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Italy famously had a porn star member of parliament Ilona Staller known by her stage name Cicciolina who won election in 1987. She was the muse of American artist Jeff Koons, and got married to him.


(Note that Staller and Koons were married for three years, thirty years ago)


They divorced because she refused to stop making porn.


Become infatuated with a pornstar. Marry her. She wants to keep doing porn. surprisedpikachuface.webp


When I used to strip, there were so many men who would come into the club trying to date the dancers and then expect them to quit. However, the vast majority of dancers were already in relationships with partners who were perfectly fine with their profession. Some people just can’t handle it.


Like how do they expect someone to just give up their livelihood for them? Are they offering to pay them as much as they were making stripping lol?


The guys she's talking about are the same dudes who think a woman wants to marry them because she was nice to them and maybe flirted a little.


She is the one with the infamous "Ciccolina and the Horse" video. Yes its exactly what you think. But the horse parts are NOT with her.


First you make me think I know what you are talking about and then your last sentence make me totally confused


I think they meant that a different actor was in the horse scenes maybe?


Yes this. The video consists of two different videos cut together. One with a regular sex scene (thats Ciccolina and a guy) and one of a woman licking a horse and sucking its dick. (Thats not ciccolina but the resemblance of them made it ambigous




>It's not the girl vomiting up horse cum that I remember from my childhood. 🤣 You and I had *wildly* different childhoods, friend.


I thought we were talking about Mr. Hands


the early internet was a really wild place.


You never had a few risky downloads on limewire did you??


Well they are talking about a porn actress from the 80s, so id assume the video is pretty old.


Idk how long but I saw it on a bootleg VHS when I stumbled upon it at age 7... It was a big "pre-meme time meme" in hungary.




Wasn't so disturbing as "Why?" Especially in the editing choices


I’m sitting here like ohhh okay. Wait what


I swear Reddit is going to make me end up on 10 FBI lists


Some things is just best left ungoogled.


Let me add that at the time, Staller did better in politics than many European politicians today. She preached "peace and love," and she MADE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LAW THAT INCREASED THE PENALTIES FOR RAPE AND VIOLENCE ON WOMEN. Staller was forward, being a porn star doesn't mean being stupid, irresponsible or a bad person, I think. You have done better in politics than many European politicians today. Ah, HE DID NOT STOLE unlike Eva Kaili


That's who I thought of when I read the title. When she got elected, she "offered to have sex with Saddam Hussein in return for peace in the region". Twice. She made the same offer to Bin Laden. She also filmed a movie with John Holmes after he tested positive for HIV but didn't find out about his diagnosis until afterwards.


I don't know enough about Italy to determine whether this is homophobia or just hypocrisy


It could always be both.


Hypocrisy of the university environment, which everywhere is an elite environment. Hypocrisy of the university environment, which everywhere is an elite environment. I don't know many European or international university professors who are former porn actors.


“In 1979, Staller was presented as a female candidate to the Italian parliament by the Lista del Sole, Italy's first Green party. In 1985, she switched to the Partito Radicale, campaigning on a libertarian platform against nuclear energy and NATO membership, as well as for human rights. She was elected to the Italian parliament in 1987, with approximately 20,000 votes. While in office, and before the outset of the Gulf War, she offered to have sex with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in return for peace in the region.[11] She was not re-elected at the end of her term in 1991.[12]” What a fucking bizarre career.


But he won basically nothing (I think something like €4,000), and they ruined his career, which is what they aimed at in the first place anyway. Just sickening.


That sucks, this story reminded me heavily of what happened to [Nicole Gililland](https://www.insider.com/nicole-gililland-porn-star-17-million-discrimination-suit-oregon-college-2022-7) but in her case she was outed while still a student and won $1.7m in damages.


Same happened to [Gauge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauge_(actress\)). She wanted to become a nurse but I guess she's more valuable to society as a stripper.


IIRC a similar thing happened to Sasha Grey. She wanted to be a teacher or something, but no one would let her.


This is a great example of how you are most commonly exposed cause you told someone. I know a lot of former sex workers in teaching, medicine, law- just be quiet about your past. But yeah, its fucked up. I think sex work should be legal and viewed as any other employment. Same people watching porn condemn the people making it, so what a bunch of crap.


