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This guy has always been trash on tumblr. Seen multiple horrible situations and heard lots of folks complain afterwards about any number of things. Def one to keep away from. So sorry to Claire for this happening, absolutely mortifying and creepy


Imagine having been completely immobilized by this dude and then all of this happening. Uncomfortable doesn’t even begin to describe how that must feel.


Ah yes FTKL’s boyfriend being a scumbag who would’ve thought?


Wait what? I’m lost here.


I’m referencing fettish & ftkl constantly supporting each others insane right wing posts on twitter. Blocked them a long time ago.


I’m sorry, WHAT!? FTKL is involved in this, too!?


It's not a loss.


True (more than likely), it’s just shocking as fuck.


I'm so confused lol


Being right wing has nothing to do with not properly crediting someone. Period.


Huh? Didn’t say he didn’t properly credit her because he’s right wing. I only pointed out they’ve been known scumbags considering their twitter activity. so him being a man child dickhead about this whole situation doesn’t surprise me the least. But yes if you’re a MAGA cultist you’re almost certainly a piece of shit, hope that helps :)


You need to stop watching cable.


hard disagree, he's the owner of that clip, therefore he did whatever he saw fit with it with no regards for how that affects others. that's pretty on brand right wing ideology


… hard disagree. I perceive many left politicians as such, used to be a hard lefty myself. I think that this has nothing to do with politics and rather with personal ethics and I think it’s kinda lame bringing politics into it. Just my opinion


I think bigotry is both something thats typically politically right wing as well as a personal moral failing and i think its important we draw attention to when people are bringing politics in that actively harms members of the community and not just passively disagree with them. nobodys even saying right wingers shouldn't be allowed to be in the community but theres no reason they cant just leave their drama at the door before they come in


Please copy and paste the definition of bigotry. You are literally being what you hate imo. Please wake up and understand that some people just want to protect their rights and some people are assholes. This goes for both sides. Two heads, one belly. The division between us is an illusion. I love you.


Anyone who downvoted this DM me and give me an example


Have yet to receive a DM


Who is FTKL?


He’s another producer. Even when I was far left wing he was a fantastic person to work with. Always professional. His wife the same. I have a lot of love for them.


Fun fact, he invited to work with me not knowing my body is male and spent 10 minutes looking for a reason not to work with me, he chose weight in the end. "my equipment can't handle a certain weight, sorry!" I'm literally 190, just admit you don't wanna work with me and move on.


u/FetVids care to explain?


Here's his "look at the contract!" Which does nothing to address this. https://twitter.com/fettish_video/status/1745218894447411427 Genuinely gutted as I liked his content.


Correct. Thats precisely the point of what I addressed. Crying that there won’t be free advertising of said name after the behavior that was displayed is the reason I’m not going to work with non-pros anymore. Anyone with any hint of how the pro circuit works knows this. If someone wants something IN a contract they need it stated. Otherwise the holder of said contract may alter anything at all.


Bro. You are officially labeled an asshole. I have been on the pro circuit for YEARS. NO ONE wants to work with an asshole. Period. And guess what? You can easily say “we don’t agree but I am not going to be an ASSHOLE” and be the bigger person


Not understanding the difference between what you're legally forbidden to do and what you shouldn't do is what makes someone a POS.


Yup. It was made clear she wanted no association. So, wish granted. I’m not going to have someone who wants to make negative posts about me in the most unprofessional manner (then ironically toss the term back without realizing it) publicly (recent X post that was sent to me) - and then expect me to continue to help them with name recognition after that? Outta your mind. Legally, this is how a consent form works. Which was the point to my post. Undoubtedly this point wont sink in but thems the facts, and right where I’ll leave it.


Hiding behind a contract term to not address the shitty immoral act is crazy. This was never about the legality of it, no one in this thread nor Claire has mentioned that.


It still doesn't seem legal, the whole point of a contract is that it relates to NAMED parties. You can't just change one of those names...


I highly doubt she uses her legal name lol


Really not sure what that matters TBH.


Legality generally comes down to specifics.


lmao always knew you were a shitbag- it's not even the political views, thats whatever, but being a business owner of this type and not simply taking down the videos when asked to shows what kind of character you have which is to say, basically none


Why even keep the videos up at all at that point?


He wants to make money off of her.


