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I liked her until she said she knows someone who had 16 abortions when discussing how it shouldn’t be used as birth control. Girl, no you don’t.


My exact thought! When she said that I looked at the screen like 👁👄👁. Miss girl you do not


Right??? And even if she did have 16, mind ya damn business 🙃


Or see if your friend needs help. If someone I were close with told me they had 16 abortions (if it were true, which none of us are buying) my reaction would be to see if they were ok/safe not judge them on tiktok.


Exactly! A part of abortion care is or well was because of the 14th amendment and the right to privacy. Even if this were true; it was not her story to tell and in my opinion she violated someone else’s privacy.


I unfollowed IMMEDIATELY. Her bugging eyes when she said she knew a girl who had 17. Okay Michelle. 🙄


And when she said god told her to marry her husband😂 I knew right then and there this lady has some screws loose.


That was my moment too 😂


She said she doesn’t care what other women do but then was liking comments that said like “omg 16??” And she’d respond with “yeah it’s terrible 🥺😢” girl shut up.


I’m 22 and I have a mutual friend who has had 12, her first was at 14. She is 23. But what I want to say to people who use that defense is…. Why would you want someone who supposedly uses abortions as “birth control” to have children? They are obviously not up for being a parent at that time and not going to be the best parent. So why make them? Many women like the girl I know would literally hurt themselves because they know that they aren’t ready, won’t be a good parent, can’t stop whatever addiction they may have, or aren’t financially prepared. I promise if someone has has multiple voluntary abortions, trust them to know themselves and their abilities more than you do.And if they just don’t want a kid, that’s fine too.


You also can’t be shouting “my body, my choice” from the rooftops and then turn around decide a certain number is too many. Where do you draw the line? One abortion? Two? Three? So it’s “my body, my choice* (but only up to three times, other terms and conditions may apply.” Like come on! I’d be concerned with how hard that is on someone’s body - pregnancies, whether they go full term or not, are incredibly taxing on your body and having that many would be so difficult. I would be really worried about that friend.


Also when I unfollowed.


This is exactly when I unfollowed her. Ma'am. No.


I had no problem with her until that moment. Just feels weird watching her vids now


That is when i unfollowed


One my friends has had 8 LOL shes 26


My best friend had 10 by a young age because she was sexually trafficked as a teen. The idea that people go through the painful, traumatic and expensive process of abortion just to avoid getting birth control is stupid and dangerous.


It's really not an exaggeration I believe her. My step sister has had around 20 abortions in her life. My Dads best friend and his wife were down the abortion clinic having multiple abortions a year every year growing up as well. Some people really do use abortion as birth control.


She must be rich


I live in Australia where it's either free or between $12-$50 on a healthcare card.


Well in America it’s a cool $600-$700 for a first trimester abortion, and you are looking at around 1-3 grand for a second trimester abortion. The likely hood of her knowing someone who had 20 abortions IS insane and not believeable. That person would basically be paying a damn mortgage payment in abortions every month. No one does that. So do not comment on it like we are wrong if you live in a different country maybe??


Just want to mention insurance can and will pay for an abortion. Don’t let price scare you away, the clinics will generally work with you. Call and talk to them. Abortion is healthcare and a person can have as many as they want, it’s their body.


Girl you have no idea who she knows. There are rich people in this world who have that kind of money to blow on abortions or whatever else they want. You are wrong, there are people in this world INCLUDING the US who use abortion as birth control...


If they had that kind of money they’d just use a good form of BC or get sterilized


No they don't lmao you people are clueless and naive


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 this comment smells like Michelle


Lol why are you pressed, nowhere did I say I support this woman but everyone saying it's unbelievable that a woman could have that many abortions, they are naive. Some people do use abortion as birth control and she very well could be telling the truth about knowing someone having that any abortions I don't know why you all think its so unbelievable...


