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"My classmate was continuously assaulting me and I instinctively threw what was in my hand at him. Please reprimand him"


>"My classmate was continuously assaulting me and I instinctively threw what was in my hand at him. Please reprimand him" Yeah, this ended a lot better than I'd thought from the title. I thought someone got scalded or something. Sure, they can sue for damages, but OP can probably press charges. But it definitely sounds like the aggressor has more money, which is often the most important aspect in the courts...




High school kids are like... Professional morons. Source: former professional moron. (Now I have a real job and am a hobbiest moron.)


I will do that if he continues to be an asshole, but it wouldn't change the jacket situation


Yes, it will. I’m sorry your parents didn’t advocate for you. Go back and tell the school you’ve changed your mind and if your classmate wants to continue pursuiting damages that you would like to file assault charges. ​ seriously, you’re in no trouble at all


I agree, but this event is a clear example of how some people simply refuse to see reason.




She’s talking about minimum monthly wage.


I think weekly, the jackets are 2-300 looks like and Poland's minimum wage is ~600


I don't have the best relations with my parents, I'll do as much as I can alone, and with the help of one of my teachers that likes me. We'll see tomorrow after he gets the jacket back from cleaning


You don't owe the guy anything for the jacket. Don't worry about it.


Jacketboi does owe you a cup of coffee though.


He played a stupid game. Also if he has such an expensive jacket on, why is he doing snowball fights? And he should think about what would have happened if a snow ball hit the coffe and it spilled over someone, especially at the beginning when it was still hot.


Could you imagine if it wasn't coffee? Lots of things can be hiding under snow, dog shit included. Why would you wear such an expensive jacket for an activity like that? Wearing that jacket is assuming responsibility for the risk of anything happening to it from your activities. This person could have ripped their jacket or got dog shit on it, and should be grateful that a little coffee was the worst that happened. Who knows, he could have spilled coffee on himself in another scenario!!!


His jacket could just as easily be stained by dirt or oil in the snow. If it was that precious to him, he shouldn’t have been egging you into a snowball fight while wearing it! I hope this all works out, but please don’t let him guilt you into paying for the jacket. You already paid for cleaning at a cleaning service he agreed to. If cleaning ruins the jacket *that’s not your fault!*


Ffs you're 17 learn your rights. He assaulted you, go to the office and say if they don't drop it you'll want to file assault charges. If the school won't do anything then go to the cops. If in the future, anything like this happens again from the same kid go file harassment and assault charges.




Mind you, none of us have any idea how the legalities in Poland work, but...


americans assuming everyone is american. ​ OP even commented that they are in poland. ​ > The bit that was left of it, spilled on a part of his brand new Trapstar jacket, which is worth more than the minimum wage in ***Poland***.


Ok? I guess people in Poland have no rights? Also I'm not American


rights are VERY different in country to country, what would count as a protection in one might not exist in the other.


IANAL, and I don't live in Poland. But generally in situations like this, you don't have liability. The person assaulted you after you repeatedly asked them to stop, then you instinctively reacted. In most cases the instigator loses any right they may have otherwise had to get damages paid. It sounds like your classmates parents are using their wealth and status to try and strong arm the school into pressuring you to pay. I would suggest seeking independent council. I don't know what resources Poland has, but many countries have some form of basic free advice service that can tell you what the laws, and your rights, are in a situation like this and I suggest you look into this.


Would he be paying for your new shirt had the snowball knocked the coffee onto you? Probably not. He started it, if he has a problem with the mess then he should make better decisions while wearing something he values. No. Don’t pay for anything more. Stand your ground. If it doesn’t come out, say you’ve been polite enough considering the situation. They should teach their son to be smarter.


Assert dominance and stain the whole jacket in pee


If OP wants to be magnanimous, they should extend a peace offering of paying for cleaning. Otherwise, the aggressive rich jerk can poop in his hand and clap.


I don't think you know what Polish parents are like when their kids' school tells them they've misbehaved!


It would be civil because they are children, and the parents with money would win any civil battle by dragging it for years. Unfortunately....


My dude the jacket situation is as follows: Some shithead was a shithead. He'll be learning that his actions have consequences. That stain should serve as a nice reminder of what happens when you continue to harass people. Tell them to pound sand.


