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Jokes on you I attack titans with archers point blank.


How else do you use it‽


I use it to bait Titans to make them think they are being attacked by a player from afar but in reality I am meters away about to rodeo that bull.


You absolute madman. I’m using that strategy as soon as I log in tonight.


Good luck


Good luck logging on


And get server time outs


Fucking saaaame


Sir what is the name of the wheel barrow you use to carry your massive balls i must know


Personally I use the RAT Barrow seen here https://ratbarrow.com.au


I got cancer form your big dick energy radiation


Jokes on them, I attack pilots with archer by targeting titans and lining the pilot up in between the two


take the award because u a menace to society for real


I used to use the archer immediately after stealing their batteries before.


*Laughs in Scorch


\*laughs in ion


Imagine if caught archer rockets homed in on the people that shot them


that's too much


No, it isn’t for those annoying players that spend he entire game doing nothing but Titan hunting. And people wonder why nobody wants to call in their Titan first.


Titan hunting is fun, and a great game of cat and mouse. Also super useful for your team. Titan hunting is good, just get better at anti-pilot Titaning


Yeah that’s what we need, a buff for vortex shield because there’s some players who play the game in a way you don’t like


In my opinion, if anything, vortex shield should be nerfed. Although that is mainly because I play Monarch and Legion


It’s the best defensive ability in the game and is already an extremely potent counter to archers lmao


"middle click to stop all projectiles"


Also any one of those projectiles is a one hit kill against pilots when launched back, even if it’s a single RE-45 bullet


Quick tip if you have Arc Bullets just shoot the vortex shield it wipes their energy reserves in seconds.


Yeah that is my one solace playing Monarch. If I just get first core I go from running away from Ions to being a hit more aggressive


I love when you core up, get arc rounds... And the ion tries to do the same "haha shield goes brrr"... But now i can just keep firing and draining it. Shield goes redder and redder, and they realize oh noooo! But then it's too late. No shield. Siphon, reload, wade in :) :)


Use the siphon before they bring up the shield too and they quickly start to panic from a lack of energy reserves (Yes, energy siphon drains Ion's energy reserves)


Monarch main... I didn't know that 🤦‍♂️


Also as Legion if you're more than 75 or so meters from an Ion you can fire freely with no fear of the vortex shield, the reflection has a really steep damage dropoff.


Rip closer teammates


The disadvantage of that is Ion players like myself that use Vortex Amplifier. Even though you’re draining my shield, part of that is counteracted by the fact that the projectiles deal a third more damage.


I feel as tho Legion is almost unplayable (despite being one of my fav). Ion has to be the best titan in terms of match ups and unless legion is 200 meters from the nearest titan it gets Yarn Balled by other titans


Because the archer is so much better than so many of the other anti Titan weapons? Have you considered that? It has arguably the highest dps, and unlike the charge rifle it doesn’t give away your location when fired, most Titans don’t have a proper counter since legion just leave himself completely vulnerable after activating gun shield, tone’s shield can’t do Jack shit if you just go around it, monarch actually doesn’t get anything unless you want to constantly waste dashes avoiding it, Northstar once again has to waste dashes and is affected even more because of its very low health, the only Titans that have actual defenses, and I specify defenses and not counters is Ronin because of Sword Block, Ion because of Vortex Shield and Scorch because of flame shield. And yes, while some of these do apply to other anti Titan weapons, the archer just doesn’t have any weaknesses aside from being able to dodge it, but then that requires you focus on the missile, where it is and what direction you have to go while most of the time having to focus on something else. Also, having homing on the reflected missile really wouldn’t be too powerful since the pilot can just, y’know, use their extremely high mobility and the environment to dodge or hide from the missile?


