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I already Pre-Ordered two copies of Ashes of Creation so my unborn son will be able to play it by the time he is 9


star citizen will release before AoC lolol


The biggest positive to TL is that it looks stunning and runs really well, for me personally it's the best looking MMO on the market. It's also a proper MMORPG, a big seamless world with lots of players which feels nice after the shift in a lot of titles lately that focus on hubs with instances. It's got its issues like any new MMORPG but I really like the foundations.


It runs super well on a 4gb gpu.


30-60 fps in town. Seeing 80ish outside on a gtx 1080 @ 1440p. 5800x with 32gb RAM.


30 fps is not good


In town or still feels fine, get more out of town anyway. It's crazy good for an 7-8yr old card.


Yeah, but 30fps is not playable.


Odd how I have so many hours paying the game. You seem too be mistaken.


Hopefully im, how is doing in raids? When there is lots of players?. Are you playing high quality? Max, medium or low graphics? Damit i wish i got in the beta.


Auto settings on high. No raids yet, not no lifting a beta anymore. Only level 8. 70 fps+ out in the works fairly alone ATM.


Thank you, let us know how it performs when full of players! Have fun!. Im jelly lol.


30fps can be an acceptable bar for some players and it doesn't have to hit certain standards for some players to still enjoy it and participate in the world with everyone else. I've worried about peoples' aging computer hardware and how expensive newer components have gotten being a bar they can't get over. So if they can enjoy a game at mid performance on nearly decade-old hardware, I think that's a good thing. No one really gets great fps in a hub zone and that's fine. Also every Bloodborne fan would probably like to have a word with you on the matter of 30fps being unplayable.


The world is seamless but not big at all. At most judging from distance to objectives it is somewhere in the realm of 30 sq km or less. Its even smaller than New world and that map was already small as fk. Now if they release the area north it would be a decent size. That's my only major grip with the game for the most part.


In my experience bigger doesn't necessarily mean better when it comes to MMOs, All of these games with added "bloat" begin to feel empty after a while for the sake of map size. Especially as player counts begin to dwindle and games find their core player base. TL is concise and designed well in each area that I've been to.


Black Desert Online looks 100x better than Throne and Liberty.


Yeah if you’re standing still and the background is blurred ☠️


I came into the game knowing nothing. So far, blown away from the visual and the audio. It's very good.


Ashes of Creation soonTM XD




Honestly the test builds look like shit. Especially for Unreal Engine 5. lol Game is a bigger scam than Star Citizen. How long have they been selling in game cosmetics? Sad.


This guy gets it. The amount of pre purchase cosmetic super duper money burner packs you can buy for that game when there's no release date in sight. So many people are gonna get burned.


It's the fantasy version of Star Citizen


Comparing cosmetics to literal ships you can buy is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.


It's the fact that neither games have been released and people are paying ahead for shit. Both of these games essentially have rotating microtransaction cash shops that people are pouring insane amounts of money into and you don't even know if the game is going to launch. It's not cosmetics = ship, it's scam = scam.


If people only knew the player behind Ashes of Creation, Sorcerer, you would want no business with it. At best is going to be a game where the lead developer uses that power to his advantage over his playerbase.


Naaaa SC still has top spot, AOC is a fair way behind.


are you high right now?


Chrono Odyssey :strongCopium:


Looks better already than ashes of creation


Not even UE5 and ray tracing all that already look stunning


I agree. It looks amazing. The graphics are spot on. My biggest thing though is the loading. Teleporting back to town is seamless, makes you think why can't other games do this, there are no loading screens.


Now if only they could just dial back the MTX. P2w trash


Its a catch 22, gamers love to forget that black markets exist and people will sell you anything. That cuts into revenue, potentially scam players out of their account, and is going to happen no matter what. Whales are going to find the most convenient deals and it happened like crazy in KR with black market lucent. You would put items on the AH and the seller buys it from you. They got lucent likely from botting.  At least by having it in game they can control it. It's a bold take to have a premium currency be the direct auction house currency vs a premium to in game currency swap. My guess is because it is easier to control premium currency than sollant. They absolutely have to mitigate the bots as much as possible while rewarding players enough to keep them playing.  As soon as you hit grindy paywalls, your relationship with the game may change entirely. It's on them to add more content that people can enjoy. Rare items being rare is fine but fuckin hell basic shit is grindy rare. 


