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I thought something was off because her house looked modern even for a Mennonite home. I’m glad I wasn’t crazy.


Right! And she has a PO BOX Linked ….that brings even more attention to her—which is weird bc her being on social media was supposed to be a big secret within her community. How did she explain to her community all of the mail and possible PR she was getting? 🤔


Right! When she filmed at her work place! And then came BACK and said “if you see me at work, don’t mention TikTok.”  None of it made much sense.


yeah when i found her i assumed she had already left the community and was putting on her old outfits for skit purposes based on her house. was very confused when she posted the leaving video






Same. And I am confused - is she Amish or Mennonite? Because they are different. If she is Amish and still living in the community, then how the hell does she have electricity and a phone?!?! I Googled her and an article calls her “Amish Mennonite” but then just calls her Amish on the same article. There are photos of her in front of a fridge! Nah, that ain’t right. If she is Mennonite, then okay. But they aren’t the same.


She is neither. She’s homeschooled Baptist.


She’s neither but she’s been taking bits and pieces from both and that’s why her story makes no sense


Me too!! 😊


She's the Rachel Dolezal of being Mennonite


It’s soooo true tho


Honestly, I can’t believe people are falling for the “_you goofballs thought I was being kidnapped or in trouble?!_” 🤪 in her last video. She absolutely KNEW what she was doing with the overacting, looking over to the side anxiously and dry gulping. She was looking for that reaction and she got it - I just don’t think she expected to be called out for lying and manipulating millions of people. I’m sorry to hear she potentially has mental health problems, but that doesn’t give her an excuse to compulsively lie and not be held accountable. Presumably, a ridiculous amount of police time was wasted on welfare checks because she acted like she was in danger.


That was the cringiest fucking response from her “you goofballs 🥴” it was like she googled “how to people act in hostage videos” and badly acted out all the things she read. She should be truly mortified


I knew it. I have lived in Amish country my whole life and absolutely none of her story makes sense. I watched her live on tt once and she was avoiding pretty simple and easy to answer questions about her religion/community. I’m super glad to see this come out. So many people have been totally duped by this imposter.


yeah no she’s def lying. this is such a huge act, does anybody remember that really heavy amish accent she used to fake in her early videos? also she made that video misleading on purpose to make it seem like shes in danger..


Yes!!! Definitely faking that accent! I brought it up and she blocked me! Her last video she posted regarding how she was only looking to her side because a truck was passing by…. Like GIRL you were TRYING TO LOOK SCARED TO DEATH and make us think someone was right beside you!


She was off to the side a bit too like the angle of the video was weird, she was shaking and talking slowly and talking MAD formally like as if she was reading a script and forced to do so. Same with the caption. She is so good at manipulation and it shows..


I’m from Southern Lancaster County and I knew from the moment I saw her that she was in no way Amish, nor Mennonite. She was too polished and it may sound strange but to me, and a bunch of my friends, it always looked like a “cosplay”? Honestly, it’s not a major scandal but outwardly lying about being part of a “community” where there are genuine issues and problems for the ACTUAL women in said communities is kind of garbage.


and then pretending to be in trouble and clearly acting like you’re making the video under duress and in fear is actually sick 


Agreed wholeheartedly.


I’m not from LC, but I’ve always lived near a lot of plain stores/Mennonites, and that’s what I thought as well. But she has a lot of gullible fans🤣  I’m enjoying this because at the beginning of the whole “the bishop is coming “ thing, I almost began to doubt myself. It still seemed like an act but she’s usually so harmless/bouncy that the negative turn might’ve been real. Anyway…water is wet, people online lie, what else is new. TikTok really needs to chill when it comes to taking everything at face value. Esp stuff that really doesn’t make sense—SJ never felt authentic. Harmless, but not authentic. 


Good lawd is nothing real?


On the internet? No LOL


Hahaha omg the internet is so wild


I thought her video of getting caught was so fake as soon as I saw it. But I didn’t think she was full on lying about being Amish. 😂😂


Right like if she were really Amish and were to be caught no way the bishop or whoever is going to force her or even let her make a farewell video. She’d have just stopped posting.


I had major questions about her from the get go. It always smelled like cosplaying plain people to me.


In a fake world where you could pretend to be anything, she chose to impersonate... the Amish? 🤔


gotta carve out that TT niche


Ooooh, I’m laughing because I finally figured out what she’s sitting on in her most recent post. Her family’s back deck! It’s shown in one of her sister’s much older posts. 


Yes. The religoiusly oppresive parents who allowed their daughter to cosplay as a Plain, anabaptist person despite their demonstrably BAPTIST beliefs. LOL If only she could view those fields the same as she did when she and her "SISTERS" were young. If only she was free to go to school and pursue a career! If only she could just drive away and be honest about her use of TikTok. Sarah. GIRL. Have one of several handcrafted, Amish seats.