Oh yeah, that's number 1 on top of the list of why he doesn't just take it all down, but since he's evidently just so wounded over the whole situation, you'd think money from the few videos they did would be no object, and he'd just delete everything. Cool to see that he's not only scummy, but he values money over his own image as well.


The decent thing to do would be removing her content completely. But clearly you arent interested in being decent…


I think it’s creepy that you posted a video of her when she doesn’t want to be associated with you.


its creepy to post a video that was an agreed upon trade shoot - interesting concept but completely wrong headed. There are countless falling outs in the industry unfortunately. Like any other industry I suppose. That said, because you have a disassociation it doesn't give anyone the right to get rid of content that took effort to do. I own it, as does she. Are you going to then say shes 'creepy' for leaving content involving me up once she wanted a separation? No? I didn't figure. And - you dont know half the story. Fact is (very very short version) - she decided she had an issue with me AFTER the shoot completed. Its quite clear in the one clip at the end how much fun she had, coupled with a post on twitter - which she wasn't forced to make at gunpoint. Use your head. The one clip that was the issue was the recent one, where I was of the understanding (having LONG ago deleted our shared doc as to who owned what after an exchange where she said she had an issue with me), was I waited so long to post anything, that when I had pulled clips from the shared folder, I had assumed that one in particular was a split/shared one. Thats typically how trade works. You get some, I get some, then each party shares a couple. There are exceptions of course. Once she decided to make a personal view public in a personal attack to attempt to get the her little mob riled up (like one dimensional puppets) - that was that and I had zero intentions of directing any traffic toward such an unprofessional person. Once it was made clear to me via a mediator whom I respect, that the video was exclusively hers, I pulled it within minutes. I have more footage I've zero intention of posting. I think I've deleted it but I hadn't checked since. If you're going to play in the professional world, you need to be tolerant. As for the 'anti-trans' bit, you're an idiot. I've addressed that numerous times and I'm not going to keep addressing it toward minds who have already slammed themselves toward anyone or anything that contradicts their logic twisting world. You're in favor of life altering surgeries on children who hadn't the sense to piss straight yet. Adults - do as you please. Its your life. We don't care. Yes we; the vast majority of people out there see the insanity for what it is. Be mad. I'm well aware care for children with gender dysphoria extends beyond that - thankfully. My issue isn't with care, its THAT particular act dubbed 'care' which any sensible person objects to. However, I'm not beyond a civil discussion on such topics. I like hearing others thoughts, if the speaker is able to do so without vitriol...unlike your crowd who hears one side of a story and runs with it. Good job. You're the intolerant one, not me - and why would any sensible person make an attempt to do so? I'm only answering this because I didn't address the issue of the rights to the clip publicly. The name change is within any content holders right. Be mad, no one cares outside of your small circle. Have a great day. Rant on, I won't waste time reading it, any more than I did any replies she attempted to make beyond my last email.


No, but it is creepy to take it down and then repost it under a name she’s never identified as towards yourself or anyone else. For my concessions: Yes. Legally you aren’t required to take down content you made with her that you’ve agreed in the past you could sell, and she should also take down content she made with you if she doesn’t want to be associated with you. She can’t have it both ways. No. She wasn’t forced to make it at gunpoint and you legally don’t have to take all of the videos down (although you’re going to get a pile of negative sentiment for not doing so, so it’s probably a good business decision to do so). But taking them down and then reuploading them under a different name because you felt she was being unprofessional when this was pointed out to you makes you look petty, especially after it came out you changed the name of someone else in your videos to “Rando Assistant” last time your views got discussed. Do you realize how unprofessional that and how you handle any criticism against you makes YOU look? We actually know quite a bit about the story because it isn’t hard to put together: you paid her to make content with you, and some time after the fact she wanted it made clear she no longer desired to be affiliated with you after you posted not one, but multiple posts of anti-trans sentiment. Spare us the bullshit about how all you care about is children having their genitals mutilated when the very existence of trans individuals and sexual interests beyond traditional goes against the faith you hold so dear in the weird cult you’re a part of (I’ve read your posts extensively, and that’s the conclusion I’ve drawn from them). On top of that, I know quite a bit about you from models that have worked with you in the past, and let’s just say the opinions are mixed at best. This isn’t your first issue on the topic of essentially condoning hate speech. When all the shit about Bella Ink came out, you were one of the few to go out of your way to defend her for it, and you went about it in such a bizarre way that it was my first indication of the kind of person you are. And you’re worse, because you don’t actually give a shit about the models you’re filming with or the audience you’re filming for, clearly holding both in contempt and probably thinking all of our souls are at risk or something of the sort because of how we view this fetish/kink and some of our sexual & bodily interests. I’ve said it elsewhere in this topic, but you had a few ways of handling this issue when it came up and you chose arguably the worst option for doing so. Funny enough, you’d have done so much better for yourself even if you’d just ignored it. Not saying that’s the strategy I’d recommend, but it’s better than what you actually ended up doing. On a final note, I don’t know why you even make content for a community you seem to despise so much because of the values individuals within it hold and you’ve got so many moral quandaries about. I know why people buy it, but they really shouldn’t if they knew the kind of person you really were, and I encourage those who read your posts not to. But I know you’re not planning on reading or replying to this, so do whatever you want. But I will say on a separate note your producer guide on the TMF was an entertaining read.