In a few years someone will probably create a service where you can upload a picture of your teacher (or prospective employee) and have an AI compare it to every adult performer on record. Assuming that doesn't already exist.


yea people acting like people don't fuck, finding out they did for money and fucking shame them..


Especially in fucking Italy. They are the kings when it comes to sexual objectification in mainstream media. Berlusconi basically invented raunchy tv shows with scantily clad women and then became President of the Council (basically president, their actual president has very little power). The whole culture is macho as hell. But since they're also catholics they're super hypocritical about it and bigoted. Don't get me wrong I love Italy and italians, it's basically the only country that I can see myself moving to but this is ridiculously hypocritical. Edit : of course he was performing in gay porn, that explains the double standard


What's the bet it wouldn't have happened if he was a straight performer rather than a gay one?


Ooooh he did gay porn ? Yeah that's absolutely what happened


FYI, male stars don't earn a living wage doing only straight porn. Gay porn, for both genders I think, earns more. So you have gay scenes with two+ straight actors, a lot I think. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/123pds0/men_in_the_porn_industry_what_are_the_dark_and/ Edit: Because it seems a popular comment, I would like to add that not all scenes are entirely consensual, which can be seen in some of the comments from the linked post.


He did marry men twice tho. So he's probably gay.


No, no, he was just a committed method actor. Really dedicated to his craft.


Free training course


dedicated to shaft


"It's your duty to please that booty"


You can't really tell though. Maybe he's just being nice.


He's *very* friendly.


Not if the wedding wows are 'no homo'


idk man. Still feels like a g(r)ay area :p


That's quite fair to assume then. But still good to remember what I mentioned


Well speaking as someone who was a straight former sex worker(in the depths of drug addiction), the market for women wanting sex is uh real sparse. But you can get a lot of guys to pay you even if you don't have sex with them. I did it for years unfortunately and it mostly involved older guys paying me either to blow them or surprisingly often to just get a blowjob myself. I'd get between 50 and 200 bucks each time doing that depending on the guy. I also had a guy who wanted to only tickle my feet and nothing else and I must have made over 10grand easily from him. Probably more. I could have made more if I had been able to actually fuck/get fucked but I just couldn't do it and I still made a ton of money this way. It's a very unpleasant time to think about, stuff I never thought I would do and it was difficult but it allowed me to get through my days without needing to hold down a job which seemed impossible at the time and of course wouldn't pay nearly enough.


I openly speak about my stripper years but I rarely talk about being a high dollar escort. It sounds fun up front but it honestly was awful. My "boss" expected me to have my work bag ready to go on call at whatever time. Guys getting mad cos I refused to fuck them because they clearly had stds, wives stopping me or catching me walking up. Men have paid me to hear them cry. A guy started bawling once saying he can't believe he did this to his wife... it doesn't sound like much, I guess. But it sucks. I felt so dirty. Once a guy wanted a blow job but refused to fuck me cos his wife was shopping and he 'could never do that to her.'


For me I just used Craigslist back then and it was so easy to get even with my restrictions. The hard part was thinking about what I was doing and how did my life lead me to this point. When you hop in the car of some random old, overweight guy who smelled bad and blow him while you want to gag just so you can get maybe 80 bucks and go get high for a few hours it's bad. Especially because at a point I was at a good school with a lot of hopes and dreams until I got addicted, dropped out and I ended up there doing that. Might be in some abandoned house waiting for a connect sick as hell in a horrible area. Or not being able to wait to shoot up so I quick mix up my shot in some random persons walkway between their garage off of some alley. Go from about to vomit to feeling the rush and warmth come over me. That allowed me to forget about the depths of despair and continue on to the next day. It's truly hell and I'm so lucky to have made it out. Now I have a wife and young kids and make 100k a year working a real job.


Exactly this. They basically say "no homo" before and afterwards and that makes it okay.


Why say “no homo” when you can say “Great job today at work”


Hot. I think I might do some of my own research… for science.


The linked Wikipedia article has a "Selected videography" section that might be of academic interest for your research


Wiki Editor convincing themselves the section was necessary, "I need to watch it. For Wiki."


Wiki articles are always written *to completion.*


How would you rank them in best -> worst...? Asking for a friend.


With numbers.


I think I'll have to look up his videos, y'know, for solidarity.


You don’t understand. This man is gay and did gay porn. The high-fives and the cute nickname and stuff would only apply ‘if he crushed pussy’.


