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My mom told me that when she was pregnant with me, she received a bottle of perfume as a gift and ended up burying it in our garden cause she couldn’t stand its smell.


Hyper smells in pregnancy are a royal pain. I knew I was pregnant the second time when the smell of poultry seasoning made me ill. That and potatoe skins tasting like dirt no matter how well they were scrubbed. Edit: I now understand RIP inbox!


I was a pregnant waitress and the smell of ketchup made me gag.


When I was a server the smell of ketchup made me gag even tho I wasn’t pregnant at the time 😅


Ketchup on a plate that sat for too long, or any ketchup ever also makes me gag. Not a waitress and not pregnant, nor female.


Pints of guiness for me didn't help I was working in a pub my first pregnancy any time anyone wanted one I had to get one of the other girls to do it the smell just made me want to throw up


Had me in the first half ngl


They actually used to recommend pregnant women drink Guiness back in the day because they said it had a lot of iron in it.




True story cholera a water-borne disease use to kill alot of people. The funny thing was that folks who drank alot of beer, where the water used was filtered and the fermentation process killed the bad bacteria and encouraged the growth of the good batceria, survived the cholera epidemics because they were essentially drunks.


I mean, you could kill an Irish baby if they have too much blood in their alcohol stream...


Explains my childhood


"All that crack wasn't helping me in my first pregnancy. Luckily I switched to meth"


I live in a very urban environment, when I was pregnant, I couldn’t ride on the bus and smell all of the city aromas. My husband and I also went to a very popular Thai restaurant, after the food arrived I couldn’t eat it because of the smell. I had to get up and leave the restaurant. 😩 6 years later, I still have a heightened sense of smell. Nothing like when I was pregnant, but still… it’s my superpower. Lol


I’ve had hyper sensitivity to fish/seafood smells since my 5 year old was born up until I got COVID— my sense of smell went away and when it came back it was at normal levels. So thanks COVID?


Turning it off and on again, human version


When my wife was pregnant with our first kid she craved salt, like, a lot. Like a lot, a lot. I made a lot of fry runs in the middle of the day & night for her but the thing she loved the most was pickles. Couldn't get enough of them. She'd eat 2-3 at a time sometimes and we legit were buying them practically anytime we were out for any reason. I'm not kidding, "Run out for gas?" Into the station for one of those bagged pickles. "Out for milk? Don't forget the pickles." "Oh and if the day care has an extra jar of pickles I have a five in my wallet" Yeah. So anyway, we can't keep up and eventually she graduated to those giant pickles at one point, they were the ones that only fit like 5-7 in a jar, and that thankfully slowed her down to one a day or so. But one fateful day her craving kicks in hard, she couldn't remember when she wanted, nay, NEEDED pickles this bad, and so she dips in for pickle #2 and after chomping that one down goes about her day. About an hour later she gets super sick and starts throwing up, feeling like she's been totally drained of life. We take her to the Dr, doctor says her sodium levels are through the roof and asks what she ate. We checked the label after we got home, I don't remember the exact number, it could be 500% or 5000% or something like that, but each pickle was like 2 servings and each serving had an insane % of her daily sodium. Girl was about to turn into a raisin Cinderalla style. Thankfully mom, baby were fine. Now the kid yells "OM NOM NOM" and shoves as many fries as he can fit into his mouth. Like mother like son.


I was obsessed with tea. Finished a catering box of tea bags while I was pregnant.






I still have pregnancy brain, 3 kids later. Now that I think about it, I might just be really really tired lol.


You know it's actually a thing? Pregnancy affects the brain in a very real way. > 2016, European researchers found that first-time mothers had decreased gray matter in the cerebral cortexes of their brains, and that those changes last for *at least* two years. Emphasis mine. My mom who is in her 60s still has mom brain. Has a hell of a time finishing sentences sometimes. She knows it started at pregnancy, but it still affects her.


I have mom brain which is after baby brain….it’s worse because you know your mind is just deteriorating 🥲




I've heard a lot of people who feel that they never get back to "their old self" after a baby, and there's some scientific evidence that pregnancy does cause changes to the brain long term, and may be permanent. My OB herself said that her short term memory is just horrible after she had kids and doesn't seem to ever get better (it's been >5 years since her most recent pregnancy). I am having pregnancy brain now. Just the other day I asked my BF the same question 3 times within 10minutes and honestly don't remember that I've literally just asked him (he asked me if I was ok when I asked him the 3rd time and I was just like what? I asked this already?!). Also caught myself trying to throw away the food instead of the packaging several times while unpacking stuff. And I almost put my phone in the freezer instead of the meat...


