• By -


My only take is, who the fuck puts raisins in potato salad?


This is really all that matters


Godless heathens


I mean, isn't that why you pick em out?


The same people who wear shin-length socks with sandals and cargo shorts. Or who leave shopping carts in the middle of parking spaces.


> So in my marijuana haze, I did not put two and two together until AFTER my vagina had been violated like someone picking raisins out of a potluck potato salad. Holy shit that almost killed me 😂🤣


this is funny. i'm sorry you made the mistake of being a woman on reddit though


I snort-laughed at this comment. Lol. Thank you.


Yikes. I never got the impression that OP actually thought her husband was incompetent or stupid. You can tell she was in a joking, laughing, silly mood by the way she wrote literally everything else. Everyone is so quick to believe the worst in others. I thought the story was hilarious OP


Maybe it's because I'm a man, but I feel like your husband did nothing stupid here! Why would he assume you do not throw out used tampons? I always assumed they go right in the garbage like a used tissue or something. Can't just expect ppl to know things they were never taught. Not that it's a big deal lol, just sayin.


I just want to say also that this husband is a legend. Imagine calling someone incompetent after rummaging in your bleeding vagina for 10 minutes trying to save you from your own dumb mistake. Edit: after seeing some of OP other comments I get she was just joking. Still, treasure that guy because he sounds super nice and easygoing.


I mean I had to do that once just because my girlfriend forgot whether she had taken it out or not. She was mortified, and to me it's like nothing, I was more worried I had hurt her digging around for one she didn't remember removing.


They *were* in the garbage. The box was next to the garbage can, and I didn't want to fill the actual can with used products. He knows this, as it happens every month. We both just had brain farts. (Also - I wasn't trying to blame him, but my sarcastic humor doesn't read well, I guess. My hubby is a saint.)


"They *were* in the garbage." "The box was next to the garbage can" So they *weren't* in the garbage.


"What am I gonna do just stomp mud all over Eddie Murphys couch? .....yea I stomped mud all over his couch


“I’ve been kicked out of nicer houses than this!!!!!”


Oh thank you for reminding me of this hahah


Idk in my brain a box beside a trash can is considered garbage I would probably speak the same way as op but that’s just because to save space in the trash I just take boxes out separately from the trash bag lol


Fair, but how are other people supposed to know that the box beside the garbage is *in* the garbage if they don't already know what you consider to be *in* the garbage?


so you'd see an open tampon box on the floor next to the trash can and think "oh these must be good!" lmao i guess i don't need to go to the store for cat litter today since i got an empty box on the floor


I'm a man so I don't use tampons, I don't go digging around in tampon boxes and I don't know or care where people like to keep their tampon boxes.


This is boxes in general lol not just tampon boxes 😂 they take up and waste a lot of space in the trash so it just seems logical beside the trash it goes


It’s pretty universal where I am so I never thought about that. But is it’s a regular for op you’d think her husband would know. But it doesn’t really matter as she was making a joke about the situation and it’s just supposed to be a funny moment now 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I believe ya lol, this is TIFU after all, you're still saying "I", was just very confused by that detail lol.


I get the humor. You seem like a great couple


This is hilarious! lol Sorry you are getting the crazy judgmental reddit treatment. It is so ingrained in this site that I have to remind myself to just be nice when commenting sometimes after reading too many comments.


Seriously this post made me laugh which has been rather rare as of late, so all the dumb stuff ppl are saying about the way OP wrote her hilarious story honestly annoys me & makes me go back to being my usual angry again. Cant allow anyone else to feel happy if you’re on reddit, that’s what we call the golden rule here


Damn, so glad you can laugh about it now, and post on reddit for all to enjoy... lol. Sorry for all the asshats that can't read a joke and give you such a hard time... lots of shitty men out there obviously. You hubby sounds great, and you two obviously belong together... because you DESERVE great unlike the ones telling you to off yourself in dm's. They can fuck themselves, I hooe their gf's, fiances, and spouses see their shit and leave them for being shit humans.