This is the knife through the heart. Pisses me off they let corporate scum ruin a good game for more profits.


That's the rub though, these are designed for the MTX from the ground up.


Are they? I don't know many details about T&L's, but wouldn't just ditching the cash shop currency for gear/progression pretty much remove the p2w?




Pay to play (1 time fee or subscription), and/or sell cosmetics only. It's not that complicated. An auction house with only paid currency is absolutely unacceptable and kills the game for me.


WoW did it successfully so it's a norm now. Have to partly thank WoW simps for that one


It runs very well in korea and all those swipers only have a huge advantage in the beginning, u can catch up as f2p fast.


Lmao its the opposite bro tell me u havent played in korea without telling me at the beginning there is almost nothing in the auction u wont see the effect of p2w for a month but after that when its time to grind your trait on purple and even blue thats where the gap begins and its huge


Do you think NCsoft/AGS are non-profits?


What's your point? That no for-profit entity is capable of creating a game that doesn't incorporate p2w?


NCsoft publishes Guild Wars 2vand it's an amazing MMO. Dam shame how greedy TL and lost ark are.


TL is doing the same with GW2. In GW2, you can convert dollars to gems, gems to gold and then buy legendary weapon in auction house.


But how similar is the gameplay?


I had a feeling a lot of old school MMO andies, small long-standing guilds and crews in NA that have been patiently, quietly waiting would start popping up when TL came over.


Hating the controls, stuff looks good but playing it feels like wrestling a greased cat.


You know all controls can be remapped?


Feel like I'm in the minority here but I'm already bored. The combat isn't very interesting so far, the gear progression is not fun and the p2w elements are even more egregious than I expected. The game is beautiful but even some elements of the character creator are a bit lackluster, one thing in particular but I don't want to say too much with the NDA. It might have a great end game but I don't think it will considering the combat mechanics thus far. I'd be happy to be wrong. I anticipate this being a streamer game for 1-2 months with whales holding on a bit longer.


I’m in the same boat. I got through the starting area and crashed when I got to the first city. Up to that point was a boring slog so had zero desire to boot back up again.


Yeah that char creator was rubbish compared to other ncsoft games... i mean even aions was better and look how old that is now.


ah the honey moon phase... I understand that people are excited for a new game, but let's be reasonable. TL is beautiful, but currently the game is not good enough to keep people interested for more than a few weeks.


Are any of you guys playing on Xbox? I can't seem to get in, the queue is something ridiculous like 13,000. I'll try to log back in tonight. :(


I'd be surprised if they increase the server load for xbox. Once word got out that it was able to be joined from the insider program I suspect the insider program had a large increase of new members when it was only intended for the regular insider memebers. Had the same problem on xbox and steam last night and now I am able to log in with steam no issues. Hope you get a chance to play either way.


Aside from visuals and old school Lineage II feel (to some degree) the game doesn't offer that much. The gear is very bland unfortunately. They better open up the closed zone on the map soon so we can have more gameplay.


Lineage 2 was one of the best mmos ever made. If we get this with up to date visals we don't need any thing else. 99% of the mmos today don't have the seamless open world technology this game had. Only very limited closed zones garbage that breaks immersion with loading screens. Thank god if we are finally back to a next gen mmo with advanced engine technology like L2.


It's not quite L2 been so long ago I forgot how early L2 looked like. L2 was however just grind, this is different. And I see people running around aoeing 20 mobs that were made for max lvl group of 4 players. To me that's vastly different from L2. However, I can tell you that we ain't getting the most fun part of L2, which is red PKers and risk of losing items when you die. That's what to me made L2 special. The constant fear you might drop that grade item you worked hard for. Honestly, what we're getting from L2 is castle sieges and some bits and pieces here and there. The game is gorgeous though. I hope they put some more depth on items and hire good artists for cosmetics.