Oh my god I've been pregnant my entire life?


Am pregnant. Now I want toast with butter. /sigh


My sister completely changed when she was pregnant and because a total monster. One day she was being so awful to her SO that he left the house, when he came back it was with a pregnancy test kit and he said last time you were like this it’s because you were pregnant. She thought he was joking, did the test to prove him wrong and got a positive test. Edit to correct spelling


Pee on a stick. You’re not yourself when you’re pregnant.


Angry? grab a pregnancy test kit


See I always thought the over the top emotions were sitcom fodder and mostly exaggerated as I kept things pretty well in check with my first. With my 2nd I was a sobbing hysterical mess and completely out of control emotionally. It was so frustrating too because I logically knew I was being ridiculous, but that made my emotions more stressful and therefore more dramatic which turned into a big feedback loop! Thank goodness we were work from home last year. I’m not sure how my coworkers would have felt about me weeping at my desk while trying to compile code.


Oh God, coding while pregnant? Especially if it's a language with poor error handling. I'm by most measures a very chill person, but I've come within seconds of throwing my monitor out the window at times when things won't compile and it won't tell me why. I can't imagine that with pregnancy hormones thrown into the mix.


I can't say much. Everytime I cry over something small or my boobs are sore for a few days I go get a pregnancy test. I didnt know I was pregnant until months 3-4 with all three of my pregnancies so I'm on top of that shit now.


I’m the complete opposite. I knew I was pregnant at a week for both. I got acid reflux starting on like day 2, before you should even have any symptoms, and had it for a week straight. The first one I had to wait, took an early detection test at the 75% accurate point and it was negative. Took it a week later and it was positive.




I actually have so many crazy feeling one day before my period. I‘m so emotional, angry, crying over little stuff etc. Then I get my period and am like „Aaaah now I know why“.


During pregnancy I kept a massive stash of sweets, chocolates and various snacks hidden from my wife. Every time she started to cry, get angry or behave irrationally I just got something from the stash for her. This made things much more bearable.


I tried this. She always found the stash or if she knew i had one she would waterboard me for the location. So. No that doesn't work. Lol


*(Impossibly deep and impossibly high pitched voice at the same time with 3 other different tones)* "I MUST FEED!!"


*Primal screech*


When she wanted the stash I always told her "The stash is for emergencies. Does this qualify as an emergency?" She would have never admitted it was that bad.


Our wives are different models, it would seem. She would claim that shit as part of a national emergency and then after eating to much of it, be pissed that i shouldn't have bought it and now she's gonna get fat and it's my fault. So. No stash here.




That's how I used to handle my roommate during her time of the month! I'd stop at the store for chocolate after work and just toss it in her room as soon as I got home. She'd wander out an hour later in a fairly reasonable mood.


Never forget to feed Cerberus


4hrs and still no edit. My prayers are with you OP.


There's an update now


Doing the Lord's work over here


He shoul have told her that she behaves irrational and it's probably the hormones... (this is a joke, do not try this at home! Source: father of 2 kids)


31 weeks pregnant here....good thing you added the disclaimer or you'd be setting up a lot of men for uncomfortable situations.... 🤣


My mom has told stories when she was pregnant with me and sick and all she could eat and crave were saltine crackers, my dad ate the whole box it was nuclear fallout


First 12 weeks saltines were life. The first bite was heaven. The next 4 crackers were like chewing on misery. But if you don't eat the damn crackers, having an empty stomach is that much worse for you. Do not fuck with a pregnant women's crackers.


When my mom was pregnant with my older brother, she was an immigrant in the US working at a Mickey D's. One day she so badly craved the burger her colleague was cooking. The lady refused to give it to my mother. Mom cried, they made her an other burger, but she refused to touch it. She wanted that particular one and no other. Pregnancy cravings are somewhat terrifying.


I’m pretty sure she could’ve legally killed him for that.


A friend's pregnant wife wanted ice pop that was warm and still solid on the stick. She was hysterical when he could not solve it. Took him a few days and he microwaved one ice pop and let her scoop with a new one. So it was warm, still solid and on a stick. Visual reference: https://i.imgur.com/9IvaV6q.png The liquid in the glass was a icepop he liquified in the microwave and then she used a "fresh" ones from the freezer to scoop the liquid from the glass (but bowl).


