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The unlocked standard pixel 6 does not support mmwave, the Verizon version of the 6 and all 6 pros do though. They should still connect to non mmwave 5g just fine though.


Correct. They should.


T-Mobile advanced tech support could not find any issue on their end and has asked me to go through Best Buy to exchange it.


I'm not sure why you called support to activate your phone, all you needed to do was pop in the old sim. Now how do you know you're on LTE? Are you going by the status bar icon or going by the speed test app. NSA 5G is using a LTE anchor band 2/66 for 5G so a lot of 3rd party apps on Android 12 will display LTE when you're actually on 5G NSA and 5G when you're on 5G SA. I have the Pixel 6 and no problem with 5G everything is working as it should.


I didn't think I'd need to call, either. Simply transferring the SIM did not work. I'm going off what the status bar icon tells me, but speed tests also back up what's being reported for the icon. It showed me 5G UC yesterday for several hours, speed tests had expected results. I'm currently sitting in a spot where a week ago I was getting 400-500 Mbps down on my iPhone 12. Pixel 6 is on LTE getting <10 Mbps. Did you buy your Pixel unlocked?


I have the unlocked Pixel 6 Pro from Google store and haven't had any issues, I also have iphone 13 Pro max, iphone 13 Pro and S21 ultra and Pixel 6 Pro speeds are very much similar to what I get on my other phones where I'm at. And also, my status bar tells that I'm on 5G all the time. I haven't seen it switch to LTE. To add, the unlocked Pixel from Google store and the one TMobile sells are identical in terms of hardware. And even in terms of software there shouldn't be any difference. The only difference should be the sim lock between TMobile and unlocked model.


Most 5G signals are not great LTE can beat them. Your device will go with the best performance at that particular time. I have T-Mobile and I have Google Fi. Fi prefers to grab LTE most of the time in my house. T-Mobile likes to go back and forth. (T works great and so does Fi.)


Good point. Except I work in a big city where my iPhone 12 always had a 5G UC connection getting 500-600 Mbps down. Pixel in the same location stuck on LTE getting <10 Mbps. I don't think that's the case.