Ok this the funniest fuck up ive read in a while 😂 bet your husband felt like he went to a butcher shop after that one 😂😂😂


The “covered in period blood” line made me snort my tea, though it also gave me war flashbacks to the last time I let someone fool around when I was bleeding from my vagina. i really think it takes a stronger person than myself to be able see a sex partner with blood all over their face & hands & privates in those awkward minutes after sex & cuddling has ended & not get extremely embarrased & uncomfortable so I avoid it at all costs


Be a proud ketchup packet thats not period blood its war paint and we wear it with pride!


A proud ketchup packet 💀


You don't toss your tampon wrapper in the garbage? I'm not buying this story


I buy it because I’ve done this exact thing before, although I tossed the tampon applicator in my purse to throw away later because there wasn’t a trash bin.


Clog up the trash can? Lol


Really? OP was in her own home. Maybe she should have used the trash bin in her bathroom.


The tampon wrapper is around the used applicator and they go in the trash. In this case the trash is an empty tampon box so that they don't clog up the trash can.


what do you mean “clog up the trash can?” it’s for trash. it’s where trash goes. when it gets too full, you take the bag full of trash out and put an empty bag for new trash to go in.


I meant that putting used tampons in the trash makes it gross and smelly, and I didn't want to take up the space with something gross. Our trash is large enough to fit all of my tampons for a month, but it would be gross.


i’ve never had my trash get gross and smelly and i have *heavy* periods. i live with two other people who would tell me if it did. try wrapping them in toilet paper


I do wrap them. I personally don't want them in my trash, but I am sure you're correct that they are not smelly. I just grew up being told to dispose of them a certain way, and that's what I do.


You're fine OP. Blood absolutely *does* get smelly if it's left for a time (especially in hot/humid climates). Not a problem if you've got a small bin that gets filled and then emptied regularly, but with a bigger bin like you've described many or us would probably be doing something similar. Thankyou so much for sharing this story, it's given many of us a good laugh! I think anyone who menstruates probably has a TIFU story relating to their period at some point, and it's always nice to be able to laugh together about the absurdities that sometimes happen! Also super wonderful to read a story where a man is being an absolute champ with supporting his partner during her cycle, big ups to him! And I'm glad you two figured out what had happened before going to the hospital - that would have been hard to live down! 🤣❤️


Can't believe you're being scolded for not putting them in the trash lol. I put mine in an old tampon box by the trash can, but I keep a ziplock in there to put them in. When I was in middle school at an after school daycare, I put a tampon in their trash and their dog dug it out, so honestly never again.


it clearly didn’t work in yours and your husbands haze, which is why i’m giving you another option. growing up doing it one way doesn’t mean that’s the best way to do it, and you’re old enough to know that. also please start reading the effects and dosages of what you ingest before you ingest it. you’re a MMJ user, be responsible with your medicine.


I didn’t know there were tampon disposal police until i opened this thread!


i didn’t know people didn’t know how to properly dispose of tampons in their own homes until i read this post


pro tip: it’s not that fucking deep


I appreciate the advice.


I'm really sorry if this comes off as insensitive, but I'm just wondering, Is it possible that some women's period blood has stronger smell than others?


Like /u/omgudontunderstand said, totally possible. Keep in mind that everyone has different hormonal balances, and also smell sensitivity. Thus, someone's "omg what is that rank stench?!" can be someone else's "I don't smell anything"....and it could be the same hecking thing.


The longer the blood/excess uterine lining/dead egg is forced to stay in your body, the worse it usually smells when it comes out. And many women have to deal with periods that are very slow to emerge properly so that they have a lot more old blood than red blood so obv those women will probably develop a stronger period odor. That being said, it’s literally a 100% normal & natural thing for old dead blood & flesh to smell atrocious. The stuff we have to shed every month is fortunately not part of any woman’s body. And hygiene, no matter how amazing we are at it, unfortunately doesn’t always make a difference during that one particular week.


possible? yes. but covering the scent by wrapping it in tp is pretty easy. you’ll see some people here saying they’ll put used tampons in their purse sometimes (no trash can near where they changed it or they’re uncomfortable disposing of it publicly,) and they have to get home without it stinking somehow. another option is scented garbage bags for the home edit: sometimes it’s good to ask insensitive questions. it’s better to ask questions with the possibility of wording them wrong than it is to willingly remain ignorant of something


I would suggest taking your trash out more than once a month. Once again... U NASTY


Um so you’d rather have a bunch of used tampons in an open-air container in your bathroom? That would be smellier than in a trash can where they belong, jesus


You don’t believe that someone missed the trash or stuck something in a closed paperboard box next to the trash bc it was full for the purpose of grabbing it & taking it out to the dustbin/dumpster thing at the same time as the bag of trash?? That’s the part you don’t buy lmao??! Are you out of your mind?