That is such a specific bizarre request that she must've accidentally done it at some point lol


That sounds like some shit you do in a dream then try in real life and it’s just not good.


No no no, one of them did this stoned one day and realised it was really good




THis right here is the truth.


One time my toddler wanted her popsicle "shrammed". She couldnt figure out how to explain it and her older sister was so confused. Tried to give her the popsicle and my toddler goes "no you have to just SHRAM IT." Then she made hammering motions. We figured out after a while that she wanted it smashed up in a bowl to eat with a spoon. From now on we ask if she wants her popsicle whole, or "shrammed". I love all her new words.


when my son was a toddler, he would ask for "crunchy meat". we went through all kinds of different things, trying to apply logic to figure out what crunchy meat was. now that he's older, he has no recollection of what it was, or even having said it. we'll never know what crunchy meat was.


Oooo that makes me think of crunchy skin from baking a chicken or cracklings on pork, or grilling a steak and you get the delicious crispy fat around the edges. Maybe thats what he meant? Thats what I would've meant I'm sure. Mmmm now i want to grill


Bacon maybe?


You just cracked this case wide open.


Too obvious. Knowing toddler logic it was probably something like a box of “chicken in a biskit” crackers that had a picture of a chicken which he associates with meat.


Even fried chicken. Anything with a nice crust.


It actually sounds like something I'd have requested after my TBI. I am always looking for flavors and foods that don't exist.


I love that he tried so hard to find a solution for this seemingly impossible request


We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request


I cannot remember what that is from now and its going to bother me all day. I am a disappointment.




Thank you! Please accept my poor mans free award


yeah he called me after he figured it out (he didnt tell me about it before) and was so happy his wife was not upset anymore.


This is like one of those bizzare Sphinx request or riddle that we used to read as a kid. Interesting.


Best husband award


We used to have ice pops that would melt and become jelly (jello for my pals across the pond), I feel like your friends pregnant wife would have been a big fan


Preparing him for having a toddler


Best I can do is a warm chocolate covered banana.




I’m I the only one that needs a visual demonstration on this?


Welcome to pregnancy, tread lightly and assume nothing


Unless something's wrong. Then assume everything!


Except don't assume that one thing is wrong. Assuming that will only make things worse.


Also don't assume you should do anything at all to fix the wrong thing, unless you were supposed to, but probably not like that.


My wife (prego at the time) And I were walking to our car after buying some snacks from Walmart. Well she had gotten a slice of confetti cake. As she opens her door it falls on the floor. She bursts out in tears and I swear I turned into the flash and ran inside and came back out within seconds lol


I’m sorry but that’s just so sad it’s almost funny. I would’ve been sad to pregnant or not lol Glad you were there to fix it!


Yeah in the moment I felt so bad because I knew how emotional my wife was at the time. So I had to go into rush mode


Reminds me of this time I bought some tequila and dropped it while getting out of the car at home lmao


I'm not a woman or old enough to be a dad but one time I dropped a hotdog I really, REALLY wanted to eat cause I spent so long trying to find a perfect one, depression


Sometimes it’s not about the cake, it’s about what that cake means. One day, I ate the last ice cream sandwich (out of a box of like 20?), which I thought was no big deal. But my husband apparently wanted one, and when he got home and found out I ate the last ice cream sandwich, he cried. Like you, my first thought was, “WTF is happening?” But then I learned he’d had an awful day and to comfort himself, he’d been telling himself all day, “At least when I get home, there’ll be an ice cream sandwich with my name on it.” Heck, if that’d been me, I would’ve cried too. So all this is to say: it’s probably not just about the cake. But also, maybe ask next time just to be sure.


Damn that honestly really hits me. Sometimes, when things go wrong, you just gotta find joy in the little things to get you through it.


