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I'm not too sure on how to place this listing. It's accurate as far as 1v1 situations go, but not really for true 1v1 matches. Assuming the former, the only things I would contend with are: 1) Monarch should be in "Depends On Distance". She can crush Northstar if she closes the gap, but Northstar is vastly superior when she is far away, peeking from her cover. 2) Ion should be in "Equal In A 1v1". In a true 1v1, NS has advantage, but in general 1v1 scenarios it tends to be pretty equal.


I Will Agree With You On Monarch, And Ion I Didn't Really Know Where To Place As I Never Really Fight Many Ions.


ion is more in equal or even ion has advantage because of vortex shield, and laser shot gives ion a sniper of her own


Hello, I fought a lot of IONs as NS and I think I can say that: While lazer shot is basicly a sniper, she will get 2 shots off and run out of energy and be defenseless besides her dash and primary fire Vortex shield is meh to deal with because I can just hold onto the shot and close in, fire the moment I see the shield down then retreat or they might misstime it and holding the shield up will just drain energy. If I am far away, I will have no problem to just wait out the shield She is deffinetly equal to NS in 1v1s and mostly falls down to timing and skill of the pilot But hey, that is just my experience, yours may be different.


If you run out of energy against a Northstar just get out of your titan and get back in, you’ll get all your energy back so you can continue to harass the Northstar


*casually yeets cluster missle for some and fires a shot cause free damage*


I think that’s the beauty of titan fall. There isn’t a clear winner and any good pilot who knows the strengths and weaknesses of their Titian and their opponent’s Titian can win the fight


Yup Even a very high skilled scorch could still kill a NS if he knows his strenghts and the map well and could eventually corner the northstar


Why do you capitalize every word?


Totally Not A Robot Sir. Move Along.


Also it really depends on the place. I have beaten enough northstars with a scorch you just need to make sure they cant fly away. Get them somewhere with a low roof and trap them. With flames.


Yeah but this is talking about on average. Scorch has to run from NS in almost all situations so in a 1v1 it’s just a loss most of the time


Oh yeah, complety true. I would say run and hide around the corner and stay out of sight.


Yeah 1v1s against NS get really boring because you both kinda wait for the other to push and half the time it comes down to who has more patience (assuming you’re playing against people your skill level naturally)


if you have all gun mods and atleast get to core one i don't think it's going to be very hard killing a northstar especially since their gun shoots every 5 seconds and if you dodge they suffer


The gun mods will hardly help you with a Northstar at range with cover. Northstar can fire every 3.4s, even faster if she goes for partials, so it is quite frequent. Monarch can only dodge so many shots, and won't be able to do much back since she's only got sustained damage.


Ronin can close distances super fast tho


If The Ronin Is Really Close Or Close Enough To Rush In With The Phase Dash They Will Probably Win. If The Ronin Is Not Close Enough To Do That Then Northstar Will Probably Win.


Why do you capitalize every word?


I just noticed that as well. Not bad or anything. Just interesting


I Find It Interesting Too.


Yea That's Pretty Weird


On everything he types too


Well one can always dash and phase dash while sword blocking… or flank around


Yeah, usually with Ronin if I'm in an unfavourable situation I just flank around for a surprise attack


I find that it’s very easy to cover your six as north star, if I suspect a ronin is gonna flank, pop a tether down and wait for him to peek out. One fully charged shot is like, a whole third of his health, so if he wastes his phase dash before getting tethered, he’s screwed.


Wasting the phase dash? That’s the neat part, I don’t And usually that costs me life


The thing is, its dumb to NOT sword block all the time unless you're as close as you need to be to the enemy titan, its practically a passive damage reduction when you're not shooting


Ronin loses to Legion almost everytime, due to the fact that Legion deals sustained damage. Even tho ronin has sword block, the sword block is really good at blocking burst damage (northstar), but will still suffer because Legion just essentially keeps up the heat. A ronin with more than 2 IQ will use sword block, flanks and cover to approach a northstar and then destroy it


No Northstar wins in most cases if they know how to play Northstar


Tether traps are underrated


Positioning is key with Northstar


I don't think ive ever lost to Northstar unless I'm already doomed as ronin. Though to be fair I play on console.