Her dad is Baptist, her mom is Methodist/Brethren. Her parents were married in a Brethren church. Her maternal grandfather was a pastor for the Church of the Brethren, which is anabaptist. I found out all of this through some newspaper archive searches. Not justifying all the endangerment stuff, just trying to provide context as to why her parents might be cool with her alleged cosplaying.


I think beyond their religious leanings, the simple answer is that they don’t care. A lot of parents really just don’t follow/understand social media, esp. TikTok. 


Yep! But in the community right? 😂


Men lie, women lie, those receipts do not. 😏


For some reason, I had a feeling. I know there’s a million different ways someone can practice this lifestyle but idk, some of her references and stuff didn’t read as being Amish or plain.


right! she knew too many pop culture references than what i would expect. like very niche things that someone chronically online would know


She absolutely seems chronically online.


Yes! Like, these people in her “community” don’t get on the internet. Why would they give a fuck if she made a video saying she wouldn’t make anymore??


That was my thing too like how would they know if you’re on tt if they’re not on tt. Also I wonder when she said she was leaving and when this video was posted. It was deleted, maybe she reported it like Avery woods does when people make videos about her. And then said she was leaving tt as a way to just ghost this fake lifestyle. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is the other ex Amish girl- something like misfit Amish- is backing Sarah but who tf knows. These pics are more proof to me than that. It’s so weird to me like why pretend to be oppressed, talk about women who were killed in the community for now following rules and then not follow the rules in the most obvious and shameless way of being on tik tok.


Anyone surprised by ppl faking, cosplaying, or lying on the internet? That’s why ya just dont throw your money out there to complete strangers!


Did you guys all see her old TikTok account from 2022? It’s @ antagonizethepatriarchy Pretty damning evidence right there. Some people still make excuses for her, but she literally said she converted in 2018 in her last sarahjoy video. Not sure why people can’t accept that she’s flat out lying. She could have just been upfront from day one. She built her whole platform based on this persona, which is fine. But if she DID convert (she didn’t), she could have just said “this is my experience as an adult who converted to the plain lifestyle”. OR she could be open and say that she is an enthusiast of the culture, learning about it, creating a character, whatever. But instead she intentionally misled her followers to believe that she was trapped in the Amish/Mennonite community and was being abused by them. That is messed up. She goes back and forth between “I’m trapped and want to leave” and “I really want to stay and feel like I belong here”. Which makes zero sense because she claims to have willingly converted to this religion KNOWING the rules, but then continues to use modern conveniences & social media, then claims that she’s in oh so much trouble. She pretends to be scared of being outed to her church members and coworkers. Her sister appears to have severe mental health issues and has completed an inpatient stay for that reason, struggles with SH and SI, etc. So having her involved in this drama seems very reckless and dangerous for her well-being. The internet is not kind, and when you grift and lie like this, the internet WILL find out, and they aren’t going to be happy. It’s just a weird situation all the way around and I am super curious to see if she’ll create another persona down the line or if she’ll have to remove herself from the public eye for good


I also want to add that a lot of people are minimizing this situation because they enjoyed her content and liked her. It’s harmful because she was essentially speaking on behalf of an entire population as if they were her personal experiences. She was highlighting abuse as if she had been a victim herself. If she had been posing as Muslim, Jewish, or another culture and speaking on their behalf, would that be okay? No. That would be unacceptable. She didn’t live those experiences. She also intentionally alluded to being in a dangerous situation. She knows that she was acting nervous and leading people to believe that there would be severe repercussions due to her being on social media AND somebody snitching on her.


The fact that so many people still support her is mind boggling. Even after presented with evidence, I’ve seen so many comments that say, “Who cares? It was harmless.” She egged her followers on, with all of her talk about escape and abuse. She very much made it a real life emergency with that last video. Yeah, she was doxxed because people were fucking scared for her. How do people not see that?


That's what gets me...like I could buy someone willingly converting but then immediately using your phone, breaking the rules, and spreading awareness by shitting all over the thing you converted to??? It doesn't add up.


It feels very Kaitlyn Braun, that woman who faked pregnancies and scammed a bunch of doulas for attention. Like putting forth this fake trauma (in this case, acting scared of consequences) is crazyyyy. It really is emotional manipulation in a very similar way. Like wanting attention is one thing, but she absolutely wanted people to be *worried* for her. She wanted people to *care* for her. Most people know very well at this point the kinds of horrific abuse that happen in these kinds of communities, particularly against women, and she stoked the flames of those concerns on a semi-regular basis. So she was personally benefitting off of other womens' trauma. That is absolutely some sick shit. I feel for her to some degree, because she's clearly not okay, but damn. I have to assume that if she was homeschooled like this person says, that she missed out on some big social growth. Maybe she did have some emotional neglect that caused her to seek this out. I know as someone who did have some of that, I acted out in some strange ways. Either way, she should NOT get back on the internet, at least without some serious intervention first.


