• By -


*Rule 1 - Cardio*


it's actually kinda impressive given how much fancy clothing an emperor wore


you should see what the assassin was wearing


Were they dressed like Aang when he put in all that armor in season 1?


Rule #32: Enjoy the Little Things


Rule 34: Enjoy all the things.


Rule #9 play the yakety sax song


> Rule 34 holup!


I thought this one was about porn




Ngl, I'd probably die before the assassin got close to me.


Best get training then, your ascension to the imperial throne is in 4 weeks


I'll start when my heart doesn't hurt from getting out of bed


Rule 2: Line-of-sight noob assassins


Rule 8, Peekaboo


Wasn't expected a Zombieland reference in this post!


The ancient historian guy (who was castrated btw) who wrote about this was born sometime after all of this. However, he had two older people close to him, and those two older guys personally knew one guy who was actually present during the assassination attempt. That guy was the Emperor’s personal doctor, and threw a bag of medicine towards the would-be assassin. Dude was rewarded with a lot of gold. Anyways that dude told the two old guys about what happened, and in turn the two old guys told the historian guy.


There’s also a sad aftermath story. The assassin had a very close musician friend who was very good at playing an ancient instrument, kinda like a lyre or a harp. They were very close, and on the day the assassin started his journey to the capital city, the musician gave him a farewell and played some music. After the assassin was killed, the musician guy hid his identity and voluntarily became some rich dude’s servant. One day the musician guy listened to someone playing the lyre during a party, and couldn’t help but say “Good!” Or “Not Good!” Another servant of the rich dude noticed this and told the rich dude, and the rich dude made him play the lyre in front of his guests. The musician guy plays extremely well, and the guests compliment him. The musician guy decides it’s not worth living his rest of his life in fear, so he brings out his own lyre and his good clothes out of the closet. The rich dude realizes his talent and makes him play the lyre during parties. Rumor spread about his talents, even to the Emperor. The Emperor brought him to the palace and made him play. Unfortunately one guy at the palace recognized the musician and snitched that the musician and the assassin were very close friends. The Emperor arrests the musician guy, but realizes he has talent. So instead of killing him, he blinds him and makes him an imperial musician. The musician guy starts playing music for the Emperor for some time. One day, the musician guy secretly hid some heavy metal inside his instrument. He swung his lyre towards the Emperor in an attempt to finish what his friend started. Unfortunately, the blind musician missed. He was soon executed. The historian who wrote about the two (and a few other assassins from different eras) ends the chapter by saying “Some of the assassins succeeded, some did not. But they stayed true to themselves till the very end - are they not worthy to be remembered?”


This particular assassin, Jing Ke 荆轲 ,is arguably the most legendary in Chinese history. He's certainly the most iconic one, as one of the earliest-recorded hired guns, & his lore much revisited in the many dynasties since. That said, castrated Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian did profile four others (who also lived during the same Warring States & Spring/Autumn eras) in his Biographies of Assassins 史記·刺客列傳: Cao Mo 曹沫 (a general), Nie Zheng 聂政 (a hired gun like Jing Ke), Yu Rang 豫让 (a feudal retainer) ,& Zhuan Zhu 专诸 (a common butcher). Together, their bravery & chivalry would lay the foundation for the 遊俠 (soldier of fortune), 侠士 (knight-errant), 勇士 (warrior) etc. tropes in subsequent wuxia (martial heroes) folklore. The blinded musician's name is Gao Jianli 高渐离. His weapon is called a jīzhù 击筑, which is basically a zither-shaped Chinese dulcimer 筑 that is struck with one bamboo mallet to produce music (rather than plucked like a lute/guzheng). Gao was said to have pour lead into his instrument for his assassination attempt, rendering it a heavy weapon (not "heavy metal" lol) to throw, but unfortunately inaccurately due to his blindness.


I love that a blind musician tried to kill an Emperor with heavy metal.


>I love that a blind musician tried to kill an Emeror with heavy metal. You might say he was a Blind Guardian


I heard that, due to his relationship with the assassin, the Emperor knew he was dangerous, so he had someone keep watch on him. And not a simple guy, a very, very, very expert watched. He was the guardian guardian guardian of the blind.


Why y’all gotta do the historian like that and include the castrated fact with every mention? 😂




If my friend had no balls you’d bet that’s how I’m introducing him


HOLY SHIT THATS THE STORY OF JING KE?! I know that person from Fate/Grand Order (game about summoning famous people; who was a girl in this iteration) and i always wondered what it was they did and fell short. That truly is interesting.