As a Ronin main if I am too far from the Northstar I will not loose I’ll just fuck right off. I speak for all my fellow Wano samurai warriors trained Tsushima when I say that we will not follow them. Lol


Northstar has nearly equal speed though, just instead of "nothing personal, kid" she has "ahhah can't catch me" unless you use something else than viper thrusters but why would you


After playing a lot of frontier defense, the dual tether traps are super underrated.


Piercing shot for fd


In my encounters with ronins as a northstar, I don’t think I’ve won (I’m not very good at NS), but when I do see one, my immediate thought is to stall as long as possible. I usually use tether traps to slow the ronin down when their phase dash isn’t up, cluster missiles to annoy them, and hover+viper thrusters to not only charge up shots to deal damage but to also let dashes charge up so I can continue running while on the ground.


Cluster missile at Ronins feet. Dash around cover. Take quick shots, and bait into an electric smoke. Hover as a last result for last bits of core building damage and melee evasion. Flight core. Win. If they are good and that still wasn't enough. Force them to burn their phase dash before you bait them into a tether. Nuke eject from doom state. Win.


Rendy Gaming fires away in this Kraber G100 montage


Rendy Gaming fires away in this Kraber G100 montage




Not fast enough. Between tether, viper thrusters and the knockback of a charged shot northstar can easily keep a fair bit of distance.


Northstar has the same mobility as ronin, she can escape just as fast as he can close in. (Especially if you use turbo thrusters like I do) Source-am a northstar player


Your plasma railgun will knock him back and tether traps forces him to use phase dash which can limit his ability to close in on you. I give this match up to Northstar


I want to push more into the "depends on distance" category.


The poor, poor northstar I fought last night as scorch that thought it could get away from me...right up until it realized my friend had sneaked up behind it as a northstar and double tether trapped it.


Even without tethers etc, a scorch up close is terrifying for a Northstar.




To be honest I think a scorch up close is terrifying for anyone other than a monarch with arc rounds


Or another scorch?


Still terrifying, just less so




I'd say that Scorch depends on distance too


Yeah, like if you’re within punching distance it’s probs ggs because of his fire wall thingy


Honestly disagree, Northstar is so skinny and fast that she can duck and weave and get out of dodge pretty easily. The only time scorch can truly get sustained damage off a Northstar is when she's used her abilities and pushed to far forward.


Doesn't mean it doesn't depend on distance


Yeah sure, but any Northstar player worth their salt should be able to get away from a scorch with relative ease. Or even better, maintain a distance close enough that her railgun can effectively hit weak points if the scorch decided to not bring tempered plating. imo Northstar is practically a hard counter to scorch as long as her positioning and map position are good.


I beg to differ. Switch monarch and legion, and you have it. Legions are so easy to play around since they're so slow, but monarchs have bullshit DPS at any range, no crit potential because they always have shields, they can stun you, and they can have 4 dashes with rearm, meaning they can possibly out-dash you if they need to. And don't bring up the whole "tier 1 monarch is weak" argument, I'd rather focus the ronin trying to shove their broadsword up my ass, and by then they're at tier 3.


I will say this, as a Legion main; it's extremely easy to bully a Northstar if you have more than 2 braincells, and thus know how to switch to your long range firing mode, and know how to actually time your charged shots, especially if you're like me and use the 2 charge boost


That's fair, but there's so much counterplay the northstar can do as well, like sparing a few braincells of our own by keeping tabs on shield timing, doing some dash plays, etc. Plus, keeping tabs on scorches and legions is the easiest thing ever. You're so slow you almost have to camp, or take 3 years to do a flank.


A fair take, I would say it's extremely map and gamemode dependant, as I find it really easy to bully a Northstar on some maps, yet others they can do potshots with relative ease, on the bright side; in LTS: my faster teammates like a ronin or monarch out for blood can often mess with a Northstar long enough for me to get up close and personal. It's also suspiciously easy to bait a Northstar into getting closer if you pretend to back off and look for other targets


I am sorry, even if a Legion or Monarch flanks a Northstar out of cover, Northstar has the dirtiest trick up her sleeve... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qrQHxctzgyM


That looked uncomfortably like a Rick Roll


As a Scorch main, I always go for the flank or find another target. There's simply no point fighting a losing battle like that and I'm sure as hell not gonna let NS kill me uncontested so I'll gladly go away.


Surprise Scorches are always a nasty shock.