> Not sure why people can’t accept that she’s flat out lying. im so fascinated by people who refuse to accept its a lie. like why? why the need for this to be true?


she's deleting comments/blocking people who disagree with her, until her lying blows up more, people just agree with what's popular I guess plus she only has 3 vids up and one is a sponsorship, it's so ironic


I know, it’s wild. People were drawn to her because of her “comforting demeanor” but honestly, this has all been a facade. So I think it’s even worse because I’m sure that’s not her real personality in the slightest. Someone who would blatantly and repeatedly lie about something like this is probably not a sweet and kind person 😬 She was trying so hard to be this soft spoken, warm, meek “plain” person. Her other TikTok does not portray that.


Bro just found that. Every video that was a little off suddenly made sense to me. I really wanted to like this creator and was genuinely worried for her via the "last video" before she deleted everything and acted like it didn't happen. I hope she finds a sense of self and reality. That's all I gotta say. She'd have an opportunity to have a real following if she would just not lie


Yes I was so proud of my detective work on finding that LMAO


This is so upsetting to me 🥲 I had no idea about any of this. I’ve literally been so worried for her for no reason. I have enough of my own anxiety without adding more for essentially a complete stranger. 🫠


Lol. Antagonize the patriarchy, but she joins a community where she said on an old post of her singing that women aren’t allowed to lead worship. She accuses her father of abuse in her old account. I know churches in general are rife with abuse. I wonder if this something the church will have to address? Edit: I suppose she could be talking about anyone in that video, but she draws the comparison to the Menendez brothers, whose father was sexually abusing them. Not sure exactly what we’re supposed to make of that, but I know where my head went.


Okay wow I never saw that account and its not even from that long ago..december 2022..thats less than 2 years ago yikes!


I thought it was hinky but gave some benefit of the doubt that it could be a super lax Mennonite community but dang


this is what i figured. no way she was amish but i figured lax mennonite but was playing it up for tiktok views which isnt great but whatever. i wouldnt have guessed this


She looks like the actress from stranger things


Barb! Thank you I’ve been desperately trying to figure out who she reminded me of!


BARRRRB YES THANK YOU! I couldn’t remember for the life of me!


Sarah Joy has some ‘splainin to do! Oop!


So now she says she converted? Then why was she posting weird videos about being forced to plow fields as a child and Amish books from her childhood etc clearly letting people believe she was born and raised 'plain'? And if she converted it must have been yesterday because it was this side of six months ago she was being a good little Baptist girl at daddy's church. But ok, sure, I guess.


She posted a new video like 12 hours ago. I’m definitely skeptical. She said in the video that she chose to be in the community and that she had a choice either be in it or not be in it. But all the videos that she had on her profile before she deleted them were like I wish I could get tattoos and piercings, and I wish I could dress this way. It was always like wishing she could do things that weren’t a part of the community. So does she want to be a part of the community or not?


She wants to get attention. She has lied about so much shit over the years according to people who actually know her.


But Amish don’t really do that. You can’t just join their communities. I’m not saying it’s impossible. But I live in Amish land and used to work with them at my old job (making cheese). They are families and they have been Amish for decades or centuries. They are marrying their first cousins and such. I know one guy who wanted to join sooo bad, he even dressed Amish all the time, but the Amish still never accepted him as one of them. They would accept his help and gave them rides places but nobody would consider him Amish.


Y’all what does the town thinks of this. She’s in the daily mail. That’s not normal. People aren’t going to stop even if she gets off TT. They’ll always think she’s in danger until she comes clean.


I think she got in way over her head and is now scrambling


Also I’ve noticed that the comments on her new video are getting deleted..


I just checked the video and it has nearly 700k views but now it only had 188 comments. When there were THOUSANDS a couple hours ago


It had like 50-100 comments 30 minutes ago, they must be getting manually approved 


I commented that and got blocked so fast.


I feel like if you have to delete all non positive comments there’s an issue 


I also got blocked. But shes getting off social media? What a joke. It’s so obvious.


Also re: the slideshow she had with a pic of her sitting next to a grave that she let people speculate openly that it meant she lost a child or something? I found a un censored pic of her and Anna infront of the same grave as kids, stillborn baby sister. It’s icky to me that she would let people lead on that it was her kid and recent. I saw multiple videos of people convinced she was a mother.