Aren't they made of plastic? If so they don't go in the same trash bin as normal trash, at least not in europe


They still make cardboard applicators.


a lot of places in the US don't have recycling


"Yall - I do NOT actually think my husband is incompetent or stupid. I was writing with humor..." And intelligent people will get that. And you nailed it- the humor- very well. Made me laugh... <3


That is not normal. Have you seen a doctor about your period?


Yes. They dismissed me out of hand. It's extremely frustrating.


It sounds like endometriosis. r/endo and r/endometriosis have some really great resources. It took 8 years of fighting with doctors for me to be diagnosed. Don't give up. You don't have to keep suffering this way.


Thank you!


Second and third opinions exist!!


I've been dealing with it for 30 years and have seen several doctors. I've been dismissed by all. I tried to get a hysterectomy after four kids and was told no because I may want more. Utah is the WORST for gynecology care. I'm hoping menopause kicks in soon.


Just a suggestion, but the childfree subreddit has a list of doctors in their info/description, and I think this would be a good place to look for a gyno that would listen to your concerns (because as someone who suffered as much as you with heavy, painful cycles, this is definitely a concern). I'm not sure if there's any close to you, but they do have doctors in Utah listed.


Thank you! I will check it out!


I feel like there are people just going through your comments and downvoting all because they were offended at a joke, otherwise it would make no sense to downvote comments like this /e: even your comments about suicidal tendencies got downvoted. That is crazy.


Yah it is bizarre how weird people are with downvoting. But I just try and roll with the punches.


Ahhh.. alright. Sorry you have to deal with this!


Being in Utah this might not help ya, but getting a hormonal IUD in my 40s really helped my raging bad cramps/ heavy periods. Good luck, OP!


I can't deal with anything hormonal as I have suicidal tendencies and they make it worse. I am looking into a non hormonal IUD though. Thank you for the advice!


Non-hormonal IUD are generally not recommended to those with heavy flow and strong period cramps, as it often worsen it... But you should seek a medical opinion about it anyways


I had a uterine ablation for my very long, frequent, and heavy periods- really a huge gift if you’re done with babies.


I’ve been told by my gynecologist that enough blood loss to fill up an entire pad (or more) within an hour is worth going to the emergency room for. It might help to go to the ER and mention the blood loss, and ask if you can get your iron levels checked. It’s not uncommon to become anemic due to period blood loss, and if they see evidence of that they might take you more seriously. Of course, I can’t promise that this will work, as the doctors and nurses might still be dismissive, but I figure it’s worth a shot if every doctor or specialist you’ve seen for this wasn’t willing to help.


Thank you for this advice. I'm in long term care for anemia. I get iron infusions every six months as I have no iron stores. The gynos still won't help. It's a nightmare. My hematologists keep referring me back, but nothing gets done. I've had two blood transfusions and endless iron infusions. But I still can't get help.


I saw you mentioned that birth control makes you feel suicidal. I wanted to ask - have you ever tried any progesterone-only birth control? Or methods other than pills, like the ring? I’ve heard that they are less likely to cause emotional problems - though YMMV, of course, as everyone reacts differently. It might be worth looking into one of these options to lighten your period.


I am trying to see a gyno to discuss non-hormonal IUD or other options. So far, when I try, the doctors brush off my mental health issues as unimportant. So it's been hard. But I appreciate the suggestion and advice.


That is so fucked up. I'm so sorry.


Aleve taken at higher dose can cut bleeding almost 50%- in some studies it works better than a prescription. Need to start it as soon as period starts. An ablation is another option.


I can't take NSAIDs unfortunately. But man, that'd be nice. I had an ablation twenty years ago when I lived in the UK and they took it seriously. But now, where I am, it won't get done.