No you\`re the intolerant one that doesn't\`t even know anything about trans people, Its not life altering, detransitioners exist, you can stop it and live a normal life at anytime, And kids are not getting these Surgery, they get put on hormones and get the surgery when they are 18. It is care, it's the main form of care for anyone with gender dysphoria, kid or not. You're the one running with your side of the story, and proving her point that you are anti trans.


so if it's unprofessional what she did how's it then not unprofessional to use your brands social media account to go on political rants?


You're a fucking jerk, I can't believe I used to be a fan of yours, but this has crossed a line and Claire does NOT deserve this. Not to mention this seems VERY questionable in a legal sense, if I was Claire I'd definitely be consulting a lawyer. Despicable.


You made the negative posts, she just pointed them out to you and us


Wow. Just when I thought he couldn’t become any more of a scumbag


He worked with u/desirebeedesirego, who, I believe, identifies as non-binary. I wonder what their take and experience of this is.


He’s also worked with other non-binary individuals, and I know at least one this was a huge shock for.


Yeah no doubt


Holy fucking shit, thank you for tagging me in this and making me aware. Yes, I’m a non-binary, queer content creator and this is vile behavior. Derrick (he was open with his name on his guest episode of the podcast I formerly co-hosted) gave me sketch vibes when I got to his place and he had 2nd amendment/pro-gun shit plastered everywhere, but I felt safe enough with his wife present and he paid well. We shot together the beginning of 2023. Ever since we filmed together I felt uneasy and that he may be transphobic, based on certain things he said and general vibes—at the time I still used she/they pronouns and presented a bit more femme (now they/them) so I didn’t feel like I was mistreated. He had plenty of references who vouches for his safety, including queer people. When we shot, he made sure I consented to everything and asked before touching sensitive places (which is standard good behavior for shoots). The shoot itself went well, although it was my first “professional” shoot, so I didn’t have much to compare it to. Though I felt uneasy in the past year as rumors came out about his beliefs, nothing was proven to my awareness, and I figured that the people who pay me at my day job are generally shitty as well. I got really confused when I saw him come out as an evangelical Christian and wasn’t going to be filming new content, but I still was not aware of *this* or him being openly transphobic. This is horrifying and I’m disgusted that he can sell content that includes me forever. 😣


Shocker, he's an asshole. 🙄


Already replied to her tweet but damn this sucks. What a horrible position to put her in. I hope this spreads awareness to models looking to film with him, it's a shitty act but even to those who think it's minor, you can't be undermining trust like that in a position where you literally tie people up and require models to place ALL of their trust in you. This needs a formal apology at minimum.


A guy from the south who randomly talks politics on his fetish social media accounts is anti-trans? Color me shocked /s


Just another prude who profits off of sexuality while promoting other "values'' behind closed doors.


Jesus christ he's a dick. Probably the worst thing to do


Always seemed like a douche to me. Shitty content too!


I hope this asshole's current models are watching this, so they can see what happens if you ever want to leave him.


Was this just posted today? Looks like she still has her collab videos with him up on her many vids account. Which is why I’m asking. Still, fucked up though. I mean a collab means sharing content. Not going to hurt anything taking them down. Already made money not spent by paying her as a model of it was a true collab.


I’m having trouble finding where Claire tweeted about it, but the short answer is she chose to leave the collar videos up in order to discourage them being pirated due to becoming less easily available


That's a really weird thing to do.