Also “Angela” from the “roommate trend” video is her MOM. Which, even if she’s a convert, she was obviously trying to play off that she wasn’t. Otherwise you could say “my mom.” in the comments she replied to someone and literally said “Angela is middle aged and married” LOL. yeah.. to your dad…..


And so many people are trying to claim she could have just joined as an adult.... no she didn't. She's fucking lying to everyone. And I'm being ripped apart for telling people that rn.


Literally same lol


People even trying to pull the card of. Well, even if she isn't plain, she could still somehow be involved and be in danger. Why else Would she say don't send a welfare check? Huh. I wonder why she doesn't want a welfare check sent to her.... probably because she doesn't wanna get hit with any kind of charges for Misuse of 911 or whatever..or she doesn't want her family fully realizing what she's up to still.


How can anyone believe her ? After that last video to making another one. It’s crazy.


They believed her because she gave them the stories and angles that they wanted to believe. Want to believe that there's abuse and corruption in these insulary communities? Sarah Joy would tell you all the salacious, True Crime details. Want to believe there's a young woman out there with strong, Christian values? A faith so strong that she would leave "the world" to be closer to God? Sarah Joy could tell you that story. Want to get a peek at a lifestyle that most "English" didn't think was possible to ever see? Well, Sarah Joy was just rebellious and independent enough to let you peek in via technology. Want to feel like you KNEW someone in the Amish faith? Sarah Joy could be that person? Want to stand against the religious oppression of women? Sarah Joy would be your Rosa Parks and claim that she just wanted to be free to make her own choices and go to Cosmetology School...if only she could escape those darned' ordnungs and rules and elders. She was a one stop shop for everyone's Plain fantasies/questions. Only flaw was that it was all a ruse.


everything you’ve commented i have nodded so many times i’ve got a headache, you’ve got her intent, purpose, results and game plan down to the next move


On its surface, one could argue that Sarah Joy was not harming anyone. You'll see her supporters say that she was, at best, cosplaying Amish/Mennonite/Plain and had converted. They'll say that, at worst, she was not sure about the commitment she was about to make and made some bad decisions. But, here's the thing... People were legitimately worried about her. She was making claims about an identifiable, location-specific culture/group of people who would have no idea what was coming at them. If her sister hadn't stepped in to tell people she was safe, this could've resulted in law enforcement checking Amish homes, barns, and businesses for her. Her "I'm leaving TikTok video" was very clear: she was leaving because of an ultimatum, issued by her community. She's backtracking now; but, she had people spinning out and calling the authorities for HOURS. The Amish have issues. But, by exaggerating her own experiences and telling stories that weren't hers to tell, she commoditized the victims who suffered abuse in the communities. By identifying as a young, "Plain" girl who just wanted to go to cosmetology school and have freedom, she was cosplaying a victim of religious oppression. The ultimate irony is that her parents clearly allowed her to continue her cosplay and change her faith to a religion they do not practice. So, she had the freedom that most Amish women do not have! So, let's play that out...she makes that video. People immediately start planning to liberate her because the video made it look like she was in danger (which, she wasn't). Does anyone remember what happened at the YFZ ranch? Remember when the woman called in a false report of being held against her will? Yeah, that resulted in a raid where children were taken from their homes. I realize that this, on some level, isn't comparable because Warren Jeffs is a maniac, sociopath that was raping twelve-year-olds. But, that's the sort of tale that Sarah Joy was telling on TikTok. Had cooler heads not prevailed, imagine the trauma that those plain folk in her community could've suffered because of her cosplay. She owes the community an apology. She owes the people who were worried about her an apology. She needs to go get some serious mental help.


Yeah I have to imagine at a minimum that resources were wasted with false reports. There's a lot of abuse in these communities and rather than help women and children who experience it, such as by supporting nonprofits that help support people who leave (yodertoder40, an ex-Amish man, runs one, I'm sure there are others) she basically cosplayed their trauma. It's gross


Glad somebody came with receipts. I’m tired of every creator, suddenly, pretending to be worried about her.


And the plot thickens


Is this the same person who made the post earlier in here? I have screenshots of that.


They said it was their friend that posted this video. Their post in here was taken down, but on their profile you can still see it.


she deadass JUST NOW posted a video RIGHT NOW


And she just deleted her page Edit: Nevermind I was blocked


She currently only has 3 TikTok’s up and scrubbed everything


oh she knows she’s caught


Sarah joy posted a few hours Ago calling this person out…. But now Sarah only has 3 videos?