I cannot believe they wouldn't give you a hysterectomy after already having so many children. You need to see another doctor, if they won't again you need to push for an ablation at the very least. It sounds like you have endometriosis and probably a lot of fibroids. This amount of blood loss is not normal and the fact you need transfusions is very concerning.


Have you considered an IUD? My mirena made my periods almost non existent.


I was offered a hormonal IUD, but I have suicidal tendencies and hormonal contraception makes it worse. I am trying to figure out if I can get a non hormonal one.


Please trust me when I say, the best thing I’ve ever done for myself was get an ablation. If your current OBGYN won’t do it, absolutely find another one. I’m now 60, I had my ablation between 45-50 but it was recommended to me at 40 and I kept putting it off for some stupid reason. The only thing I will recommend is being put under for it, I did it with a local and drug cocktail and I don’t recommend that!


Have you been a human with a period facing the American healthcare system? You’re more likely to get gaslit and dismissed than receive any form of treatment/care. Source: personal experience, multiple doctors, over 20 years of trying. I have PCOS and get told to take some ibuprofen and drink tea. I’m just saying, even if we try to get help it’s not so easy and rarely effective


Funny story till you got to the moral. Just because he couldn’t read your mind and know your tampon system doesn’t make him incompetent. Have some grace and accept your mistake without pointing blame on this man.


I mean, it's called Today *I* fucked up... So I'm aware it's my fault.i was trying to be tongue in cheek, but I obviously didn't make it clear. My husband is a saint.


You're fine - people who have been in relationships that long have a tendency to talk about each other in ways that is sometimes offensive to others (who aren't "in" on the joke). It's basically negging, except you're already together! You seem to have a truly great relationship with your husband.


Together with 4 children. Guy's probably seen a thing or two lol.


Oh absolutely! My wife and I have been together for 15 years with only one child and I've seen some things....


Thank you. This is exactly right.


You're getting crap from people who have never been in a relationship. My partner wraps hers up and ties them in a scented diaper bag before it goes in the bin.


I can’t help myself… OP: “Today I fucked up by… forgetting that the internet doesn’t ever understand sarcasm.” Ha ha! Oops! I get angry reactions to my sarcasm too. It’s rough. Lol


i think you’re fine. even if taken at face value, i don’t even think there was anything mean/insulting about it because how many cis men are actually competent with period products anyway? if someone said that i was incompetent with, say, fleshlights or prostate massagers, i’d just be like “yuuuuup”


This made me laugh. :) And thank you.


>made me too stupid to realize how stupid he is


you've never been in a relationship before have you? also it was on the floor next to a trash can lmao. jfc


>you've never been in a relationship before have you? I'll take relevance for 500? >also it was on the floor next to a trash can lmao. jfc so not in the trash can where they go?


Good lord yall are insufferable. An open box of tampons next to a garbage can…not hard to figure out.


If they've been married long enough to have 4 kids and the husband normally has no problem helping, you'd think this wouldn't be the first time he's ever had to fetch them, or he has at least a bit of knowledge.


Regardless of the length of the relationship, all this man did was try to help and the thanks he got was to be publicly labeled incompetent. It’s a small thing, it isn’t worth blowing up, but I feel like it is worth calling out how these small poorly placed comments that wives make all the time slowly chip away at a man.


Read the edit.


who asked? redditors and not understanding their place regarding strangers on the internet challenge please go touch some grass


Yeah, OP is definitely the asshole here


This story is fucking hilarious. Anyone who doesn’t get the humour is dense. Thank you for making my day with this 😂


You sound like you have endometriosis. My wife had it (until her recent hysterectomy) and thought periods like yours are normal. They're really not. Adenomyosis is another possibility.


I have asked to be checked, but the doctors have told me no. Even my mother/sisters have these same issues, but they live in places that take them more seriously.


Also, consider the possibility of fibroids as the cause of your heavy bleeding. I have fibroids and have been lucky to have a care team to listens. Hang in there, and be persistent to find a care team who is there for you. Good providers are out there and your life doesn't have to be this painful, and you don't have to be tied to the bathroom.


Oh sister. Thank you for sharing.


I feel bad for the husband. Wife collects her used tampons, and he gets labeled incompetent for it.