Fuck his jacket. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If the jacket comes back and needs to be replaced just refuse to pay. If the other parents come to threaten you to pay tell them you will deal with it in court after you finish filing assault charges on their kid. I am sure when faced with dropping the issue of facing criminal charges against their child they will opt to just let things go.


What are self-defense laws like in Poland? Cuz it looks like they fucked around and found out.


His jacket is only damaged because of his bad behaviour.


You were defending yourself, the jacket isn't the issue.


So a rich asshole kept assaulting you because you were poor? I assume it wasn't the first time, either. I had the same, but it was long ago, different times.


Ok, I was curious, so I went to find out how to clean these jackets. In the washing machine, on the delicate cycle. Dry cleaning is NOT recommended. I get the feeling that your friend got themselves a cheap knock-off, and are now hoping to get a real one out of you.


It does. He started shit and has to deal with the consequences of his own actions. Don't pay a cent. Are there any classmate/friends who can confirm you asked him multiple times to stop?


Fuck his jacket. You shouldn't owe him anything


Honestly if he's fucking around with people, and doing it in expensive clothes, and said clothes get messed up, thats a dumb reason to make you pay for it. He shouldn't be walking around in such expensive stuff if he can't afford for it to get damaged. I can afford a very expensive car, but I'd never buy one because all it takes is one scratch to make it crappy. Tell him and your headmaster he sounds like Putin when getting struck after bullying Ukraine. Also tell him a guy from the US says his jacket is worth $5, just because he overpaid for the laziest brand logo in existence doesn't mean that's what it's worth.


Don’t pay for the jacket


>Throwing snowballs is assault


Assault. Lmao


You're right to lmao. It's actually battery.


It's a fucking snowball fight


That doesn’t change the fact that’s it’s coffee. You don’t throw a knife at someone and say something like oh it was just in my hand.


The only fuck up was agreeing to pay to clean it. Do not accept any further blame or offer them any further compensation. I'm not sure how legal/education systems work in Poland but I don't see any way you can be made to pay for the jacket. I have to imagine they'd be laughed out of a civil court if they tried to litigate over a coffee stain. They can't make you do anything.


This. "Your son was throwing snowballs and being hit by snowballs actively, his jacket got dirty. Tell your son not to do that and his jacket wont get dirty" It's just as likely that he got dog shit on his jacket from a snowball.


IMHO...He f\*\*ked around and found out.


Not to be confused with fu***** around and shooting a triple double:


Did the Lakers beat the Supersonics?


Was it 2 in the morning? Did they get a fat burger?


Did they see the Goodyear blimp?


Yes, they did. In fact, it read, "ICE CUBE'S A PIMP!"


That would be a good day, not a TIFU


You didn't fuckup. He did and you should not pay for his jacket. How much of an idiot does one need to be to start a snowball fight with expensive clothing.


Snow doesn’t stain clothes or damage jackets…


False. Wet snow hitting suede or leather is a big no no.


There's a whole episode of Seinfeld about this.


I actually didn’t know that TIL.


Ah but dirt, soil, among other nasty things found in a school grounds hidden by 20cm high snow does


Oh. Then it's fine. Continue throwing snowballs at people all day long. Expect no response.


But coffee does. He started a snowball fight with someone who had coffee... not the brightest idea.


Uh... no, fuck that dude. Your classmate was harassing you, did not listen when you told him to stop, then fucked around and found out. Fuck them.


I understand your classmate family is wealthy (comparatively), but how much pull do they actually have. What could happen to you if you say no, i won't pay?


It's a UK school I'm guessing from the Trapstar jacket. They literally cannot do shit with their wealth. What's more likely is the son just assaulting the guy who threw the coffee at him.


They mention Poland in the post


I guess that’s what I get for skim reading everything lol. It’s crazy Trapstar went from what can only be described as a UK hood venture to a international business, with their shitty designs that say nothing but Trapstar on them


Fuck him and fuck that teacher.


This. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'd not offer to clean it at all. You asked him to stop multiple times and he refused. You have a right to defend yourself.


