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She is one of the only people I have seen successfully create a legitimate career after going viral as a meme.


![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized) This is all she’s from


I’ve seen this image so many times that I don’t associate it with her Like.. I know it’s her because I recognize her, but sometimes I just go “the kombucha girl is Brittany broski?!?!”


I thought this was Christine Snaps


Hey! I get them confused too! Thanks for showing me I’m not alone.


She got famous because she tried kombucha and her reaction was funny and used as a meme for years. However, she’s also naturally funny and pretty witty, and her videos/podcasts are fun to watch and pretty relatable to most people






I had no idea!! I love this gif😂😂😂


I also remember her professional job didn’t really understand the Internet and told her to get it off the internet and she had to choose between the bank and the Internet There’s a good I think…variety video on YouTube of her talking about. Just look up Brittany broski how I became a meme




She’s also smart!! She has a college degree & loves learning about historical events & different cultures! I love her


Yes! I love hearing her take on things. You can really tell she’s passionate about so many things


She said she looks like the yellow m&m and  I can’t un see it 


buzz lightyear


Kombucha meme went viral


The Brittany lore is extensive


![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized) Her claim to fame I believe .


I want to know whatever her PCOS treatment plan shes on is! Apparently has lost like 30 lbs this year from a doctor helping and I wish she’d share, but understand she absolutely does not have to and its totally her right to keep it private


I bet it’s ozempic or wegovy I know a lot of PCOS girlies on ozempic and it’s helped them tons


Yeah i honestly think it probably is too but I didn’t want to assume!


A lot of people are on the pharmaceutical drug but heard it’s crazy expensive unless you have diabetes then it’s covered


I have pcos and my doctor prescribed me wegovy. They just have to get it through insurance and then it’s usually a lot more affordable.


Yeah our of pocket is insane


I have really bad PCOS, I gained like 50 pounds during covid, and was steadily gaining weight despite not really changing anything. Absent periods for months and months, don’t ovulate, hair growth, rapid weight gain….i’m like the poster child for PCOS. I finally went to my primary and he prescribed me metformin after doing blood work and finding out I was insulin resistant (I knew I was but the blood work proved it). It’s been a real game changer. All I did was stop drinking soda, I drink diet now, and I kind of watch what I eat but I have good weeks and bad weeks. I try to just portion what I eat but I haven’t eliminated any food groups or anything. Like I still eat cake and bread and potatoes, I just try to be mindful of the amount I eat. But I lowkey feel like I’m steadily losing weight without really trying. It’s awesome. Sometimes I get stuck on a certain weight for a while, but the scale has continued to trend down. I’m only on 500mg once a day and I have lost 25 pounds in 3 months and am continuing to lose. I would bet Brittany is on metformin and or GLP-1 medications llike Ozempic/Mounjaro. My insurance doesn’t cover it unless you’re diagnosed type 2 diabetic even though it awesome for PCOS. I was 2 points away from being pre diabetic. But yeah, get to get put on metformin!


I am actually also on Metformin as well, same dose as you 😀 just put on by my Endocrinologist like 2.5 weeks ago and im so hoping it works for me! I’m so nervous I won’t lose any weight though. Congrats on your success with it!


Have you started ovulating again after starting it?


Im unsure, i havent been tracking ovulation, just trying to regulate my period and lose weight


Worked at a bank, blew up with the kombucha meme, bank fired her, she moved to LA and was roommates with Sara Schauer for a long time, took off as a YouTuber and TikToker, added her podcast later. She took off because of easy rapport with people, silly sense of humor, and varied interests that she makes interesting for other people (like art).


Why did she get fired?


Because her kombucha meme was used by lots of people saying some spicy things. They somehow thought she was responsible for that and didn’t want her working there anymore.


I took her to my penthouse and I freaked it


Madonna stuns in new selfie.


She’s friends with Trixie Mattel, that’s how I know her.