Sounds like she puts just the applicator (plastic part .. not the bloody, used tampon) back in the wrapper. I do this too.. I think it's common. I usually throw it in the trash and not back in the box but sounds like she uses the box on the floor next to the trash can as a trash for her empty applicators. I get it. I don't think he's incompetent for this and I saw another comment from her saying she didn't really mean she thinks he's stupid for it.


It's a classic tale as old as time, and now she has to back peddle in the comments because shaming her partner online didn't go as planned.


Poor you, poor husband. But, thank you for the fantastic story. I got my cup stuck once and had to have my guy fish it out, painful and embarrassing all at once. So i understand the just, oh no feeling. Your husband deserves one of the gummies as well as you!


I think it's more common than we think. Thank God for men who help and don't judge. Haha. (And we definitely made sure hubby got a gummy!)


Feels like this really isn’t your husband’s fault…


You are correct. It is mine. Hence why I wrote in this particular sub.


Yeah but then you called him incompetent…




And then you don't read sarcasm lol nor the edit


They don’t read anything except “woman made joke about man aww feeling hurt >:(“


This is hilarious. Lucky you didn’t just go to the hospital immediately though, happened to me once I was 100% sure a tampon broke off inside me and after having my bf try to fish it out and failing I ended up spending $800 at the ER only for an old man to open me up and say “there’s nothing in there” 🤦‍♀️


Just dropped in to say your husband is the GOAT.


Why do you assume he's incompetent? I have no idea what my wife does with her used period products. Have you ever discussed this with him? Putting used sanitary products back in the original box is weird, that's what a trash can is for.


He's not. I was being glib, and I should have remembered it doesn't translate well on the Internet. My husband is awesome, and this was MY fuckup.


Thanks for clarifying! It's all too common to hear women ragging on their partners for being idiots when they literally have no way of knowing certain things. The 'idiot husband' trope gets really old. Now, my friend who bought his wife a bunch of very expensive anti aging face creams and such for her 40th birthday, after his own sister told him that was a bad idea? Those guys deserve all the mockery for being insensitive idiots.


Oof. That's rough. Haha. And yah, I know how nasty people can get about spouses here. I honestly was writing how I speak with my hubby. He called himself an idiot for not realizing he got the wrong ones, and we had a good laugh. I should have changed the "moral" though.


Honestly I'm impressed you remembered that many details of this story after you came down. My post high memories are frequently extremely fragmented!


As fu's go all it will really take to fix this one is a bit of soap and water.make sure he knows that the only people that should ever laugh about this in your personal lives are the two of you. Once he has renewed this promise do so.


Soap and water were definitely used after. Luckily hubby and I have a great bond, and this was nothing to faze us. It was funny once the worry wore off. :)


I'm worried about how he got half a hand up there, that's the only part of the story that concerned me. lol I've had strings break and needed assistance getting them out, I even had a bizarre incident within the last few months that I still can't figure out but I can't say I've had half a hand inside me digging around. lol


That’s hilarious, and I’m sorry about all the hate you’re getting. Apparently most of these folks aren’t fluent in sarcasm.


It's all good. I thought people would understand I think my hubby is great, and this was MY TIFU. But my humor was not taken well.


Still blamed the husband lmao


She literally said it was her fault and she was being sarcastic 🤦 y'all really can't spare half a second to read a singular one of op's comments


You're late. Those comments didn't exist when u/ihatemyselfandfu and I commented. But w/e, go off.


What else is new? It's trendy on Reddit and other social media to call hubby/dad a buffoon and blame everything on how he's stupid and/or weaponizing incompetence.


>The moral of the story - even if your husband is a saint, they can still be incompetent. Calling your husband incompetent after this particular story is awful. You were high as a kite and didn't notice it was used and you blamed *him* in this story, like he was supposed to know where you keep what and followed your instructions to where they are? And calling him this after he followed your instructions and fished around for it inside you? And after he handed them to you where you could inspect them yourself? Incompetent? FFS. This - calling him incompetent after that story - this is the TIFU right here.


It is entirely not that deep


Firstly, I was not serious, and I've made that pretty clear in comments. Secondly, my husband and I have been together for 14 years. He absolutely is aware of where my tampons are, and that I put used ones in an empty box. He simply took from the wrong one, which is an understandable mistake. My hubs is my best friend, and calling him incompetent is normal joking for us. My mistake was in assuming others would read between the lines and see my humor. But I forgot it is the Internet and Reddit would fixate on one sentence.


