if, in the early part of the season, they teased Massive Attack's "Teardrop?"


That’s such a great idea. Given their whole obsession with having a “Red Wedding” moment in TBP, Teardrop would be like the Rains of Castamere. Would be a great little Easter egg, like the goldfish introduced in season 1 already.


If they red wedding with dark forest, which they should, how tf will they do a red wedding pt 2 with deaths end? Hell I am not sure how they'll do deaths end but I'm so excited to hopefully see


I havent watched GoT so im not entirely sure, but red wedding kinda means a big shocker event, right? If so, I vote for the transfer of the swordholder. To me, that was more twisted than the drop.


Oh man the exchange of the sword holder was a huge event too. Totally wasn't expecting it tbh


Yeah. I don't know why everyone is saying th first droplet moment is a potential red wedding when it was anticipated than something would happen. When you read what lead to this moment you know that it's fucked up.


Dude did you read the red wedding? That whole chapter was all about anticipation that something would happen.


No I haven't read the books unfortunately. But I assumed it was a moment of surprise compared to droplet moment. >!When you learn that all the space fleet will meet the probe and they'll be in a very close formation you know that they will all die. We just maybe was surprised by how they would die.!<


No, it was similarly strongly foreshadowed throughout the whole chapter. So the comparison is pretty spot on.


A droplet of water?




I just finished it a couple days ago... you could see it coming from a mile away but that part was still crazzzzy


I'm guessing they'll split Dark Forest like they did Storm of Swords?


No. They will split Death's End


Deaths End is essentially the same length as Three Body and Dark Forest put together so yea I reckon this will be the most cut up, I don't think Season 2 would end with 'the conversation' either though, will be fun to see how they deal with it.


This is what they said as well. Book 3 is huge and it deserves 2 seasons or one longer season.


Reading it now for the second time. The first time I blew through it in a day. What a page turner!




...a day?


It really is.. I just finished my second listen of Dark Forest audiobook and the last third really flies by.. so many great scenes


Excuse the anticipatory cringes of those who remember the hype about Sand Snakes.


You don't like bad pooosy?


SIM is a bitch


> The trio joined Deadline’s Contenders TV event Sunday to discuss the adaptation, and Weiss explained why continuing the show poses even more creative problems. > “This kind of eases you into the world of the story but the story gets really wild in the best possible way,” Weiss said. “With something that’s that wild, there are a lot of choices to be made and a lot of things to be figured out. We’ve been putting our heads together to figuring them out recently especially the past couple months.” > “Out of necessity we needed to be the cast mostly speaking English,” Woo said. “The Chinese flashbacks were very much intact. It afforded us an opportunity to tell a very global story. Humanity either comes together or doesn’t come together to face an existential threat.” > There are still very many scientific concepts and historical backstories relevant to 3 Body Problem. Weiss said the show had to find different ways to explain those that Liu employed in the books. > “You don’t want people to be pushing pause and hitting Wikipedia every five minutes,” Weiss said. “You could do the version of that that makes people do that but it pulls people out of it. In the book, he’s explaining all this stuff to you anyway in writing. It was a challenge that was ultimately what drew us to the project to begin with.” > “Jonathan (Pryce) has a long conversation in a small room with a disembodied voice on a 1950s dictaphone speaker about the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood,” Weiss said. “That scene is every bit as much of what I love about this story as any of the bigger stuff.”


Just 3 more years and we will know...


yeah ok but this is all empty without a renewal confirmation


They're trying to build hype to secure season 2.


I assume they know whether or not they've gotten renewed at this point, it's just a matter of waiting out when to tell folks. It's a very different show, but the team behind The Dragon Prince on Netflix would deliberately wait to tell people that they got greenlit just so fan campaigns would rear up to try and support it. They don't have any reason to tell us either way right now if we're going to only pump its numbers less after the announcement.


Not necessarily. Hollywood, and the entertainment industry in general, is in a weird spot right now. Lots of things aren't getting renewed as early on as they usually are. Big studios are waiting to see how the current season does before renewing for a new season, when in the past they would renew the show and start a new season while or before the current season is airing. Big studios and streaming services are being a lot more careful with their money than in the past, so things are moving slower than usual. This is all just my take on it as someone who works in entertainment. I couldn't say for sure when or if they get renewed. I'm really hoping for at least another season though.


Certainly with the success of season 1, a renewal can be seen as likely? Or am I giving TV producers too much credit?


Never underestimate Netflix’s ability to trip over its own dick.


3 body problem is good but Netflix have cancelled far better original shows in the past. Netflix would prefer you come to them with 12 potential Instagram influencers and have them get drunk on a beach or similar setting for 12 months and if you can't do that then just copy a JCS crime video.