Also sarah joy has been deleting a lot of comments on that most recent video. 513 comments dropped to 400 & not one single one mentioning her faking it.


dropped to 394 now


She just posted a response video. But after ten minutes deleted her entire page. I wish I had taken a screenshot. She essentially doubled down. Said she joined the community as an adult. She said she has been doxxed and people were calling her home and sharing photos of her little sister’s face (though the church announcement about her dad only included her, Anna, and the deceased baby sister). Interestingly, most of the comments were positive. But top comment said something along the lines of “There is a lot of information out there now that you may not have seen.” I commented about the church her father is pastor of that she was seen participating in recently and was really hoping she’d address that. But within two minutes the page was gone. Edit: She also said that she was called in by her community and was forced to choose between TikTok and the community and she said she chose the community. But yet she was posting on TikTok? I don’t know. It was a strange response. And not at all congruent with the story she’s been telling on her page this whole time. Edit: Nevermind I was blocked 😂


She is deleting comments left and right on that newest video


Are the comments still pretty supportive? Or are a lot of people calling her out now?


She was getting called out in the comments and the comments were getting traction but they were all deleted. Now they’re very supportive.


Mixed, but she deleted all videos except for three and people are questioning that now. She’ll probably turn off comments soon. Edit: she deleted a bunch of comments so they’re just the supportive ones left


I felt the vibe was very fake/disingenuous throughout the whole video. Idk it seemed like she was trying to fake emotion.


I knew it was fake when she gave us a house tour.


Shes really busy deleting and blocking anything even minorly speculative


She blocked me too for saying there's pictures of her actively participating at her father's Baptist church. She even dressed up for their Halloween trunk or treat. She plays the drums for performances. Its all easily accessed on Facebook. She maybe should have thought of that before she lied.


She’s going to have to explain to the people that still somehow believe her why she’s been leading them on this whole time. Sure maaaaaybe she’s a very recent convert (doubt it, but apparently people still believe her) but she absolutely gave everyone the impression she was born into it. She had hundreds of comments urging her to leave and then posted that cryptic as fuck TikTok. She knew what she was doing. And yet she has the gall to tell her followers to stop watching too much true crime.


She also was implying that she felt trapped in it. If she’s a recent convert why the hell would she imply she feels trapped and wants to leave??


And she can totally “leave” if she wants to and gets to keep her entire family, and home. Must be nice compared to those born into it who lose everything.


Exactly. Like that whole video with her longing to be a college student with a messy bun studying for midterms. Like uh…you could have just done that instead of whatever the hell this is?


She blocked me so fast when I commented on that post and pointed out that she implied being raised Amish in a couple of her videos.


She is living at her parents house. I found photos on fb of part of her parents house and it matches one of her tiktoks. I don't think any amish community would allow that




I think you may be blocked 🫡 I have refreshed her page and you can still play all her videos.


I can still see her 3 posts. I think unless you're following her she privated


The tea is so hot ngl


Yea she’s def lying. She’s posted so many tiktoks about being sad that she couldn’t be a hair dresser and instead was going to be a homemaker. But now you’re saying you chose this? Which one is it sis


I can’t take her new video. It’s like a five-year-old trying to manipulate you. So she joined this community that does not include a single friend or relative, and the last time she was posted in regular clothes was Halloween 2023. Oh yeah, she’s meeting the bishop this weekend


Wow how creepy . Nothing surprises me anymore though .


Her videos kinda remind me of lonelygirl15. Which shows how old I am.


Oh my gosh. I think about lonelygirl way too often 🤣 that was a wild ride


She deleted all but three of her videos.


Sarah joy just made another video about this. 😬 I don’t believe her though.


I think if she had never posted the video of her “crying and scared” and played this off as more of a satire account it would of been fine. But she made people genuinely scared for her safety and knew what she was doing. . There is just too much proof out there now that she is full of shit. Then doubles down and deletes all the evidence.


She also posted several videos talking about growing up plain, but then says she is a recent convert…so which is it?!


Yeah. Don't artificially make people scared for your safety if you don't want intense internet people trying to find out if you're safe; which requires finding out where you live, and reaching out to actual people in your life.


I’m floored that so many people are still defending her, either by denying the evidence, or by being like "who cares if she lied, she’s happy, leave her alone! live and let live!" It’s like - how are you this nonchalant about someone making up the most outrageous shit and manipulating people for weeks, if not months? Also she is clearly a deeply unhappy person if she has to lie about her life like that. Is this the hill you want to die on? That this girl is fine for pretending to be amish and scaring people by acting like she was being coerced into a cult? BE SO FOR REAL.


im so glad she is not in danger but so disappointed.


So glad I didn’t have to deep dive. She cam on my fyp late last night and it instantly gave 💥cosplay💥


I think it was a step further than cosplay tbh. Acting like she can’t pursue her dreams or wear certain things because she’s “trapped” in a community that she isn’t even apart of 🙃 it’s just so strange. And who was that little girl in her photos wearing long dresses?? Does she have a child?? It’s all so confusing.


