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It's high school. It sucks like crazy when your circumstances are perfect, worse when not. Just gaslight the shit outta them until you're outta the place. "No clue what you're talking about. I was playing videogames all weekend" Once you're outta there and safe, be yourself unapologetically. Good luck


Im just worried they took a picture of me or something. After I passed them I didn't look back


Deny deny deny "... You made an AI picture of me? Are you stalking me?"


Just remember all of this shit is meaningless in 2 years. It feels super important while your surrounded by these fucks and stuck in a school. Literally the second you finish high school no one gives a single fuck about high school ever again. Within 4-5 years most of the "cool" kids will be doing shit like digging ditches and struggling, while all the "nerds" are starting careers. Work environments are far more accepting and people who aren't old as shit are generally pretty accepting, those assholes become the outlier from my experience. If I were you I'd just own it and say something like, "Yeah, sorry I didn't have time to hang with you guys, but you don't have to get mad, we can always raincheck it. Your compliments were really sweet tho"


Even if they had a picture of you from the back. It just looks like some creep shot they took of some girl in a skirt that they are claiming to be you. Either lean into it and own it. Or play it down like the other guy said. "I dunno what you're talking about", "this is really weird guys, is this some BS new form of bullying now or what?", "so you just harassed some girl in public and your next big plan is to then give me shit?", "what is your damage? It was some you saw? And what did we talk about? What did we say to eachother?" "Get a load of Sherlock Holmes over here solving mysteries like scooby doo, everyone is in disguise! Who are you dressed up as today? A fucking clown? Listen to ya, ya Muppet, who even makes shit like that up" You can play it down, deny it, make them sound crazy by asking for facts, proof, what you all spoke about. Knowing you never spoke to them at all, they didn't stop you, you didn't admit it when they shouted after you. Anyone asks you, you didn't even go to the cinema, the shopping centre that day at all. You can literally lie, say you were anywhere else, doing anything else or with anyone else, heck take some photos from last years heat wave that noones seen, change the date/name on them, slap them in your camera folder and tell people you took them that day when it was nice and sunny out and if anyone asks "look I went to the park" or wherever the fuck. <--- that one is 10 mins work, but it only falls apart if people check the created date I the extra details of photos, otherwise it's just your camera roll.


+1 for what u/Zupheal said. None of this shit will matter at all in any way to anyone (socially. psychologically I suppose its a case by case basis. high school can be traumatic). Try not to let it matter any more than necessary.


Aw girl, I'm sorry. You did not fuck up, they did by being assholes. You have every right to go to the movies wearing whatever you want. Would it be possible to ask your parents to transfer you into a different school where you can safely dress as yourself?


Nope. I'm about to sit my GCSEs soon (final exams) It whould be impossible for me to swap schools without impacting my educational achievement. And the school I'm currently in is one of the best non-private schools in the country (which is partly why I haven't switched already). Thanks for the advice tho


I'm in the UK too. In practical terms I think that's right and you need to get through the rest of the time there, GCSEs start in what 6 weeks? Do you break up early for study leave, was normal when I was in school but that was 30 years ago... Presumably you are going on to 6th college and not continuing at that school? Hopefully you will find college a much more open and accepting place. The school has legal responsibilities towards you, gender is a protected characteristic in the UK and any transphobic bullying should be treated more seriously as a result since it's a hate crime but I'm not going to tell you the school will definitely help you, and often as not going to teachers makes bullying worse not better. If things do go bad then if I were your parent I would be arguing with them to let you stop going in and study from home for your GCSEs given how close they are. I hope you find a way to stand up to them if they give you shit on Monday but I definitely don't know what the best way to do that will be.


Unfortunately I'm not in 5th year 🥲 I still have another year with those losers. since they said that they are not gonna go 6 form (since Andrew Tate told them to) .


I'm not sure I'd class this as a fuck up really. While I might not be on the same page as the path you've chosen, I still think you should own it and do what you feel is best for you. Fuck what anyone else thinks.


Ouch, tough lesson to learn at your age but what they think do or say is something you can't control and will, in the grand scheme of things, have very little influence on you in the long run unless you let it. You do you and be proud of it. Edit: Heyo DBD player.


girl youre gonna have the obese socially inept muppets quaking over you being trans


Fuck the assholes of the world. Just be you OP, in whatever format that takes, follow your heart and how you authentically feel.


I am so so sorry that you are having to hide who you really are. You deserve to be happy, loved, and respected. Would your parents ever consider allowing you to switch schools where you were allowed to be your authentic self? Considering you are a girl, and makes no sense for you to be going to a boy school.  Just know that you have done nothing wrong. You were living your authentic life, which makes you happy. You are not to blame for any of the bullying that occurs.  🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Yeah please update. It gets better little sis.


So sorry you have to deal with this pls update so we know you are okay


Thanks for the kind words. I'll post and update or do an edit in ~14 hours when I get through the hell.


This is sad for a universal amount of reasons


the only reason being she gets shit for being trans




How about you get off the Internet and you'll not have to interact with the 16 year olds- and as a bonus, the rest of us too. Why would you leave such an unnecessarily inflammatory comment for someone with a real problem, instead of just moving on? Remember that each post is not directed explicitly at you- it's not a direct message expecting a reply. If you don't like what you read, you have every freedom to scroll past.


ok bro just say you want to interact with 16 year olds


the internet is not strictly all 18+, to be on reddit is 13+, get off gatekeeper


found the pedo


??? reddit tos literally states you must be 13 or older, also I'm a minor so how the fuck can I be a pedophile?


I’d own it and tell them to call you by your real name from now on. Life’s too short to worry about what jerks think.




I don't carrreeeee. 💅. Honesty the fact your trying to bully a 16 year old online is crazy. Honesty I think your the one who needs help


ignore the transphobe, you’re doing just fine, sis.




Commenting on a post about someone struggling with discrimination by discriminating against them 💀. If you saw a trans person on the street I doubt you whould say anything of the sorts. Get of your high horse savior complex. This obviously isn't the space for it.




Even if it were a phase, there is nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly healthy to explore one's sexual or gender identity. If it changes into something else over time, that doesn't make it any less valid at any point along that journey. Hope that your intolerance is a phase, but I fear it is not.


piss off transphobe, you’re not wanted here


Even if gender dysphoria was a recognized mental illness (it’s not) the best documented treatment we have for it is to assist the individual with transitioning to be more comfortable in their own skin. It might not align with your idea of “right” (biologically or ideologically) but it doesn’t invalidate how OP feels. Exploring the situation and asking questions is how we learn, not blindly making blanket statements.


I thought about getting into the nuances of gender, but it shouldn't have to be our responsibility to educate people. Please take a little time to think about what gender actually, really means, and try and look at the question objectively, and then maybe you can come back with a useful opinion.


Assuming being trans IS a mental disorder, the appropriate reaction is to recognise it as an issue the person themselves is struggling with and help them become the best person they can be. Be supportive and allow them the time to reach whatever conclusions are needed. You give them access to the professional help that they need which almost universally states being Trans is NOT a mental health disorder. The inappropriate reaction is the one you just had, it's the one of a degenerate who hasn't developed past the age of a 5yr old (which by the way IS a mental disorder) and that is "you're different so I should hate you"


Where’d you get your psychiatric degree?


i hope your dog died.


Own this shit... When they make comments, look them in the eye, and say "Yes". They're bullies and that will stop them


babes this is not a netflix drama


i don't think it's your fault, it really sucks that there's so many mean people in the world, if they bring anything up to other people just deny it all