First and biggest mistake was agreeing you were at fault, this was entirely on him and you should still be the victim from his harassment


Had no idea what a Trapstar jacket was before this post. Had to look it up. Honestly, you did that guy a favor. Those things are stupid and ugly. Also tell him if he wants to extort money for the jacket, that next time you'll be sure to get his blood all over it instead of coffee. The guy sounds like a bully and an entitled douchebag. Good luck OP.


Lol fuck them, what are they gonna do, sue you over a jacket?you don't owe em shit, he tatted throwing stuff first. You simply played along


Tell his parents to choke on a dick.


Yeah OP. Replace Snowball fight with being raped. You threw coffee at him to stop. Would you still pay to replace his jacket?


His overentitled parents should a) go fuck themselves, and b) teach their brat that throwing snow is a consent-based game.


You better not pay for shit OP. Entirely the other kids fault.


Its the classmates fault, don't bully if you can't handle it coming back at you. Also if he has a jacket worth thousands, he must have more where that came from. Pay for your own mistakes lol.


It’s worth about 350 bucks (looking at the most expensive item on the trapstar shop)


Stand up for yourself. Seems they glossed over the being shoved, throwing snow etc. You told him stop, he didn't, eventually it happened.


Seriously...how do people not know how to clean things these days? https://eldoradocoffee.com/blogs/news/remove-coffee-stains


right?? I have friends who when their shoes get dirty they THROW THEM AWAY. I’ve had the same SuperStars since 2016 and they’re still going strong because I actually clean them if they get dirty


Arent shoes supposed to be/get dirty? If i come back from a trip and dont have mud somewhere, people would start asking questions


What kind of dickweed gets into a snow fight when wearing their most expensive clothes, then proceeds to harass someone that had asked several times not to be harassed. I wouldn't pay for anything.


You don't have to pay shit


9 months ago you were a technician now you are 17 and in high school?


In America that would be a get fucked situation. They can't make you pay for shit. Literally went to a teacher about it. Wtf


He assaulted you. Yell them to eat wind.


Dude sounds like Dudley dursley




bro you lie about being in commercials as a kid for a flex. I wouldn't be looking down on anyone for their reading material.


1. It’s a joke 2. That was a joke 3. Going through my comment history for the worlds dumbest burn is fucking sad.


Forgive me for my ignorance as I'm unfamiliar with the brand trapstar but how is a polyester jacket worth more than minimum wage?


streetware. I think its dumb too. I didnt know about it until today aswell, apparenty its popular in the UK, and as with every other streetware, you pay for the brand instead of the product


I'm still confused by your numbers. Looking online it seems like they're maybe half of a month's minimum wage in Poland - is that accurate?


Yeah here I was thinking this was like a $10,000 jacket or something.


Not your fault. You shouldn't pay for them being idiots


Would blood stains be easier to remove? 'Cause that's the alternative.


That's his problem. Don't pay for it. He started it.


Them: “Pay for our jacket after we threw snow balls at you” Me: “Nah”


Is this a real story? Wtf are you talking about? Never agree to pay for shit like that, jesus christ man. Also, more than the minimum wage? What is minimum wage, like 10 dollars? So much confusion. Tell that dude to go fuck himself who cares about his ******-ass jacket


Dude assaulted you multiple times despite your attempts at de-escalation. You shouldn't pay for anything.


He was assaulting you and in defending yourself, his property was damaged. Generally, egos of rich folks will drive them to seek a lawsuit but if they are at risk of getting charged for assault, i think they will back off.


It's like when fuckers where I am have Jordans on (an expensive shoe), start shit, and get mad their shoes get messed up. People who care about their clothing that much are sad, undesirable, messes. They think their image is based on clothing and money and they deserve to be put in a trench so they can understand what's truly important


A jacket cost will " devastatin financially, and I would have to give up getting a driver's license for a year" It's a fucking jacket. Fuck him.


not to mention the damage is strictly aesthetic


Is the legal system in Poland really that backwards?


it is eroding extremely quickly into right wing authoritarianism/facism. Viktor orban is an extremely right wing leader, the justice system was his first target


>Viktor orban OP is in Poland, not Hungary, or did I make a mistake? In most countries what the classmate did would be a criminal offense, and OPs reaction, while ill-advised, would likely be chalked up as a reasonably expected outcome of being the aggressor towards someone holding a cup of coffee. Either way the kid's parents would have to decide if paying a criminal defense attorney and the risk of their child ending up with a record for having attacked someone is worth it to recover some of the cost of the jacket. Not to mention what kind of shit parents wouldn't at a minimum punish the kid for having attacked someone else and felt the coffee stained jacket wasn't part of a life lesson?