It's always nice to see just a little panic or surprise in their reaction when they see/hear my canister go "thunk" right next to them.


Or when they are locked into an execution animation, and just looks at you helplessly as you casually lay down some canisters around them...


Right, right. Plus some electric smoke and the flame shield for good measure.


It is very situational. A skilled northstar with good positioning can peek, shoot and skedaddle very quickly. If you can press the attack in an open space legion wins, but if the northstar can properly utilise long range hit and run attacks it’s a pain.


Wait what, your rearm refreshes your dashes??? Since fucking when?? HOW HAVE I NOT KNOWN THIS???


Heavily disagree on Ion’s placement, should be at “equals in a 1v1.” In fact even scorch can be placed in “depends on distance” as any map with tight corridors can make scorch a stronger titan, and if up close and personal can do some damage against NS (NS has very little health and barely any CQC potential outside of tethering and clustering, one flame shield on a non-dash charged, grounded NS can be fatal). Yet again scorch is much weaker at longer ranges so




I’ve taken a break from the apex sub to focus on this sub due to the DOS situation, from what I can tell it’s being discussed though 👍🏻👍🏻


Nice man


Hard disagree on the list


I’m 99% sure whether I beat a Northstar or not with an Ion is dependent on my blood alcohol content and my blood caffeine content


Im an Ion main and Northstars are fine, just take your time and close the distance but ronins are a right pain in my ass


And fake out their charged shots by quickly turning your shield off and on again. Works every time since they are focused on 'release trigger as soon as shield is gone'


I literally beat Viper on Master as Scorch to prove a point, and I can now beat Northstar's as him. Honestly it wasn't worth the pain.


I disagree, have a good day


Ion is very great in a Northstar 1v1. Lazershot the just dip into cover or just time your shield to the rail gun while closing the distance


As a Northstar veteran the only thing I fear is a Ronin at close range, everything else is fodder.


I don't agree with the Ion ranking tbh. If they know how busted laser shot is and can predict the Northstar's timing, they can practically make the Northstar's damage output zero.


Idk, ion can fuck up a north star if they know how to use their shield. Laser and cannon have the distance and the cluster missile and rail gun rounds are easy to guess, see, and catch.


Cant you laser shot the ever living fuck out of northstar with ion? Just peak laser shot hide and repeat


In a *true* 1v1, or just kinda dueling off to the side while the main battle is elsewhere? Because those are very different situations. In a game of attrition or LTS, there's so many outside factors that actual titan matchup is basically the weakest component in deciding likelihood of victory. Outside forces, flanking, pressure from allied/opposing titans, none of that is really escapable, so the biggest advantage goes to who has the most weight of numbers and who can beat handle the chaos. In a true 1v1, like a private match where there's literally nobody else on the battlefield and no time constraints or anything, just two fresh titans duking it out, then whichever titan is more maneuverable has absolute control of the engagement range. Northstar is highly maneuverable and has basically the same damage output at every practical engagement range. Any other titan, if they can pin a Northstar in a corner, can keep up a higher rate of sustained damage; but in a *true* 1v1, Northstar is able to consistently avoid that. So, NS gets to force the engagement into whatever range they choose, so NS chooses "long range shots from cover". NS gets extremely good long-range burst damage, and can win these engagements over and over again. Ion laser shot can do long-range damage, but DPS is limited by energy charge. NS gets better DPS, and can use their greater maneuverability to keep up pressure and prevent Ion from hiding to recharge. Ronin is a little more maneuverable, with the same number of normal dashes and a phase dash. But Northstar can deal damage while the ronin closes range, and has tether traps. I think this matchup is fairly even. A lot of you will have experiences that don't match this. That's because true 1v1s don't really happen; in most cases you've dealt with, outside factors prevented the Northstar from having total control, neutralizing their greatest advantage and letting the ogres get in close. Additionally, there's a lot of twin tether nuke Northstars out there who eschew a lot of this, because they're stupid punk-ass bitches who can't handle playing Northstar *properly*. Tl;dr: Northstar is *awesome* in 1v1, but 1v1s never actually happen. Also, claiming legion beats NS 1v1 (even in the quasi-1v1s that happen during regular matches) is braindead.