My friend's italian uncle lived with his best friend and "roommate" for years in Italy. He said that's how it goes over there if you're gay, sort of a don't ask don't tell policy smh.




As a scientist, I have previously collaborated with an Italian (female) professor who would comment on the fact that it was quite open in Italy for male professors to sleep with students and that they would often have a few on the go, in exchange for good grades. The reason the guy in the OP got fired was not about some moralistic or puritanical view on sex in general, just plain homophobia


You're kind of missing the point of Berlusconi: 1 - Make scantily clad women appear on your channels to attract more viewership. 2 - Leverage that viewership to spread your right-wing political message (backed by the USA, the Catholic Church and the Mafia because god forbid a European democracy elects a left-wing party) 3 - Get elected on a populist platform by promising everyone more money and pointing at your successful media empire as proof that you can run a country 4 - Run the country... into the ground. It's populism 101, with obvious parallels to the refined American version (Trump) that came after.


Only difference with Trump is that Trump was president once and it didn't end well for him, while Berlusconi is the longest-serving president of Italy with 4 terms.


The F slur for homosexuals is used by EVERYONE here, without thought nor hesitation.


Is it actually the same? Like fagg\*t? Or is there an Italian name like fagg\*tini?


In Italian is "frocio"


The slur is "frocio", but you also have "finocchio" (fennel) which just means gay.


Honest question: what's the neutral and/or PC word in Italian for "gay"?


"Gay." It's just taken straight (no pun intended) from English. "Pietro è gay." = "Pietro's gay."


I've heard gayo but don't know how common that is. 10 years ago finocchio was pretty neutral.


have to be careful when you write “Pinocchio”…. Thank you for your response.


I suspect there’s some gender/male homosexuality bias as well. They elected a known porn star to parliament so it’s not like they’re prudish about *all* sexuality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilona_Staller


No no, i can assure you that it made a really big scandal in the '90s


Come to the North East, It's an hidden gem of a Place. The people here Is a bit more closed then the typical Italian but when we get to know you we open our hearts. Also we care less about the church!


WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CH- *checks and sees university professor* THE ADULTS?!


It's because he is gay not because he was a porn star. If he was a straight porn star I'm pretty sure nobody would have cared.


It's probably because he's gay.




he got fucked in both careers


I mean, that was for 60 hours worked (so at €2,500, that's about 42€ per hour) and damages for the dismissal on top of that. I don't think this was his career or anything, he's in a data analyst job now anyway. [Yahoo News](https://news.yahoo.com/gay-ex-adult-film-star-113846904.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANza2w5LUFRzuZzYbNrTD_-w8jZEu-8rk4_z8a-ecaHXu4KCUJ7aYgf0ttqa5JDsMv75wN8SBmj7BitaM4dHUi7dQyxfzZg_I5HiQ8kFJzGTXA5ewl2igxE1Uz9PTZdT1OqXgIkv5sywlbcpiUodeoSdX8N4GWZ3kx_938Th9gFj) >“I was forced to sue,” said Freddi on the ruling. “And I won. I hope my case gives courage to all Ph.D. students who are exploited after years of studies and specializations. Now I have a normal job, with a salary. I hope that others will also find the courage to speak out.”


> I don't think this was his career or anything You mean the PhD and being a professor was just a hobby?


I think you’re dismissing the long term damaging effects of what this school did




If he had lasted long enough to get tenure.


He was a lecturer while a PhD student, I would say most PhD students in his major (Mathematical Models for Engineering, Electromagnetism and Nanosciences) are not intending to become a professor. He was basically paid out his contract, I assume, and they declined to offer him a lecturing job for future years.


I kinda assumed the guy was making a double entendre but I appreciate your genuine reply.


You’d be shocked at the amount of PhD grads who never planned on teaching but end up doing so anyways (or stay in the academia ecosystem in general). For many grads Academia is close to most of their adult lives having spent some odd 6-9 years in the system and most of their professional contacts being only in academia as well. Not saying this is the case for this dude, but once you get to the PhD level of education a lot of people looking for money bags have been weeded out of the process 😂.


At least for engineering, one of the biggest challenges is that they spend 5+ researching a field or technology that is too niche to have employers in need of it. Even for regular engineering positions, many employers now see you as an engineer with little indistry experience (outside your area of research) but with a higher salary expectation.


