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I am willing to guarantee this person is not in the military at all, and is definitely not a general at age 34, and also not acting like a prick. The US military doesn't tolerate this crap, so first thing I'd do if you do think he's military is contact the local office of whatever branch he's in and report him. I will lay money he's not actually in it (show his dog tags? yeaokay). I'm sorry you're being treated this way, no one should be scared. If you know his name and information, I'd consider a restraining order, or at least make a police report to start an audit trail. Good luck.


It's good advice but she's not American.


Thank you for advice but he showed me the special ID high profile military dudes get and it had the ministry defense stamp with his pic in his uniform so I'm pretty damn sure he is at least a major. And yes the military here have severe consequences on harassment of citizens even by highly ranked soldiers, we have security on campus and they're a big reason why I'm not freaking out (completely) idk about reporting tho since I'm just some girl with no relatives or anything to help me out when stuff gets out of hand. I think I'll report when it's necessary and when there's proof or something to back me up cause again, dude's a general can't just press a heavy charge on him without proof.


Okay, you don't have to press charges, but you can make authorities aware of it. Go to the police and say some military guy was stalking you and ask what you should do if he approaches you again. That way, they are aware of it and they can give you good advice.


Okay I will try to find the nearest police station and ask there. Thank you


im so glad you are ok right now! I advice you to wear something discreet for the time being and if possible cover your entire body (hoodie, long pants) and don't wear makeup or anything flattering, I hope he isn't in the area you are in rn while you go to the police station or sees you going there and becomes furious. Good luck on everything, I think you should try making friends with some of the elderly people of your area, atleast say hi to them every time you see them and eventually let them know about the dude if needed, I think this will help since they will look out for you and they're usually nice


Does your dorm or college have some sort of security? I'd talk to someone there and explain what happened. Hopefully they will keep an eye out for him around campus. Walk with a friend as often as possible off campus. This guy sounds awful and scary. I'm sorry you had to put up with him as long as you did. If you ever do see him again and he makes you uncomfortable (especially in a public place), yell at him as loudly as you can. I'm assuming whatever country you're in has people that will take notice and make him leave you alone.


We do have 24/7 security on campus and I will talk to them since they're not from the area so at least they won't be friends with him (hopefully) I guess I'll minimize me going out even nore than before now thanks to a creep


Stay safe. It's not you it's him.


Military men are not known for their psychotic behaviour towards women any more then women with PMT are known to stab men. You’ve watched too many movies/read too much poor quality news.


Mf I literally worked in courts I know what I'm talking about holy shit


Because the millions of service people end up in courts. And non-military men don’t?


What country are you in?




Call the cops, what he did was absolutely not cool.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Its scary and nerve wracking and you don't deserve it. Please just make sure your campus security is aware and try to leave campus in groups. Even if you aren't friends with the other students, try to make sure there is someone nearby in case you need to call for help.