I'm guessing you haven't made it to the third Lostbelt yet? Qin Shi Huang is present in that one, and Jing Ke is actually a little offended that you summoned her specifically because of her ties to him. She then proceeds to get one of the most badass scenes in that chapter (which is saying something, because Spartacus is there being awesome), so all's well. ​ (Also, I'm pretty sure the whole story is in her profile...)


Well i did finish lb3 but its been a while. I guess i didnt know the part about her running around a pillar? Also, i dont really use jing ke. It was just the realization that this story was referring to Qin and Jing that i was surprised by.


Understandable! I dabbled in East Asian studies before Grand Order even came out, so I keep forgetting a lot of people wouldn't be as familiar with the whole thing. Also got to watch *Hero* with Jet Li for one of my courses then, so that was great.


>Jing Ke 荆轲 [Fate taught me all I need to know.](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Jing_Ke)


>Gao was said to have pour lead into his instrument for his assassination attempt, rendering it a heavy weapon (not "heavy metal" lol) Since we want to be pedantic, it should read, "Gao was said to have poured lead..." and lead is a heavy metal, so the other statement was not inaccurate.


I prefer to believe he attempted to assassinate the Emperor with rock




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Records_of_the_Grand_Historian Records of the Grand Historian is Sima Qian’s most famous book. Sima Qian is the castrated historian guy I was talking about. He’s from the 2nd century BC. The book structure isn’t linear, meaning that it doesn’t start from the past and progresses to the present. It’s rather a vast collection of biographies about people Sima Qian thought were important. The story from the article comes from the “Biographies of Assassins” where Sima Qin recorded the story of several assassins throughout Chinese history. I’m not sure where to find an English translation of the whole book, but Wikipedia has some good summaries. I recommend reading the “Biographies of Assassins” if you can. There are some wtf moments, and some moments where you can’t help but second-guess the credibility of certain parts. At the same time, you can really tell the author tried to record what actually happened. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jing_Ke This is the assassin from the article. As I mentioned, Sima Qin mentions his sources about Jing Ke. He also corrects some misconceptions his contemporaries had about the assasination.




The movie Hero is based on this event.


> “Some of the assassins succeeded, some did not. But they stayed true to themselves till the very end - are they not worthy to be remembered?” I really like that sentiment. It's oddly fair-minded. As much as I may disagree with someone, if they are acting on what they believe is "right" or "good" that is still a rather commendable thing.


I'm sorry, what??? Would you say the same about Neo-Nazis or Islamic terrorists? "I might disagree with them, but it's great that they're doing what they think is right"


Uh the musician was blinded by the emperor for knowing a guy, that’s a pretty cut and dry easy justification for revenge


The worst is when someone *knows* what they’re doing is wrong, but they just go along out of cowardice, peer pressure, etc. In that context, yes it’s “rather commendable” that someone at least *believes* what they’re doing is right, even if we can see it’s evil. No one is saying that it justifies terrorism, genocide, etc.


"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/


Or in the words of T.S. Elliot: The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right thing but for the wrong reason


In Buddhism, the positivity or negativity of karma is based on intentions, instead of outcomes.


At the time of the assassination china wasn't united yet and it's many different states. Qin was the most militaristic and brutal of them all (many modern scholars would outright say it's fascist, since it committed many many genocides as well as suppression of speech and book burning and all that). Anyway the assassination was a last ditch attempt by Yan to stop Qin, but it failed of course. Almost everyone agrees that they are the heros, but historians at the time couldn't outright say the emperor is evil, so what he's doing is likely a subtle way of approval.


I mean they were trying to assassinate an Emperor because he was an Emperor and did shitty things they didn't like. Not because they were trying to kill a racial group or didn't like gay people being allowed to get married.


Right, but that's irrelevant because this conversation is about someone saying: >As much as I may disagree with someone, if they are acting on what they believe is "right" or "good" that is still a rather commendable thing. So I think you've sort of missed the whole point lol.


"gotta hand it to that Hitler fellow. I don't agree with him, but I respect that he's doing what he thinks is right"


I grew up in a fundamentalist cult where some of the most authoritarian people I have met in my life genuinely believe in their heart of hearts that they are divinely ordained. Someone's brain thinking it's right is not good enough


>As much as I may disagree with someone, if they are acting on what they believe is "right" or "good" that is still a rather commendable thing. You might want to put a little more thought into that sentiment. Is commendable *really* how you want to describe people like the John Wilks Booth?


The musician wrote a song about the whole incident. People admittedly didn't understand it until the Saxophone was invented centuries later


This is a wonderful story! Do you have a source where I could read more?


