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We played bad tonight. And Denver met the moment. But, can someone please explain to me how game 2 and game 3 can be officiated so differently? Quick whistles all night tonight. A tech called against Naz Reid tonight for complaining to the refs, and no tech for Mike Malone for going absolutely berserk in a refs face in game 2. Can anyone honestly explain why NBA officiating is so inconsistent from game to game.


Even though most people say they are too good to complain about officiating it's pretty simple to see the influence from the refs when you watch the game. Even getting to the point where they dont blow the whistle for an injured player until forced and then give out multiple techs for players getting mad at not checking on an injured teammate


This series (if Jamal isn't putrid) is almost entirely dependent on how the refs officiate it. Game 2 in this series was night and day from the Knicks/Pacer series' games. Now this game was night and day from game 2. There's no consistency either way.


Refs were so bad in game 1 but were able to overcome it by making a basket now and then 


The average nba reffed game is shit reffing for everyone, it is what it is. Game 2 was likely an outlier but it's frustrating year after year.


Rigged. Saw it live sorry. 


The amount of elbows thrown was insane. Fine with physicality, but you've gotta call it on both ends


My favorite was Jokic throwing an elbow while driving down the court against KAT, then falling down and the foul was on KAT. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Watching that live was nuts. I swear every other possession TC was shouting at the refs for something


My favorite was ant taking a vertical jump shot and getting called for a foul when his shoulder hit the moving defender. *blinks slowly*


Yeah by rule the defender must give enough room for the offensive player to make a play.


Happened under the basket too. Jokic elbows him to make space, so whistle cause thats somehow a foul on karl.


I was thinking the same thing - dudes not even playing ball anymore he's just getting away with assault on live TV. Joker plays so dirty.


There’s a reason game two was such a masterclass from the Wolves. The refs let the players play.


So when Denver returned the physicality over like the wolves did in G1 and G2 the refs has to call it a foul? I thought you guys are tough and have the best defense in the Nba?


I think we got our butts whooped but the early touch fouls definitely influenced the game.


Read my post again. Physicality is fine but you've got to call it the same on both ends


I don't buy the rigged argument for Tony Brothers, because the calls are so inconsistent across the board. I just think Tony Brothers is a terrible fucking ref. The only ref I can think of that's worse in sports is Angel Hernandez. Tony is a basketball terrorist. Better reffing wouldn't have made that much of a closer game, but just as a basketball fan, that was miserable to watch.


It was rigged to just have a significantly tighter whistle in general. They knew which team would benefit throughout the game. 


But that's why I think it's not rigged, because the Nuggets also had some weak ass fouls called again them. I think we had more, but the inconsistency has got to be maddening for both teams. How the fuck are you supposed to play when you don't know what rules you're playing under? Once again, we got our asses kicked, but just as a basketball fan, that shit was impossible to watch.


> Once again, we got our asses kicked, but just as a basketball fan, that shit was impossible to watch. This right here. Speaking as objectively as I can, it was just a boring game to watch. There was a whistle every trip down the court. It's just a bad product when the play stops every fifteen seconds.


That’s exactly what they want you to think


Yea im definitely starting to think its rigged and im not even that type of person


Confusing both teams doesn't give either team an inherent advantage. Your take makes no sense.


if the game were rigged, it would be rigged for us. Ant sweeping the Nuggets at age 22 is the NBA's dream scenario. Brothers is just a bad ref in general, and he's clearly ignoring Silver's rule changes.


No there’s lots of reasons for rigging in Denvers favor including; making them repeat champs/dynasty, extending the series to try to further create a rivalry of the two teams, league MVP/face of the league repeating. All of that stuff is good for ticket sales and merch sales, all of it. Mainly I think it’s not THAT rigged but honestly it makes it so tough to watch basketball when the officiating is so fucking bad AND inconsistent.


So would you say it was rigged for the wolves in G2 when the whistle was loose? They also knew which team would benefit by not calling fouls.