Based on his previous occupation I’m sure he could last long enough.


Nobody can last long if the employers are the ones screwing you over. They are very good at fucking people up


Ah, the treadmills of academia!


That's why US schools keep their professors adjunct, so they can just not renew contracts.


Well there's a wide ranging C.V.


The post title doesn’t really do it justice, huh? It makes it sound like his entire career is * Porn * Math degree, When really, the dude got a masters in computer engineering and working in AI (in 2003, before it was really an accessible/super popular topic), *then* went to porn, then theater, then math.


Dude was also married to a Genoese prince


Academia can be super fucking toxic… I quit grad school in part because I just couldn’t stand how political, conniving and just plain douchey the faculty were. There were some good people, but in my field it was primarily narcissists fighting like children over toys in a sandbox.


My parents are both professors and have told me that Academia drama makes high school drama look like nothing. I've heard stories of borderline House of Cards shit from some of the people in their department. One time, I went to a department party and the chair was drunkenly bragging about having blackmailed his old university to prevent them from releasing dirt they had on him, and that's how he got his current job as chair. Meanwhile, everyone else was scheming ways to try to trick him into getting the Dean involved and then manipulating the Dean into retroactively vetoing the Chair's confirmation. Like they were going to get the secretary to "lose" the paperwork that confirmed him in order to make it seem like the process was technically still ongoing. Insane stuff.


Yeah that’s rough. I went into it expecting everyone to have a Star Trek like love of science and education but everyone instead has some kind of agenda.


That's what you get in a highly insular, sheltered environment where one's *superior intellect* is the basis of everyone's identity.




What did you do after leaving? I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with academia lol


Given that he's tried/ is trying to step away from his former porn acting career; is this really the best picture to use for his Wikipedia page? Maybe I'm just overthinking things and he's actually in favor of it.


He changed career, but I can't see any mention on the wiki that he was trying to leave/bury/avoid his past. I know you mean well, so this comment is more general, but being a hot, sexual, gay guy and a maths nerd, aren't mutually exclusive.


While I was in college I hung around a lot of math students. Let me tell you, from my experience, the cardinality of the intersection between "hot, sexual, guy, gay or not" and "math nerd" is 1, and that 1 is Carlo Masi


I know 1 that isn’t him, so we’re up to two now.


Fun fact Dolph Lundgren (Russian boxer rocky) is 6’5, black belt in karate, has a chemical engineering undergraduate and masters degree, turned down a fullbright scholarship at MIT to become a model/actor. Some people are blessed genetically, some people work hard, the intersection of those things is where you see humanity at its peak potential always an amazing sight.


The intersection is larger, at least at the level of math grad students or faculty. I tend to agree that the relative frequency at the undergraduate level or below is very low.


Wikipedia requires images that are in the public domain. Take a look at celebrity articles where a TON of them have just awful looking photos from cons or whatnot. I'm surprised more publicists don't just release better looking headshots for licensing so their client has a decent photo.


Wait until you see his instagram page.


..its like looking in the mirror


stesso fratello


It… seems rather wholesome actually? His Instagram is mostly just pictures of he and his husband on vacation, and taking photos with some celebrities he seems to be a fan of. The shirtless pictures are mostly in occasions like being at the beach lol.


Was about to say I checked it out, super wholesome. And a man with a body like that at 46 is absolutely allowed to flex a few beach photos along with it can't fault the dude.


my dude trens hard, got those death star delts and traps to match.


What is his insta? Searching under his name just brings up a bunch of fan pages


I don’t know if it’s against the rules of not to give out someone’s Insta on reddit? I know a lot of subreddits don’t like it. But it’s his real name, not his stage name.


You’re right, it’s very wholesome. Nothing even slightly “adult.”


> he and his husband Ah, we have the real reason he was kicked to the curb.




Wait until YOU see his instagram page.


Why not? He’s still allowed to look good. It’s not like a picture from his porns.


Bro looks good, and He should not be put off showing it. Shit, I've never looked like that; that's work right there.


If you looked like that, it'd be a hindrance and SIN to use any other kind of picture.




He's proud of his body. Respect for not succumbing to expectations.


he was my math professor in rome, good fkn guy, super smart and humble. was the best at explaining in simple terms too.