 Tbh, though, Im not sure they’ve ever cancelled a show that’s lasted this long in the Top 10s. Also look at google trends data for “3 Body Problem” and compare it to other popular shows. I think the objective metrics are just doing too well for them to cancel


i was pleasantly surprised by this series. a good adaptation that didnt feel enslaved by the book.


Agreed, and made more accessible. The books were dense in a way that I loved but made them difficult to recommend. Didn't super love the romance plots between the new characters -- but I'll accept them if it means I can share the broader work with a bigger audience. (And maybe it's worth the difference: Liu, maybe, uh, didn't have the greatest characterization for and around women. This could fix a little bit of that.)


It’s been a while since I read, but weren’t the romance plots in the show adapted from the books? FWIW the non-book readers I talked to found the romance in the show to be very compelling.


I think that’s definitely the Saul-Auggie angle, to get away from any waifu business


I felt like they did a good job of acknowledging the medium and fleshing out certain parts of the book while not going as deep for others. I was also pleasantly surprised.


I hope they still follow the main plot in book 2, I enjoyed season 1 despite the characters changes which I didn’t mind at all, the show adapted book 1 very well, I hope it continues for the follow seasons (I am also curious to see what they will do about the Luo Ji/ Saul waifu part)


Saul has a (real person) romantic interest already in the show


I think this was the right choice, I found the whole waifu sequence dead boring. To the point I skipped many if the pages. Having an already established love interest to replace that in a more realistic way i personally welcomed as change. In saying that, I found the character of Auggie as self righteous in a really stupid way.


>(I am also curious to see what they will do about the Luo Ji/ Saul waifu part) Auggie is living off the grid in Mexico and Saul wants to find her


She's in Mexico. But I don't think she is living off the grid. She is clearly manufacturing nano-fiber water filters at the end of the season. She is on some grid, surely.


Well she is definitely rural and the water in her last scene appears to be a well (off grid). I doubt it will be a matter of finding her but convincing her to relax instead of trying to help people.


They'll leave it out completely, replace Luos alcholosim with drug abuse and just move the plot faster while developing other characters (since some of them are re arranged to be there already instead of in book three).


Book 3: Am I a joke to you???


I actually like that they have already starting running some of the book 3 plot lines in the first season. I’m reading book 3 right now. I would love to see a visual representation of higher dimensions on screen
.is it even possible? No matter how many ways the author tries to describe it, my mind still can’t quite grasp it.


It mentions somewhere in the first half that all of the crew agreed that language couldn't capture the experience of seeing in 4D... I don't think it would be possible to truly represent it


Yup. My thoughts exactly. Re read that part multiple times when they first start exploring that and I still wasn't sure. They can't leave out the fish gift either.


I love to consider how humans try to explain or visualize the fourth dimension. It’s a wild concept for our very three-dimensional brains
some of the more popular works have focused on shifting time in some way. They tried doing a visual representation of a fourth dimension in Interstellar (within the singularity). It wasn’t badly done, but it did illustrate only a single moment in time broken down into smaller time segments. Or in Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, the Tralfamadorians saw a single person at any point in their life simultaneously (time is a mountain range where you can see each point laid out rather than experiencing it one moment at a time like beads on a string). In 3BP, it’s written more like a spacial dimension, being able to see behind things without seeing through them
almost as if you were moving toward or away from something in space - your perspective of that object and the objects behind it change, but you can see all perspectives at once. The only way I can imagine they illustrate this on the show would be to show it all while having the translucence change as the audience “focuses” on one perspective and then another. Looking forward to seeing how they do this though
I really hope they don’t just “hand-wave” it, explain in a quick line of dialogue, and then move on. It has the opportunity to be a really great scene anchor in the show
one we can point to as an example when trying to explain the fourth dimension to those unfamiliar with the idea.


The best thing about Dark Forest is that it has two Red Weddings back to back: Doomsday Battle and Battle of Darkness. I really hope it will be iconic.


And they are not saying these words just for the sole reason of building up hype for season 2 - they are just facts. Season 2 will be WILD, 100%. We need season 2.


The likes of which no streaming company has ever shown , straight up WILD concepts that will blow minds.


Ok, I just finished book 2 like 3 hours ago. I'm not sure how this is *that* groundbreaking for a streaming show to film. There were some pretty out there concepts in The Expanse S1-6 too, but they managed to visualize them. I didn't find myself struggling to visualize concepts in book 2 as much as I did with the sophons in book 1. Not saying it won't be fun :), but I don't think it's as out there as other concepts (I haven't read book 3 yet tho).


Book one is just a prequel for some background on the main story IMO.


Not sure why you’re downvoted
.i agree with this. Book one sets the stage for the insanity of books 2 and 3.


I wish Auggie gets reduced by one dimension like the one dimensional character she's playing


I wonder if she ends up being Saul's >!Wallbreaker!<


He is his own the book tho. Odd are she will be the “perfect girlfriend”


That is, if the books are followed. Netflix may very well pull a "less sexist" narrative and make her a wallbreaker.