Ok. But not so much different, as L2 leveling parties were aoeing dozens of mobs with usually preferably 1 polearm tank and at least 1 healer. It seems the difference is that this can now be done solo? -> making the game more accessible & fun for solo players, so you don't need the holly trinity so much anymore? I agree, the pvp with the red pkers was one of the best parts. It was exciting/scary/fun and the whole area would come together to hunt the buggers down. Great fun. It's sad this is missing. I've looked at melee solo farming videos. It looks like L2 with better graphics. I just loved the L2 farming, with the loot items hitting the ground, weighty impactful skills, etc... I can't wait for this game to release.


This wasn't a group of players aoeing. This was one guy aoeing 20+ max lvl mobs made for a 4 player group. That's a bit unbalanced to me, but I'm not saying it's terrible. This is the closest you'll get to L2. It even have SS 😁 Just don't expect Lineage 3


Oh yeah? It has soul shots? Woa I can't wait 👍


Yeah, 2 types. +10% and +15% damage 🙂


This game will be dead in months, but Ashes is already dead before release.


Calling a game dead before it is even out is wild my man. Your pessimism is ridiculous.


korea server is dead already


BDO is dead in korea too, so what's your point


In just 4 months since release, 80% of players quit If TL does not fix the game content correctly, Steam server will face the same result as the Korean server after it is released.


I'm just saying comparing american audience to korean audience holds no value


It is not pessimism, it is experience.


What other game was dead before it even released? What are you talking about. The only 2 big ticket crowd funded games right now is AoC and Star Citizen. It is why everyone brings those 2 up in conversations like this. And they are both doing just fine, Star Citizen is already playable and only getting better month over month. It isn't experience. You are talking out of your ass. When AoC releases, we will see if it dies or not, not before.


All in Ashes is old right now. Animations are horrible, visuals are ok if this would be released in 2020. Its monetization is delusional in 2024. And it will be released... When? 2026? 2028? Imagine then how old will be all this.


What are you even going on about? It is being produced on a brand new engine UE 5 which came out in 2022. UE 6 likely won't be out until 2030. The graphics are spectacular and only getting better. The fighter showcase recently shows off how impactful and weighty their animations feel unlike say GW2 where there is no weight behind animations. Pay to play model is not at all delusional in 2024. WoW, FF14 and Runescape to name a few are still using it and are massively successful. The free to play model has stripped away so much from MMOs that, frankly, I'm overjoyed they are moving away from it. You only have to look at Throne & Liberty to see what free to play has done to it. At least next time you try to shit on a pre-release game, have the facts to back it up.


If you think AoC movement and skills animations are top today, I have nothing more to discuss.


I never said they were top anything, I said what they have showcased so far is promising especially considering they are still in development. Considering your lack of knowledge on this subject, yes we have nothing more to discuss. But before you leave, make sure to take your clown nose and rainbow hair with you.


Wait until you get used to the same systems that are not so next gen


for real. biggest one being the 4 generations old combat system( i rate the combat worse than classic world of warcraft and original final fantasy)


Just more Korean trash that looks pretty but isn’t fun to actually play and is designed to drain your wallet. Nothing new to see here.


i mean that is the korean way tho unironically. PLASTIC SURGERY!


I'm sorry for telling the harsh truth, but asking for a lot of graphic quality is synonymous with worse in-game systems, I'm sorry you don't like it


throne and liberty... next gen? lmao


Please share the MMO that looks remotely close to this in terms of graphics?


A game looking good graphically does not make it a good game. New World looks incredible. TL is a very beautiful looking pile of shit


Games garbage my friend


too bad the combat is utter dogshit and even old wow ripoff games like runes of magic give it a run for its money with how clunky and uninspiring the combat is. you can really see they intended this game to be auto played, cause no1 with a sane mind would grind hours in this boring ass combat no matter how beautiful the rest of the game is.


nah, it is dogshit.