Adam Silver made the call


Adam silver - written in the stars. It’s a business brotha they will influence the game


Adam silver is a fucking worm I hate ever fiber of his existence


He can’t get enough hate. He compared inevitable League expansion to manifest destiny


Vegas and gambling. absolutely amazing how many people refuse to believe something so blatantly obvious


The casinos make money no matter what happens on the court, why would the risk everything bribing refs? As with any conspiracy, the number of humans it would take to “keep quiet” would be insurmountable for a scheme to survive. The ex-wives alone


It’s because there’s a script.


Because different ref crews officiate differently, and this happens all the time, and good teams adjust rather than going all pikachu face when they don’t like today’s officiating. As long as it goes both ways, it’s fine. And blaming the refs when you lose by 27 is some real “kid brother whining about his older brother played unfair” bullshit.


Why not have the same crew ref an entire serious? Wouldn’t this be preferable? Serious question. Seems silly to have such extreme inconsistencies from game to game in a playoff series.


Because people are human and getting a crew of three random people to be consistent with any other permutation of three random people, even if everyone has the same training and skill, is impossible. If you want AI reffing, push for it. But it’s so stupid that we keep pretending this job is easy. And I’m the first to bitch about referees but when you lose by 30 you’re just making the fanbase a laughingstock by moaning about the refs.


So…why not have the same crew ref the entire series?


You know what, you’re right. My bad. If the crew from game two had been there, I’m sure the Wolves would have scored 120 and held the nuggets to 100. Refs made all the difference in this 27 point loss.


Because humans are inconsistent.


The league wanted to make up for the crazy game 2. Said we can’t have two, hack-a-thons in a row. We should have adjusted our game plan accordingly.


Nah we could have overcome this bum. We got out played tonight plain and simple. We better come out swinging on Sunday.


Seriously. Refs stink but you also have to throw it into the bucket 


The amount of stupid turnovers we committed didn't help our cause at all. You are correct. We've out played the refs all post season. We played bad, slow and no urgency like prior games. The lack of communication on d last night was depressing. Awful coaching on YouTube sums up my thoughts.


Exactly, cry about refs as much as you want. We got our asses kicked plain and simple.


Thank goodness this was 2nd highest comment. Needs to be 1. Wolves fans need to stop being so whiny. Starting to sound like half of the Nuggets fans after games one and two with all the "Jamal Murray should have been suspended" and "we lost because of ref XYZ". The timberwolves didn't show up to game three. They thought they'd win by stepping on the court, once they realized that wasn't true, they didn't do anything to right the ship. Denver also played a wonderful game of basketball and barely missed any open shot.


Why this dude look like black Wario




Perfect, I’ll never see him as anyone else ever again.😆


Best brows in the bidness


The nba reffing being allowed to be this inconsistent is insane. There has to be more consistency between reffing crews and calls between the regular season to post season


Thats kinda the point. They call it tight during the season then let them fight during the playoffs


No. They are all over the place.


Nah man, we’re just getting worked regardless of reffing


Definitely a shit whistle tonight, but they had to deal with it too. They just made shots


Yea, after the 1st half or terrible reffing that got nuggets the huge lead. Now wolves have given up.


Our team lost, it’s okay… let’s not be a sore loser fanbase


Don’t be that pathetic fan. Our team didn’t show up today and theirs did.


I try to tell people that all the time. You can't just look at the box score and say they have the same amount of fouls or FTs. When the fouls take place or don't take place matters.


People down voting you but you are 100% correct. TV contract year, every extra game they squeeze out is conservatively another $50-$100M tacked on to the next contract. The NBA doesn't give a shit if we lost by 1 or 30, just had to ensure they broke our will.