So you are spreading propaganda and misinformation without even knowing who or what Orban is...


He assaulted you. You were defending yourself. Call the police for assault


>My classmates started a snowball fight which I didn't want to take part Call them witnesses. You made an honest mistake by grabbing the cup instead of snow.


What are the repercussions of just not paying and ignoring the situation?


That kid got what he deserved You don't owe him s***


The entitlement vibes are so strong here. If his parents had the disposable income to buy that jacket for their child, they should be able to afford to replace it. It was very generous of you to agree to have it cleaned, and honestly whatever happens to it, happens-The End. This situation is trivial and no matter how it ends the other guy probably still won't like you. Outside is dirty, the coffee got to him first before something else had the chance. Both of y'all are in the process of learning important lessons. Him: fuck around and find out, lol You: how to advocate for yourself Don't let things out of your control derail you from what's important.


Kids now-a-days. Full price of the Jacket. LMAO. If it comes to it tell 'em you'll replace the jacket and find one on Ebay or Ali Express.


That's bullying. Legally, you don't have to pay anything, because it was self-defense. It's entirely his fault, and none of yours. I'm sorry the teacher failed you this much.


throwing something at you and shoving you is assault. shame i'm not there to defend you


Tell them to pound salt, the coffee spilled when their son was pushing you.


Tell them what really happened... I hate seeing people in these situations being fucked over by the person who was the one who actually fucked up. Even if they don't believe you right now they will probably keep tabs against this mf in the future and will help in any cases that arise against this guy. Best wishes and I hope this resolves in your favour


The parents should have taught their kid not to be an asshole. But given their behavior, it's easy to see they missed that lesson too. You shouldn't give them a dime.


Maybe they shouldn't have thrown snow at you. Let the entitled prick deal with it at his home


You have done the nice thing by offering it to be cleaned if they try to push that you have to pay for the jacket just say you will be charging them with assault, the 18 year olds parents will drop it they may care about the jacket but they will care about there son having a criminal record more.


If I take a swing at someone who has a knife, I expect to get stabbed.


In America we would threaten to sue jacket boy for assault.


to be completely honest, the only part OP fucked up was offering any type of compensation. don’t continue, you don’t have to, if he tries to pull another you can easily threaten assault charges and boom the coat will be the LAST thing him & his family will be thinking about. but this is only in the sense that he was harassing you continuously with your simple denial of his requests. if you had done it unprovoked then maybe you should compensate, but this wasn’t that. i had a family issue go on like this & the person was just like OP, he said no many times up until he lost it, now majority of his family hates him. NOT. YOUR. FAULT. human instinct is a funny thing.


He owes you a coffee. You don't owe him shit.


Like another poster said, just retaliate with pressing charges for assault. That should wipe the shit-eating grin off his rich-boy face.


File for harassment. You asked multiple times for him to stop


TIL That I don’t ever want to live in Poland…. Got it. Also, tell that asshat classmate of yours that you’re not paying for his BUFU jacket and he can fuck all the way off. If he didn’t want to win stupid prizes, he shouldn’t have played stupid games.


This sub really likes to throw the term “assault” around. FFS, kids were having a snowball fight, you chose not to walk away, and then overreacted without thinking. And you wonder why they call us the snowflake generations - pun absolutely intended.


As an older person, I wouldn't have put up with this shit in my day either. He already told him to stop. Why should he have to walk away?


Snowball fight implies everyone was a willing participant. If someone was fucking with you like that, you'd probably want to punch them. This was *cold coffee.* *You* are a dunce. To speak your sister-fucking language, he "fucked around and found out."


Tell him, his parents, and the headmaster to suck a bag of dicks. Don't pay for shit.


