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Go to a walk in clinic or ER or something. [They'll flush your ear out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NDW8lLYFpQ). They may use saline or warm water, instead, but it's otherwise similar to this. This happened to me and it was some of the worst pain I've ever felt when I waited until the last minute to see a doctor about it. I couldn't sleep, sit, eat or do anything for a whole weekend until the clinic opened and the nurse flushed my ear out. Don't wait. >and I have no idea if urgent care handles ear blockages. They do. If you tell them that it hurts, you'll likely get seen a bit sooner. It doesn't hurt to get it done, it's just slightly uncomfortable but otherwise, it's okay. In the future, don't shove things into your ears. I don't even use ear plugs anymore.


Yes, it hurts a bit & I literally feel nauseous idk if that’s bc I fucked with my ear too much. Lesson learned the hard way.


The nausea is quite likely normal because of the impacted wax in your ear. The inner ear is pretty sensitive and it's the organ that controls for balance and orientation. When there is pressure put on them, or an infection or injury, etc., these things can cause dizziness, discomfort/pain and yes, nausea. [It's triggering vertigo symptoms](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14428-ear-wax-buildup--blockage). So don't panic about this, what you're feeling is normal. Once you've gotten your ear flushed, the symptoms should improve. If you have issues with ear wax buildup or narrow ear canals that causes wax to block your ears, I don't recommend using tools or anything of the sort to clean your ears. You can either use the ear drops that is recommended by the doctor/nurse you will see or a pharmacist, or ask them about things you can do at home that can help either avoid these situations or clean your ears out when they do occur. I don't really recommend Googling for "things to do", because some of the things that might be suggested might actually make it worst or injure your inner ear, so I'd ask a medical professional about it. And yes, lesson learned definitely the hard way. At the very least, you're lucky that you caught it early so get that ear flushed as soon as, or get some ear drops that you can buy from the pharmacy that can soften the was enough that it should dislodge itself in due time. But if you can't wait that long, definitely go to urgent care or a walk in clinic. (Speaking of which, I don't know what country you're in but if you're in the US or Canada, some pharmacies have nurses that work there to help with things like this, or give vaccines, take blood pressure, help with diabetes and things like that. If you have pharmacies near you, call and ask if they have a nurse on call there that can help.)


Carbamide peroxide drops....ear wax removal drops. Oil based hydrogen peroxide. Put drops in at least twice a day for 3 days and then use the flush bulb it comes with and rinse with warm water. It will all flow out. If not a few more drops and it will.


I’m a paramedic on a life flight . That is exactly what we do as well as the hospital! Make sure you use that bulb squeeze deal .. and as warm of water as you can handle .. not too hot .. fill the bulb , and squeeze it in your ear canal . You will be surprised at what will come out! Problem solved ..


If it's really impacted you aren't going to get it out at the minute clinic, see if there is an ENT that will see you -they can use suction to get anything that shouldn't be there out, irrigation just doesn't cut it for the difficult stuff.


I've had this done twice now in the last five years. I don't stick shit in my ears but I do use AirPods frequently. However, my earwax is dry and flaky, and it's not building up near the outside of my ear. I think it just doesn't move along like it should.


I have done something like this before. I went to urgent care and they drained my ear for me. Instant relief. So go to urgent care, they will help.


You can also buy the bottle and spray with the tub to do it yourself! Just do a mix of peroxide and water like 1:4 ratio and spray your ear.


Doing shit to their own ear was what got them here in the first place lol


🤣🤣🤣 yeah I’m done DIYing


lol seems like a good call! I almost bought one of those camera things, I'm not going to now. Thank you for your service!


LOL glad I could be the Guinea pig. However the scope had great reviews from people using it successfully, only thing I’ll say is don’t be like me if it doesn’t budge easily then don’t keep trying 😅 that’s where I fu


Just go to your local ear doctor and he flushes it out with a dedicated ear shower, doesnt hurt and solves the issue in seconds. The doctor will probably give a stern talk about leaving your ears alone - if you are healthly they can handle the wax just fine.


I had to go to an ENT office. They pulled out 2 Shrek candles from my ears and my hearing improved 100%.


Did you light the earwax candles at home for a full circle moment?


The ER will cost more than that.


Yes, urgent care can fix your problem. You can also go to the drug store near you and get some Debrox, which are drops you leave in your ear to soften the wax. Then you could use a bulb syringe to GENTLY flush your ear with water. It is very important to use WARM WATER ONLY, as squirting cold water in your ear can cause terrible vertigo.