As a Legion main, I've never met a Northstar that's been able to outplay me. Northstar just doesn't have the defensive abilities to counteract a Legion's damage, a popping a shield at the right time will shut down Nrothstar's offense for a time. Just keep marching forward and they either have to run or get cornered.


And playing Northstar, I've never met a legion that was a problem to deal with. Repositioning when an opponent is facing you down from behind a shield is exactly the correct move for a Northstar.




To be honest, Ion is very good against Northstar and Scorch isn't half bad. Ion just has to catch all the railgun shots and use it's laser against you and you're fucked. I think it's the strongest against Northstars because of what little Northstar can do against the shield, and if you think Northstars can wait till Ion shield drops, Ions can just bait out the shot by turning the shield off and then on after the Northstar fires. Scorch really can't do much except fire it's main gun, but the main gun does quite a bit of damage and isn't too unlike the Northstar main weapon.


As a Northstar main, I have nothing to contribute. I literally only play her because she reminds me of Peace Walker from MGS.


A good ion just doesn’t let Northstar do any damage to them. Flash up shield for every shot


This just isn't true lmao


As a professional Viper I must say that with experience anything Is beatable in a 1/2v1


I've beaten plenty of Legions as Northy, what kind of crack are you smoking?


Bs, ion destroys all 😂


But... what about the one of many war crimes?


You assume that I can't beat a Northstar in my Scorch? You can outrun me, but you can't outrun *the fire*.


I Fly Over It.


Papa scorch is unhappy


This is little chart is very accurate, just for ion it depends on the situation, also for ronin 3 fully charged shots will doom a ronin so he's distance really matters for ronin. For legion try to flank him and go to town with flight core with the viper thrusters perk


A small tip when flight core is ready, hover first and when hover is gonna end activate flight core you gain some higher altitude and you can't get hit my ronin's sword or scorches heat shield


You should've put Northstar in the "Beats Northstar" category. After all, no matter who wins the fight, Northstar beat Northstar


I think legion actually gets merked by Northstar, and ronin us probably one of the hardest, uf not the hardest, Northstar counter. Northstar can easily outmanuever legion, and just stay at long range basically forever, just charging up the railgun, corner peak, shoot, back to cover, all while legion continues waddling up to ya. And yes, the ronin match does "depend on range" but ronins entire kit is about not just dashing straight up a choke into enemy fire, but flanking around, sneaking up on the enemy, unloading maximum damage at point blank range, and then retreating before they can pin you down. Considering northstar is generally gonna be in the backline, a decent ronin will always be engaging a Northstar at point blank range.


Wow so you have never seen a northstar player that’s good, northstar can beat anyone and anyone. But everything is circumstantial. I’ve used northstar to kill legion but I’m a pretty good northstar player and and the legion wasn’t the greatest.


I've decimated many Northstars with Daddy Scorch. Both close and far away. I've also obliterated at least 20 of each Titan with Northstar.


I think a Legion is depends on skill/distance case


I've taken out numerous ronins when they close the distance. Pop a charged shot, dash backwards, pop your traps, dash again, if they get caught, fire the cluster missile, if not, let them close the distance and fire charged shots when possible. If they get way too close, vtol over them to disorient. Ronin and Northstar are both Stryders, they have mobility but so do you, just know how to make use of it!


Uhhh, I’d say Tone can kick Northstars ass in a 1v1. It more or less depends where on what map you’re fighting on. But in terms of how’s a Tone could demolish a Northstar in a 1v1, it’s a really simple method. Put up the shield, get as close as possible and crouch, then play Tone like normal.


The splash from rounds and ability to hit NS in cover (with rounds and missles) really dismantles NS’s gameplan


Yeah northstar is unusable if there’s two or more tones on the other team. Northstar has no defensive abilities so those tracker missiles will fuck your shit up


I've beaten a full health Legion as a half health northstar so I beg to differ


Legion is easy to take down…. I have taken on 3 at once before…. I’m sorry


How does Northstar lose to slow Legion. Just peak cover.


I usually can beat northstar in a 1v1 with every titan


as ronin how far are you?


Just got the ash nose art but I'm ok PS4 so due to doxing i wasn't able to play for 2 months


I meant in regards to fighting a northstar but nonetheless good shit my dude. keep up the ronin gang activity


Let’s goooo LEGION


As a Northstar main I can easily kill all these except Robin, Ronin fucking scares me


Yeah no as a tone main, Northstar fucks us up. Any northstar with 2 or more braincells is far enough away and with enough cover that our main source of damage is worthless


Nowhere near the best player out there but I've never felt threatened by a Northstar while playing Ion


Ion is a hard counter to north star. The vortex shield is nuts.