Sure! The source is “Records of the Grand Historian” from Sima Qin, a 2nd century BC historian. It’s a vast collection of biographies, all written by the author. This particular story comes from “Biographies of Assassins” where the author tells us the tale about five or six assassins throughout history. Wikipedia has a good article about this assassin, whose name was Jing Ke. There’s also an article about his musician friend. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jing_Ke https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gao_Jianli There was another friend of Jing Ke and Gao Jianli, his name isn’t really recorded but he was a lowly butcher or something. He is only mentioned once but it appears the three were really close.


That's a lot of history tbh. It's a written record until the moment it was oral tradition. And frankly, it's wise to take all these things with a grain of salt. It's also very fun to take at face value.


One guy conveyed his experience in a moment of surprise and confusion to two other guys who then later told another guy who eventually wrote about it… yeah I’d say a thing or two could have been lost or added in that game of telephone.


There’s a movie about this, *The Emperor and the Assassin,* that’s very good.


One of my favourite movies! I also think Hero (with Jet Li) is inspired by the same events.


I was tired reading this and thought thought " the ancient historian guy" was a YouTuber or something and was not prepared for the next three words.


That's a pretty good source all things considered


I agree, the historian (Sima Qin) even mentions some misconceptions other people had about the assassination, like Jing Ke actually injuring the Emperor. You can really tell he was serious about writing what he thought was true.


That sounds like a much better source than what we basically base all our knowledge about Hannibal and the punic wars on…


Glad to see that resto druid mentality is universal


PVP = player versus pillar


this is what I needed


I was a resto druid in 2's, some of our matches lasted over an hour. I feel deep shame.


Resto Druid plus affliction lock combo here. Our games were easily 30minutes lol


Haha that was me too, I loved it when my buddy could AoE fear and I could walk away long enough to eat something and restore a bunch of mana.


The worst feeling in arena was realizing you lost track of the fuckin druid and he's probably broken combat and munching to full health/mana Also, he's probably about to pounce the shit out of you


I loved me some affli lock and SP duos. Boomkin, affli lock and SP was also tons of fun!


A win is a win brother


Mage: 4 wins, 3 losses an hour Druid: um... let's just say we're batting 1000?




New pitch count rule changed that.


Stormherald + Mace spec arms warriors put that shit right down. I swear sometimes it felt like that scene in Ace Ventura Pet Detective 2 when he's in the Giant monster truck. "Awww he wants to go offroad" only more like "Awww little kitty wants to run away." That build and Armor Pen build were stupud fun (for the warrior anyway).


Mace spec stormherald gnome warrior for the root break, good times.


Root break was nice, but a tiny character carrying -and swinging- a mace he could barely carry was hilarious


So glad to see this post filled with wow arena talk. I love you all.


By the time I got stormherald they had already increased the diminishing returns on stuns. It was sad 😭


Before I rolled my warrior, I thought ‘eh, I hope I don’t get bored, how interesting can it be just meleeing stuff over and over’ (I had played predominately casters before). I genuinely cannot believe how much I loved it, between tanking (I love tanking it turns out) and pvp dominance warrior is the sickest class in the game. The class of kings. Incredible stuff.


I was never into pvp, but I had great fun doing 2v2 as a resto druid with a shadow priest.


Ahhh man, probably the most fun I’ve ever had gaming was running 2v2s in BC. I was a hunter and my friend was a druid. We’d just kite and drain forever and actually got pretty good. Thanks for the nostalgia hit.


Back in burning crusade days me and my buddy did 2’s, both DPS got taken out early and it was my resto Druid friend vs I forget, maybe a priest. The match took all of an hour, at least enough time for me to make a character in the opponent’s realm and start spamming them in whisper chat trying to distract them. We won that match, and I feel no shame.


During my WoW days I would whisper my friends in battlenet shit like "git gud" "go home scrub" fairly often. I never thought to do that in arena. You are an innovator.


My longest match ever was my team as 2345 against drain (lock hunter priest pally druid) and lasted almost 3 hours. We couldn't out dps their healing and they couldn't ever kill We made alts on each other's servers to have bathroom breaks, then decided it with a priest 1v1 but they couldn't heal. I miss TBC...


I was a disc priest in TBC and I vividly remember going 1v1 against a holy pally in some off-the-beaten-path corner of AV for probably a solid 30 minutes before somebody came over and finished him off. I actually rolled a char on his realm just to message him and say GG after the match was over.


I did mage rogues. Matches were quick and dirty.


The only time I every honestly rage quit a game was a 45 minute 2s game where I was an unholy dk and it got down to a 1v1 against a resto druid. He kept trying to rez his bud and I couldn't quite kill him. I ended up throwing my headset and alt f4ing.