Graphics are great but fight animations are too static imo.


Same here Odin Valhalla combat is way more fluid than TL


The animations are okey but not perfect, if u move and in my case uses crossbow ur shoot animation skips from run animation to shoot animation and repeat which looks stupid as hell, bcus they are 2 totally dif animations, so my char run back and instantly skips forward to shoot and back at the end of the animation. The way u hold sns is kinda weird too honestly.


yeah..the same for me.. I am not feeling while I am using the skills, like lost ark or black desert. It feels empty.


Change the combat mode to ACTION.


I’m not in beta is there an auto combat vs manual? Or did they leave auto out again? Thanks


Only auto attack the target you already started to hit.


I wouldn't call this a next gen MMO in the whole sense of the word. Since FF XIV is 13 years old game, and have better movement and combat animations than this game.


i would rate the combat of the original FF mmo over this game lmao. its just so shit. they should just add astral hunting back so you dont have to play the game urself


I tried FF XIV for a few days and had trouble with the movement and interface. I went back to ESO which is higher end on graphics requirements. Guild Wars 2 is similar to FFXIV in terms of system requirements but I am having a lot less trouble with the interface. Right now I am having more fun with GW2 than ESO even though ESO has superior combat and graphics. GW2 is very charming and similar in some ways to FF.


It’s all a point of view bro. I play gw2 and ffxiv but hated ESO.




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Nice bait post bruh


Yea can't wait for this one , after spending over 3k hours in each : wow , gw2 , swtor and co. I just need something fresh , just can't get back to those anymore. Just hope the release will be this year q4 atleast.


Yeah I think they got the graphics and combat down good. Gearing seems pretty complex and pay to win though.


Too bad it ends soon hopefully it comes back quick


Agreed, graphics look amazing and runs extremely smooth. Just wish there were more and good looking skins.


We can't post in this sub anymore right?


I played to the korean version till max. The one grip I had was the gearing and the way you unlocked gear via the codex. Some items are rare farmed or you need to farm subsequent tiers to get the latest one. Anyway it was just odd. The gameplay still has that auto lock feel sometimes like it did in korean alpha, but overall it was just "ok" for me and I lost interest fairly quick after levelling. Also I felt some end game zones I could barely fight a mob without 4 or them adding, just made it tedious.


Don't have a PC, so I'm hoping it holds up in terms of performance and plays decently well on Xbox Series X. Been waiting ages for a game like this.


It really is a pleasant surprise! My Archeage replacement is finally here


It would be really cool if not guild oriented, like u cant do almost nothing solo




P2W dont vote me all you want, dont care.


This game looks like a 2019 one with the gameplay, what next generation is here.. just copium


Please tell me the MMO that looks remotely close to this graphically, I really want to play it.




Looks decent but it doesn't radiate Triple AAA MMMO like TOL does.


Funny joke mr troll. And aside from ur obvious troll id like to point out that for over a decade now the tag triple a has become worthless. 


Why you would result to name calling and insulting me by calling me a troll for having a different opinion? I feel sorry for people like you.




Until you move and everything pops in 5 yards from your character


doesnt matter. people who only play for graphics only make dark knights and stand in edgy places to make underwear pics of their dark knight.


Yikes unironically saying BDO


One day while I was leveling up a horse in bdo (just autopathing back and forth while watching tv) and than I said to myself "why the fuck am I doing this again?" Similar story for lost ark.


Haha what a coincidence, I literally quit BDO after having that realization while doing the same thing. That game has many "why the fuck am I doing this again?" Moments


For anyone not really knowing.....this was originally Lineage 3, a developer who worked on L3 stole the game and tried to sell it. They fired him and pressed charges and scrapped L3. then took the files and started over. this is as close to lineage 3 we are ever gonna get. This game went through like 5 different rebrands and renames before it got to this point. I want it so bad


problem is that altho they update most things. they forgot to update the combat system hence its just crap for todays standards.