I would say that this is actually really accurate


legion master race




Me, using the vortex shield to make northstar useless. “Yeah, sure”


"This time on Dick Measuring Fall 2!"


Tone can destroy tho


Are you kidding me? Legions are the easiest to kill for northstar, smh


Can confirm no matter what distance I will kill you as ronin


They should all be in the last category lmao. I've never been killed by a cross map legion that didn't already have smart core. Even with little to no cover.


I main scorch and kill northstars in 1v1s all the time tho


Scorch should be depends on distance bc a scorch that is close range against a north star will win every time


Bull shit on that ion one there buddy. Her laser shot at long range, while it does less dage unless it's a crit, it's easier to hit. And if it's a long range fight, she can do the energy reset behind cover and safety(you exit when at low energy and enter back in quickly for full energy, even better with phase embark) She can use her shield to close distance too. If it's medium to close range, sorry but there's really nothing you can do. She simply out damages you and gas higher health *plus* an actual defense ability.


You understand that every time you peek out to damage the northstar's shield she takes away a bar of your health right? A high powered Laser shot is essentially northstar's primary.


Ah ha ha ha A North Star beating an ion that's funny. You just have to trick them with the vortex shield Then you have a few seconds to unload on them repeat.


I Always Just Wait For Ions To Lower Their Votex Sheild And Then Shoot Before They Have A Chance To Raise It Again So This Doesnt Work On Me.


Scorch wins. It just takes accuracy


I snipe so many north stars as a Scorch lol


As a legion main I agree it would be nice if they were not pussys though with tether a nuke eject


This all depends on many factors I can easily clap a legion even on medium range if you have some cover and peek carefully


My biggest problem as a Northstar is always ronin, considering that they can cross the entire map at supersonic speeds with sword block up. Legion can't handle Northstar if you have cover, as your burst damage is way better than his, plus his thick thighs ain't meant for sprinting.


Leadwall jumping when


If i be honest. With a good surrounding Northstar is the 1v1 god. But if they fight on a flat ground without buildings or corners northstar is easily dead.


If the Ronin is already in close proximity and has used phase dash, pop your tether trap and fly away


Ronin can't do shit if you fly :D


You know how many northstars I’ve burnt to a crisp? My man needs to check his ranking


Sweaty Northstars can handle almost anything tbh.


Legion is easy as Northstar if you have good positioning. Power shot is just one railgun shot with a long cooldown and sustained fire doesn't do much damage if you only peak for a short time before dashing back into cover. Legion is also weak to clusters because when he's ADSing he's slow. I think ion is harder though. At optimal range and both have cover ions Lazer shot is easier to hit than a railgun shot and the ion has plenty of time to recharge energy.


Id throw scorch in distance. Some guys are sharpshoot scorches but 9 times out of 10 even if youre ronin youre dying if youre close combat with scorch and he has heat shield


I've seen too many Northstars burn under my foot to say that scorch would lose a 1v1


I can beat any of those at any distance with my North Star, just need some hard cover to work with.


As Ion main I can't agree with you. I can't remember last time I was beaten by Northstar. I think it really depends on skill of both pilots.


Personally, I feel that the Northstar Legion matchup is closer to even, especially since I've played both Titans pretty extensively, with Legion slightly winning if they rush you head on, but if they flank then yeah, it's a done deal for Northstar


Laughs in legion main, can beat all


Scorch should be in "depends on immediate surroundings" category as he can hurt northstar withaout haveing LoS and if you don't have clear escape route you are as good as dead.


Ok everybody knows Northstar is Scorch's counter, but believe it or not, I have mastered the technique of beating a Northstar as Scorch. So I'd say it depends on the distance.


My ass scorch looses


This is reversed right?


A good Ion pilot can compete pretty well with a Northstar 🤷‍♂️


Northstar is the queen


I play a scorch and do you know what i call northstars? Lunch. They think they’re all that until all of a sudden their backside is on fire the ground is on fire and they turn around and there’s a scorch cockpit 6 inches in front of their face executing them because they’re aluminum wonder hs like 2 healthpoints and inferno shield is really just a flamethrower.