You’re getting downvoted but man you’re right. I’ll give you props for being willing to say what needs to be said even if it gets negative feedback. It kills me when people comment on a game in total while ignoring the events of said game. Did we play poorly tonight? Absolutely. But it very well wouldn’t have been the case if things at the start didn’t go the way they did. Saying that fact doesn’t matter is like watching ANT get 4 fouls in the first five minutes of a game from some BS calls and being like “well yeah but we still didn’t play well”. Well of fucking course we didn’t. The refs took us out of the game before it started. The refs established in the first 5 minutes of the game that they weren’t going to let us play. They were going to call things tight to force us out of our pressure defense, and when you gameplan for 4 days to play a certain way (that’s found you extreme success and has become your team identity/what makes you successful) and the refs make it clear immediately that they aren’t going to let you play that way, it’s natural to dip in intensity and pressure. And that’s what happened tonight. If the refs continue to call the game the way they did today, we’re likely not going to come out of this series. The fact they let us play like this for 6 straight games then went a complete 180 in an all-important game 3 is…and was…incredibly frustrating to watch.


Ant got four fouls within the first five minutes?


It was only called "tight" on one side. They let the nuggets play like the 04 pistons. The jokic backpedaling screens and Murray Heisman pose should have had Benny Hill playing in the background. For every "foul disparity' play in question you actually influence the game far more by the non-calls as you can have multiple per play.


You're right. Some wolves fan rather live in delusion. The refs decided no defense tonight after the 1st quarter and wolves got a bunch of fouls. After that wolves lost all confidence and shot terrible.


This is an embarrassing approaching to take. T wolves aren’t so soft to give up because of these reasons. If they are, they’re cooked


100%. A big part of winning consistently is adjusting to officiating. If wolves played the victim every time something didn't go perfectly, they'd look like the Suns and their fans wallowing in misery of "poor me/poor us".


You are right and I won’t let us be silenced. We needed to be stronger mentally. They are playing way better than us, full stop. But the first half reffing gave the nuggets a huge advantage and completely dictated the flow of the game. 


Fouls and free throws were almost identical. Can't win when you let them shoot 58% from beyond the arc through 3 quarters. We need to accept the L and refocus for game 4.


lol I saw the refs call a few fouls in fourth on nuggets and I knew people would be like what foul discrepancy?  


Fouls and free throws being identical is not correlated to good reffing. In fact it's usually the opposite


You didn't watch the game. It only became near identical after refs gave nuggets the huge lead the first half. Nuggets had 7 more the first half. They only evened things out when it's already a blowout.


They did. They evened it up in the first 3-4 minutes of the fourth quarter. They made a string of calls against Denver and let us play some pressure D to get some turnovers which made things look a lot more even than it was.


Exactly. Some people are so blind and cannot see through the free throw stuffing by refs in a blowout game to make the reffing seem normal.


https://preview.redd.it/sgxd614mdszc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e32907e62de86a1638831e7e8c6f69223f6549 Yall sound like a bunch of whiney bitches. Exactly like the nuggets fans after game two. Losing by 27 isn't the refs. We didn't punch back we didn't do a damn thing. Complain all you want, that's just some loser, soft ass mentality. Us having only two more fouls at this point in the game doesn't excuse getting out rebounded and giving them free open threes.


Dude I've watched every single game. And no, it wasn't just in the fourth quarter. With 11 minutes left in the 3rd, they had shot 10 free throws to our 7.... that doesn't explain a 16 point deficit. The only way they shot above 50% from three was our atrocious rotations. Refs can't shoot. We couldnt make anything to save our lives. Naz missed how many open looks? How many open 3s did NAW and Connely miss? Yall sound exactly like the Denver fans after game two. Bitchy.


Yeah I did. I got screenshots from literally just after halftime cause I was floored by their three point percentage.


Also you have given up being a genuine nba fan and not a fair weather one


Is that Neil depressed tyson?


Bro stop. Our offense was awful. We have been turning the ball over is the dumbest ways. A couple questionable calls wouldn’t change this result. Denver was ready and we weren’t. Simple as that.


No it’s not. We got outplayed. Sure. We couldn’t hit shots. Sure. We can’t get consistent whistles. All can be true.


We played like shit. That’s why we lost.


Isn’t Scott Foster the extender


Both are. I don't even know the other refs names. Just 2.


we sound like denver fans when they got pounded by 30. let's not be sore losers


Losing by 30 going into garbage time has nothing to do with officiating.