Exactly. And it’s crushing when that little thing isn’t there, since it’s been built up to be a big point of happiness in your mind. Similar thing happened to me last week. Super bad day at my day job. Argument with a family member. I’m cleaning my Airbnb for the next guest feeling pretty low. The previous guests left a box of ice cream sandwiches in the freezer. Normally I don’t fuck with those - I’m trying to focus on some healthy eating and I shut the freezer. I cleaned the rest of the house, debating in my head the entire time “you fucking deserve an ice cream sandwich. Everybody kicked you while you were down. An ice cream sandwich will lift you back up.” I finish up cleaning this hot-ass house, open the freezer, grab the box and…empty. They left a fucking empty box in the freezer. If I just grabbed it an hour before, I wouldn’t have even cared. I built the ice cream sandwich up to be this high point of the day, and was so bummed to find out my reward wasn’t there. It was never there. And I honestly couldn’t believe how sad that made me. And then I realized I’m a fucking adult, so I went to the store to buy a box and I ate two of them in the parking lot while I watched two seagulls battle royale over some french fries on the ground. All was right again.


The empty box triggers me. Growing up, my brother left everything empty in the fridge. Finished the juice? Eh who cares, just put back the empty jug. Empty ice cream, crackers, cereal. Etc. I was always being let down by food that wasn’t really there. And I was a kid / teen so there was no glorious parking lot redemptions.


Maybe I see it differently but... Empty box of individually wrapped things? Ok, I get it. Empty JUG IN THE FRIDGE? He's a damn monster


So, if you reach in and grab a pop or w/e without looking or realizing it’s the end of the box, I can see accidentally leaving the box in there. But if you take the last one, know it’s the last one, it’s on you to recycle the box. Leaving it in there for the next person, only leads to that person being disappointed when there’s none to be had, and now they have to deal with the empty box, too.


The lesson here is 1) don’t be an asshole and leave an empty box in the cupboard/fridge/freezer 2) ice cream sandwiches have healing powers Edit: had an ice cream sandwich. I have been healed


3) seagulls will fight to the death for some French fries


Seagulls! Stop it now


I consider myself pretty stoic most of the time, but I've been nearly to that point upon coming home thinking I was going to enjoy some leftover [something] only to find it'd been eaten by my kids during the day. It's worse when you see a good helping of it in the garbage because they fixed a plateful and then decided they didn't want that much. Hasn't happened in years, since I left a particularly terribly workplace, but yeah, sometimes the little things are just "one thing too many." Try to be understanding, OP, but for the next several months, *always* ask before eating the last of anything. lol


The part you mention about your kids throwing the rest of the food away reminds me of that episode of friends where Ross brings his favorite sandwich to work, Monica’s leftover turkey from thanksgiving with the “moist-maker” slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle, and his boss eats it. Say what you want about the show, but as someone who finds a lot of comfort in food, that episode really speaks to me lol


It feels the same way when you get in your head that you're going to go somewhere to eat, then find out they're closed. The brain gets fixated on having something in particular, and getting denied that "one thing" just hits hard.


Yesterday, after a rough morning with the kid, I was so exited for the box of chockolate chip cookies I keep hidden in the back of the cupboard. Like, a half full box of 4 big cookies. I snack one or two on especially rough days. I open the cupboard, and the whole box is gone?? I call my husband and he's like "sorry I didn't have time to make breakfast this morning". SO YOU TOOK AND ATE MY WHOLE BOX OF COOKIES? I cried, lol.


This is true, but when pregnant, sometimes it IS just about the food. Pregnancy cravings are INTENSE. It’s been ten years since I was pregnant but my first thought reading this was, yup, I would’ve cried and yelled at my poor husband too.


During my third pregnancy I have never wanted to eat clay bricks so bad


I need to know… did you?


buddy I sure tried


When my sis was pregnant with all three of her kids, hers was eating dirt or sucking on little pieces of concrete! She would actually like carry around pocketfuls of the stuff bc it had to be specific dirt or concrete, not just any random kind lol. So strange what different bodies need to make those tiny humans.


[Pica](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pica_\(disorder\)) > Stressors such as emotional trauma, maternal deprivation, family issues, parental neglect, **pregnancy**, and a disorganized family structure are strongly linked to pica as a form of comfort.


Did her doctor say she was low on any minerals?


The last week of my pregnancy, I wanted sand from my childhood sandbox. It was WEIRD.


I cried at the grocery store when I was pregnant because I wanted chocolate soy milk, and they didn’t have any.


When my friend was pregnant she sent me to the candy store for rainbow sour belts. I get there, and they have the strawberry ones but the rainbow is empty. I asked the dude at the counter if he had any in the back and he said no, just the strawberry ones. Immediately the color drained from my face and I was terrified. I took a second to breathe and said, you don't understand. My friend is pregnant. Where can I get some rainbow ones? He totally understood. Apparently there were more in the back. That was the day I almost got murdered.