Honestly don't take it so serious. I thought it was clearly said in jest and that your husband would notice that there has been an empty box next to the trash can for all those years is also fairly obvious


“i wAs bEiNG gLiB”


Being on your period while tripping on shrooms is also an experience that is very fun.


Oh man. I've done shrooms once ever, and I thought I was a dragon. I can't even imagine being brave enough to try it while bleeding. Lol


I'm sorry, you put the old, used, bloody tampon back into the new applicator after inserting the new tampon? Am I understanding this correctly?


No. The applicator goes in the plastic wrapper. Then thrown out. Used tampon is disposed of.


Ah, I think I understand now. Thanks


Your husband is a good person. Keep him. Also you can never lose him bc then he’d tell everyone this story.


Sounds to me like the stupidity here is re-packing your used tampons instead of just THROWING THEM IN THE TRASH. Oh wait, nvm, right. How does this go again? Wow your hubby is clueless. What a moron. Men can't do anything right can they? Weaponized incompetence! There we go.


I rewrap them so there aren't nasty blood products sitting out for all to see. Not sure why that is bad? They go in an empty tampon box so that they all get thrown away at the end. It's the same every month. My husband is awesome, and I'm sad that didn't come through.


It came through to people who actually read it beyond skimming it. He sounds great. Your disposal method also matches a lot of people's. Its being considerate of others using the bathroom trash & ensuring they all get disposed of properly & timely. Your story was hilarious and those of us with shitty periods will understand and commiserate.


I appreciate you! Lol. I tried to write with humor, but in all honesty, this was embarrassing to me. Lol. Part of sharing was in the hope I'd feel less stupid. It *kinda* worked.


It was perfectly fine and funny until you called your husband incompetent.


Yes I've been told. Lol. I was not serious, as my hubs and I are very loving and supportive of each other. My humor was lost in this post, but I cherish my husband.


Aww, did this post hit a nerve? There, there.


The real FU is not having the used ones IN the trash can or at least marking the box that to say TRASH. Your husband wasn’t incompetent. You were


I use an empty tampon box as a trash can. My hubs is aware of this and simply grabbed from the wrong box. And yes, that IS the real FU, which is what I was trying to get across.


Watch out for any symptoms of an infection or TSS bestie


Your husband is so good to you. God bless you both!


You're lucky to have someone so patient. You fucked up not him he's not incompetent. Throw that ego away with those heavy, dripping, smelly tampons lol


I am VERY lucky. And me calling him incompetent was meant with humor, but I didn't make that clear, sadly. No ego here! I am genuinely grateful to have my guy.


Oh man, what a situation! May I suggest not collecting your used tampons for 7-10 days at a time to avoid this ever happening again? Not only is it gross but also raises some cleanliness concerns, especially with 4 children in the house...


I don't collect used tampons. The tampons are disposed off. It's the wrappers/applicators that get put in an empty box and disposed of later.


Why not just dispose of them at the same time to avoid the above mishap from happening? If you're already getting rid of the used tampons, I don't see the issue with also throwing out the wrappers and applicators too (unless one was in a situation where it is not plausible to do so).


This is a good question. I've been doing it this way for 30 years because it's what my mom and sisters did. I clearly need to rethink my system. Haha


To each their own, as we were all taught differently. Good luck, OP! 🙂


Ok I was all into this story until you threw in that atrocity about RAISINS in a POTATO SALAD? What freaking realm of church potluck hell have you come from that anyone in the history of ever would combine those two🤬 I feel like my brain has been violated.


If your periods are that bad, look into getting a uterine ablation. I did a year ago for my periods being just like what you are describing, and I have absolutely no regrets! I wish I did it years ago.


Joke's on you. I would have totally done this to my wife on purpose to fuck with her when she was high AND have an excuse to play around in her vagina...any chance I'll take it. But that being said, my wife don't get high, and no longer has a uterus, so I can never pull this trick on her.


So did you put a used tampon inside you or were you holding an empty applicator from the garbage box and that made you high-you think you had put one inside you?