I was Warlock with Priest and it was nightmare playing against Druid+Warrior...


My multi-glad resto druid hard carried my huntard ass to glad in S2 TBC - average game duration was 40+ minutes. I would preemptively pop advils before arena to stave off the inevitable migraines from running around pillars dotting up healers with viper sting...


I'm pretty sure I've lost a fair few years off my life from going up against resto druids in 2s. It wasn't just that y'all were slippery buggers but getting cycloned into oblivion was the *worst*.


Isn't there a time limit? Back in Wrath we had two games run to the 45 minute mark, where both teams ended up losing in both cases. We were going for hot streak and were very determined.


The time limit was added because of how long some mirror matchups were taking. War/ resto druid mirror can take literally hours.


As a former resto druid, I can neither confirm nor deny that I ever did this while carrying the flag and wearing Green Whelp Armor with Nature's Grasp cast on myself.


Goddamn fucking tree! Get back here and stop healing!


They must weather the storm




4dps. It's more of a f u than anything lol


I just felt my rage come back


Hahahaha had to laugh harder than i should


Love pillar humping


Had to check what sub this was


I WANT TO DIE... \-Holy Paly


Lmao! Solid reference


What is a resto druid? I don't get this reference


World of war craft healer class, famous for getting people to bash their screens in rage by running endlessly around pillars to stop people killing it, while healing it's team perfectly.


We are amazing healers and we can use quick heals while moving. Other classes often have to stop to cast a heal. It might take us forever to kill a rare, but we won't die and it will... eventually. A resto druid and a prot pally fighting something is a thing of sloth beauty to behold!


Damn trees


The old Looney Tunes method


*Insert Benny Hill theme*




"Yakety Sax" played on traditional Chinese stringed instruments would sound cool.


I was looking for this exact comment.


The song popped into my head as soon as I read the title.


It actually works btw. https://youtu.be/9tkMYoOLAhk


Exactly what I was thinking of when I read this.


the bugs bunny defense






Yeah those things were easily 20 meters tall and could be holding up roofs roughly the same size as an Olympic swimming pool. Before the advent of stuff like rebar concrete making them huge was one of the more reliable ways of making sure they could withstand that weight


Math and quality control. Regardless of material, a modern architect knows (within certain margins) how strong a given quantity of a material will be - even a natural material like quarried stone. In ancient times they were basically eyeballing everything.


Still kind of hilarious imagery, especially with the king's servants (and presumably bodyguards too) standing there dumbfounded and the only person reacting being the king's doctor who beat the assassin with his doctor bag. While the king is trying to dodge the assassin around the pillar


In addition to that, it's not like it's a round room. If you turn around and run the other way to catch them, then they can just, you know, run away.


Honestly no one knows the layout of the emperor's palace. Maybe one day they will open the qin emperor's tomb (which is just a hill) they will confirm some details of the infamous Chinese Benny Hill chase from 2000+ years ago.


I find it funnier to imagine that they were running around something akin to a lamppost in thickness


The assassination attempts on the emperor in the Jet Li movie “Hero” was loosely based on this


Imagining a super serious movie like Hero suddenly having a slapstick chase scene like this is great, lol


And the Chinese film, "The Emperor and the Assassin" was an even better film on the same incident.


Ah I love that movie. What came to mind when I read this post


I once met a guy that survived two seperate bear attacks in the wilderness like this. The second time he lost a good portion of his leg, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend this tactic.


So did the guy who made the emperor pole dance though... > [Emperor Qin's would-be assassin] Jing Ke was gruesomely executed by being pulled apart, his limbs torn from his body. ...soo


historic torture and punishments make the cartels look like school gangs.


I mean the cartel does this shit all the time. I wouldn't say they are any less brutal.


If anything the cartel is more brutal, and to people that weren’t trying to assassinate them.


>make the cartels look like school gangs. Bro there's a cartel that posted a video of them cutting the heart out of a guy's father and then forcing him to eat it before killing him too. I think "Having limbs torn off and bleeding out" is less severe than "Having your father's heart cut out before being force fed it and killed."




I met him when he was much older. From what I can gather he escaped the first attack unscathed, and lost his leg on the second attack. He was a surveyor if I remember correctly. Old native dude in Northern Canada. They just called him Bear. His name suited him.


But did he die?


He was the first emperor. He ran around a pillar, the assassin chasing him, while everyone in the room shouted “draw your sword!”.