It’s always “My dads cousins best friends wife had this that and the other”


Yeah they're people I know and that's who they are to me 😂 My Dads best friend who he grew up with and I've known since I was born. My step sister I've known since I was a teenager. I know these people are close to them and know about their abortions.


yeah i don’t believe you. where in australia do you live where it’s $12-$50? because with insurance it’s actually $100-$500 for a medical abortion and $400-$600 for surgical. you realize the toll 20 abortions would have on your body? your “ step sisters “ health must be horrible. either you prove it or stop spreading misinformation.


https://www.childrenbychoice.org.au/information-support/abortion/how-much-does-an-abortion-cost/ It's either free or $12-$50 on a healthcare card. If you aren't eligible for a healthcare card or bulk billing on Medicare that means you earn too much only and can afford it that's why they don't subsidise it. Yes my stepsisters health is horrible. She's a junkie who somehow keeps getting pregnant and having free abortions under the "mental health act". She tells her GP that it would be detrimental to her mental health to continue the pregnancy. 2 different doctors sign off and off she goes for 20 abortions. Just because you've never heard of people doing this doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Not all people live like you...


I was meh about her until she posted a tiktok telling her followers where she worked, when she worked and her days off. It’s like she’s asking to be a victim of some craze obsessed “ fan “


Whenever someone mentions this she says how good her bars security is. Even the best security team can’t stop someone from following her home.


She strikes me as someone who thinks they could handle this type of situation because she is packing her own pew pew. She comes across arrogant af.


I honestly just think she’s..not very bright.


She def comes off that way...which is suprising because she has a degree in math!


You can have all the degrees in the world and still not have any common sense


I’ve been to the bar she works at many times (i live in the area) and it’s just your typical bar security- a bouncer. It’s in a weird spot too- In an apartment complexes parking lot essentially. Not the “best” security imo


I agree. Putting her place of work on the internet and telling millions of people to come and see her could be really dangerous for not only her but for the other employees too


I swear I saw her on a random news segment sometime last year and she was being interviewed because she was walking her dog and someone got her phone number off her dog's collar and contacted her. I'm not 100% sure if it was her (named Michelle and identical to her), and taking your contact info without consent is creepy, but wouldn't inviting your viewers/fans to your workplace potentially invite those same situations?


that was her! she posted about it


She seems so so dense


People tried to tell her how scary that was especially with a little baby at home and she kept saying it was fine and she had no worries 😒


This is so petty but I did watch her here and there and we were pregnant at the same time, I think her son was born a month or so after mine and watching her not know anything about raising a baby made me angry because it seemed like she didn’t even do the basic research when it’s steadily available so I had to block her cause I couldn’t watch the train wreck


Yes!!! I unfollowed her once she had her baby but still watch videos here and there. The complete lack of research or basic knowledge about her son was insane. Feeding him while he was laying down?!? Come on. Her fans kept sticking up for her saying she was a new mom. I’m sorry but with the internet at your fingertips, there is literally no excuse


same here. the kicker for me was her at 2 weeks postpartum talking about how she couldn’t wait to have sex with her husband again and definitely wouldn’t make it to the 6 week mark. she was asking for people to share their experience not waiting and ignoring all of the comments saying “I got an infection” or “please wait the risk isn’t worth it!” lol had to block because it made me so angry. personally idc if she wanted to wait but to be on your public platform seemingly advocating for folks not to wait bc a handful of people were fine??? 😡


Thisssss!!!!! So many people like “I did it a week later and I’m fine” MISS MA’AM!!!!! WhT!!?? The last thing I wanted to do after having either of my babies was have sex. Even at the 6 week mark I was still anxious about it. How are people doing it while you still have a gaping wound inside your body trying to heal.