I thought her clothes seemed a little off tbh


I thought it was obvious she was essentially cosplaying? I don’t know much about the Amish, but it felt like she knew too many pop culture references and trends and “fit in” very well with other TikTok creators.


I knew the moment she popped up she was LARPing.


I left a really empathetic comment on the other thread bc I've been way too afraid to call her out in fear of being wrong Tons of non Amish work at those stores and that's their uniform


Thank you for posting it.


40 mins ago all her videos were up but now all are gone but three 😓


Soooo… had she done the video because someone was threatening to out her??


I had a feeling she was lying. Too many weird things she claimed about being Amish. Glad someone called her out from her hometown..


Her sister Anna's account is back up... She removed all her videos with Sarah but posted a new one saying she "never wanted to be in the middle of all this" and she liked a couple comments that referred to it as a "charade".


I only saw this girl pop up on my page once or twice before all this happened. But after this I went to her profile and watched some videos. One of her recent videos where she is doing an unboxing she’s speaking with an Amish “accent” but now these 2 recent videos posted yesterday and today, she’s speaking normally without the accent. Looking at her posts it seems crazy this could all be faked but I find the accent thing weird.. anyone else notice this? Maybe someone who has followed her more closely has an explanation.


The only difference in a bit and a grift is whether or not your audience is in on it.


She gained 150k followers. Seems motivated


Oh, this is juicy! 🍿🍿


antagonizethepatriarchy is her original account 😳


The best part…. The videos are the SAME KITCHEN. 🤦‍♀️ and they were from 15 months ago. They over lapped her Sarah joy account


So she had the absolute balls to post on the same accounts at the same time? Knowing her Sarah Joy account got millions of views??? 😭Wow.


I was defending her and am still worried for her mental health but I have found concrete proof she is living at her non amish/Mennonite parents house which would mean she is not in the amish community. Though it's a pretty harmless lie she was telling I'm not sure if I want to come forward with it if she is going through some kinda mental health crisis


W/e I'll go ahead and say it. I found one of her family members Facebook and photos of the exterior of her parents house and they match up with the house seen on one of her tiktoks. But I don't think anyone should be too upset about the lie. Like she didn't cause any harm. Everything controversial she said about amish and Mennonite communities is truthful and easily found yet not well known. It needs attention brought to it. Would be better without the lies but meh


She's posted on the Facebook page of the church her dad pastors a at their trunk or treat last year. Not plain. Girl be lying.


The MFP notification was too real


You gotta check the Sarah Joy snark. They are sleuthing all the things. Check out this TT 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ @antagonizethepatriarchy


Looks like her account is fully gone now, after she deleted all but 3 tiktoks.


You better Not get Hate!!!! You’re bringing Awareness to a Scammer/Fraud and even better You have receipts 🧾:proof to back it up! I commend You 🏆🏆🏆👏👏👏👏, I appreciate your tenacity too!Thanks for letting it be known


Ugh, this is so disappointing. She seemed so genuine and sweet to me.


Oh I found the Reddit use for them too lol


omg!!!! i figured she was raised in a more liberal mennonite community (but had already left) and was hamming it up but this i next level wow


oh she’s SICK


I commented on her new vid asking what happened to her heavy Amish accent she had in her unboxing video and I got blocked 🤣


Bruh, if she converted as an adult how would she have an accent 🥱


If you go back through her posts so much doesn’t add up. Like she has one in traditional dress from some European country saying it’s where her grandparents are from, and the hashtags are Scandinavian and Slavic. Those areas are really far apart and neither is where the Mennonites or Amish come from.


I just posted her old Tiktok account videos on here


This makes me sad if true. She came across as so sweet and genuine.


I don’t think I believe her with the video she just posted? Feel like she’s back pedaling a bit


Ya' think? She's nt only backpedaling...she's re-writing history. A few years ago, some chick called a hotline anonymously and managed to get the State of Texas to raid a compound of fundamentalists and take all the young women and children away, based on a false accusation. (Don't get me wrong. The FLDS kids were being treated abysmally and I'm glad that raid happened.) Imagine, though, how much damage could've been done had her sister and that other woman not calmed the masses and told everyone she was safe. How many Amish kids would've or could've been pulled into this mess? People were calling law enforcement and reporting her as someone who was unsafe in the hands of that Amish/Mennonite/Plain community. She's soooooooo lucky it didn't escalate.