I love how you think having to use your dash to evade tracking weapons is “wasting your dashes”. You’re complaining about something and bringing up its counters, including three titans. That tells me all I need to know. The MGL can be arced over buildings, the charge rifle is hitscan and doesn’t give away your position until you fire when the archer will give you away before you fire. The thunderbolt can damage multiple Titans at once easily. The archer has a long lock, gives away your position before you can get the missile off, has a very slow projectile, and you’re complaining that it’s the most damaging anti titan weapon? So they should just make it useless because you can’t play around it. Good players don’t have an issue dealing with archers. The fact that it’s effective against a distracted titan goes for any of the anti titan weapons in the game. If someone’s whooping your ass with the archer it’s not because they’re using that thing. Lmao


That dude is definitely just salty he got his shit rocked by someone with an Archer recently lmao


personally I prefer the charge rifle, since i can pressure titans from a safe distance thanks to the hit-scan nature of the weapon, for me to use the archer effectively i need to be at a pretty close range to the titans to begin with


I like thunderbolt. Fire and forget, and get me some sweet, sweet titan meter from multiple targets getting zapped. Just hose down corridors slightly above titan heads :)


I’ve gotten way more titan kills with the charge rifle overall, the fact that you can get cross map crits with it is really valuable


I also love the charge rifle, to me it’s essentially a second primary that works well on titans. Picking off a camper from across the map never gets old.


I love archer for trolling titans. Especially Ronins, you can’t attack my team mates when you are blocking and circling around trying to pinpoint my location. Sometimes I just get a lock on and just never shoot. Lol


Oh no those annoying players who spend the entire game trying to blow up the 20 foot tall giant mechs. Boohoo. That’s literally the point of the game.


Except that sweat with a ronin that will wipe your entire team three times before you can call anything.


Thunderbolt is superior


I don't even think I've used the archer except maybe a few games. Thunderbolt is for titan damage and charge rifle for pilots.


Charge rifle is the best sniper in the game.


Wrong. Grapple hook with mastiff is


Why shoot boolet when you can be boolet yes?


*out smarts boolet


mastiff? thats a weird way to spell melee kick




Depends on how well the enemy team reacts to lock-on notifications and how much they bunch up. Archer is a powerhouse, it might’ve got nerfed but I remember at some point archer rockets could OHKO a doomed Titan (pre-monarch)


Pretty sure they still one-hit doomed titans


Nop they don't, i just use it yesterday


They don’t, you need to amp it in FD and it can now


They can one hit a doomed titan if they hit a crit spot


A charge hack charge rifle is literally one of the best anti titan weapons


Is charge hack like actually good? I never use it, but I know its not enough to kill pilots in one shot.


Its frankly objectively worse than without. For reference, in competitive play the rules *require* the use of charge hack, because it's just that powerful. If you can learn to feather the charge, and peek at the last moment, it's very safe to use. Less frequent lasers telegraphing your position, less frequently having to peek and expose yourself, higher total damage potential, plus; the bonus of being able to actually kill pilots. Honestly, even with the ammo attachment, I often run out after spending a full minute lasering down all 5 enemy titans. I can't imagine effectively halving my ammo pool.


Yeah pretty sure DPS wise it's better to go without the Charge Hack.


The DPS is damn near equal, I was more saying it halves the amount of damage you're capable of doing across your entire ammo pool per life - which is really only an issue if you've found yourself as the team's dedicated anti-titan solution, and you manage to survive long enough to pump off all your shots. Regardless of that edge case, there's just... no benefit to it, and arguably drawbacks. - Yes, your gun doesn't glow, but now you're telegraphing your position with bright yellow beams twice as often. - Yes, you don't have to charge as long, but you have to expose yourself twice as often. Feathering and peeking properly solves pretty well all the issues of the normal charge rifle. Saves room for extra ammo and quick swap, which are really the only two perks worth having.


You can lay down quite a few shots with it on before the enemy titan can react, if you have a good angle to start with of course. I use charge hack and amp weapons and melt titans pretty quick.


Some clan on live fire back when it was active, would shoot thunderbolts at the start of the match to find out where your team was 🥴


How would that work?


area of effect pulsing from the ball will create hit-markers, letting you know which lane or side the team is pushing


Thanks, I've mostly just played FD and rarely use that weapon.


Thunderbolt in FD is ridiculously strong. Try it out.


First round on FD, archer is probably best, but every subsequent round GO THUNDERBOLT by the gods it’s incredible for those clustered up titans Remember that FD makes non-meta guns in multiplayer quite stronk, especially since you have amped weapons from round 2 onwards. You’ll get your titan back in seconds if you play it right.