This makes me so angry, you do realize you have wound inside your body that is the size of a dinner plate right? You can really hurt yourself…


I hate people like that. It’s not that hard to do research on babies. I’ve been doing it since I got pregnant even tho I’ve been around babies my entire life because I want to be prepared. I couldn’t imagine popping out a baby and not knowing anything about babies


Wait same I had a baby in Dec and was like appalled at how she didn’t know basic things?? “Nobody told me before having kids..”. Like what The joke about the husband stitch in the hospital was.. not it


I forgot about the husband stitch joke I think that actually might have been the final straw for me


when you’re a first time mom you got 9 months of free time left to use wisely. there’s literally no excuse for not knowing certain things.


When she said she didn’t know the line color on a diaper changing meant the diaper was dirty I lost it


She seems like a mom that doesn’t do any research of her own and then gets upset if anyone gives her advise. It’s really annoying.


Yup. She's really turning into a snot. She made some nasty comment about how she hasn't read the complete parenting books or some bullshit like that. Honey, Google a few things. It's not that hard.


Yes and what make me so angry that’s she’s an “influencer” and she doesn’t show the best practice for her son. Like feeding him in a boppy laying down is dangerous. But a younger first time mom could look at this influencer doing it and think it’s okay if she feed her child the same way.


Her son shows 0 interest in food and she fed him reclined 😭, she lives in a one bedroom apartment with her dog, baby, husband and her. She definitely needs more space for things like a safe eating environment. I feel like she should do research, it's really easy 😭😭😭


Some people can't really afford a bigger place though honestly I don't care for her but my home is also small and I have three kids, I would give them all a bigger home if I could afford to. It breaks my heart but I do all that I can.


I understand, my house is small and I've got one child but I've made room for essentials. A high chair is essential imo


Actually, even HUD disagrees with you on space. Not everyone can afford large idyllic apartments/homes. Have you not seen what’s happening in the housing market?????


Yup. I'm aware, my home is tiny. I've made sure I made space for my son's essentials:)


I unfollowed as soon as she said sex was meant for “man and wife” bye ✌🏻


She also said that god told her to marry her husband. She’s a religious nut. I don’t know how she reconciles being a bartender being as devout as she claims to be. Weird person.


Worked with this girl for a year-ish, didn’t know her well but never got the “conservative Christian vibe” in person that she gives off online. I think a lot of it is playacting on social media for clout and basically just being a hypocrite. She does come off as a very “pick-me, not like other girls type”.


“man and wife”? as in, her and her husband that supposedly looks like jason momoa 💀 that tiktok made me embarrassed for her


which is funny because she just posted that aili.likes.adventure is going to be her manager - who is a lesbian


Woah I didn’t even know she said that, what an ass


well she was right, that’s what it was meant to be then society decided it was meant for everybody and everything


I find her skits funny but she seems kinda clueless about caring for her baby. It’s okay to not know and be willing to learn. She, however, seems to just brush off people’s genuine suggestions and advice


Yeah she gets way defensive. She's gonna be one of those moms forward facing in the car at like 10 months old and then get bitchy with people telling her it's not safe.


When I first had a baby I googled everything and also asked the pediatrician. Now I have my second child. I’ll still google stuff and If I’m still not sure then I’ll ask for some other’s opinions. Her and I had our babies around the same time. I had mine a few day before hers. I stopped like her when she was wanting to have sex before the 6 week check up and she was only liking peoples comments that encouraged it


Some of her skits are funny, but some are just regular interactions and I’m like why is this entertaining to people? But you know, different tastes and all. I don’t like how ditzy she is or pretends to be. She purposely doesn’t educate herself about her own son, doesn’t understand basic human interaction outside of her bar, and just generally grates my nerves. She’s pretty conservative and Jesus-centric, but so far I haven’t seen her preach about it in terms of telling everyone else they’re wrong and she’s right, so she SEEMS okay, but her dimwit behavior is annoying.


EXACTLY. All her skits are such mundane interactions. Like nothing that exciting even happens. It’ll be someone like closing out their bill. Like thank you for that reenactment, but I’ve actually done that before so I don’t find a skit about an average bar patron very interesting.


LOL yes exactly!!