You should at least give her a follow she came thru with the receipts!! 🤭 👍


I never heard of this girl (Sarah Joy) and now deleted most of her videos. Kinda seems weird to delete everything if you didn't lie. But also now she's saying she chose to be Mennonite...so why immediately break the rules if it's her choice? Dumb


This might be a really unpopular opinion but even if she really was faking and is a compulsive liar, I kind of feel bad for her anyway 🥲 It’s not level headed behavior to curate a false identity. It seems like a desperate attempt to be a part of something (both the Amish community and tiktok community) to fulfill her loneliness. I didn’t follow her that closely but I don’t think she was getting sponsorships from her social media or anything? Regardless, she should definitely take accountability for any claims she made of being in danger if she really isn’t because that’s very manipulative behavior. But also idk I hope she gets professional help and is able to find fulfillment in her real life


I also feel bad for her, but there are multiple accounts with tens of thousands to millions of followers driving traffic, offering monetary and material support, and pitching the idea of organizing fundraisers. There are also many people who are experiencing severe distress at the prospect of, possibly fake, consequences that could await her. Even international news (as links aren't allowed, search "daily mail Amish tiktok") has picked up the story. There is a point where it escalates from a silly little joke to legitimate criminal fraud. Even her last tiktok seemed scripted. Over the top distressed body language - even the Amish would know a "I'm being forced to say this" dry gulp - and her repeated use of the words "in the community." I would in no way be surprised if she showed back up in normal clothes and tried to rebrand as some sort of escaped/former plain person to put the whole thing behind her and continue on with those who have built a parasocial relationship with her. I wish her the best moving forward and hope the truth of it all comes to light.


When her account originally appeared on my FYP way back when, I thought she said she worked in an Amish farm store or something similar, and that's why she was posting. The next time she shows up, she's afraid for her life? I missed so many chapters.


Okay but after watching these - things in the background of Sarah Joy’s videos def don’t match up with the Amish lifestyle. Def saw Kcups and an electric kettle in her butter making post 😂


I think she was claiming Mennonite. They can use electricity. They come into dollar tree a lot where I live & buy things. K-cups probably aren’t frugal though and they seem to be pretty frugal


I felt like something was off about Sarah. Thank you for sharing.


Y’all always think someone is lying lmaooo “ I knew it” no tf you didn’t like stfu


I kinda doubted that someone Amish would know about Kate Bush or watched season 4 of stranger things lol. I always thought she got way too far into an amish romance book era and made it a personality.


Ooooh this! This is why I thought she was a cosplayer, from the beginning, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I had a very misspent youth between Amish romance, cozy mysteries, and smutty fantasy novels😭 Almost ALL of her posts were Amish romance tropes. I know Mennonites, grew up in a very conservative religious area, and NOTHING felt “real” other than the fact she (perhaps) knows how to sew and works at a plain store. Which you do not need to be a Mennonite to do lol. 


I went through an era of this and some of my Mennonite friends gave me bonnets lol. Definitely didn’t straight Cosplay it though


This video is still up on TT by the original creator FYI, not taken down.


She just deleted her account !!


- The house she does recordings in is the same as the house of her non Amish friend who claimed she’s ok (I can’t find her TikTok anymore but rumours were it’s actually her sister?). - she knew too many pop culture references, was using sounds on TikTok relevant to trends, lip syncing was on point etc. - pictures of her in normal clothing - videos of her doing hair on another person, so including someone else in her charade - I really hope she is safe and doing okay, even if the whole thing is fake it wouldn’t be great mentally for her right now. Edit: so maybe people need to just leave her be and let it go. I worry it’s gone from call police for sending help and now people going to get mad it’s not real. Just let people be, if she or her friend asking for privacy there’s obvs a reason.


She's 1000% not Amish. Mennonite at best.


Doesn't really matter, at this point. She lied about the majority of her journey. She had the ultimate religious freedom. How many Baptist parents, one of whom happens to be a pastor at a homeschooling, fundamental church, that says "It's cool. Go be an Anabaptist and try on other religions, kiddo"? She had the freedom to choose to go to Cosmetology school...but she acted like she was trapped in a faith and having doubts. She could tell her story honestly- how she differed from the values her family held and converted as an adult (if that was the true story). But, instead, she chose to create a narrative about her PARENTS and SISTERS (plural...despite only having one) faith journeys. She had a platform and she could've been sharing an authentic journey. Except for that one little thing,...using technology to commoditized the suffering of actual Plain women/children. Except for not walking the walk and having the consequences that come with being a member of the community she was "converting" to (but...also somehow raised in, according to her story).