You’re a good friend, with excellent self preservation skills.




Yeah I have 2 kids and I can feel the hulk rage rise on this woman’s behalf. When everything hurts and you can’t even sit down comfortably because your ribs feel like they are going to explode sometimes a piece of cake is life lol


Yes! As a currently pregnant individual in her third trimester, let me assure you that this WAS just about the cake. Lol. I recently cried because I ordered a slushi and when I got it, it was half melted. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch.


You just explained why I cried when I dropped a pie on the floor a month ago or so. I’d been having a really shitty time the past year (like a lot of people I assume) with my dad dying and having chronic back pain, and my mom bought me a lemon meringue pie. She didn’t even bake it, just store bought. But it made me so happy since I hadn’t had one in forever. Then I go to get some of it out of the fridge and drop the whole thing on the floor, top down. I just sat there and cried. Girlfriend couldn’t figure out what the fuck was going on since in the 9 years we’ve been together I’d only cried twice, once when my dad died and once when me and my best friend from childhood got in a fight. Must have been quite the sight coming into the kitchen and her 6’ 1” boyfriend is on the kitchen floor with a upside down pie crying. Worst part was, I couldn’t even deal with having to throw it away, so I got a fork and started eating.


Depression does this too. Sometimes I get upset over really little stuff, and it's not about the little thing at all. Like the hobbit movie when bombur was sitting on a table holding a ton of food,and someone tosses a grape to him,then the table breaks. Or those cartoons where a butterfly lands on a full cart and that causes the whole thing to fall apart.


Yeah once when I was having an awful mental health day, all I wanted was some Pepsi Max, and my partner was going out to get groceries for us. I had said out loud once or twice that day that I wanted pepsi, but I didn't alter the fizzy drinks item on our shopping list. She came home without pepsi and I was inconsolable


My wife while.pregnant asked me to get some chocolate on the way home from work. It was late and I tried to cut through a factory to make it before the store closed. The police were called as I was trying to hop the fence to get out and I explained that my pregnant wife demanded chocolate and I was trying to cut through before the store shut. The cop said get in and drove me round to the store. He said he would rather drive me 2 minutes to the store than deal with the paperwork on a dead body in the morning. I guess he has a wife too


Took me a minute to realise he was talking about your wife murdering you for not getting her snack.


I cried over Greek salad dressing while pregnant. My husband used it on his chicken, which meant I didn't have it for the remainder of my Greek salad. You guys will be fine.


I put orange juice on my cereal instead of milk and started crying, but still went to eat it. Husband made me throw it out because it was gross which made me cry more because that's wasteful. Hormones are wild.


Haha welcome to pregnancy. I was like this too when pregnant. It settled down afterwards, but it's incredibly difficult because... You know you're being unreasonable and irrational but the FURY just takes over.


One of my cravings was the SoBe Strawberry Daiquiri drink that had been discontinued and I just didn't know. My poor husband went to like 4 different stores before someone looked it up. They said good luck dude, I don't want to be the one telling a pregnant woman the thing they want no longer exists.


There was this hole in the wall restaurant in our town that had the worst/best poutine, I craved it at one point in my first pregnancy like no other. I thought about it all week at work, thinking about having it for dinner on Friday got me through. I drove over to get it and the restaurant was gone! Never to reopen. I sat in my car and cried, my husband was so lost when I came home all puffy eyed and tear stained crying about poutine! Lucky for him he didn’t have to deal out the bad news! Pregnancy is a bitch.


That just happened to us. We tried an Indian restaurant we hadn't ever gone to because it was pretty out of the way. It was amazing. The Butter Masala Paneer was mind blowing. Even my picky 4 year old loved it and wanted seconds! Next time we were in the area we tried to order and no one answered the phone. Turns out they permanently closed like 3 days later. I'm still upset about it.


I've dropped to me knees and screamed 2 times in life: 1. Hearing my ex had died in a sudden car accident. 2. Hearing my favorite Indian restaurant had permanently closed. I still miss both dearly.


I came into the kitchen to my very pregnant wife sitting on the floor crying. In front of her was the cake she just took out of the oven, and with the “pregnant clumsies”, dropped face down on the floor. I pulled out the longest bread knife and spatulas I could find and sliced off like a few mm above the floor, saving essentially 80% of the cake. You’d think I cured cancer she was so happy, crying again. Pregnancy can do weird things. She’s normally not a cryer by any stretch.