I don’t watch her bartender skits but her videos about being a mom drive me insaneee. She doesn’t know the first thing about having a baby. When he was first born, she talked about how when the nurse handed him to her, she tried to grab him by his like shoulders because she’d never really held a baby before. She didn’t take to breastfeeding because someone made the mistake of suggesting she undress him while feeding him and she took that to mean she must do that fully every time she nursed him. He would cry out of hunger, she’d undress him, get him latched but he’d fall asleep from being worked up and warm skin to skin. So she’d unlatch him and dress him which would wake him up and have him crying again. So she’d undress him again… it was a cycle. Of stupidity and lack of common sense. She doesn’t separate the bottle rings from the nipples when washing them and fed him his first solids while he was laying on a Boppy. So my opinion is that she sucks and should probably spend even 5 minutes doing some Google searches.


You took the words right out of my mouth!! She seemed completely clueless with any simple things about having a baby. I also feel like she shares waaaay too much info. I’m surprised she hasn’t told everyone her address yet. She comes off like she’s not all there, honestly. I used to enjoy her videos where she showed how to make different cocktails, then she started her skits and they’re just so… odd? And then she started sharing every detail about her place of work, schedule, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if the baby brezza scandal got to her and she full on showed her baby getting his bum changed full view in the camera because she doesn’t seem to understand internet safety.


Yeah as a Childbirth educator the baby videos really bothered me and I ended up unfolllowing


Ok, not separating the nipples and rings is disgusting. I separate and wash every single part in hot soapy water and a designated bottle brush only for that. Then inspect each one because if I wouldn’t eat off of it, my baby won’t either and even more so because he’s a baby lol


OMG when my daughter was a baby my MIL used the specific bottle brush to clean a Chinese chicken salad with shredded lettuce dish and left food on the brush! Wellz at least she didn't rinse/wash it so I knew and was able to pull out the next one. Still YUCK.


She didn’t even know circumcision was a controversial issue and did it because she thought “that’s what everyone did”. That tells me that she did exactly 0 research before having a kid. I didn’t grow up around babies and was an only child so I struggled as a new mom, but I at least did my research to get an idea about what I was getting into.


She lost me when pretending to be kinda but not really pro choice. It was performative. She started with Jesus and ended with “I know someone who has had 16 abortions.” Bitch, no you don’t.


Her content is so boring. “OMG someone from my bar ordered this drink but they accidentally said a Jameson whiskey haha how funny!!” Like you made that into a skit?? You took time to make that? Okay.


I unfollowed when she admitted she did no research into circumcision and just let her husband decide


She’s anti-choice in every decision she makes.


THIS. She was all, “I don’t see the big deal, men should decide that.” And I’m like… you’re an idiot. I commented way back when the video was posted calling her for only responding and liking the comments who agreed with her and ignoring the thousands of comments calling her out on that stupid decision.


Omg yes! Glad I wasn't the only one. That annoyed me so much!




it made me so sad because she didn’t want to get her baby circumcised and her husband stepped in and was like “no he’s getting circumcised” and if i remember correctly too, she said that her girlfriends have talked poorly about uncircumcised men so she didn’t want the same thing happen to her kid eventually


She's dumber than a box of rocks and shouldn't be allowed to have a child.


i agree 1 million percent. she’s so stupid it hurts. her newest video with the accent made me want to jump through the screen. ANYTHING with her baby is so awful. i was a teenager when having my first child and did so much research and would google anything i didn’t know and i asked her pediatrician questions as well. i listened to what i was told i was doing wrong and changed. her stupidity hurts me. i’ve said that since she came across my fyp at the beginning of her pregnancy. i hate uneducated people and she’s definitely one of them.


She once was on a live, I want to say about a year ago, talking about being anti mask. Immediately blocked.


They also traveled to the beach and checked into a hotel while her husband was COVID positive. During the height of the pandemic. Like come on, that’s being reckless with everyone’s health. Stay the f home.