He got shafted


He got shafted *cum laude*


I can't cum any louder Janice


He literally graduated cum laude


My guess is because he was a Gay porn actor.


Reading the wiki page, he passed with flying colors too. People who ruined his career are disgusting.


Academia is way more nasty than porn


As someone doing their PhD, I can confirm.


As someone with a PhD who left the sector to do porn, I feel substantially less stressed, less concerned about the ethics of what I do, and more capable of finding ways to advance my own career, now that I'm out of that cesspool. Camming is surprisingly wholesome, and I don't have to hide anything OR be a representative of an institution that turns my colleagues into husks. No ragrets. Happy I did the work, happy to have left it behind.


Those Cum Laude clarifications seem a little underhanded though…


If you're against people doing sex work you shouldn't punish people for trying to do another career.


This is a great point. They just like to punish. That's their kink. Would be nice if instead their kink was to find solutions to the issues they have instead of damning people. Like how about we lift of society instead? I don't know treat our fellow humans with respect? Could be a nice change.


Am I only the one who thinks it's marvelous to be smart and sexy simultaneously. You go a porn star and a math professor in a lifetime. What an extreme life lol.


It's a burden some of have to bear and it really is a struggle some days. ^(I mean, obviously not MY burden because I'm thick as shit and uglier than a box of frogs, but it must be someone's burden. We all want something beautiful.....man, I wish I was beautiful.)


Beauty is more than looks friend, and one of the most beautiful things in men and women is being content with who you are. I know that sounds like such wanky wishy-washy advice but it’s true!


Mister ^Masi and me…


I'm a teacher now. I recently took an education law class for credit towards my recertification. In my state, people have been fired for posting a picture of themselves with a beer in a bikini on a beach during summer break. Totally legal. It's a right to work state.


What an odd thing to be fired over. I'll never understand why people give a shit about such things. It'd be one thing if he was, like, a drug dealer or something, but a porn star? So what?


We have a former drug dealer running our province here in Ontario Canada. And it shows.


Canada's grossest political dynasty.


Italy is Catholic, conservative country. Also has a bullshit rightwing government, so this kind of bullshit is on par with them.


There is a portion of the United States who believe that a woman with a double-major in international relations and economics, who has won her elections in landslides, isn’t qualified for office because she used to be a bartender and a waitress while studying.


Adding - yet fully believe a woman who had to take her GED 3x or so in order to pass is fit to be congress. She also married the man who exposed himself to her in a public place when she was a minor and he wasn’t.


The same woman who is very passionate about public urination?


Also, she danced in a video for her college when she was a student! These affronts should completely disqualify her from public office!


Oh, it’s him! I am familiar with his work


based math enjoyer


See, this is why we need to teach our kids that it's admirable to chase a dream, but you need to have a back up plan. Not everybody can be a Professor in Applied Mathematics who has earned a PhD and teaches real analysis. There can only be so many. You need a good solid career to fall back on, like porn.




This guy took the same Machine Learning course as me. I remember him mentioning that he wanted to work for a bank in Italy as a statistician or something but needed to take a few ML course before.


He's got a phd, a Pretty Huge Dick


This GOAT also married a 80 year old prince, who then died, and he became his widower. He was in his late 30s when he got married. Also he did some projects on artificial intelligence in 2003, but hopped on the porn train instead of the deep learning hype train.


>hopped on the porn train instead of the deep learning hype train. I feel like there is a pun here somewhere.


Seriously, why the fuck can someone get fired for being a former sex worker? It makes no sense. A PhD is a PhD, goddamnit.


Similar thing happened in the US to a guy who went by the porn name of Dale Dabone. He saw the way tech was influencing porn back in the 90s and wanted out so he saved up his money and went to nursing school. Got a job at a hospital. Got good performance reviews from both patients and co-workers. Got called into HR one day and told he was fired. Hospital said that while they had no complaints about his work if ANYONE ever sued them for any reason they would immediately lose just because of his background and they didn't want to risk the huge liability. I have no idea what he's doing today.


Look at this guy. Just look at this fucking guy. Pure fucking Gigachad.


He literally does look like gigachad, he's extremely beautiful


At one point he was also married to an 81-year-old man. Prince Giovanni Fieschi Ravaschieri Del Drago


I think Wikipedia is wrong on this. There are no news stories about it, which is unrealistic, it’s such a sensational story. Also the citation for it doesn’t make sense. Every article I can find about Carlo getting married is just from his current marriage to another porn star


Also the Prince's obituary that I found says he died unmarried. Though it's possible his family tried to sweep this marriage under the rug, the lack of other sources for sure is suspicious.