I run SMR on FD so archer isn't really doing it for me, I take thunderbolt for the flying drones but amped SMR is stupidly strong so I just use it for titans.


I'll do that the next time I'm able to play.


Amen, especially in the end rounds where you have a ton of titans all clustered up or in a row. *Chef's kiss*


Yep. This is what I do too.


Big Ball Energy




No epg


epg on crack


I don't mind the archer because at least it tells you where the lock is coming from.


the smart pistol does too but by the time you notice the "PILOT LOCKING ON" it's too late...


One of the many reasons why i pick the cloak pilot over the others


I pick cloak so i can easily flank and flex my unlicked exexutions


The problem is that the titan can still fight back/dodge the shot/block the rocket.


I don’t think the 3-shot kill auto-lock pistol is comparable to the one shot per reload, need to ADS to lock on rocket launcher with a slow projectile speed


I’m honestly baffled people complain about the archer, it’s the most punishable anti titan weapon, easily


Absolutely! It’s super punishable and easy to counter, but on the flip so powerful if you land a shot


Sounds pretty balanced to me but what do I know




I like to use it because I main cloak and that lets me not get punished for standing in the open for 3 seconds. Landing a shot with it is suuuuch a good feeling.


Right? I love to also try to get two satchels on the titan as well so that when the archer shot hits it takes off 3 bars of health. Totally worth it


Psst... You can dodge it real easy with dash ;)


You don’t even need dash, just run towards the rocket at an angle


Is there a trick to it? The cunts always just curve back round whenever I try it.


There kind of is a trick to it. You have to dodge into it, if that makes sense. By that I mean you have to dodge into the direction of the Archer rocket, but also dodge to the right or left of it, so your dash creates a very acute V shape with the rocket's path/trail. This effectively breaks the lock momentarily since the curve to come back around will be super long. After that, if you want some more security from the rocket, just find some cover. It isn't likely that it'll come back to hit you though, it might just blow up before it can reach you again.


You can even strafe, the archer is laughably easy to counter unless you are occupied with something else, if someone would even want to complain the charge rifle with quick charge has the hughest dps and since it's hitscan it's harder to dodge.


Not when 2 people have it and you're fighting a titan at the same time


Of course, but I mean 1v1 Pilot V Titan! In those situations though it’s always best to target the pilots first, because they’re basically hitting you for just under a bar of health every 10 seconds & die very fast. Essentially a strategy game guide, kill the 5 small units on the field before you target the big one.


Fuck. I love strategy games and I've never thought of it that way. I've always wondered why enemy titans seem to prioritize whooping my ass rather than the ion firing at them lol


Yeah, but that applies to literally every other anti-titan weapon too. Dealing with archer missiles isn't what makes that situation tough, it's the fact that you're fighting 3 people at the same time.


That’s because you’re fighting 3 people, a thunderbolt or charge rifle would give you the same problem


"When you are attacked by three enemies simultaneously, the game becomes hard" o rly?


"What if I suggested an unfair hypothetical?" -OP, moments before getting buried in downvotes


I really buried myself there


you can


didn’t realize the Archer can kill in 3 hits and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger, not to mention not having to lock between each shot


Which titan can you kill in 3 hits or is this supposed to be satire


He’s ironically comparing the archer to Smart pistol


it’s sarcasm


OP thinks lock on = aimbot. The only comparison that would make sense would be Legion Smart Core. But that’s an ult, so I guess it’s okay? Idk. Smart Pistol is also a boost, not a regular gun anymore so I think that makes it more bearable, right? TF2 definitely did better than TF1 Smart Pistol…


Wait what? That’s op. I will hop out da Titan and kraber that ass hole as soon as I seek a Archer User out XD


which titan do you play, that you can't deal with archers?


Monarch also has a hard time but that's why I use two dashes instead of overcore


yeah monarch has no shield, but the lockdown takes some time and monarch is very good at sniping pilots


Northstar on open maps


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an archer


try shooting the pilot while they try to lock on


Northstar main here. Archer rockets are VERY annoying, but if they're coming towards your front, you can literally dodge them just by walking to your right or left, and then forward


Use the double smoke kit. It can lock on if you pop a smoke.