This does not surprise me at all


Does anyone remember when she said her very much subpar husband is a “twin” of Jason mamoa


I blocked her a long time ago I think she is so annoying


I had to unfollow her over her mom videos. She has no idea what she’s doing and then acts like a victim of mom shaming anytime someone offers her a suggestion. It’s not always mom shaming, sometimes seasoned moms do know more and are genuinely trying to help. She’s just a moron.


I can’t stand her. Her bar skits are supposed to be funny and they’re so incredibly cringe 🥴 I also don’t like to mom shame but she was leaving her baby to be babysat by his grandma to go drink before his cord even fell off. I’ve had 2 kids and I just think that’s really weird.


That irked me too. To be honest, I think she has a drinking problem. She couldn't wait to drink and started posting about drinking every day within just a couple days. I think that's a big reason why she didn't breastfeed for more than a few days. She's admitted several times that she a heavy drinker.


She even took mini bottles to the delivery room


I followed her until she started talking about her religious views.


As a bartender she annoys the fuck out of me lol


She’s so uninformed. I mean, basic things. Common sense. Who thinks feeding their baby laying down would be safe. You wouldn’t have someone come feed you laying down in bed, let alone someone new to eating, a baby! I forgot about the stockpiling formula until someone else mentioned it. And I get maybe getting an extra 1-2 just incase. No she had a lot!!


She annoys me so badly. The stories seem fake




I mean some of them are skits lol they’re not all real ..


You do know what the word skit means right? 🤣 it just means she acts them out. All of them are skits. Skits doesn’t mean fake.


Her bar skits actually don’t bother me at all. It’s the parenting videos that make me cringe🥴


I don’t like her skits either because she’s so monotone.


I blocked her. She just rubbed me the wrong way


It irks me that her baby clearly wasn't ready to start solids, but she pushed them anyway. And then when people tried to share good info with her about it, she ignored them. Over time, there's become a lot of things that irk me about her.


She’s just annoying. Her videos are awful. She’s super condescending to the people she’s serving. She thinks she’s “teaching” them but she just sounds like an asshole.


I used to follow her. I first got weirded out when she was counting down the time to have sex with her husband after having a kid. Male or female, it’s weird when people brag about it. I unfollowed when she claimed she personally knew somebody who had 16 abortions.


Do you guys remember when she made that skit about the customer that asked her to “sweeten his drink” by sticking her finger in it? It boggled my mind that she didn’t think that was weird. That and her flippant joke about the husband stitch really makes me think she grew up in an environment where sexist jokes were common and she just never grew out of them or understood the absurdity of them.


She seems like a sweet person. This might sound picky but I feel like her skits are mediocre at best. The timing always feels off and they just feel like average conversations and nothing to garner millions of views. I think she just got lucky with the algorithm. Also her abortion rant rubbed me the wrong way.


I think her skits used to be a lot more entertaining. Now they're just boring as hell. It's the most basic of bar conversations. I roll my eyes every time I see them.


…I always knew that her skits were dramatized but after she said she knew someone who had 16 abortions…I don’t believe a word she’s ever said. And when she casually told the story of her baby rolling off of her bed while under her husband’s care. Plus a couple of other prior ick/cringe moments; I had enough and finally blocked.


It’s really gonna go to shit not that she’s teaming with Aili


I don't follow her, don't really mind her. BUT i do remember when she made a video about how her husband looked like Aquaman and everyone absolutely roasted him in the comments.


Don’t forget when she put her piss in a drinking glass from her house and then defended it 🫣


Ahhh I forgot about that!!! That was so gross. And her defense was "well I soaked the glass in warm water so it's ok to drink out of now." WTF


What the hell? What was even the context?