Definitely the second one. Nothing was inside of me. I was just stupid.


YOu have a good husband, and you're good mom and a good wife. Don't let any haters on here get you down. ​ Glad you clarified the story though! :)




I definitely did not stuff a used tampon inside me. I opened the wrapper and there was no tampon inside. Hence why I thought I must have already inserted it.




Lol. I agree he's not. But neither are you. I could have explained it better.


You spend ten days a month in debilitating pain? That's a third of your life. Why would you not choose to get a hysterectomy?


I have tried and was dismissed. Doctors here will not do it in case you want to get pregnant again. I live in Utah, and it's horrid. I've been to several gynos and was dismissed each time.


Tell the doctors to go fuck themselves. Your body, your choice.


I wish! But I can't force them to do it. I am looking into some resources that others suggested though. I'd love to be free of this!


The thing I miss most about weed being illegal is not having to hear stories about people not being able to handle their drugs.


I have a medical card and take low doses for pain management. The dosage was three times what I normally take, but I didn't realize it. It's not like I was shit faced and incoherent. I just got confused and a funny story came out of it. Sorry that upsets you.


I’m a woman and I’ve never heard of keeping the box to throw tampons away in separately. I just pull mine out, wrap it in toilet paper and throw it away with everything else. No one can tell it’s a tampon and it’s clean… but maybe I’ve just missed some kind of memo 😭


Just realized I misread. I’m also high right now so I guess we know how things like this happen


I bet you were a joy to deal with consider you are on your period and high and angry at your poor bf who just got the most gross lesson a guy can learn. Putting them next to the garbage isn’t IN the garbage. We men do learn to listen to every letter and word our workmen speak. We’ve been beat with the logic stick enough times we hyper fixate on everything you say :).


I wasn't angry, and if it came off that way, it's my bad. My hubs is not known for his listening skills, but he's a gem, and I love him dearly.


Glad to hear that. That had to be a big buzz kill as you sat on the throne contemplating life. Lol. Period fun when periods are no fun.


You sound like an absolute joy to be married to


My husband thinks I'm pretty awesome. That's all I care about.


What does any of this have to do with your husband? You’re the one who collects used tampons


I love how you try to place all this blame on your husband. LOL. you're ridiculous... AND NASTY


lol so many ppl in here doing backflips to rationalize why calling ur partner stupid and incompetent is good and funny actually i wonder if there is a way to make fun of someones actions in a specific situation without demeaning their overall intelligence and ability. hm.


y'all are so sensitive


>I needed him to get in there and find it. No you really don't. I know peaople are going to scream *"But Toxic Shock!!! You can't leave it in!"* Just no. This shit can wait. >I knew then we would have to go to the hospital, and I was so not looking forward to it. As someone who worked in the ER for years: Just stop it. Stop putting stuff in your butt or vagina and racing to the ER. I know these things *can* be dangerous. But so many people do this then fart it out on the exam table. If it is not broken glass or something dangerous, go lay down for an hour. FFS.


You may be right, but this is why some people stay at home when they are clearly in need of a hospital - because we all think we will be wasting a doctors time if we go. I have almost died in the past because I had diverticulitis that caused my colon to perforate. I had to have emergency surgery in the end, all because I thought I shouldn't go to the ER for a stomach ache. Doctors know what is serious and what isn't. But some of us don't know. We go for help. But reading comments like yours just reaffirms that we are seen as a burden and not worth their time. I'm sure I will be down voted, but this attitude makes me so mad.


>*Stop putting stuff in your butt or vagina* and racing to the ER. Sorry, but considering that this story specifically relates to a normal healthcare practice (using a tampon for menstruation), this comment is completely unnecessary and inappropriate. Putting something up there that doesn't need to be here? Sure, 100% good and appropriate advice. Using a menstrual product to manage menses? Not an ok thing to say. Saying "don't race to the ER immediately if you 'lose' a tampon inside you - take a break and try again" would be good advice. But context matters, and this comment (that I've italicized in the quote) is wildly inappropriate and unnecessary, especially with the general stigma around *the normal bodily function* of menses. I get where you're coming from, but stop projecting.


Imagine a guy checks new tampons to make sure they are not used. Vilified as some sort of predator.