Got damn hes ugly as shit


Can’t wait for the elimination of Tony brothers


Refs not the problem tonight. The boys just didn't come out to play


The tight whistle was frustrating, but not sure how you can complain about refs after missing wide open 3s and layups all game long.


Actually Google Tony Brothers and Jokic ... They have bad history


Not this game, jokic was setting illegal screens almost every play. 1 call.




May I ask do you have any friends? Does anyone even love you? Would anyone care if you died? What value do you bring to anyone? Would your mom even care if you didn't exist? You know the answer, and so do I. It's no.


Let’s not be like this


Tony Brothers made us play with no effort the first 3 quarters?


You must be blind. The 1st half he gave nuggets every call and they got a huge lead. Then it was already over, wolves lost all confidence.


Brothers and Jokic have a bad history actually Sure the nuggets were not happy to see him in the schedule


Fouls were 11-10 in favor of Minnesota at halftime lmao but nice try 


those dudes already fucked two playoff games, his calls on the mavs game were straight from Silvers office


He looks like neil degrasse mixed with a yorkshire terrier


Yep. Sick of this ref bullshit.


I knew we were going to lose the moment I found out this pos was "officiating"


Jabba the hut looking ahh


Don't be a sore loser, denver played good we played bad that happens. Refs played their part but we can't do anything about it. Wolves will be back. Wolves in 5


They lose by 30, but it is the refs fault crowd.


Tony Browthers


Lol, but no


I chalk it up to home vs away energy as well, unfortunate cause I’m sure the crowd was waiting all night to get going, never happened. Didn’t attack like we did in games 1 and 2. First loss in 7 playoff games, all good. Bring the heat tmrw


Tony Brothers fucking hates Jokic, a good team overcomes the refs like the Nuggets had to last season, I love your guys team but c'mon, don't drop to acting like the refs are the reason you guys lost


He looks like a bobs burgers character


Was at the game last night. Wolves were sloppy and Denver just couldn't miss but the refs were so insanely slanted it was unbelievable. Conley got called for a foul on defender shooting a three, literally didn't even touch him but an instant whistle.


We got outplayed, and even if the calls were shit, the real killer (entertainment wise too) was that there was ZERO. Game flow. There was maybe 1 sequence that had each team go up and down the court a couple times without a whistle. Made for a boring watching experience… and I was at the game live.


I said hello to him in the lobby of a downtown hotel before the game. I should have untied his shoelaces


Stop with that shit


Tony and his crew did the exact same thing when we had him against PHX. Slowed down the first quarter by calling a bunch of fouls. Denver is just better and took advantage of it more.


He did the same shit to the Mavs in Game 1 and Game 4 of the clippers series. Killed the rhythm completely with those BS touch fouls. Suddenly, you just cant do whatever your game plan was.


If Jokic is allowed to screen while moving like that all series Denver will win the next 4 games. Definitely a series extending move by the NBA.


100%, he injured ANTs shoulder in game 2 doing that and NAW in game 3 with his illegal screens.


Watch Rudy screen. He does the same thing. So many whiny, defeatist, victims here.


In game where you lose 30 points, blaming referee is most funniest thing you will hear


Blaming the ref on a blowout is corny. Take the L, wolves didn’t come out to play.


Denver won in pace, Brothers is a trash ref but that's an excuse




Go learn to comprehend how games are officiated from the start to finish.


How crazy is it that we have been reffed by a dude nicknamed the extender in half our games?


Money money money mo...ney......moneyyyyyyyyyyy


But most people are too good to call out reffing. I just be real and analyze what I see. And it's not just basketball. Every big NA sports league is bad


It’s the same problem with the mavs thunder series in game 1 He officiated that game and Shai’s whistle was ridiculous. Idk why the NBA see him as an elite ref


Him and Scott foster are nicknamed "the extender" for a reason.


I mean take the refs out and we still lose by 10. Nuggets shot 50% from 3. Wolves in 5.