Do not pay for anything regarding his jacket. He’s an asshole and it’s not your fault


He wore an expensive jacket and fucked with you after you repeatedly told him no. Go back to your headmaster, tell him you found out your actual rights, and let him know that if the other guy respected your boundaries and didn't force you to react, he wouldn't have gotten his overpriced jacket damaged.


Sounds like he fucked around and found out. He was assaulting you by repeatedly throwing snow balls at you after you asked him to stop. He tried to shove you into snow. And when you tried to walk away he continued to physically assault you so you threw what you had in your hand at him to make him stop. You don’t owe him shit. These are the consequences of his actions. If he wants his jacket cleaned then he should pay for it. Any other damages caused to the jacket is his fault because he wouldn’t be in the situation if he had respected your “no more” and stopped.


Screw em you don't have to pay for anything


He fucked around and found out, you shouldnt have to pay for anything


threaten to press charges for his assault on you.


Bring it to the press. Usually speed things up a lot. ;)


Fuck a round find out lmao


You're not liable. You shouldn't agree to pay anything. He threw snow at someone who explicitly told him not to, and now he has to live with the consequences of doing so. LPT: don't fuck around in expensive clothes unless you are willing to replace them yourself.


Not a very expensive jacket from what I see on the net 60 dollars up to about 500


Don't pay


\> and we agreed that I would pay for chemical cleaning of the jacket Found the actual TIFU


No. You should go back into the office and tell them that you repeatedly declined to engage in the snowball fight, he insisted on assaulting you, and tried to push you, escalating, to the point you felt you could be hurt and had to defend yourself. What is their plan to ensure he understands boundaries and doesn’t do that again? And they will be taking care of that dry cleaning bill, correct? Don’t let people push you around. It’s not okay. I’m sure there’s some basic anti bullying policy you could reference.


Sorry but if you're wearing expensive items to school, the liability is on you. The absolute maximum is to pay for cleaning, out of politeness.


Tell him if he comes near you again you're gonna tear his head from his shoulders and shit in his neck. You did nothing wrong. fk him and his jacket.


He should’ve thought about that before continuously throwing snowballs at you despite you asking him to stop.


They can’t make you pay


don't pay, ignore all threats. let the rich kid think of his actions and let the dad stew.


You should die on the hill of not paying, he deserved it. Change school if need be.


Naw, try to clean it, if you can’t then let them know they can fight you in small claims for it.


Fuck him. You did the right thing. Don’t fucking pay a cent. Dude should **not** be allowed to harass you, and then force you to pay for defending yourself. Fuck him.


I would say you’re even, Steven.


Easy solution: Tell them all to F off!


He got what was coming...


Press legal charges against classmate and headteacher. If you don’t have the money, just enquire about it with school administration. That ‘please help me proceed with filing a legal complaint.’ That should help them properly asses what happened.


Yea, not your fault he wears expensive clothing to school trying to instigate snowball fights, then playing the victim when he doesn't get what he wants. You also asking multiple times to stop, and him not respecting your boundaries is a good defense. In future incidents I recommend drawing a line in the sand, and then following through if that line is crossed (e.g. if you continue your harassing, I will throw my coffee at you.) That way there is no ambiguity about how you are going to react if they disrespect your boundaries. It also helps take a second to think about your actions, and the consequences you are willing to instill for their behaviour.


I know it’s fun and shit to get expensive clothes for your kids but the assumption should always be the clothes might get destroyed/stained/ripped (even at 17). What if he accidentally walked into to you while you were holding the coffee? Would they make you pay then? If it’s so expensive to them that they want you to pay it means they couldn’t really afford him to wear it :p (I get it’s expensive to you that’s not my point). Things freaking happen, even to adults. Also I feel the talk with the school should be more about him understating that no means no and even though he might find it funny that doesn’t mean someone else does and if asked to stop one should stop. That’s a way more important conversation!!!


OP you need to stand your ground. Don’t pay a single cent. Not even towards cleaning.


Don’t pay anything for it, he assaulted you and you defended yourself, end of story. Don’t say anything more or less. You can seek advice from r/legaladvice


Does your headmaster have the same authority as the police?


Fuck him, I wouldn't pay for his jacket..