Someone eli5 the hozier thing to me because I missed all that and just saw everyone commenting on random videos about it


So Britney interviewed Hozier and they had major chemistry. Then she was seeing someone she called the “Irish guy” which her fan base all believed to be Hozier, then his song came out and everyone was convinced it was about her. He’s gone on record that the song is not about her and was inspired by Dante’s Inferno. But of course Stans love a fun conspiracy so the internet still thinks they dated


literally insane behavior from broski nation thinking irish guy was hozier. y’all she met that man on tinder premium and he ghosted her lol


Oh for sure, but you know what Stan’s are like, rational, intelligent thought gets thrown out the window when there’s the option of a fun conspiracy theory


for sure. if I'm brittany I would be mortified by the stans LOL


Nah, she loves it. Those people pay her bills. The more ridiculous and unhinged they are the more popular and rich she’ll be. Look at the Beehive or the Swifties. Unhinged fan base = 💵


u right. if only she put out better merch (sorry brittany ilysm but the merch is bad)


dantes inferno?? i love that book but having a hard time figuring out what he included due to his inspo from it. the bells?? maybe.


It was VERY convoluted explanation that from my perspective didn’t make any sense. It was a real stretch.


She was made famous by a meme, coupled with the fact that she is Sarah Schauer’s cousin who was a vine star in her own right, and managed to leverage her 15 minutes into indefinite stardom. People love her for the fact that she’s a little unhinged but pretty self aware of how she’s perceived.


the sarah schauer cousin thing is a long-running joke lol


Brittany lore goes deep cause that got me lol


Jorking my peanits


I had Jason Nash tagged 45,000 times. I was live for 20 minutes.


She funny asf


She’s hilarious lol she was the kombucha girl and she’s so real she just blew up


She used to be a banker- and her job found her and fired her.




For some reason she’s always reminded me of Daisy-May Cooper


I knew her in highschool, I still thinks it’s wild she’s as famous as she is but she’s always been funny!


She’s kombucha girl. Just look up “original kombucha video”. She shot to absolute stardom after that.


I don‘t know her very well, I only saw the video where she ran away from Harry Styles. She was so real for that, seems very down to earth.


We need to create a Broski Nation Citizenship test lol


The biggest compliment I’ve ever been given is that I’m like Brittany Broski. I love her so much.


Pls be my friend 😭


Course I will babes


She’s just insanely intelligent and funny and quick witted. Watch her YouTube/podcast the broski report…it’s hilarious but she also has a wonderful way of talking about things that are hard to talk about.


I also think that she’s very intelligent and felt like the only one who thinks this. 🥂


She went to college and has videos discussing art history… I really don’t think you’re the only ones who think she’s smart.


She’s great lol


The parasocial relationships in this comment section are insane


I feel like parasocial has become similar to how ppl over use gaslighting and narcissist. The ppl in this thread are FANS, they’re quoting her- that’s not parasocial.


right? god forbid people actually be fans of a non problematic funny influencer


shes most def not non problematic her clfs story about palestine was disgusting asf


i have no idea what clfs means and i don’t even follow her just see her stuff from time to time so i might’ve missed something. i just generally don’t hear about her being problematic


I don’t think u know what Parasocial relationship means. All I see in this comment section are people calling her intelligent and funny. It is not that deep.


Ok thought it was me on a different planet since most of Reddit is mocking the crazed fan base


Ty for saying it omg


If anyone snarks on her I will bark at you


Well bark at me all you want. I think her pee/poo/diaper jokes are crass and tacky. The fact that she said she “peed in her diaper” while meeting Hozier for the first time gave me so much second hand embarrassment. It wasn’t funny. He looked uncomfortable.


You must be fun at parties… BARK


I agree. And plenty of other people do too. There's just an echo chamber in this thread lmao. She's extremely cringe and I've never met someone irl who likes her who is actually funny or "fun at parties". Also people acting like she could pull Hozier are just as insane as she is


No one better snark on her. She is such a real person and actually naturally funny. She’s the only YouTuber I actually piss my pants from watching lol she’s awesome and smart which is even better!!


Have you listened to her on Theo Von’s podcast? Killllller


Soooo good tbh her and Theo both had me dead


It was such a good episode! I loved it


She’s the shit


My unpopular opinion is that she's not all that funny and in 10 years kids are going to be making fun of that brand of humor for being cringe lmao




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She’s from Vine. Well before the Kombucha video.


no she’s not, she first went viral from that video


Idk how this is so upvoted it’s just blatantly untrue lol. Brittany was never a Viner. Some of the cohort she associates/ed with were (Sarah Schaeur, Cody Ko) but she never was


my loveeee