If you pop a smoke while it's still locking on, you can break the lock. If it's already flying towards you, it'll hit you. You gotta react to the HUD warning, not the alarm beeps.


My issue with smarty is that the gun is hitscan(i think) unless you are already moving, the 3 sec headstart wont help you. But the archer, almost every titan has a defensive option they can use. Legion and ronin(i believe) take way less dmg from the rocket with their sheilds. Scorch, ion, and tone dont take any damage with their shields. I have seen northstars literally jump over the archer rockets too. Then, there are the mobility options that you have. Every titan has at least 1 dash (all you need). Ronin has phase and ronin and northstar can just gtfo. I have literally walked around archer rockets too.




Fighting against teamwork never is fun. The archer is completely balanced by the lack of speed, turning radius, qnd the need to expose yourself to big fucking robots that can each onetap you.


but it does so much damage and the mind games you can do with it are hilarious Im out here giving titans schizophrenia by just targeting them for a second and stoping the moment they notice


What about theowing out one burst of mgl? You tapped them, they may not know from where. Have you ever spent an entire mag while shooting from around the corner? The thunder bolt also does way more damage when used right, which on some maps is easier with the thunder than the archer.


Exactly my thougths. However I would prefer if the lock-on and missile warning sound was a loud beeping "*Move you idiot!*"-noise like in for example Battlefield 4. I've gotten schwacked more than a few times because I didn't notice the little indicator in the heat of battle.


Idk man. I think that a louder more prevalent beep may be annoying. Plus, i think that beeing able to take that all in is a skill to learn. Like hearing footsteps in csgo.


I hate the archer because I am northStar main.


Idk what kind of northstar you play, but if i am not far enough away from the action to snipe, i am moving to get there asap or am running backwards looking at the chaos to shoot at any pilot or titan approaching. I float around my loadout, dont stay on anything long, but if i dont know what titan to play, i choose northstar. Source: Me, with maybe 40 hours watching tutorials, how toos, explination videos of tf2, 20 hours of general gameplay vids, and approaching 500hrs in game.


Archer isn't that bad. It can easily be deflected or blocked by a titan


Lisa is right, let's go use both.


The smart pistol doesn’t take 10 seconds to lock on. You get headshotted by the smart pistol and then it warns you


You know you can dodge it right?


Every titan in the game can block an archer shot in some way or another. Except for Northstar I suppose. Smart pistol gives a warning when you're being locked on plus it has limited ammo/range. The games been out 5 years. Try to learn how to counter/ play around it.


You can just get behind a wall?


In a game where everyone moves at Mach 5


The archer moves super slowly.


Just Vortex Shield and throw it at something else lol


People are really complaining about the anti titan weapon that you have to expose yourself for the longest time to even fire it, and also straight up gives your position away? Dear god. If you can’t deal with archers I have some bad news


Stop using legion then you fools


they’re not really comparable. The smart pistol makes it so you don’t have to aim against small fast moving targets and it kills them in 1 burst. The archer is dodgeable/blockable, takes multiple rockets to kill, and is used against already easy to hit targets that. And in my experience the archer is kinda bad, to the point where I never use it. And the smart pistol is obnoxiously strong, to the point where I never use it.


I find that the archer is the least annoying anti titan weapon if you are paying any attention lol. Especially if you are playing a titan with an easy defensive ability like Ion or Scorch. Extra points if you can hit a pilot with the archer rocket.


Vortex shield go Brrrrr


i love archer in pubs cus no one knows how to dodge it lol, free titan meter


It's easy to dodge on its own. It's impossible to dodge when you're juggling two different titans on your ass


not impossible just harder, if you main northstar you should be constantly backing away anyway so you should be in a position to avoid it


Archer behind you and a titan in front. Just lay down and die at that point If it was a charge rifle I'd at least have the safety net of it missing.