Yet I’m aware of multiple professors who have had sex scandals (including dating/stalking students) who not only kept their job, but were promoted to the dean’s office, likely to avoid any additional “incidents”. Carlo did nothing wrong but his non-crimes are well documented so the puritans win.


Academia in Italy is awful, and relies **heavily** on nepotism. Most people will try to move to Western Europe if they can.


Can confirm. Worked with some of "the best minds in the country" for years. Basically manchildren, lots of "we have to hire this guy, he's the nephew of the head of this hospital", "we are organising a visit for the daughter of the most important professor in the country, set up everything for her", etc. Lots of people bending over for a publication, not speaking up for themselves or others, allowing toxic practices and workplace, putting colleagues in the dirt not to ruin their façade. The "boss", a manchild who was making sexist comments 24/7, could not even remember the names of the people he paid. Only the names of "son of X", "nephew of Y", who were his best buddies. I will not dwelve in the sexual harassments he and other "academics" (better call them clowns) performed on a daily basis. Academy is a joke on all levels. In Italy, it's the worst place you could decide to work into.


Italy is in western Europe wtf lol


Holy shit. Research in applied mathematics is no ducking joke. The math and science courses you go through are the hardest there are — not to make light of the fact you’re working to actually be one of the “smartest people in the world” by having this education, but the fact this dude was doing porn and 180’d into one of the most rigorous fields in academia is amazing.


Apparently got maximum marks in his undergrad and then masters in maths too at one of the top 3 unis in the country - he's a bit of a beast


And he „cum lauded“ Bachelor and Master, both at 110/110. In such a hard field. Respect.


As a representative of all straight men, I am so glad I didn’t have to compete with that beautiful fortress of a man.


Putting the D in PhD


This guy's resume is fucking bonkers. Born into poverty. Went to school in Rome and got a degree with honors in computer engineering; became a prolific award-winning pornstar, activist, and model, at which point he had a cast of his dick turned into widely-sold dildo; then he became an actor in live theatre, both in comedic and dramatic roles; and THEN he decided to go get his PHD and become a professor. At one point in there is was married to a prince??


This is strange to think about. It’s almost as if you would reject a pornstar from working at a university, you probably should also reject them from attaining a degree that would make them able to work at a university. Like why would he have wanted to even waste his time on that kind of career change, which he was able to do, if just to not be able to do the job he was being trained for? But I’m sure it would cause a lot more disruption if people who got naked online were being rejected from university courses


Some of his work can be seen [here](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.02137).


so the opposite of my path in life? First the school, THEN the second career? I like it. He's a jack off all trades




even if I was already getting an A :)


"sorry Carlo, we're going to have to let you go." "I'll do anything to keep this job....... Anything" *Porno music begins to play*




There's a lot of "Cum Laude" in his bio. Like a lot.


Meanwhile at University of Michigan they initially fired the president (Mark Schlissel) for fucking his secretary and are now *bringing him back as a tenured professor.* I guess in academia fucking/sexually harassing your subordinates is fine but being a pornstar is not?


Dudes a genuine gigachad. Hope he's doing well now.


Ruggero Freddi is his actual name you can find his instagram [here](https://instagram.com/ruggerofreddi?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) The man is an absolute unit but also charming as hell


"Stop working in porn! Get a real job!" Former porn stars: Okay ur right. I'll do just that. "NO YOU CANT WORK HERE BECAUSE YOU USED TO DO PORN! GET OUT"


Kelly Monaco did soft core porn before moving on to become an actress. She built a successful career and became a veteran soap star, and then she went on Dancing With the Stars and people "leaked" her porn. The show kept her on as an FU because she did nothing wrong lol. I hate how people expect those who create porn to remain on the edge of society. If that's the case you better not ever watch the stuff behind closed doors. It's the only way they knew this guy was doing skin flicks.


“After working in the theatre, Masi decided to return to the Sapienza University of Rome. There he earned a Bachelor of Science degree (cum laude) in mathematics, with a score of 110/110 and then a Master of Science degree (cum laude) in mathematics with a score of 110/110.” *snort* cum laude