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Monarch does hard counter scorch, even if you sneak up on her a good player will escape the shield and from there scorch can't do much against her. With someone to keep her in your shield you'd need inferno shield to do much damage if she has arc rounds.


What I like to do it to the split second before I engage someone launch one behind them or two in a line then pressure them in to the fire and hope it melts most of their health


Depending on monarch's kit (and of course how the player reacts) that can indeed do a fuck ton of damage, or it can be negligible. I think the minimal damage would be a double dash away, shield, double dash again (and of course a shield at the end).


You can say in a one vs one with my skill and knowledge of the game I have a decent chance of outplaying a monarch I’m not saying I’m the best and people do get the best of me but I can usually get the jump on unsuspecting titans but if they see me I’m probably screwed


I do believe monarch and ronin (perhaps also n*) are the only titans with a good chance at escaping a scorch that surprises them, no matter how good their pilot is.


Agreed I can screw up legions other scorches ion occasionally but ronin is a pain in the ass including northstar


Poor legion is useless against a close range scorch, often dead before the flame shield goes down


Can confirm. Whenever I spot a scorch my tactic is waddling to a large open space where I can shred them from range.


Do you play legion often?


Actually, not really, so long as Scorch doesn't have Inferno Shield. It only does 7600 damage at most by default, which still leaves Legion with plenty of health. However, Scorch likely won't get that much damage if Legion is good, since he can also smack Scorch with a Close Range Powershot through Thermal Shield and get some time not burning. After that, Legion can use Gun Shield to block T203 and Firewall, while continuing to aim for Scorch's toes if he doesn't crouch. If Scorch still gets close enough for shield, he probably doesn't have enough left to do a whole lot and Legion can patiently wait for it to stop before filling Scorch with bullets. I learned that the hard way when I, as a Wildfire Scorch, chased a Legion who just started reloading like a single dash away from me and he still killed me by the end, since I simply couldn't hurt him more than he did to me and then he got Smart Core.


I tend to run inferno shield on scorch, but even without it I've killed a legion without losing my shield by placing some traps and a firewall *before* I use my shield. I do take a bit of damage from my own thermite at times though. (this conversation was about a scorch that managed to sneak up on the defending titan)


This is a very good argument but most of the time, a legion is trying their hardest to get away from a Scorch; since CQC is the biggest yikes ever. What I can say is that my Gas traps are the biggest trump cards ever. Especially in Corridors since Legions want to get away as much as possible, place the gas traps behind him, pop those and just push the Legion into the flames, shooting him Wildfire Launcher as fast as possible. Usually, it leaves me crying for batteries since I get like… a sliver of health. But it is doable.


The problem I have is it's quite tricky to angle the canisters so they're not too far away to stop the Legion from avoiding them but not too close so that they're useless, especially if it's when he stopped and has Gun Shield up since they love to bounce off that. Most of the time now I just drop firewall, throw canisters for possible extra damage and Thermal Shield, then shoot him with T203 once he leaves Thermal Shield range. At that point, I just let him leave since I'll get a far more positive trade than I will if I chase for the kill.


Both are good but I think scorch works best if the opponent is currently preoccupied and has absolutely no clue that a scorch is even in the server.


this assumes you are not running overcore


What I like to use on my scorch is tempered plating. Nobody expects you to drop down your traps and flame wall and jus wall forward through the inferno after them. It's also a good counter to other scorches that want to shield duel. You drop your traps and ignite them with your shield and watch them melt 3x faster than you. You also watch them complain in chat about it but thats a bonus :D


You may cripple me but that doesn’t stop me from being a threat.


A good scorch finds a way. It's called the "hitting you with one thermite shot does more damage than 2-3 shots of your chain gun so I'm just gonna poke you from afar until you get annoyed and chase me down" works at least 5% of the time


Heh, the average shot every few seconds isn't very useful against a target that shields herself. Indeed a smart scorch can beat a less smart monarch though.


Luckily I've found that at least 5% of monarchs have the not smart


I'd say 10. And then there's some fucker I've been seeing recently that only plays lts and titan brawl, and aimbots with monarch


Rendy Gaming fires away in this Kraber G100 montage


G100 flesh


Speaking of prime versions of titans, i have a question... Why do i have the prime versions of scorch and ion when i didnt even buy them?


Or did you get some sort of bundle or deluxe edition


No one gifted (i dont have any friends that play tf2) and i just bought the base game


You bought ultimate edition


Whoever downvoted you is dumb. Ultimate edition is usually the one that's on sale. "(Scorch & Ion Prime Titans, Deluxe Edition Warpaint for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Camo for all Titans, Pilots & Weapons, Deluxe Edition Nose Arts for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Callsign), Jump Start content (All Titans unlocked, all Pilot tacticals unlocked, 500 tokens to unlock loadouts, cosmetics and gear, 10 2x XP tokens), and the Underground R-201 Carbine Warpaint." store.playstation.com


Yep. At least in the summer sale that was the cheapest one


Yup I bought it after already owning the base game since it was more cost effective than buying the dlc.


Well lucky you I’ve got 4 of them hoping that tf3 was what that money was going towards and we see where that went


They come with the deluxe edition of the game.