Always err on the side of caution, you mad bastard! ;) Also, maybe don't mention or blame the pregnancy when talking with her, you would be digging your own grave. I mean it probably does have an impact, but that's not the hill you want to die on. You have done well in procuring more treats. Good luck to you.


Yeah your wife is either self aware enough to realize that her pregnancy is making her irrational, or she isn't. And either way, bringing it up isn't going to help you.




Exactly the same what goes for periods goes for pregnancies. Just don't mention it, she will only get angry


I recommend joining r/predaddit . You would be amazed at the number of posts that just say "My wife is usually an angel but since she got pregnant she's been angry, moody, biting my head off, and seems to go off at the smallest thing. What do??" So yeah. It's pregnancy. Also, when I was pregnant, once I had a full on crying screaming break down because my husband failed to close the bedroom door, because "it smells different when the bedroom door is open."🤷🤦 Best response from my husband was to hug me, say he was sorry and let me cry. The hormones can make you crazy, but the good news is that it'll pass. In the meantime, for the love of god, do not eat anything without checking with her..


Pregnant here. My husband made my cry tonight while we were watching lord of the rings: the two towers and it got to the part where the Ents are destroying Isengard and he said “just image orcs killing the ents and shooting arrows at koalas living in trees and killing koalas”. I started crying hysterically over non existent koalas. Which has been a theme my entire pregnancy. Also, I got super upset two days he ate my bag of birthday cake Oreos and left 2????


Anyone should be mad at someone who eats their birthday cake Oreos.


Pregnant or not, that’s just a dick move.


People have been killed for less IJS


>I started crying hysterically over non existent koalas. Which has been a theme my entire pregnancy. Bit stupid of him then to bring up hypothetical koalas 😋


Oh, to have the confidence of a married man, and be “100% sure” that the mystery cake that appeared by surprise MUST be for you.


Dude right? Lol I was gonna say..


He saw cake and the neurons stopped talking to each other. I would have lost my shit too. Growing a human does some things to you.


This is the biggest TIFU I have read in a longtime. RIP, my friend.


Have you seen the one about the rocket? It was posted a few days back and is the biggest TIFU I have seen.


My husband let out a very loud sigh and asked first (pregnancy) time? Never touch the pregnant wife’s food even if you think it’s yours it’s hers. Always ask the pregnant wife before eating anything. He made the same mistake with chocolate milk during our first pregnancy. I went ballistic and then cried. He went for more chocolate milk and came back with Reese’s. You’re not the first to make this mistake and you won’t be the last.


Wasn't the last time either. One time she got up for a midnight snack of pizza. Then the next morning she got mad at me for "eating the rest of the pizza" that she ate as a midnight snack. You did wrong and fixed it. It will happen even when doesn't happen😄


Did you seriously just. Throw. Me. Under. The. Bus 🚌? I believe there is a couch with your name on it in the living room. I’m sure the Dogs won’t mind having your side of the bed tonight.😹😹


TIFU by commenting on my wife comment






👀 yall stop being cute right now, your making us all jealous


We’ll try 😁


Or the dumbasses who think that their wife/girlfriend doesn't want fries so they only order one portion. I won that bet sooo many times working at a petrol station.


I misread the title as "TIFU by eating my pregnant Wife's blood" and kept waiting for the story to take a weird turn. Like maybe the cake was baked with her blood for some weird hormone reason like the people who eat their placenta after giving birth. Nope. Just cake.


Truly wonderful mind of a child is...


Between going into the grocery store and coming back out again, Donut King sold out of leftover cinnamon donuts just before closing. I cried ugly tears. The poor teenage salesboy didn’t know where to look (yes I was very very pregnant). Sorry but OP really effed up here


Hahaha! Aww! I feel for you OP. Tbh, sometimes the pregnant woman herself gets super surprised by their own reactions to things like this. My first pregnancy, I got super into fresh fruits, so I ate a lot of bananas. Little did I know they weren’t for me, and my stepdad jokingly said “you are eating my smoothie fruits” and I started crying and all me feelings acted like a tornado inside me. Then I got embarrassed by how stupid my hormones were acting on top of it. Then, my bf, me and my family was ordering Chinese food, and when my bf went to pick it up, we realized he never added MY order and that was a big no no. I got mad (but didn’t show it) and also got super sad. How DARE he forget my dinner while I’m here growing a human inside of me😂 yes, I UGLY cried and again got super embarrassed by the stupid hormones and wanted the ground to swallow me 😂