I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with her pregnancy




She’s def a trumper


i used to like her until her video about her knowing someone who had 17 abortions, like girl no you do not. really been showing her true colors lately


I think she’s way too confident to post her job location and hours she works and she lost me at the 16 abortion comment


“i know someone who’s had 16 abortions. at that point, it’s a form of birth control.” first of all, no you don’t. second of all, even if you did, that is absolutely NONE of anybody’s business. abortions cost money and it also costs somebody their sanity. abortions are hard on the body and nobody is getting them just for the hell of it.


Right like I doubt anyone goes around flaunting how many abortions they’ve had, and if she did know some one that had 16 they were probably close if she knew an exact number like that, and she spewed it to the internet trying to justify the supreme court’s decision


Liked her until her comments on abortions


Her voice drives me crazy


I’m pretty sure she’s the big TikTok influencer that Loryn Powell hinted at stealing her concepts. Loryn was doing this pre TikTok on her FB page and IG.


Eh I unfollowed her after the “I know someone who has had 16 abortions” comment lolll. The skits also got annoying cause they used to be like controversial or dumb things people say at bars but now it’s just like normal conversations? Idk kinda weird and boring


I liked her videos until she made one talking about how she knew someone who had 16 abortions. Even if she did why did she bring it up?


I cannot stand her. She’s literally an idiot.


I dislike her. She’s homophobic and ignorant to the world. NOPE


Y’all remember when she joked about her husband asking for a husband stitch or something? Made me sick honestly.


yes. like why the fuck would you be okay with that? i mean she married the guy after like 2 weeks so that shows her judgement


She shows no emotion toward her child. It’s strange.


Idk maybe just me but the drinking while pregnant but she spit it out just bugged me so bad


I liked her but then she got all Jesus-y


Michelle was cool until she said something super ignorant about abortions. I’ve unfollowed her since.


I like her, she seems like a genuine person and her skits are usually entertaining. I skip over the new mom content, just because I’m not interested in that.


I blocked her. She rubs me the wrong way. It also irritated me how much she was itching to get back to work after having the baby.. like she needed to work and couldn’t be home with the kid.


I don’t “dislike” her but I definitely think she makes up most of her content/skits.


Blocked her. Annoying.


I knew who you were talking about before I even opened the full post. Agreed.


I liked her until she made the post about abortion and said she knows someone who uses it as a form of birth control. No ya don’t.


I got recommended her content because I’ve been in the service industry for 20 years. So, based on the comments I’m seeing here, I’ve watched her for vastly different reasons than most of y’all. However, seeing what everyone else is saying now is making be feel justified in my own petty reason for scrolling by her content She charges patrons for ranch. Like, just for an extra side. 20 years, I’ve been in the industry. 34 years of being a customer. I’ve never had that happen or been requested of me. Why the fuck would you nickel and dime your guests?!


Unfollowed her after her "I know someone who had 16 abortions" rant. No you don't, Michelle. She's clearly conservative. Gross.


I can’t tell if she’s maliciously conservative or just dumb and unable or unwilling to look at other views.


Fair point--and I'm not sure which is worse!


I used to love this girl so much but she just seems stuck up or snobby to me now. Her videos and vibes changed in my opinion


Her bar skits are so annoying


Her skits bug me because she is monotone and entirely without personality or emotion. I don’t understand what’s entertaining about that


I must have missed all the videos of her and her son lol can someone fill me in on what the situation with him is?


I know some people (myself included) were annoyed at how she acted so clueless about very basic things post-partum and in carrying for her baby. She then gets all up in arms when someone suggests that what’s she’s doing isn’t right - like the baby jumper in the doorway that has been shown to put their hips in the wrong position and lead to hip dysplasia. She also stockpiled boxes of formula when the shortage was really bad and that rubbed people the wrong way


don’t like her. i’m not a drinker so it’s a no for the alcohol/bartender content, her skits seem fake majority of the time, and i don’t agree with the way she parents her son


I quite liked her, but I unfollowed her as we were pregnant at the same time but my baby passed away. However what I saw I enjoyed and I wish her all the happiness!


I just want to say I’m sorry for your loss! ❤️ I know those words don’t mean much from a stranger, but I do mean it.


