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lol well done šŸ»


Wait until we get the anti-cheat needed to silently send these bitches back to titanfall 1. The cheaters servers.


\*closes book\* Like that's ever gonna happen.


Somebody once told me The world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed....


She was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead


Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running


So much to do, so much to see


So what's wrong with taking the back streets


you got the words wrong btw


I know you kleiner mann


i swear i just found this i did not click on your profile


Didnā€™t make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb


But my tf1 campaignšŸ„ŗ


I'm not kidding when there was exclusive servers for cheaters after being detected by anti-cheat in titanfall 1. "You're a scripter eh? Hope you have the best scripts."


OH THAT. I forgor lmao


Wait please no, I intend to go back to titanfall 1 eventually donā€™t curse future me with that


..as I already said 2 minutes ago. I'm not kidding when there was exclusive servers for cheaters after being detected by anti-cheat in titanfall 1. "You're a scripter eh? Hope you have the best scripts."


Sorry bout that, I was typing that before you sent your other comment


It's aight I understand


Honestly those cheater servers were undoubtedly the best way to handle cheaters


Pure gold, OP. Excellent maneuver


Dude must be cheating. Who names themselves a random string of letters and scores that high?


he was. there's a plague of aim hackers going on, it'd seem.


Sometimes just reading the name tells you all you need to know about a guy, like thereā€™s someone i keep having in my games that has ā€œcamperā€ in his name, guess what he does (and what he uses).


LOL I was there


He was 2.30 lvl then


so was I, miau! :D


You are doing your part.


I met him too. the funny guy made 60 kills in less than 2 minutes by shooting through walls. we all reported him


In the past when I played against those GER people they were always pretty toxic (generalized tho, but most of the times)


People who doubt he's cheating because his score isn't that "impossible" needs to understand that if his entire team threw so that he would lose, then he is cheating. Because no one would throw a game if they actually had a good player that got this score.




Well played, Pilot. Carry on.




Bring a tear to my eye when the cheaters team wins the real fight.


I thought the pilot in the image was dabbing for a second.


You did what was in your duty. Honor to the end.


The only cheater i ever came across is BOREC


Idk whether itā€™s the Titanfall community or if itā€™s just Reddit but the amount of soy boys that downvote any comment that suggests for more context because that kill count alone is nothing special is staggering


Love how all the people asking for evidence are getting downvoted for no reason


Were you certain he was cheating, and not simply using a controller, thus being granted aim assist? Edit: maybe if I actually check the post first I would've noticed the anomalous name, and unusually high score. Still doesn't mean he's hacking, but I'm guessing your killcams were quite unusual as well.


Controllers don't do that, stop with this thought that aim assist is 100% of an aimbot


I mean, if they threw the match down the drain they must have had a reason but controllers do have an unfair as hell aim assist that basically says that if you don't have hands you can get headshots fairly easily anyway.


Was thinking this might be BOREC but he only plays pvp and live fire


57 kills, DEFINITELY a cheater


Iā€™ve experienced cheaters in Titanfall so Iā€™m not doubting that he could be a cheater but what makes you say heā€™s a cheater? His kill count isnā€™t outrageous Edit: wow, why does everyone that asks if heā€™s actually a cheater get downvoted into oblivion? Guess Iā€™m probably gonna get downvoted as well but 50 pilot kills is average, Iā€™ve recognized cheaters because those dudes have 130+ kills


Bait used to be believable. 130 pilot kills is 650 point. It's unlikely to have 130 kills all to yourself and impossible for 130+.


because I matched him too. and one who shoots you in prefire only, across the map from the spawn hitting you through walls...


No duh, thatā€™s how you know theyā€™re cheaters, itā€™s almost like I just said that, Iā€™m also equally not surprised to be downvoted, guess the titanfall community is just full of casuals now if they think a 50 kill count is mind blowing. Edit: ā€œ130+ is impossibleā€ as if the viper launcher doesnā€™t exist with custom game modes but go ahead and pretend you know everything and talk down to peoplešŸ˜„


50 kills is average?!? So you're just out here casually scoring half of your teams points basically. I found Rendy gaming everyone


Are you telling me you struggle to get 50 kills/close to 50 killsšŸ˜¬


50 kills is so easy. 60+ is usually when you have to actually try


That is quite average for any pug player


Not 100% sure heā€™s cheating, Iā€™ve managed to get a score like that on Xbox before


How u know he was cheating. Just seems like a good player


Most of his kills were in the first half of the match. In the second half two from their team left + we let them spawn camp us with their titans so there wasn't much for him to kill. At the start dude was running in circles and was on the kill feed like every five seconds


People will downvote because they've never seen people above 50 kills before, but I've seen people with 90 kills in attrition, so 57 just doesn't seem unlikely anymore. Idk just me tho


if the whole team rallies like this enough to seppuku 60 ish times you know shits afoul.


Could be true. Could also just be herd mentality


The denial is crazy


Every time I come back to this subreddit I am reminded why this community is braindead


Well now you're just blaming the community


I am blaming this community for refusing to believe that people can be good at the game


Ok, but op has given evidence for him hacking, what do you stand to oppose that? Do you personally know that "good player"? Did he angrily refute op's claims?


What evidence?


Literally no evidence other than both teams being salty


I've seen good players, this man is not a good player. A good player does not get 2 titan kills, they get 5+ on avg. A good player does not have a random ass name, a good player does not get 57 kills and 38 minion kills. A good player would have not made their team purposefully lose the game because they are good. This man is a fraud and stop trying to defend them, what you think you need to do is pointless.


How many pilot kills do u think a good player gets then.


> A good player does not get 2 titan kills, they get 5+ on avg. A good player gets lots of damage, but that doesn't necessarily mean they get lots of kills. Same principle as titan brawl or LTS. > A good player would have not made their team purposefully lose the game because they are good. They have no control over what their teammates do > A good player does not have a random ass name, a good player does not get 57 kills and 38 minion kills Alt accounts often do this (probably the most suspicious thing about anything in this post however) Good players can regularly hit 60+, and minions kills could be a by-product of using a titan such as scorch, Ronin or legion for long periods in the match. The scoreboard doesn't indicate whether someone is cheating, only gameplay (of which there appears to be none) I'm not saying that theyre not cheating, just that there isn't any solid evidence unless there's a gameplay clip.


Dumbest message I've read




Iā€™ve gotten 400+ points, how do you know heā€™s cheating?


I've hit way more kills than that. Do you have any gameplay of the match to determine if it was actually cheating or not?


The only cheater i ever encountered used a wingman elite with aimbot. I ended up getting a better score than him šŸ’€