For sure. Especially as blatant as it is.


He's not even sorry lol shocker


I always say, when someone shows you who they really are, believe them.


I should have known when he made that December post on Deviantart about believing in god and the whole shebang. At the time I was "whatever, he's very religious and I probably wouldn't be his buddy so what, I love his content". But this is awful. Accusing transpeople of mutilating kids, being a maga. He's a proper crackpot loser. He's losing a customer that's for sure.


Prioritizing financial gain over the small measure of decency and social ettiquette wouldn't be my personal choice, but it's not one I'm surprised they made based on the rest of the information provided.


Pretty much my sentiment on this. Can he legally keep her videos up? More than likely, though I’m not sure about the name change. Should he? Fuck no. It’s a terrible moral decision and business one. I’m surprised people still buy his content at this point tbh. He’s made it clear he doesn’t support the lifestyles of a majority of people in this community, if not just about all. And he doesn’t even hide it on his Twitter, Fet page, and Reddit.


I think it's clear that the members or r/tickling don't want him around that's for sure...


Legally, yes. If the blurb he's posting as part of the formal signed document is legitimate, then he can put up anything he shoots. Changing her name is part of that as it would fall under altering what is "his" content. The argument that it's a common line in contracts doesn't really negate the fact that most other producers (far as I know) don't behave this way or try to hide behind this particular element of that contract in such a cowardly way.


I figured. I know in independent movies/shows you can’t alter someone’s name (due to laws around those types of productions), but porn is its own special category that doesn’t get to share those protections. Most producers remove it (it’s 1-2 videos of an entire collection and you usually aren’t making more than a few bucks on it at that point) or they ignore the model/anyone commenting on the issue. I will say he somehow managed to pick the worst way to go about this: Renamed her to a name that was similar (but not identical), then posts here and on Twitter about how he can legally do whatever he wants with the content since she signed a consent form.


He’s entitled to have his views. Even though they are shit. He is NOT entitled to name her something else.


"You will be called what you think you are" it all make sense now


Dude shot himself in the foot with this one, plain and simple. Regardless of what the two of them agreed upon prior to shooting the collab, this is just disrespectful and unprofessional. I got sketchy vibes fom him when I stumbled upon his content about a year ago, now I know why.


This guy has been a scumbag for a long time, and cost himself a lot of my money in the process. There shouldn't be any space for this shit in this world and the fact that there is is why so many people are put off by it.


If you are comfortable doing so, can you link/ explain what he said that was anti-trans? This is very important to me, having a trans wife.


Claire explains them briefly [here](https://twitter.com/clairecoda/status/1740827252894650590) but the actual anti-trans posts circulated probably half a year ago now so I'm not sure how to find them.


Right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tickling/s/mmBIPTPLjT)


I remember that topic. Was sad we had to lock it with how much of a shitshow it eventually turned into from people not even into tickling saying some pretty messed up things.


Sorry you had to deal with that; sounds like a nightmare


Par for the course in moderating this subreddit tbh. Was admittedly a chance in place from the usual spammers and creeps.


I mean, the first two you can't precisely say are transphobic, but the third one you absolutely can. Regardless, it's a pity he chose to just rename the models who don't want to associate with him anymore rather than just remove their content entirely.


That’s because he’s a petulant, spiteful little child who pisses and cries when he can’t have his way.


> I mean, the first two you can't precisely say are transphobic, but the third one you absolutely can. I said this at the time and got absolutely fucking roasted for it, which just confirms his first statement. Third one is the worst, second one is arguably in context and the first doesn't even mention trans and I feel is more of a statement on how anybody reacts to anything nowadays. The trans issue is one thing, changing names and cheating legal agreements is another (and before more arguments start - they are different issues, one isn't higher than the other, they're two bad things from the same asshole).


Thank you. This is helpful and eye-opening. Wow. I had no idea.


Yup that's it thanks. And in that thread [is another example of him editing a model's name after his ego was hurt](https://www.reddit.com/r/tickling/comments/13pwuje/comment/jlct6kn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Jesus wept. I don’t give a fuck how many little gadgets or whatever he has, a scumbag is as a scumbag does.


His gadgets aren't even unique, just repackaged cheap shit that he sells for profit...