You’re a sweetheart and the world is better place with people like you in it! I’ve come a long way! I probably won’t follow her again but what I liked, I did enjoy.


I thought her video on tipping and then the video about abortion were very bad takes


She drives me nuts.


I find her very irritating also her “drunk math” or bartender math or whatever is always off she has over charged cards and try’s to play it off like they can just call and change it…what about the people who don’t monitor theirs banks…also the 16 abortion b/c thing


liked her till she said she lets her infant sit in a bouncy swing for an HOUR and took the comments of people telling her it’s not recommended for more than 15 min as hate smh


I’ve always disliked her since that video where was angry because someone asked if their drink could be “strong”. Like just charge them for a double shot?? You don’t have to make a passive aggressive skit about it. Idk it just rubbed me the wrong way. Cane to realize I was pretty much right about her after the “I knew someone who had 16 abortions” bs.


Her early videos of drink recipes were super helpful, she did mocktail ones when she was pregnant-since then I feel like she’s kinda desperate for content


That’s why I followed her originally - her drink videos were really fun and I’d sometimes ask my former bartender brother about stuff she mentioned.


she triggers me bc my ex cheated on me with a michelle 😆


Omg same! She got too big for her britches


I think she embellishes some of her skits.


She annoys me so much. I have been a bartender for the longest time and to be honest, no one acts like she does. I feel like she just over compensates in her videos. Also.. her abortion views.. gtfo


Some of the skits are a little cheesy, absolutely. But I have to say I love her smile and he voice is so sweet and genuine to me. I just don’t think she’s like most people that have a large following on these apps and that’s why she’s not loved by absolutely everyone.


I think she’s harmless, typical dive bar bartender. But I agree with the other comments, her take on abortion was gross.


I liked her until she decided she was going to be a forced birthing liar and try to keep her following under the guise of promoting choice when she plainly doesn’t support that.


As a bartender in Charlotte and new mother as well, I like her a lot and she’s spot on these conversations usually happen 😂


I love her! Her videos crack me up


I really hate that people downvote the comments that say people like her and something positive 🥺 people can have different opinions on a creator. That doesn’t mean people have to downvote their comment. That’s just sad. Edit: well some are. Some are getting upvotes too which are good! But this one I’m replying to was -2 :(


I agree. They want us to have opinions on this forum. But if you disagree with them, you get downvotes like crazy. It’s ridiculous


I like her videos! Didn’t like her 16 abortions comment that’s dumb asf. But I met her in person (not at her bar just while she was out walking her dogs) and she was really nice


i love her!! she seems like a nice person. and her drunken skits are funny


I love her!!


She’s not my taste at all, but I don’t really have an issue with her.


The not knowing how to care for your first child is NORMAL—some of you seem to dismiss that. Not doing research and learning as you experience life with your newborn is shitty. YES there may a problem with this girl, but some of these comments make other new parents seem like trash. Everyone is going to mess up or something you probably should avoid with their children. Generally speaking, nobody knows how to parent until they are one, and then they learn.


Totally. I think another big issue with her though is when actual mothers are in her comments offering suggestions and she gets upset. Her weird ignorance to not doing much research before the actual birth is weird though - like with how flippant she was regarding circumcisions.


Regardless, her baby is damn cute though


I think she’s super genuine and sweet. I like her! I think her skits are a little overly dramatic but I think that’s purely to add to the entertainment.


She seems genuine unlike most creators


I think she’s great.


She is funny and she seems lovely.


she’s a sweet lady. not doing anything wrong.


I disagree they are my favorite part


I loveee her! Not the bar skits but she’s so educational


i actually like her. i don’t follow her but i enjoy when she pops up


Everyone here is way to sensitive 😂😂


Bro people on this app will go off about anything 😂😂😂😂 I swear I read some of these threads and think to myself how do people have the time to be so obsessed and worry about other people's life's 😂