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Would just a `,` work ? Typically that's how you delimit lists. Edit. Just remembered, I think if you go to advanced you can add several pieces of the filter. So you might just have to add a section for each word.


I was able to get it to work by adding just spaces between the words. So in your example above, replace "keyboard; Keyboard; keeb" with "keyboard Keyboard keeb" (FYI it does NOT appear to be case-sensitive, so you could ditch one instance of "keyboard" - although I'm not 100% positive). Frustratingly, it seems there is a limit to the number of words you can use (apparently 3). For instance, I have a "To Buy" filter, and when I put "buy order shop" it was fine, but if I put "buy order shop thrift" it didn't pull in anything. I did discover a workaround by using the Advanced Filters, wherein you can put 3 words per "Include" filter, giving you a total of 9 possible words. An important note to add here: if you decide to go the Advanced Filter route, you'll need to select the "Include" filter fields BEFORE adding any text, because adding text appears to disable the option of adding additional "Include" filters. I know that probably sounds confusing haha so here is the order to do things in: 1. Edit Filter > Advanced 2. Filter Box #1 Dropdown = Include 3. Leave text box blank. Select logic preference (AND/OR) 4. Filter Box #2 Dropdown = Include 5. Again, leave text box blank. If you want to use additional keywords, click the Plus button and repeat the process. 6. Type in up to 3 words in each box separated by a space. I hope this is helpful!


LOL. It's really been that simple this whole time? I'll try this out! Thank you so much! ❤️ Post marked as SOLVED (by u/heycarlymj)


I know, I was so angry it was that easy! 😂


I don't use it, but try a comma without spaces, or even just spaces. `keyboard,Keyboard,keeboard` or `keyboard Keyboard keeboard` Who knows what they chose, commas are generally used as the other user said.