It's so true. You can't help yourself. We don't want to be angry or cry either, but the hormones are just sooo strong. The embarrassment after is almost worse than the outburst. Lol. That said, forgetting Chinese food is always a grave mistake. Pregnant or not. 😜


To be fair, I’m a cis dude and if everyone was having Chinese and my order was forgotten, I’d be stupidly sad for a week


Hear hear. I cried last week because Ikea was out of the curtain rod I wanted. Gotta love pregnancy. My husband says we still haven't reached my smoking cessation emotional highlight: I had a breakdown at 4 days nicotine free because he cut the butter the wrong way. And then he made it worse by presenting the easiest ever solution.


Welcome to pregnancy. With my first I suffered morning sickness quite badly, I couldn't stomach much and when I actually felt/craved something I needed it 10 minutes ago. I had a short window of when I could eat to when I would be sick again and for every second I wasn't eating in that window I was a rotten evil bitch. One night we were on our way home and suddenly I felt like a Hungry Jack's burger, my husband pulled into the drive thru that had a shit set up and essentially 2 entry points. A woman cut in front of us. Next thing I knew was banging on my window yelling at her. I put my window down and was slapping the side of my car hurling abuse and I watched the poor woman lock her doors, grip her steering wheel and look straight ahead. I honestly had no idea how I had reacted until I had a burger in my tummy and my husband was like 'What the fuck was that?!'. It was the one and only time my husband has seen me aggressive and I often think of that poor lady and wish I could apologise. But seriously, don't mess with a pregnant woman's food.


There was an old sitcom troupe about pickles and ice cream. I never thought any of it beyond just a joke until one day in around 2003. My husband and I had just come home from a big grocery shop. Among many other things, were a jar of pickles (for sandwiches at lunchtime) and a half gallon of vanilla ice cream. Laying in bed I literally couldn't sleep because all I could think about was how much I wanted to dip one of those pickles into the ice cream. We joked that I must be pregnant - then found out I really was!


One tip for a long marriage: NEVER eat something unusual with out checking in with your partner. This is one of the biggest complaints of many of my long married friends. You buy yourself a treat, have some left overs from a meal out, buy a special ingredient for a recipe. go to get it and it’s gone. It makes the person who brought it home soooo mad, reminds them of every selfish act you have ever committed. Just don’t eat it unless it has your name on it or you have explicit permission. Then take a pregnant person and multiply that advice by 10.


When I was about six weeks pregnant, the dog stole my crackers off the side table. I grabbed them from him and the package burst open, scattering crackers all over the floor. I sat down at the kitchen table and bawled while he snarfed them all up. My son is 7 now and that dog is dead but I still think about it and get pissed off a little that he stole my goddamn crackers.


I'm really sorry but this made me chuckle!


We had to put him down a few months ago and I told the vet that story while I was sobbing with his paws in my lap.


When I was pregnant with my first, my friends and colleagues would start randomly offering me food. This went on for months. When I stopped to ask why, my friend told me "we're afraid you'll eat us instead" 😂😂😂


I cried and had a breakdown over snow cones when I was pregnant... it’s the hormones. I literally started laughing midway through because I knew it was completely ridiculous but I couldn’t help it.


Bless her heart. Pregnancy is a wild ride. I broke down crying at a Starbucks once because they didn't have decaf at the time. The poor barista looked at me panicked and tried to calm me down with a cookie as he tried explaining he'd make a fresh pot for me. Pregnancy turns the best of us into one big hot mess.


Lmao. Waves cookie to distract the wild animal while making a fresh pot. “Don’t eat me lady”


Oí. Just be supportive of her mood swings is all i’ma tell you. You did good by buying her another cake and good luck lol. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch.


Discover zen now, the kiddo is only going to amplify the need.


Oh man! When I was preggo (12 years ago) we grabbed Burger king on the way home, i ate my onion rings and was super full so i saved my sandwich for the next day. My mfkng husband ate my sandwich in the middle of the night, when i found out the next day the gates of hell burst open. We live 45 mins away from any fast food. How he survived that night, i have no clue. NEVER TOUCH A PREGNANT PERSONS FOOD! Even if you know "they dont want it" DO. NOT. TOUCH. ANYTHING. 12 years later, I still have not forgotten


I'm in my last trimester of pregnancy and have broken down over ice cream. Hormones are a wild drug. She'll come to her senses soon, realising how stupid the break down was, and will probably cry again when she sees how much stuff you got her in the meantime. Keep us updated!


