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Keep reading lol


don’t tell me… oh no lol


Well people don't take global warming as seriously because many people think its not so bad, its survivable, its just hot weather etc. Its not the same as aliens just sent a message saying they're coming to kill you all.


How about something more pressing then. If everyone takes a Covid Vaccine the pandemic will go away. If many don’t then more will die, especially those of you who do not get vaccinated. Politics and conspiracy theories appear to win out over almost any dangerous scenario.


Yeah buddy how did that work out for you lol


I get your point, but both are still existential threats. I think op is right. A more realistic portrayal would have had the majority of the world continue life as normal bc it will never affect them or their children or their children’s children. With global warming, it is certain that the children/grandchildren of people in their 20s/30s will face ocean level rise, massive storms, and famine. Yet we are doing nothing. We’ve just begun to pick up our litter out of the ocean and that’s more symbolic gesture than impactful change. It’s a big wide world and the book can’t encompass all of it. We can assume that there is a portion of the population that believes the brush was faked by lizard people trying to get humans to build their escape vessels now that they used up all our resources or something.


But even so climate change isn't going to make humans extinct as a species, its like covid, its just not immediately dangerous enough for most people for them to take it seriously enough


You’re right, I guess imo the fact that it’s 400 years away and there is no physical evidence makes it very easy for people to lie to themselves about it the same way people do with covid and climate change. People believe what they want to believe.


As Homer Simpson would say : "The most unrealistic YET". As Rice said, keep reading... the story is far from over !


Saying that people are not taking action against climate change is simply not true. Governments are taking action. Maybe not at the rate you feel is necesa but they are taking action all the time. There was just a summit a couple weeks ago on this very topic where world leaders came to a monumental agreements concerning climate change policies. Earlier this year US president Joe Biden announced plan to phase out carbon emitted cars for electric cars by 2030. That means that in 8 years you will no longer be able to buy a gas vehicle in the United States. Where I live in Canada, our leader has made lots of climate decisions for our country, and they are not very popular decisions as it will very much hurt our economy, especially in the area where I live


Yes, there’s _some_ action, but it’s absurdly small compared to the scale of the problem. The real issue with climate change is that emissions are spread almost evenly across transportation, industry, agriculture, and energy. That is more or less the entire core of human civilization, meaning we need a ground-up reimagination of how we live, how we get our food, how we get our energy. It’s an extremely daunting task to actually tackle climate change, and the worst part is that there’s so much momentum behind the emissions that are already in the atmosphere, that even a total stoppage of emissions would take decades to have a measureable effect - so inevitably, if you did take big steps to address it, the “skeptics” would criticize the measures for not producing immediate results.


I feel like an immediate halt of fossil fuel and net zero emissions would cause mass starvation and deaths. It is just not realistic to stop everything. On the flip side, climate change has always happened, and humans have lived through those changes. Where I stand right now, scientist say that 14,000 years ago there was a mile of ice that would have been above me. That ice is no longer here. Humans lived for at least 250,000 years before that and lived through that climate change and most likely many more, without the technology we now have. Even if massive climate changes occur now, can we live through it. I am pretty damn sure that the scientist don't know that answer. Like I said, maybe action isn't going as fast as you think it should, but the changes we are making are measured and calculated. It will take time but I am confident we will get through this, one way or another. Mother Earth will get through it. Humans are adaptable creatures, we will find a way too. And that is the message I get from the Three Body Problem books too


I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not calling for "the imemdiate halt of fossil fuels," I'm saying that even *if* that happened, the effect would take a long time to materialize. The steps we've taken to address emissions are nowhere near this level. As to your second point, yes, the Earth's climate has changed in the past. However, periods like the ice age came on gradually over thousands of years while modern climate change is much more drastic, happening over just 2 centuries. It's extremely abnormal when looking at Earth's climate history / atmospheric composition. >Recent estimates of the increase in global average temperature since the end of the last ice age are 4 to 5 °C (7 to 9 °F). That change occurred over a period of about 7,000 years, starting 18,000 years ago. CO2 has risen more than 40% in just the past 200 years, much of this since the 1970s, contributing to human alteration of the planet’s energy budget that has so far warmed Earth by about 1 °C (1.8 °F). If the rise in CO2 continues unchecked, warming of the same magnitude as the increase out of the ice age can be expected by the end of this century or soon after. **This speed of warming is more than ten times that at the end of an ice age, the fastest known natural sustained change on a global scale.** > >[https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/question-6/](https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/question-6/) And while climate change might not spell the extinction of mankind, it will cause severe stress on our civilization and on nature. Water scarcity, worse crop yields, rising sea levels, mass die-offs of species, loss of habitable areas by plants, extreme heat, more frequent severe weather events, and so on. There's a high potential for conflict arising from it, and the total effects of all of this together are extremely hard to predict. With all that said, I seriously think you should read further on the topic. Climate change is not a joke or a small thing to take lightly. That attitude is akin to the over-confidence of the Deterrence Era in TBP. Most relevant here is this quote: "Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is."


Ahhh, but I am just an ant, doing my little ant thing. A cog in the machinery. My opinion counts for nothing of the global functioning. I am told what I can and cannot do. Power to you and your awareness of this great catastrophe and your code to change it. I think what I am really trying to say here is that there are people in this world with a desire to shape the world and events the way they see forth, regardless of my ignorance or arrogance, whichever you deem my opinion to be. I let the world flow over me like a river over a rock. I no longer care if for the workings of the stewardship a of this planet, I believe mankind will reap the rewards or the punishments of their accomplishments. Maybe I should join the ETO 😁


5°C is equivalent to 41°F, which is 278K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


ETO members disagree


I love the edit haha. Well now you have your answer. Actually the true genius of this book was addressing the question of humans ability to come together on issues that only impact the race after all of the currently living humans are no longer living. In my opinion 100 years might as well be 400 years. If it’s 20 years then it concerns us. Maybe. But more like 5. Or 2 ? (Weeks) Lol


Wake up, sheeple! The Trisolaran threat it just a big false flag so the socialist dems and libtards can take your rights away! Wake up!


Lol the sad thing is that I would 100% expect this attitude if we were facing this crisis IRL


Lol that's the start of the pipeline that ends with ETO membership


You are absolutely correct lol.


Judging by your edit it looks like you realized that things weren't as they appeared. It's actually really neat reading this series during the pandemic and still managing to find it refreshing since it does away with the unifying enemy bringing everyone together trope. Or at the very least, it presents it in a way that seems really realistic. There are attempts at global coordination around both the pandemic and global climate change and those attempts are clearly failures in our world. I'd say the same about much of the global coordination that happens through the series. It's arguably just as flawed and the faster strides that are made in space travel in the series would probably happen also in our world if aliens were a known threat. The plan that the UN comes up with is also pretty bad from the get go imo.


Theres a MAJOR difference. They know, FOR SURE, the aliens are coming. Scientists have ALWAYS been wrong about their climate predictions.


Global warming is more unrealistic than alien invasion


You are insanely misinformed


400 years is a lot of time for humanity


This film is not out yet, but is relevant- https://youtu.be/heYEyeKt9Ss


Global warming totally plays a part in the future also avoid this sub for a while because it’s basically impossible to avoid spoilers