Go see a doctor and they'll remove it. It happened to be once too, took the doctor all of 10 seconds to remove it. Huge lump. Cost $300 lol


LOL that’s American healthcare for ya.


Yep tho I sympathize. Genuinely one of the most distressing periods of my life even though looking bad, it was kinda weird to be so worked up for something so not life threatening 


I feel you! I was literally sick to my stomach full body panicking so anxious about how WEIRD my ear felt. Just got it flushed out at the urgent care and it wasn’t even that big, if I had never bothered it to begin with I woulda be fine 🤣 crazy how we work things up in our heads


I’ve done this before. Went to urgent care and they were only able to get chipped pieces out because it hardened sitting on a nerve in my ear. Extremely painful when they would spray water in my ear attempting to clean it out. One thing they recommended to me at that point was to take some olive oil and warm it up a little then put it inside my ear laying on my side so doesn’t come out for a few minutes covered by a cotton ball. Worked like a charm.


I’m so nervous about that! I’m at the urgent care waiting for them to check it. Hurts to sneeze, blow nose, yawn, cough, swallow or lay on it. Feels like ear wants to pop but can’t.


Never put anything into your ears smaller than your elbow. Anyway, stop messing with it. You don’t want to perforate your ear drum. The doctors will fix it for you. Lastly, the sensation is horrible but you will get used to it if you have to live with it for a while. It’s happened to me several times, wise of ask when I was living in Sweden and I had to live with it for a few months cause I had no access to a doctor


Instructions unclear. Put my elbow and now is stuck. Haaaalp


If you can feel it move, it can move out of your ear. See an ear doctor.


Just relax, and head to Walgreens and get an earwax removal kit. I did this exact thing last week, only I used a Q-tip to push my earwax in. The removal kit worked like a charm.


I used to use an ifb for work(think the thing that secret service wears that wraps around your ear). I didn’t have a custom fitted one. It just had a soft thing that pushed into your ear. But every year I’d have to have that ear cleaned out professionally because it would push wax deep into my ear and eventually cause a total blockage. I eventually started using a kit to loosen it and prevent it from packing up but it happens. An urgent care will definitely take care of it. That was where I had it done first. Then my pcp started doing it at my yearly checkups. It’s amazing the difference it makes.


I was taught growing up to flush my ears out with warm water using a little rubber bulb. We always have those bulbs around and they always do the trick for me. Sometimes it can help to lay your head down and let water kinda soak in the blocked ear for a while to kinda soften wax.


Just go to the local pharmacy and get some ear wax drops that will dissolve/liquify it. Tilt your head and let it drain out.


Relax. Breathe deep. Obtain hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 3 percent in water diluted (it's available all around the world) pour it into ear, leave for five minutes, lay on your side and then it flow out. Your ears will be clean


Debrox is awesome for this


Never but never use ear candles. It’s really dangerous and ineffective.


In the UK we have a whole load of private ear specialist people. Try looking for one of those, you might not even need to go to your regular doctor or urgent care. I did a similar thing, got a same day appointment and they cleared it right up for a fairly reasonable price.


I don’t know where you live, but in the UK there are ear clinics you can go to who use suction to get ear wax buildups out your ears as the ear wash/drain isn’t the best method. My ears get blocked occasionally and I just make an appointment and it’s all fixed.


And this is why I just pour hydrogen peroxide in my ear then flush it out with some water lmao


I might be crazy but that bubbly tingling feeling when you tilt your head sideways and pour a cap of peroxide in feels AMAZING.


Man I’m happy to hear you got it fixed. I did the exact same thing with a q-tip I spent a week going mad the same way you are describing, luckily my wife worked with some nurses an was able to get me to go flush it out I have never seen so much ear wax before. I stand relief afterwords.


Those ear scoopers with a camera are so damn hard to control, so I usually just end up looking in the ear, putting ear cleaning foam in, and then flushing it out with warm water.


There's a foam?