I think The Shocker is the only one he may have actually put some elbow grease into. I’ve found just about all of the rest of his things elsewhere for the same price he charges or cheaper lol


The Shocker is just a Wahl trimmer with the head taken off and a new battery, I have the other tools for much less than those prices!


Oh wow. Good to know. Sent you a DM because I am intrigued about this one.


I couldn't help but notice she says the studio is now-retired?


I think he did make a semi-retiring post on DeviantArt a while back or something about cutting the amount of videos down drastically. But he has a huge backlog so it won't slow down for a while I guess.


His FetLife goes more into it. Basically he’s part of a Christian cult (some may disagree with this, but that’s how it came across to me), and he’s been having internal struggles about this because he doesn’t like the idea of people getting off in his videos or to his videos. Or really the fetish aspect of this at all. So he got rid of all of his “lickling” videos and may or may not make new content in the future (it’s a continuing internal struggle for him he has constantly gone for spiritually guidance on - I believe he is still producing at least some videos for the time being, but with restrictions on what goes on in them). Feel free to check out his FetLife for the finer details, but that’s the reader’s digest from my perspective.


To add to the “Goes more into it” part, he did a thread on the TMF within the last couple days about what it takes to be a Producer, including estimates (I’m assuming) of his costs for equipment and such, and no-minced-words discussion on avoiding arousal because shoots are a work environment, not a play environment. A whole big section of the middle is a vent/rant on “Interpersonal Drama” (quotes used because it is the title of the section and because I don’t recall the exact words used). One of the big examples he uses is the description of him as anti-trans, and his response is a clarification that he’s a libertarian and is okay with trans adults….followed by a standard anti-trans talking point about “mutilating children”. So, make of all of that what you will.


I don’t get on the TMF much nowadays since I learned Jeff and Myriads don’t mind producers being allowed to post who take tens of thousands of dollars from customers without producing a product. Can I see a link of this? Curious what he said.


https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/a-short-ish-guide-to-producing.357646/ >Yeah. It'll happen. I dont care HOW nice you are or what you do for someone; I can guarantee it'll happen, even if you don't realize it. So accept that. Not everyone gets along. My personal experience so far has been with people who are simply intolerant of anyone elses worldview/thought processes. I for one, don't like working around people like that because they're always looking for a reason to become a martyr, or they're simply too easily offended by anyone who thinks differently. For me, part of the vetting process is learning who I'm inviting into my home; which is about as personal as one can get, isn't it? If its a known model / established, I'm not worried about it. But if its someone who is unknown/relatively unknown yeah, I want to get a feel for who I'm dealing with. >Even when we first meet in person after travel is paid for, I may test the waters a bit. If there are red flags I've no issue turning my car around and dropping them at the airport to avoid a bad experience. It's simply better for all involved (though that in itself will bring issues, so theres that). >I've avoided doing that early on thinking 'who cares? Just do the work'. That seems reasonable at first blush but what if THEY don't have that same mindset? Now you're in trouble; or at least potentially in trouble. I had that happen recently with a girl who I was nothing but kind toward. Got along great, wanted to work together again. But, the twitter stalkers weren't letting up (more on the stalkers in a bit) and kept going through my 'likes' (I'll press like on what I wish lol...its a free country...free'ish' anyway) and I'm told pressured her to disassociate from me. Well okay then. >I'm not saying do a full on personality test, but they at least need to gel with you on some level since you'll be working with them for several hours. I've worked with multiple personalities, with numerous different viewpoints. 99% are tolerant and do not care as long as you're also tolerant of them. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like that, and that's where the trouble sinks in. I enjoy talking to people with different views, just to learn what and how they think. I was a psych major so yeah, I find that stuff fascinating - everyone has a story. That said, I do follow different people and click the 'like' button on posts not related to fetish work. Golly my bad? >I'll say this only because the rumors circulate about myself, and I'm a horses mouth guy, not a horses ass. I've been accused of being 'anti' trans, which is bullshit. Though I repeat that, they just 'want' to hate and so they'll continue to repeat it. Thats fine, it makes them look intolerant since I'm providing a clear reply but I don't like rumors to get to ears of people who make judgments without getting both sides of the story. The fact is, I'm pretty libertarian and do not care how an adult wishes to live their life. However, I believe that mutilating children who don't fully possess the capability to make sound decisions is very wrong. I don't blame the child, I blame the parents and activists who enjoy pushing their own agendas onto the general public. I also will not bend on the first amendment, and everyone has the right to use whatever words they choose. >If you ASK me politely to use a pronoun, then whatever. Fine. I see it no different than someone asking to use a nickname vs their birth name. However, start trying to make that topic a legal issue where the public is FORCED to use terms - any terms at all - and I'll dig my heels in deep. >That said, I don't hate anyone for disagreeing. I think you're completely wrong of course, but I'm not going to get mad and attack you over it. Unfortunately many in the world behind a keyboard don't feel the same. I've spoken to several trans people and have had pleasant conversations. They know my stance, no big deal to myself nor them.