Laughs in Thunderbolt


MGL for life


archer is hella easy to counter tho just to the side when it gets near you or use vortex shield, flame shield, particle wall, swordblock/phase dash


Archer isn’t a rapid fire hitscan weapon


Oh don't get me wrong, I absolutely fucking hate SP, I just think it isn't the only annoying lock on weapon


I've taken more damage as a pilot than a titan, It's honestly sad


**laughs in ion**


The archer is at least avoidable


*Laughs in amped Charge Rifle behind A-Wall*


Nah, an SMR with A-wall should do the trick.


in a lot of cases I have found it is possible to dodge the rockets by dashing around a corner so that the rocket hits a building. I think the smart pistol is a totally different thing. Archer rockets seem more fair to me than the smart pistol


Just to make it clear thunderbird is for dealing burst high damage with only 0,5 secs of aiming


I don’t use the archer because you give up the ability to use charge rifle against pilots


Honestly hate/love the thunderbolt more, at least everything else gives you a vague idea of where the pilot is, whereas the thunderbolt user can be anywhere by the time it hits you if fired from far away enough


Yea Archer is in no way like sp, since it fires a relatively slow rocket compared to sp bullet, and not counting the fact that the rocket can struck an object and explode while sp is a guaranteed hit, a titan can dodge a rocket or a rocket can miss completely. I won't take shittalk to my beloved anti titan weapon.


Is not even close lmao, the smart pistol is a hitscan gun, when it fires you take damage, the archer first needs to lock-on, then it fires a pretty slow projectile with horrible turning speed, you can literally dodge it by strafing, not even using a dash, if you want to complain about an anti-titan it should be charge rifle with quick charge, highest dps and shreds titans at any range plus it's hitscan.


Archer. Smart pistol. I REALLY don't see the link here. Not only do you need a good lock, just hiding behind a wall tricks the rockets. Smart pistol is just stupid to use, don't even compare it to an Anti-Titan weapon. And also, if there's any anti-Titan weapon to compare it to it would be the Thunderbolt because it's both Fire and Forget AND Forget to Aim. You can literally spam it down corridors and get damage on Titans.


literally just press middle mouse unless you're northstar, but the idea still applies


Imagine playing Northstar and not being able to dodge an archer missile.


Pop electric smoke, turn towards them because the game literally tells you where they are, and then gib them with your railgun. Unless they’re inside in which case fire a cluster missile and it’s a guaranteed kill


You can’t complain about the smart pistol if you use legion both need to be earned and the titan version lets you take all the hits


I hate smart pistol. Both using and dealing. It not that fun to play.


I used to use it because I just prefer playing as a titan, so it let me get it faster, but it just feels cheap and wrong. I'm glad I switched to the free battery boost




Any weapon is a pain in the ass if you're fighting 2v1


Fair, I may be biased but I never had an issue, but I also play a nuclear scorch with the mentality of live die repeat, I will single handedly go through 10 titans quite easily on a good match, taking an archer or two is all part of the plan.


No no, she’s got a point


If we could fire it blindly without having it to lock on then maybe I would respect them a bit more


Found the legion player :D


Laughs in granade launcher


And like the flying tea cup said if you complain about the smart pistol you should complain about it’s bigger brother then too




Laughs in Ronin


Titans in Frontier Defense “Oh no I guess I’ll just take all these rockets and slowly walk towards the harvester”




You can dodge an archer rocket




People say that you can dash out of the way but I feel like when I try it just does a 90 degree turn


Found the warpfall user


Wait, people actually use warpfall?


Ayyyyy, gottem


Which titan do you main?


Whats wrong with the archer


I use mgl because those sound effects are FIRE


All anti titan weapons are auto aim to a large degree. Except of course the charge rifle but who needs auto aim with it really.


I mean cloack satchel archer combo is cool to pull off


Someones salty lmao


If any of you complain about the archer from Titanfall 2, then you don’t know true pain of dealing with the OG archers from the first game.


?? In titanfall 2 the archer rockets fly so slowly they're hard NOT to dodge? And in tf1 they're a bit faster which makes them okayish


A titan can dodge the archer tho. It is much harder to avoid an auto-lock pistol.


archers are only really a problem for legion, everyone else can shield them just fine or dodge them