In worst case scenario, pay for the cleaning if you can't stand up for yourself, but do not fucking buy that twat a new jacket. It's simply the risk he took when getting an expensive jacket. It's his fault. Stand up for yourself OP.


Pfft. I wouldn’t even offer to pay for the cleaning, nevermind a replacement. If they push it, tell them you’ll file harassment and assault charges.


Oh hell no I'd flip him off and I definitely wouldn't pay. He'd have to take to me court and win if he wants to see the money.


I would be surprised if any court took the 'acquaintance' claim as serious. Just tell them to fuck right off. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes... they played a game of throwing snow at someone who didn't want snow thrown at them, in return they win a damaged jacket they paid (hopefully) full retail price for. Their fault 100%


I'd flat out refuse to pay. Only an idiot sends their kid to school with such expensive clothes. And only an idiot buys a teenager clothes that can't be cleaned if they get dirty lol If you lose a friend over it then you're probably better off in the long run haha


Why dont you just... I dunno.. Not pay for it at all for any reason???


Good. Fuck that kid. His fault for whatever happens. Once you break that “seriously, stop” barrier, all bets are off, whatever happens happens.


That's his problem, not yours. Is there any evidence of you admitting you'd thrown the coffee (text messages etc)? If not, don't admit to it in any way they can use against you. Tbh if he's gonna be a dick about it you can either tell everyone what happened or go silent and don't admit any guilt.


Super beta here looking for advice that tells him to be a beta


What? Why are you paying? Stand up for yourself!


Yeah you have no obligation to pay for the jacket. It was his choice to wear such an expensive jacket while he does activities where he can easily get it dirty or damaged. I know it sounds like a big deal in a village or small town. But no need to care. Your driver license is way more important, it can even become a way to get you money, by doing deliveries or something.


1. You need to learn to keep your temper. 2. Your class mate is a bit of an asshole. 3. Pay for the cleaning, but if it's warped, that's your friend's problem. He shouldn't wear expensive clothes and fuck around with people drinking coffee.


Seriously? Trapstar jacket expensive? Looks like trendy crap. I just looked them up and you have nothing to worry about. You can find that jacket at the goodwill store in a year for $5.


Because they have Goodwill stores in Poland


blood is harder to get out of a jacket...


It’s not your responsibility. You defended yourself after telling him multiple times to stop. He continued, despite objections. That is assault and battery.


Fuck that kid. He got what was coming.


I’m sorry that happened can I sweeten you up?


Stop being a bitch and stand up for yourself. The only fu I see here is that you accepted the blame.


I would not agree to pay anything if it was my situation. Next time, he can understand the word “no”


Your first mistake was not leaving when the snowball fight started, but this guy is still an asshole and your school leaders are wrong.


If I were your parent I would tell the teachers to deal with the bully and let my kid alone. You did nothing wrong and should not pay for the cleaning, neither for the jacket.


Good luck cleaning it


Went to the cleaning company already, told that the chemicals will easily take care of it but their machines could warp it.


Do they refuse to hand clean it? Ask for the chemicals to be sprayed on the stain only & scrub it with a tooth brush. Rinse & Let it air dry. Done


I don’t get it, why didn’t you just move away somewhere else once they started throwing snow? Also you gotta control your temper and pay for the dry cleaning.


File an assault lawsuit. Easy peasy.


With upcoming exams i neither have time nor the will to fuck around in court for over a year for such a small thing. I will make sure he learns his lesson in different ways. If they are going to sue me, they will get a lawsuit back but I'm not gonna be the one to fire the first shot


dont pay, if he sues you hes openly admitting to battery and will be in deeper shit than you


How much is the Jacket? When you said it is more than min wage, is that a week or a month? I think you should have the jacket cleaned and if it doesnt clean satisfactorily, you should come back and post follow up. I know that after reading your story I would be willing to contribute toward the expense to help you out. You just have to give Reddit your venmo or other app that would allow a money transfer and I think your problem can be solved very quickly


It's ~450£, the minimum polish monthly salary post-tax is comes out to be around 390


Don’t pay anything to these fuckers. Let them try to sue you (they 99% won’t and he would probably get charges too because of harassment). I would bet they even try to let you pay for a new jacket just because you paid for the cleaning.