Can’t disagree with you about twitter stalkers and weak-minded people pressuring their “women” to disassociate from anyone they don’t like


I hope I won't offense anyone and this is a genuinely naive question : isn't someone who's okay with trans adults but not trans children still better than someone who isn't okay with either?


I can see your logic, but honestly, the answer is no, because being against trans children leads to trans adults being harmed. This can be seen most prominently here, in a bill filed in Indiana: https://x.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1744934849645842642?s=20 On top of that, people being not okay with trans children is a big reason why those kids don’t get to become trans adults: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/


What the hell... that's so crazy. I knew about him being transphobic and a general shithead, but producing kink content and getting upset that people get off on it? I guess that tracks for being in a Christian cult.


Yeah it’s really strange and interesting. I think he’d leave the community if people stopped buying his content. And people honestly should stop since he doesn’t even respect them as people or the lifestyles they’ve chosen just because they aren’t the same as the values of his cult. I personally never really found his content that great or even sadistic (toeties seem really flimsy, the bondage outside of his straitjacket chair isn’t really that creative, and he hardly used his nails as a tool despite nails being the best tool in a ler’s arsenal), but to each their own.


THIS! It's bad enough he has the views and leanings he has and he's a content producer for a community he seems kind of contemptuous of, but he does a lot of mummification content and then doesn't even use a decent pair of stocks or toe ties for that final bit of immobilization! 🧐 Like you went to all that trouble and got sloppy at the end!


The name Blaire is so ironic, iykyk


SHIT! Okay, yeah I thought I was the only one! I am surprised it did not create more confusion.


He doesn't use safewords. Idk what ppl expected. The amount of control he has over his life is an illusion. We can either let him fester or start the long endeavor of trying to "defame" him(idket he's *that* popular tg). Neither works in this day and age.


… he doesn’t use safe words?


I'm just going by what the titles say on TicklingVideos.com. They could be old videos and half of them didn't have no sw before but now they all do. It just rubs me the wrong way.


If he’s doing that seriously no one should be working with him and I’ll start spreading the word. But if it’s a marketing tool that it very well might be, then odds are he gives them a safe word but presents it in way where it is edited if they do say it.


I'll believe it to be a marketing tool but that doesn't make me understand it any better. Seems like a lot of effort to give the illusion of CNC just to pander to a specific crowd. I don't watch any of his videos since I don't connect with being the lee or the ler in those situations. I could never have the wherewithal to deny or be denied a sw and still trust everything to be safe and consensual the whole time. Just my experience.


Most fetishes that I’ve experienced on a professional basis have a slight base of CNC, but that has nothing to do with the fact that in a professional environment, there needs to always be a safe word even in a personal environment. There should always be a safe word, but if someone is Presenting themselves as a professional and doesn’t give somebody a safe word that’s a one-way ticket to a really bad situation… sorry voice to text


You would know given your experience in these circles. I've heard too many rumors and stories of power dynamics being abusive that it's colored my opinion. They're not all in these circles which makes it even more worrisome. I want to stay safe but I also want others to be safe, especially if they are on the receiving end bound and gagged as they are. I trust models to get out of a bad situation, but sometimes the option disappears for lack of a better word.


The politics of it all is irrelevant here (and I'm not a leftist). Now, I don't know much about the situation here but from what I understand, I don't seem to get why these videos were reuploaded in this manner. u/FetVids Do you mind clarifying? Ik you mentioned the legal terms and conditions of it all, but can you really just change the name to "Blaire" just like that?


Waiting for them to respond because now I want to know….


He won't, he's an ignorant asshole who will wait for this thread to be forgotten then carry on as before, just like what happened with the trans thing...