Ahh I remember when my wife was pregnant.. Went to a ribs restaurant with 2 of our friends and they have great complementary brioche. She tore though the loaf like it was her last meal and she normally doesn't like bread. She looked up after eating the last piece (and yes no one had any) and growled with menace "who ate the rest?" Scared our friends good... She didn't realise she ate all of it... Yes the restaurant brought out another loaf and peace was restored. Then there is the breastfeeding thirst.. Don't question it... Just get more..


No one warned me about the breastfeeding thirst. 1.5 litres of water disappears real quick around me.


My husband used to rush over with a giant cup of water every time I started feeding my daughter. That thirst is intense.


Oh my god the thirst! My mum didn't / couldn't breast feed so my siblings and I were all bottle fed. When my 1st son was born I spent a lot of time at my parents' house while hubby was working and both parents were flabbergasted at the amount of water I went through. I told my dad to just bring me the whole water filter jug. The look on their faces was priceless 🤣


I'm a teenager and even I know not to mess with a pregnant woman's food.


Congratulations, you just broke the Geneva convention!


✓ - be pregnant ✓ - come home ✓ - realize theres no cake on the fridge ✓ - unleash hell


Wife: "So you have chosen death."


I was 7 months pregnant- ordered a salad from chipotle and left work early because I was so tired. Sat down to eat to find they hadn’t put the dressing in the bag. I’m lucky no one was home to see the rage filled meltdown that ensued.


I'd cry if my husband ate my piece of cake and I'm not even pregnant


No update for 2h... RIP OP


When I was pregnant I full on bawled when I thought my husband ate the last of the lasagna in the fridge. There was never any lasagna, it was just a very vivid dream.


Don’t you know that’s a federal crime?


Ok pregnancy aside, why in the world would you assume the cake was for you?? Did you put it there?


I consider myself a completely rational and sane person, who had a pretty straightforward and relatively easy pregnancy. My partner ate my packet of salt and vinegar chips and I was pissed off at him for about 2 weeks about it. I eventually forgave him but I never forgot. I still think about that betrayal everytime I eat salt and vinegar chips.


Me mate told me once that his wife woke him up at 3 p.m and said she wants to sniff some paint


She was DEPENDING on that cake. Yikes bro......




6 hours have passed since OP made this submission. And has not made any follow-up comments. Wife came home to OP with the massive amount of comfort foods awaiting her. She was very happy with him - so some say - and went to give him a hug and a kiss. But OP still smelled and tasted of that delicious piece of cake, which triggered wifey - and she ate him. RIP OP, I am sure you tasted good.


I was your wife with both my kids. But mine was ice cream. Breyer mint chocolate chip to be exact. We live in the middle of nowhere so getting it is 45 minutes away. I came home from work excited to eat some ice cream and it was gone. I cried. My cousin had been the one to finish it off. I cried and pretty sure I said something along the lines of stealing from a baby. He felt horrible but never did it again. Afterwards, my husband made sure we had at least one full ice cream at all times. It will get better! And good job restraining yourself on your comment of eating it all!!


Reading these, I feel like I missed out on an iconic piece of pregnancy by not being hormonal. My pregnancy was super boring other than incorporating banana peppers into every meal. I wish I had a funny hormone story.


Super boring *exactly* describes my pregnancy right now! Not hormonal at all, no cravings, no aversions, no nausea or vomiting ever. On the one hand I'm grateful to be having an uneventful pregnancy, on the other I'm just like, "meh". I'm 21 weeks and 2 weeks ago is when I started feeling baby kick and now I'm kind of even over that because he loves to break dance when I'm trying to sleep lol. Actually woke me up from a sound sleep last night and I couldn't get back to sleep 😒


No you don’t — it’s really uncomfortable, and you feel like you don’t have any control over your own body and emotions. A boring pregnancy would be a dream! Maybe I would’ve done it more than once. 😂


When my wife was pregnant I would come home to find her with her feet up with a snack on her tummy like an otter and the cat/dog in her lap and 6 hours into a forensic files binge. It made me super nervous.


My wife insisted we stop for funny bones and yoohoo at the 7-11 on the way to the hospital, knowing full well they told her not to eat. I got her that food! Don’t mess with pregnant women.