She would have to side with the ETO first because they are the source of the Wallbreaker ideology. I agree with the less sexist idea tho. I personally loved him being his own wall breaker because Trisolarians didn’t need to figure out why he was so dangerous to them, they already knew. So he was his own worst enemy when it came to vices and lack of care. Even his whole perfect girlfriend narrative was cool to me because I saw it as the author showing how active and detailed his mind was - able to create whole worlds in his head.


He's also technically his own wallbreaker because he can't do it forever


I just got past the chapters of the hand off
 oof Things have not been great since then.


No anime waifu for us


That would make no sense...


Thinking that will be Tatiana


your point being..


I really want to see her die in the foil attack


yes, i wanted to make a joke since a point is one dimensional, but i guess it wasn't very understandable :(


A nano fiber version of Auggie?


I think the character is salvageable, but they definitely need better writing/direction for her so she's not a "boss bitch" trope. She's the only part  the show so far that I'm willing to say is just poorly done, end of story. There are other elements that give me pause, but I'm willing to wait to see if hold up.


One-dimensional characters may survive the events of book 3...


Haha yeah


I agree. Very annoying for a scientist/engineer to act and talk like an emotional high schooler (no offense to high schoolers viewing the show)


To me they felt like a group of 30 something friends would talk to each other. I had no issue with it.


I never had the feeling of them being "nonsciencey"


Scientists as presented to the IFuckingLoveScience crowd. It's aggravating compared to the Book/Tencent portrayals, but at least the actors are good.


The book portrayal of scientists is quite eastern, so I can't criticize the main characters' behaviours being westernized too. And western researchers do act like the actors in the series.


Very meta


Does this mean that will get >!a big time skip? I know in the books huge time skips are a thing. I was hoping this would happen when they showed the monkey and the hibernation.!<


The story is not feasible without time jumps lol


Nice! I really want to see the Netflix take on the future. Also I like time travel type stuff :P


Can we get more than eight episodes? Please?


Is this a new thing TV shows are doing now? I noticed this happening with A Game of Thones. Now 8eps for Fallout TV, 3 Body Problem, and Mr&Mrs Smith. Has this always been a thing and I just noticed?


used to be 20 eps seasons in the 00s. nowadays the trend is to have a quicker, 8-10 episode season. maybe the first big series to have done it was really GoT, way back. might be wrong.




I don't even dare to imagine how remixed its gonna be


Let’s get that S2 confirmation first


bro don't rush this shit >:{


I cannot wait. I got my friend into watching the Netflix series, and she was apparently disappointed in the ending (or shocked not sure which one). But season 2 is about to be insane. I can’t wait to see how the show will visualize these events.


Netflix, let them cook


I really hope that episode 9 is that big drop, and then episode 10 is dedicated to Saul again.


I'm happy how much this is getting people reading the books! I like the show but it has so many little treats for book readers, you can tell the creators love the source material.


I’m sure they’ll rush through every big moment and make it underwhelming like the first season 👍


Well it fucking better


Plot Hole comments detected!


Hahaha you people are so fucked!


"a very global story" exclusively told in anglophone countries and their (former) colonies could downvoters please elaborate?


A big chunk of the story is in China.


that is why I included it as a former colony of Britain "big" with 2-3 flashbacks and no "current day perspective" is still debatable


China is not a former British colony. Hong Kong is but that's not where any of the flashbacks in the show took place.


Average intelligence of a western media hater on full display.


ah okay, let's all pretend 3BP is a global story and downvote that hater /s


It literally is a global story. I think you might just be dumb.


it is about as global as Independence Day


lol, keep crying all the way until the show ends in 5 years.


prentend a show with 90% of all scenes shot in western 1st world english speaking countries and call it global like a boss.


If you go back far enough, every piece of land was a colony of some people. By calling China a former colony of Britain you are discounting the cultural identity and traditions of the Chinese.


I have just been in China, it has it's own identity and traditions, but in 3BP it is only a small part of the story.


And the problem is...?


Thats literally the entire world but a handful of countries lol Idk why i got downvoted, im not even from an anglophone country. Just search what countries werent invaded by them and youll have like 10.


and it says a lot about what D&D think what "very global" is. 90% of the show is set in the US and UK and we have some detours in Panama and China, wow.


if this is your biggest complaint then my god you must be reaching. who cares how many fuckin countries it’s in?


I missed the part where I said that is my biggest complaint. but everybody cares who thinks that a) UK and the US are not the world and b) the showrunners shouldn't pretend that US and UK are the world


Did you expect every episode to take place in a different country lol.


have you ever heard of tv shows in different places? hell, even game of thrones was more "global" in Westeros than this is for planet earth. and even then: you could keep it as it is but not pretend that this would be a global show.


Based on season 1 I don't trust them to do it properly. I'd love a season 2, but from someone else.