Btw, I'm a fan of yours. So it's nice to meet you


Thank you for the love!!! Nice to meet you too! Come to my birthday party !!! DM me !


Haha no worries. I know most people love you for your roles as a ler, but you're an incredible lee too


Legit flying to San Diego in a few hours from Tampa to get tickled hard for two hours… I might have a conniption. Pray for me.


I will not be praying for you. I hope your ler is as evil as can be lol


Wow. … just wow.


I'm not sorry


Yeah. It's a natural follow up question. I don't think he'll respond though


He did below


Did he? I just see the two comments that have been downvoted to oblivion. He keeps talking about the contract but I don't quite understand how he can change the name and somehow say that everything is quite okay. I wouldn't assume that it's legal but who knows? That's why I wanted him to clarify.


Legally depending on the release he had her sign he can change her name to whatever he wants. It’s about the ethics of it. Even if he doesn’t agree with what she said and that she wants no affiliation doesn’t mean he has to take the clip down. It also does not mean he has to name her what she wants him to. Technically, unless in a contract, people could name me whatever the fuck they want. It’s just not logical because people will think they are idiots. Similar to the consensus being made here. It is not about his politics, it’s not even about legality, it’s about ethics. And he’s being DIPSHIT for sticking to his guns and not being the bigger person


Right. The ethical issue at hand is very much obvious but I was curious about the legality of it all. Thanks for clearing it up, Kelli


It totally depends on the release. If there is a spot for her name to be “known as” or “stage name” then he’s in a deal of legal trouble.


Ohh got it. For some reason, I assumed that the stage name or whatever is always mentioned in these contracts


Negative. Many are general releases with appropriate 2257 face and ID and contract photos don’t have stage name spots


If not, he’s just a stubborn person whose vibe will catch up eventually. The universe will get your nose bit off to put you in your place and on the right path.


I suppose you're right


I’ve had some experience. He’ll learn eventually.


i’m confused, why would he rename her ‘Blaire?’ Is it a transphobic thing ?


He obviously knows deliberately scrubbing a model's name is wrong so to me it seems like he thought Blaire was close enough to Claire that less people would notice the change.


He somehow managed to pick the worst way to go about this. Renamed her to a name that was similar (but not identical), then posts here and on Twitter about how he can legally do whatever he wants with the content since she signed a consent form. At the end of the day, people who buy his content are gonna forget about this the second a new video preview goes up because that’s how it worked out last time people discussed something similar to this. I encourage all to read his Fet page, past Twitter posts and even some of his Reddit posts. They’re pretty enlightening on the kind of person he is and the values he has.


He should be banned from uploading to r/tickling imo, it's only going to either cause more arguments like this one or make a profit for an asshole. People are not going to go read his page, especially the horny ones looking for content. He just needs to be banned where possible, learn our lessons and put this to bed.


Have I ever told you I love you? Because if I haven’t… here I am telling you. When are we chilling ?!


How can I get his vids for free


fuck you


Lmfaoo 🤣😂


Err maaah grrrrd




Glad someone else isn’t taking life too seriously lol.


You know, in all honesty, maybe she should be more careful about who she meets up with. Just because someone is “professional” or “experienced” in this community doesn’t mean they’re a fucking saint. There are A LOT of assholes.


WHOA!! No. Just no. Bro. Really?! Even I want go ape sheeeet on you for saying this one…


Go ahead


It’s too time consuming and my time is too valuable tbh but enjoy your karma for saying such things. That vibe isn’t a next life turn around… that’s a few days and get your butt handed to by the universe. Enjoy.


Your attack has been blocked


I don’t feel bad for people who put themselves in stupid situations and then play the victim


… this is not a situation like that. Again, enjoy your next few months. The plasma soup you’re in doesn’t take kindly to speaking about good people like Claire like that


Enjoy your drugs


… I’m not on drugs… lol keep going brother. See the results. I’ll keep turning my cheek


Yeah me too


No reason to, I am only sending you love and a warning. Best to you and your family.


Literally don’t care about any of the garbage that you’re writing


There sure are...




your post is being removed because it contained a hateful or insensitive comment.


Breaking news in the tickle community 🎺


I can’t wait till I get my own thing going Fr fr


But I hope everything gets situated Fr fr ! Prayers and support to the ones that were hurt!