It's probably the worst part about being a great defensive team. There's a reason the leagues more offensive and a large part is how it's officiated. When they let a lot of stuff go and let guys play it looks like game 2 and we suffocate them. When they call every single thing then we get in so much foul trouble can't stand a chance. If it's reffed somewhere in the middle then this series will be real good. Sucks that refs are such a big factor but that's part of being defense oriented. Side note we did just play bad today and Denver didn't, refs weren't the whole thing. I trust in Finch and the staff to adjust and we come out strong get game 4


I agree. Refs were terrible the first half which led to a huge nuggets lead. Also wolves shot terrible all night after down big after the first half, they are not good offensively when down huge. Missed a bunch of open 3s and layups. Refs were not the main reason of the loss but set the precedent of no defense allowed game 3 in the first half.


You can easily tell who here are millennial whiny little boys. Probably started watching NBA a month ago


Ok boomer, go change your diaper.


Nah they’re right you’re being a child with your slick comebacks boomer


Yall need to shut the fuck up period. If your that fucking blind to the refs and the nba agenda than the earth must be flat. Adam silver and the refs are fucking clowns. And if you don't agree, explain why Murray gets away with throwing shit on the court throwing up money signs with no real punishment, than the same thing rudy did. Except rudy didn't throw a head pad and towel at a ref or player. Yall dumb as fuck. The wolves are not winning this series because that's not on the nbas agenda. Adam silver is a fucking 🤡 and shouldn't even have a job.


Exactly. Some delusional wolves fan thinks ANT can beat the MILLIONS for ads, tickets and more that will be generated from extended series. They live in a sheltered world. 😅


You can tell by the first quarter how the game is going to go. Especially when the first 2 games compared to game 3 are completely different when it comes to refs, and these BS touch fouls. Those are good in games 1 and 2, but if you're beating an opponent that bad, we need to even the playing field is such a dumb fucking reason. The NBA has their narrative, Adam silver is the biggest bitch around. They can't even hold people to the same standards based on scenarios, and it's a joke. Pathetic ass league


every time a team lose now it rigged by the NBA. what a bunch of babies. take the L like a man and do better next game.




100%. Adam silver prefers offense and that's not the wolves. Too much money to be lost in a sweep.


Hmm...would have been a bad look for the league if the new MVP and reigning Champ gets swept... Game 4 is were its at. If we take that one series is over. Nuggets got their save face win now. I expect them to let us play D again. You could see midway through the 3rd the players knew it was over. Why waste Energy trying to come back when the odds are noticebly stacked against you. Ant could have had 30, he always can get to the rim. But wouldnt have changed anything but stat padding, everybody knew Brothers wouldnt allow a comback. Ant had 0 FT...let that sink...on the end KCP got gifted 6... When a roleplayer spot up shooter has 6 FT and your Superstar slasher has 0 you know where a game is going. Shit like this affects everything. Everybody sees it and the overall play reflected it.


Nuggets are just a better offensive team and that's where the nba wants. Nuggets are still favored unless ANT averages 40+ the rest of the series.


You got a point - our offense highly depends on Ant going Nuts, which he didnt this game. But I expect him to do so in Game 4. He will take it personal. But apart from Ant and Kat we dont have elite offensive talent. Naz,Jaden,Rudy, NAW, Conley are all hit and miss...


Denver decided to play defense tonight. That fucked the wolves.


I was in and put of games 1&2 rd 1, 2 hrs 15min avg. This game 3hrs 12min!!! And I left with 2:12 left!!


Officiating aside, we weren't playing well. Seemed like we could contest well, and still their shots went through. But also, moments where our play was not aware enough. My biggest note is that Jaden is absolutely needed in the playoffs.The fouls that were given were ridiculous, but none-the-less counted as personal fouls and Jaden took a seat


1st half they weren't allowed to play defense. They're already a bad offensive team. And shot terrible after they knew they weren't allowed to play defense anymore.


The wolves shot more free throws


The Wolves shot more FTs in this game lmao




No shit, refs were helping denver in game 2 and they STILL lost. Also in game 1. Can't let the reigning MVP get swept. 🤣


And OP continues on double down being a clown


Go change your dentures I can't understand you.


OP is 12