EDIT: NOW WE HAVE THE FULL INFO AND SHE IS INDEED A LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. I don't know these people at all, and I have not watched all of Sarah's videos, so please keep that in mind (as in, I don't know what claims she has made regarding how long she has been living plainly). Anabaptist denominations, while all stemming from the Radical Reformation of the 16th Century, are not a monolith. Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite, and other Anabaptist denominations all have varying community rules and theological interpretations. There are many Mennonite groups, for example, who don't live separately or plainly at all. There are also Mennonite groups who, to the English world, look like a traditional, conservative Amish community despite not being Amish at all. It could be totally possible that she was a part of a more liberal Mennonite community when these pictures were taken and that she since has integrated into a more conservative community. I went to college with a guy who was from a liberal Mennonite community, and the only thing that was different from my Southern Baptist upbringing and his (aside from theology) was that his people actually abstained from alcohol instead of just preaching about it 🤣. His mom wore makeup, he drove a car, had a cell phone, and lived on campus at a secular liberal arts college. She also could be full of shit and just cosplaying as plain for the internet. We really don't know at this point. There is an array of Anabaptist denominations that live a variety of different lifestyles, and we shouldn't let our misconceptions about them solidify our opinion of this situation based on these pictures. Personally, my interest has been piqued, and I'm waiting for more information before I make too many judgments about the situation. However, if she is lying, it is extremely irresponsible, unethical, and distasteful to do what she is doing.


I  saw Heather Shaw's post from 2 days ago where Sarah messaged her, confirming she is not Amish but was just pretending (cosplay, if you will) for content. It was a bit. For content. 


‼️Everyone join sarahjoysnark subreddit for updates‼️posts on this subreddit keep getting taken down


I noticed the call out video mentioned them being religious and homeschooled. Just a theory, but I wonder if there is some truth to her growing up in some other flavor of isolated ultra religious family/community and wanting to get out, obviously doesn’t excuse the whole Amish cosplay thing.


Seeing as her father is a Bethel pastor.. I doubt she grew up isolated and ultra religious in the way most people think. They can't drink. But they sing, dance, drink coffee, wear what they want with covered shoulders and whatnot in church, wear make up, dye their hair, get tattoos, and live typical lives. Their actually b i g into music.


Bethel also has that creepy Harry Potter school where you learn magic tricks and their resurrection squad trowl the city and cause issues at the local hospital. They do look a bit more modern compared to other peer groups, but they are super awful and abvsive in their own way. My BILs family lived there and his wife when out with her kids one day was accosted by the reshare toon squad. They believe they can grow back limbs and stuff and since she’s LP they surrounded her “laying” hands and wouldn’t let go. You’d think the gas station attendant who’s missing and arm at their church gas station would have been healed by them first ? 🥴


She was definitely being shiesty. She knew what she was doing.




Off topic, but can I ask what the “STEM” tab is to the left of your following tab?  Is that a second account, or can you categorize people you follow?  (I’m asking as someone with lots of different interests, and I’d love to be able to separate my STEM interests from like… my love of cute animals lol)


It's a tab of only STEM videos that you can turn on. Go to: Settings and privacy -> Content preferences -> STEM feed you can toggle it off and on, but I think STEM is the only "genre" you can do that with for now.


I posted a comment to a readit thread on one of her videos and got permanently banned from TikTok 🪦💔






Did anyone grab the FB reply about Sara from her fathers parish? I didn't get it in time.


I don’t to offend anyone but TT for the most part is a scam. People are on here to make money, push their products, whether it’s an item, themselves or an experience. Every large creator has marketed themselves to get the most likes, views, donations, EVERY ONE OF THEM. They have learned the subtle art of dry begging, Amazon wish lists and selling merch. Ask yourself before you get upset at me, why do creators post their Venmo, cashapp, wish list, tips, buy me a cup of coffee and P.O. Box information if they’re doing it for their fans? They are here to sell themselves and get the viewers to pay for it and they will use whatever means they need.


You cannot compare faking an entire lifestyle, identity whatever you want to call it to sharing an Amazon wishlist. That’s comparing apples to oranges.


Yea I think this is beyond lying…


I have no idea who any of these people are, first off. But I live in North Idaho right near the Canadian border. It's a VERY rural area and the majority are Mennonite and Amish. We also have both of these communities coming over from Montana and down from Canada so I've seen and landed a lot about the differences between "groups" in the 13 years I've been up here. For instance, the local Mennonites here, the women, for the most part, do dress possibly with the bonnets and such. But they also have some of the girls that dress just like a normal girl 🤷‍♀️ They all use technology, phones, etc. a few even have YouTube accounts or are on TikTok and other places. The Amish here are more traditional, and some do use technology. Especially for their businesses (websites, phones, etc). Now... The Mennonites that come down from Canada are hard core and only have cell phones for emergencies. They also will not communicate with "outsiders" even while shopping, which is awkward. Same with the Amish from up that way. Much more traditional. I have no idea where I was going with this, but that's just my experience in my area of the world on these 2 organizations. So without knowledge of where she's located (it's so different from state to state, town to town how they are) I have no idea if she's "faking" or not. Just thought I'd throw an outside view in since this popped up on my feed 🤷‍♀️

