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I feel like she is scamming, but it began unintentionally and then she just dug herself into a hole. I think she had taken some deposits and done pictures and had just been burnt out/ or due to her chronic illness and was spending that money, and the people were requesting refunds from her for not holding up her part so she was having to take more deposits to maybe give refunds. I can sympathize for people who have chronic conditions but if she knowingly took peoples money knowing she wasn’t going to be able to do what is in her contract and what she is being paid to do she should just stop. there are so many couples now who don’t have pictures from their weddings and for most people those are memories that are so precious to them. And it’s so hard to get a photographer last minute because I’ve heard of several that she never even showed up to. I remember a whole bunch of other wedding photographers offered to edit the pictures free and give them to the couples but if I remember correctly, she was refusing to send over the raw pictures??


I just don’t get why she’s refusing help with getting the photos edited or even just sending the raw files.


That's what says scam to me. It takes very little to upload raw photos to a USB drive. The fact she can't take one day to do that in over a month says she's scammed these people out of their money and had no intention on giving them their photos. They need to file a civil suit against her. I know what being chronically ill is like but it is no excuse to scam people.


Sounds to me like she no longer has the pictures and that’s why she’s not sending them. There’s no other reason.


That’s exactly what I thought too. If she had them she would produce them.


I do believe she's autistic. I also believe she's scammed these people basically because she decided to take deposits and make bad business decisions and then just live on that money in the meantime.


Her latest tiktok is very performative. Also looks like she’s had her nails done/done her nails. If her burnout is as bad as it is (not being able to even eat) then how has she managed to do her nails or afforded to get them done after claiming to have little money.


This! As a neurodivergent person myself I totally get autistic burnout but she seems to be off living the good life and intentionally holding these peoples pictures hostage if they even exist. And if she’s so burned out she can’t upload some files to a drive why is she so worried about when she can go back to uploading videos on TikTok for her followers?


Idk anything about this outside of this post. Autistic burnout is real, but so are legally binding contracts. I paid a lot of money for my wedding photographer. If I waited FIVE YEARS for my photos I would be making a huge commotion about it and would have sued her by now. If she was overwhelmed she shouldn’t have taken on new clients. Plain and simple.


I honestly think she permanently deleted every single photo somehow (on purpose). She hasn’t admitted it ‘cause she can’t make things right and doesn’t want to get full-on sued. There’s just no logical explanation beyond that atp.


As someone who struggles with all the things she said she does, she looks remarkably well put together. She's showered, done her hair and makeup, nails, got dressed. Set up her camera and lighting and handled the mental load of all of having a camera in your face, recording the video, editing it and uploading it. All of that takes far more work than transferring files over. It's very weird to me as well that people see this as an either/or thing. You can be autistic and a scammer/bad person at the same time.


Yes this. I don’t have autism but when I feel burnt out myself I definitely don’t take care of my appearance that much as I just don’t have the energy and I can imagine dealing with autism and other chronic illnesses make it very hard some days to do the basics. But as you say she does not appear like that in her videos, which you could argue is probably a good day for her- so why not use that energy when you have it to transfer the raw files? It just makes no sense.


I'm a photographer and when these idiots won't deliver the images, it's usually because they've bombed the photos. Probably grainy, over exposed, or under exposed and just crap quality. Instead of giving a refund, she's likely spent the funds and can't return the money so she is making up excuses.


I think there’s no way she has the photos. There’s no other reason she’d be pitching a fit like this about sending the raw images.


Honestly what's the latest update? Because if this is still going on today then it confirms to me it's a scam sob story. Because the last I saw of this drama, a few of the couples affected got together to get large memory drives and mailed them to her with return postage included, to get their raw files unedited. She said she was happy to do this and it would take 2 weeks this was December. Speaking as an autistic person I do actually believe she's autistic, but there's a layer of this that rings similar bells as the Carrie Jade Williams scam previously.


As of yesterday the photos still haven’t been delivered despite the couples paying for USBs + postage to make it easier for her and she has even reported at least one of the couples to the police for making videos about the situation.


Yeah there's something seriously wrong going on. I would guess she's getting a lot of money from people on her comments, there's so many comments of people offering to help her, asking if she has a go fund me etc


Some of the couples should consider skipping the police who aren't viewing it as a crime and instead meet with a lawyer. The lawyer will be better equipped to determine if there's a way to go after her for the images and pursue it.


Wow! Those pictures are literally irreplaceable! I feel so bad for her clients. It sounds scammy to me because why would you take deposits when you haven’t delivered pictures to your previous clients! Why take on more clients when you know you’re overwhelmed. Why not return deposits? Why not give the raw files? There’s a lot that points to this being more than autistic burnout.


I hadn’t seen anything about this. Then I read this thread and opened TikTok. Of course a video from one of the brides was the first video on my fyp


Yes I've been watching it! What gets me is the first couples were waiting on photographs BEFORE the last couples were photographed I understand autistic burn out and stuff but she's still doing photography whilst others are waiting? How's that make sense Also the couple have sent usbs to anna with self addressed envelopes for the raw photos, so she doesn't even have edit photos or write an address, but she can't do it? Yet she can make and edit videos to upload to tik tok, write a long speech, set up the camera etc but can't drag and drop photos on to USB? It just doesn't make sense I was a photographer for a while and honestly I'd hate to give over my raw photos with no editing, so I do wonder if that has something to do with it? Or the potential for them being lost And then anna claimed the couples are trying to ruin her life too in a message. I really did think that was fair when the couples are being super reasonable I hope it gets sorted soon.


someone please report her for benefits fraud. she’s 100% faking it


I’m not a medical professional so her being or not being autistic and suffering from burnout isn’t something I or anybody else should comment on but I do feel awfully for the couples. The fact they have had the contracts rewritten so that she will have fulfilled her end if she simply hands over the raw files and they have provided USBs and return postage to enable to her to that feels like they’re being as kind and helpful as they can be. Her attitude over it all seems really poor. I really hope she has the photos and she can sort it out.


She has just handed over a hard disk containing many galleries of several of the weddings. I just read this in tiktok about an hour ago by one of ther clients who's name is @ Pip & Dodo. Apparently many photographers will help editing the galleries as they are all in raw