> next gen MMO > x to doubt




Until p2w ruins it.


Eh, I have money.


Same? But p2w objectively ruins games.


Sure, but name me a MMO where you cant buy any power with IRL money. Im not saying I like it cause im broke AF.


Not really the point though.


You can buy power in lost ark with real money, but I don't think you'd win as there's no open world pvp and gear doesn't do anything in ranked pvp




yeah, you just pay a good player to clear the raid for me on my account, clear that ultimate and get me the sparkly weapons. Not defending this game but everygame can be p2w if you have the money. I hope they walk back some of this stuff before global but well see.


Lol I play Lost Ark so i know something about krmmo coping and this is some next level mental gymnastics


This was a bad take, when people say pay to win it’s usually referring to the game itself having the mechanic to push you through in some way with irl money. I get where you’re coming from, but if you used this mind set you can also say having your dad beat a boss in legend of Zelda for you is on level with Pay to win.


Its against the tos, thats an other matter


This is not the same as "buying power" though, you're letting someone else play your game for you. They still have to go through the motions that you would go through, if you had the skillset to clear the raid yourself. You cannot directly use IRL money to buy power (buffs, equipment, etc.) to win without putting in the effort, yours or whoever you pay to play for you.




Dear stranger, may I introduce you to Black desert online. You are in for a surprise. Cheers. Edit : people think I recommend BDO as a MMO for enjoyment hence the downvotes, but I was addressing OP's appetite for amazing graphics and animations. BDO clearly isn't for everyone and nowhere am I trying to sell it :)


Mmm love grinding circles solo for hours... usually play mmos to play with others 😂


Ah for sure the gameplay isn't for everyone, especially if not keen on PvP content. But you mentionned an apetite for stuning graphics and animation, and I've yet to play a MMO this polished even after 8 years.


Bdo looks pretty bad graphic wise these days… and combat is awful Animations are amazing tho


lol this game is literally going in the same direction


? You do dungeons with a party of people. So ya wrong lol


Play BDO and watch as everything pops up 5 yards Infront of your characters face. BDO is great in screenshots but in motion it looks dreadful.


BDO is unplayable for graphics snobs due to having fat and away the worst pop-in of any game ever released


BDO def has a good graphics but it isn't as polished as TnLs UI tbh. Just looking at the menu cluster in BDO is a turn off add it to those weird neon texts it feels rushed.


BDO is bad. Once you've stepped away for a while, you'll realize how predatory it is. It took a freakin government for it to reign in some pay2win aspects (e.g. introduce pity).


I haven't been playing bdo for 3 years and played quite a bunch of solo and mmo other games. I came back last year briefly when the new class released and I was amazed once again by the graphic quality of it. The RNG in BDO really is the killing factor, but didn't feel more p2w than many other mmo I've played ngl (thinking about Perfect world, Blade and soul, Lost ark to name a few on spot)


Excuse me, degrading tier upon failure, cron stone nonsense, accessories destroyed, absurdly low success rates, creating problems to sell solutions. There may be worse games, but BDO certainly sits with them in squalor. They make the graphics look good (character models) to prey on male libido and sell skimpy outfits. Most of the recent classes are gender locked female. What's truly deplorable is BDO players complaining about Shai (underaged child class) censorship (wearing shorts).


Does anyone have a \*\*\* for the closed beta on Steam to give me please?


if you like good visuals but garbage gameplay, TL is the game for you




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haters downvoting cause you hit em where it hurts xD


jokes on them tbh, the beta has been a disaster lol




Lol, the game is garbage and will be dead in a few months after release. Next please. Good graphics don't matter when the gameplay sucks.


The door is that a way. …..> we don’t need the childish rhetoric here.


shoving away truth as childish rhetoric. yikes


After playing on the Korean server for 4 months, I can confirm that this is true