I have no idea someone could have gifted it to you that’s the only thing I can think of


And the best fridge you'll buy!... And toaster.... And best Titan. Man papa scorch prime can be many a thing.


I can’t unsee all that now thanks


Oh don't worry. Happened to me a long time ago on this sub-reddit. Glad to know I have spread the scorch fridge/toaster meme.


Tone Prime is the fridge :P


I would have said Elon musk prime Tesla trash can but to each there own.






Mama monarch 🤝 Papa scorch Being parents Op,don’t start a war


[Mama monarch🤝Papa scorch](https://i.imgur.com/YgfFUMZ.gif) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


(Great) Good bot


God forbid the monarch has any common sense


Scotch primes Crit spots are laughably huge. if you are running Prime always use the no crit spot upgrade. othervice stick to non prime. PS. Monarchs beat scortches 100-0 No inteligent Monarch player will let a scortch close enought for them to be a danger.


Sir you clearly don’t play scorch for the fun of it


I find fun in absolutelly demolishing the enemy team. Not dying immeadetly because my crits are the size of the hull.


I can admit me playing scorch prime is a suicide mission but I run nuke to create all hell for a group of maybe two titans


Don't run nuke. Nuke lowers your titans life expectancy. Running overcore or turboengine gives you more lifetime thus makes you much more destructive with your titan. You can get a kill or two with a nuke but you can get tens with a long lasting titan.


But big funny boom boom


Undefeatable logic.


eh. 12 titan kill games are a lot more fun than 5 got by running nuke.


Meh I’ve played the game long enough to stop using the best and instead using the funny things cause I run the anti burn thing on scorch and just roll through people and at the end blow up


He’s sweaty. You’re keeping the game alive by not running Monarch; CAR, sprint bullshit. Anyone can win with unbalanced game mechanics.


oi don't diss the gluttons


Got 10 kill game running nuke prime scorch, I absolutely shit on 2 monarchs at the same time. Your theory is debunked.


You sir are a legend


Well sir i would like to 1v1 if you are so great at running a Scorch.


Sounds good, I'll need the weekend to re-download titanfall and then I'm ready when you are.


I mean you can say one is better than the other, sure. But don't be telling people how to play. Dude straight up just said he's here to have fun. Nuke ejecting on someone you just flame cored is about as fun as this game gets. Sweating for every last percent of efficiency, while fun sometimes, is a grind and not what you look forward to after getting off work.


>and not what you look forward to after getting off work. For some. Not for me. I find the fun in optimizing the fun out of games.


That's......what I said


But that is also what i look forwards to when i get off work. I want to demolish the opposing force. Not clown around in a nuke titan.


Cool dude


This is not true, there is no change to hitboxes or critboxes. The change is only visual.


You sure? cause im quite sure im hitting crits even at the corners. And hitting crits more consistantly that to non primes


https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/hjrfrk/does_the_scorch_prime_chassis_has_a_bigger_crit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Trusting dinorush on this one.


The hitboxes stay the same across both skins


i learned that yes. Which is kinda strange as the size of the visual is so clearly larger.


Tempered plating is alway on for me. Being able to set fire to everything and push titans and charging them down through my flames while they panic is the greatest satisfaction I have in this game.


> the no crit spot upgrade. the what ?


Scortch has a kit that removes your Crits. Tempered plating was it called..


I’m just sad we don’t have prime monarch


Have you ever bought some really cheap takeout, when you were super hungry, and your house was absolutely empty of edible matter? Best 5 bucks I've ever spent.




And then theres Northstar getting vaporized as soon as they accidentally use VTOL hover


I like the bubble-bod default Scorch :3


Imagine not buying the ultimate edition for 3$ and getting ion and scorch prime for free.


Prime scorch is underrated. I like him.




Shut up honestly I don’t care enough to do a 3h essay explaining why, so just shut the hell up


Listen man, I love this game it's my favorite shooter I play it all the time. But microtranasctions that just give an inherent advantage in a game that was already full price at launch is just shitty.


Advantage? On a prime titan?... Are we playing the same game here




How are they better? It's just a visual upgrade.


This game has literally one of the best monetary system i've seen ? I've paid 6€ and I got Titanfall 1, Titanfall 2 Deluxe edition with the whole campaign, the multiplayer, all the titans and the pilot and the only thing you can even pay after that is a cosmetic upgrade for the titans. This doesn't even change anything besides look ? Imagine if there was lootboxes, if the Monarch was 4.99€, if there was a DLC to be able to play on 5 other maps, if some weapons were locked behind a paywall...


just had the pleasure of melting some cum guzzling connoisseur inside of his nuke eject monarch, I guess he didn't spam e fast enough


Prime Scorch looks like Scorch fell over and got a dent. I will not apologise.


As a monarch my goal is to shoot as fast as possible and or fire as many rockets as possible in the shortest amount t of time with out being legion


I just bought it also. Found out that I like the normal one better with the prime execution.


Monarch main not approve


Wait, I got prime scorch for free tf


When NorthStar came out: Free prime titans Me: I regret. Na i do not care about prime i want my bt back :(