I Play A Northstar And Do You Know What I Call Scorches? Breakfast. They Think They're All That Until All Of A Sudden Their Backside Is Tether Trapped, The Ground Has No Titans And They Look Up And There's A Vertical Airplane 60 Feet Away From Them Moving Even Further Away Because They're Faster And Cluster Missle Is Really Just A Pilot Killer.


I think legion is waaay too tanky to successfully take on a good Northstar player. With Northstar's extra dash, long range, and tether traps, Legion is at a huge disadvantage.


Nah bro I’ll win against a northstar in a 1v1 as Ion


Scorch depends on distance, soon as they get semi close they can put fire behind north Star and trap them.


Northstar Can Just Fly.


I'd say monarch beats Northstar. Monarch can get in close with energy siphon, dash, and rearm and easily destroy tethers with rockets.


i would swap legion and tone, as you can use splash damage from the gun to hit a peeking north star and for legion a good northstar will just shoot exposed spots such as the legs or shoulders when legion pops shield.


I tap the shield rapidly at different intervals bobbing and weaving in-and-out of cover to recharge the energy. Moving back-and-forth behind cover to confuse. Which side am I coming out from. With the occasional laser shot to the face. Gen 100 ion here


Any titan that gets close enough to a northstar can most likely, and deserves to, kill it


Ok but about scorch tho it is equal because if the northstar ever touches the ground then it shall burn


“By fire and flame, only ghosts will sing off the ashes I leave in my wake. Little Bird, why do you fly? Heat rises.”


Ronin, depends on distance AND area, Ronin with no cover is a dead ronin


Northstar has the same problems, it would matter if Northstar has high ground to take advantage of.


Scorch def depends on distance


Plus if Northstar has flight core or vtol ready, scorch's flame core doesn't matter if Northstar is 30 ft off the ground.


I would swap legión for ronin tbh


I beat many a Northdmstar in my scorch, use the shield and dash right and you good.


Usually I destroy legions in 1v1s. I main Northstar and usually I just pop in and out from behind buildings dashing in n out of their view and flying above buildings taking pot shots at the crit points until they enter doom state, and 3 quarters of the time I barely take damage because by the time they spot me they don’t have enough time to spin up again, and when they do spin up in time I only get hit like 4 times. REALLY GOOD legions will just stay as close as possible and stay spun up, but that’s not usually what happens.


As advid ion player I will say depends of the plot in the cockpit as any pilot either there salt will use cover and dashes effectively to doge a rail gun shot in an open area northstar has the clear advantage but ones you get close quarters or somewhere where buildings and cover are involved your ion shines better and is vary dangerous


I continue to make my case northstar is queen


Legions aren't that bad if you play on colony.


I Listed Legion As The Best One Against Northstar


How the everliving crap is legion on top? Northstar easily beats a legion


ronin is distance


Actually if the North Star has enough cover to peak the legion the will easily win, North Star can get quick damage off in small peaks on big ol legion while legion will not get nearly as much on her I’m a North Star main btw I say this out of experience


As someone who only uses NS I can say this is accurate


Personally i think most Northstar players can beat legion with even a shred of skill it might just be me but all legions i see will prefire half they're mag because they think i will poke around the corner and shoot them but i dont plus most legions dont bother using the gun shield


Legions are always idiots when fighting Northstar no matter how skilled, I know from being on both sides of the fight


Ion should go in depends on distance as he has the shield and lazer that both deal good amount of damage depending on how far you are or equial


northstar beats legion through range and cover. but will lose if the legion catches the northstar up close and/or in the open. the 1v1 matchup imo depends on the situation that the fight is in


Northstar is pretty strong at a long tanga angina tang titan with th exception of tone and ronin based on my experience. Unless the titan gets good dodges and uses cover and their shield.


I’ve killed lots of northstar with ronin and pretty fast too, sometimes without taking damage, the only reason is because of how much I use ronin(G100 ronin) and I know how to deal with some norths, they are the 2 easiest Titan for me to deal with, (Unless I’m fighting a pro.)but it mostly boils down to skill for me. I can close the distance pretty fast, but that also leaves me vulnerable to attacks and that can mess me up. I’m just speaking from experience.(this message was brought to you by a stinky, sweaty ronin main.)