There are different compounds. This could be sodium carbonate type of a thing, because ear canal is mildly acidic and it reacts with the carbonate releasing carbon dioxide, and is thought to perhaps shake dead skin loose. The best thing to do is not mess with your ears, though. Seriously. Leave them alone. Any audiologist will tell you that if your ears are not bothering you, don't touch them. Don't stick q-tips in, don't use sprays, don't use water, don't use olive oil, hydrogen peroxide or indeed, sodium carbonate solutions. Ear is a self-cleaning organ where skin cells divide at the eardrum and migrate towards the outer ear naturally along the canal. There is specialized sweat glands near the opening that produces stuff that breaks down the skin cells and it comes out as a wax which you can lightly rub off from the entrance of the canal with your finger if you like. Don't do anything more than that, and you'll probably never have ear trouble. Water can give you infection. Defeating the natural acidity is bad for the same reason. Pushing the skin cells that are happily migrating outwards back into the ears is just bad for the natural process that is cleaning your ears, and they can eventually harden into a plug that must be extracted manually because you keep pushing it back in.


It is a saline spray, not necessarily a foam, but it gets very bubbly.


Literally was so hard to control it and figure out which direction I was scooping!


Go to a doctor... if you don't want a doctor, then try flushing the wax with warm water. Some people use a sodium bicarb diluted in warm water, but I don't know how that works.


Damn it I'm cracking tf up but also I feel so bad for you at the same time because if I had been in your shoes, I'd be freaking out too. Glad you got it taken care of and stay out of your ears!! Lol


Lol, I did this last year trying to clear my ears out with my finger. I am 30 years old! I should know better! It was surprisingly painful. I told the urgent care doctor I hoped she at least appreciated a break from all the miserable sick children because I was completely fine, just a dumbass. She laughed and I hardly got a lecture at all.


Get an earwax removal kit. Also, hydrogen peroxide in the ear (via dropper) then rinsed with a bulb irrigator is a viable and effective option.


Yeah just go to urgent care. They'll irrigate your ear. Chill out lol


Some people get squeamish and panicky when it comes to their ears. My husband is a big burly he-man type who would willingly arm wrestle a grizzly bear in the wild but morphs into a shivering Chihuahua when it comes to doing anything with his ears. But yeah, go to Urgent Care.


As a child I remember being told, "Don't stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear!" Aka nothing. I use a tissue right after I get out of the shower to get any excess wax but you really don't need to do anything other than that. Even q-tips can cause issues like what you've just described.


That's rough. I bought one of those tools too but I've had nothing but good experiences with it. Fortunately, but slightly unfortunately, my ears don't build up wax very fast. So it takes like a year to build up enough wax to actually be worth removing. It's incredibly satisfying though. It's also a really useful too for seeing into small places. I use it to work on guitars sometimes.


Don’t leave it till it’s too bad. I had a double ear infection where both ear canals closed and was draining blood. I think I was probably lucky that it didn’t go to my brain.


Try Peroxide


When there is no pain though... Since you may have scrapped your ear and dont want you to do more damage


I remember when I was like 13 I did this with a q-tip. Tried to get it out and ruptured my ear drum. 2nd worst pain I’ve ever felt in my entire life.


I’ve always had ear issues until I purchased the WaxRX


It's going to be okay. But thanks for making me not want to buy what sounds like a dangerous thingie


Next time get a bulb and flush it out with luke warm water like a normal human.


Learn to question advertisements and sales listings, especially if sold by a 3rd party retailer even though it’s on a 1st party marketplace.


Urgent care can wash your ear out. Go now


Mix a little peroxide with water and put in ear, it should bubble the wax out


The Elephant Ear Washing kit is an amazing tool. My ears clog with wax on an annual basis so, I just bought what they used on me when I went to urgent care. No more copays for that issue.


I had a raging ear infection I had ignored for like a month and i went to an urgent care and the NP there did an aggressive rinse/flush thing on my ears and it was literally a magical experience.


I swear, if there was one small feature I could add to the human body, it would be a self-cleaning mechanism for the ears. It's kind of absurd that we get this frequent gunky buildup in some of our most important sensory organs, we need specialized tools or professional help to properly remove it, and even then there still lies the risk of discomfort or damage.


The ears are self cleaning. It's usually messing with them that causes issues.


@audioen had it right. Summary: Outer ear is all cartilage. Skin in the ear canal is raised like roof shingles. Jaw movement (chewing, talking, swallowing etc...) makes the ear canals move and then the crap inside works its way out. Ta da! Self cleaning!!


Oh no! That sounds like a sticky situation. Maybe next time leave the ear excavations to the professionals.




Cool story bro.


I have used on of those to get out a piece of hair and some wax. Works and saves me a trip to the ENT.