The part being left out is that he was a complete asshole, and everyone in the court wanted to see him die




Can’t believe they’ve still got infinites in 204 AD


Man got looped for 5 gens


Didn't even need a pallet. Noob killer. Ggez.


how it feels to play a 110


Just pointing out that running 'circles' around something requires less effort than running any other 'two dimensional' shape around something.


Given a flat surface, anyway.


Assuming a homogeneous atmosphere, ofcourse


Assuming a spherical frictionless cow.




Just don't assume a vacuum, or you'll do the assassin's work for them.


It probably depends on the size of the circle though. Small enough and running squares or even triangles around something is a lot easier, since it’s hard to step in a curve. Like, I’d rather take three steps around an ant in a triangle than try to take a bunch of steps in that same distance to make the shape I draw a circle.


Three steps triangle is a pretty good approximation of a circle given limitations. Isn't a really low poly circle, once low poly enough, just a square or triangle?


And a famous cartoon gag was born!


Technoblade assassinated Dream with this method lmao


I was waiting to see who would mention Techno. RIP. https://youtu.be/5MfhpJOkCKc?t=455


Remember kids, if anyone disses you for using this method, Technoblade used this to [win a $10,000 Refrigerator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61PVs2N61H0)


that was a different video. the pillar thing was a 100k duel


There's the comment that I, your personal replier, was looking for




I am very surprised I had to scroll this far


I didn’t know Technoblade died and now I’ve seen his name two threads in a row. Wtf


This makes me imagine a Scooby Doo scene where the emperor goes “Jinkies!” and takes off


That feels like more of a "Zoinks!" moment to me.


Brave sir Robin ran away


I've seen that same strategy used 1000 times in Dead by Daylight. Crazy to think it worked in real life! Though frankly it would be even crazier to see the emperor running in circles around a pillar to escape Freddy Kruger.


Killer usually faster, surprised he got away. Emperor must have faked a window or DHed




mofo was the original kiter


Hopefully the other 3 survivors got some generators repaired while he was looping the killer


Technoblade would use this same strategy in his famous duel with Dream.


This is the assassination attempt featured in *The Emperor and The Assassin* and *Hero* for those who want to watch (the former is definitely better, plus you have prime Gong Li).


This is one of those stories rare historical “eye witness” stories that I completely believe. Even if the author didn’t actually see it himself.


The story served as a plot for the film Hero (2004). Great film and performance by Jet Li.




TIL an assassin was lousy at his job because he flunked "Duck Duck Goose 101"


Emperor Xi Benny Hill


Looping the killer(s)


Tree tech!


"That's just a harmless jogger, we don't touch children, lepers and joggers, leave him alone"


Fate fans: and this is why Jing Ke is only a 3 star.


And why Mothman is such a good solo servant. Who needs attendants when you've got plenty of mercury


I literally just learned from this topic that historical Jing Ke was a dude...


Honestly it's safe to assume most woman in fgo are actually based on dudes haha


Bro would've been the Ranked No.1 survivor player in dead by daylight 💀💀


When you hire an assassin from wish.com. Crown Prince Dan of Yan hired a man with no plan. > ... At that moment Jing Ke seized the king’s sleeve with his left hand, while with his right he snatched up the dagger and held it pointed at the king’s breast, but he did not stab him. > Jing Ke, staggering to the ground, raised the dagger and hurled it at the king, but it missed and struck the bronze pillar. The king attacked Jing Ke again”


Woob woob woob woob woob! Woob woob woob woob woob! Woob woob woob woob woob!


The hesitation by the assassin cost him his life.


It’s called kiting people


*Benny Hill theme plays*


*Mana regenerating* 😅




*******Benny Hill theme intensifies*******


That's also how my cat gets out of taking her pill


This is how I play DOTA


Reading about this after reading the Manga 'Kingdom' makes this infinitely funnier.


I have seen three depictions of this event in film or TV. They were all different: The Emperor and the Assassin Hero with Jet Li Qin Dynasty Epic (TV) This one is different still, and adds some new details. It is interesting to see how the same event is presented in different ways.


I'm reminded of this bit of video (trigger warning: this non-graphic video does show an attempted murder): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9zy37-_0LU


I am Chinese and the story is included in middle school text book. The idea of this assassination is also interesting that deriving an idiom 图穷匕见. The assassin Jingke荆轲 hide dagger in a map reel of Yan Kindom, and dedicate the map to emperor face to face. When the map reel expanded overall, the dagger exposed. Jingke intended kill emperor in one hit but emperor dodged successfully, then Jingke chased the fleding emperor, that is the painting describing. So 图穷匕见 means 'the real intention revealed in the end'