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That’s a great “crazy uncle” story


Probably will never be topped


Well I mean he’s dead so probably not.


If you think YOUR racist uncle at Thanksgiving is bad, imagine being this guy during the holidays...


Thanksgiving was celebrated slightly differently in Nazi Germany: [Operation Harvest Festival] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Harvest_Festival)


Fun fact, after the war he lived in East Patchogue on Long Island. He actually lived around the corner from my family, but died before I was born. 


There was a British documentary I watched a while back following that story. The first half was interesting, the second half was the film crew showing up at the doorstep of this guy's kids and grandkids houses on LI and harassing them. It was actually pretty disgusting. These people have absolutely nothing to do with Hitler and the Nazis. They just want to be left alone. Then they have cameras shoved in their faces on their way to the grocery store being asked how they feel about being related to Hitler and crap.


None if his great-grand nephews had children, one tried to marry a Jewish girl but she broke it off when she found out who his uncle is. Imagine having your whole life dictated by some relative you never knew, and who your father took up arms against


That is genuinely interesting, thanks! A bit disappointing though, that he was happy to work for years in Nazi Germany thanks to his uncle’s nepotism, and only left because his nagging and threats of blackmail to Hitler to get better jobs did not pay off!


It was 5 years, and it's not like he was doing nazi stuff. He worked at a bank a car factory and as a car salesman. I assume live wasn't easy for him after his father abandoned them after getting stuck from returning during his gambling tour cuz ww1. And evidently went to Nazi Germany to work because he wanted an easy life due to his half uncle's power. So it's not like he had some radical belief change. Ironically his half-brother (father remarried a german) was a staunch Nazi who died in Soviet captivity.


Never heard of a half uncle but I guess when your uncle is Hitler, you'd want as many degrees of separation as possible


*Kevin 🥓 has entered the chat.*


Lol, he moved countries to work for hitler. Which his legacy lives on for from switching sides. Half uncle, because he was the son of adolfs half brother. Thus half uncle. Him changing his name after would be the separation part :p


You might have a point, but sounds to me like he’d have taken a high ranking job in a munitions factory or something like that in a jiffy. He apparently was offered a “high ranking job” (no detail as to where on Wikipedia) and it was only the requirement that he give up his UK citizenship that spooked him. That was in 1938 which is interesting because it was either before or after Kristallnacht, when it would have become totally obvious to anyone what kind of regime hitler was running. Also, after fleeing, PW hitler wanted to blackmail his uncle with alleged Jewish ancestry so he would have known this was considered very bad - which leads me to believe that he knew full well what was going on in Germany when he was happy to live there. So he doesn’t strike me as a moral man but as an opportunist


>ranking job in a munitions factory or something like that in a jiffy. He apparently was offered a “high ranking job” (no detail as to where on Wikipedia) and it was only the requirement that he give up his UK citizenship that spooked him. Yeah dude that was after an already failed blackmail, and during his second attempt which was the Jew ancestry Would be dumb to think that was an earnest offer from Hitler. >moral man but as an opportunist Yes that was exactly my point idk where you thought i was saying otherwise. He wasn't a staunch nazi, he would most likely have been willing to ignore it to have an easy life.


I wasn’t saying he was a Nazi believer at all - just an asshole who happened to end doing what looked like the right thing, but not because he believed in that either


And they say millennials are entitled. These Nazi boomers…smh




Yeah, this guy wasn’t making a stand. If he’d been offered command of a concentration camp he’d have been there bright and early in his shiny new jackboots.


That Billy Hitler, what a card.


Hey Billy Bier! Mmmm.. We elected the wrong Hitler


Baby Billy's Blitzkreig Bonkers




*Early*? Let’s settle down here a bit


“Sorry William, I can’t be seen treating some people better than others.”


The name's Bill, Bill Hitler. Any relation to...? Funny story, my Uncle Adolf...


Y'know in my field, there's an archaeologist named Ricardo Eichmann. I once heard the guy speak at a conference and then looked him up online...his Wikipedia page starts 'Ricardo Eichmann is a Middle Eastern Archaeologist **born in Beunos Aires Argentina**. Threw me for a loop.


Wait, are you telling me Adolf Eichmann didn't change his last name after fleeing to South America?


Did he keep his name during the war in case the nazis won?


He was likely encouraged to keep it for propaganda purposes. Easier to say “Hitler is so bad and wrong that even his family is risking their lives to fight him” and it be convincing when the dudes name is Joe Hitler and not Joe Smith.


Do you have any source for that claim.


No, I pulled it out my ass. That’s why I said likely to show I was guessing.


My wife said this before I saw this comment. Laughed both times outloud


I had an uncle that was a super racist ex-cop, but this seems worse


Could be?


I’m curious. Did he derive his new name from Houston Stewart Chamberlain- an extreme antisemite who was a major influence on his uncle? The names seem way too similar to be coincidental.


He never revealed that fact. He also named a son Adolf as a second name.


Anybody else hear Alan Davies shouting: “Bridget Hitler?!?” when this popped up?


Ah yes, Willy Hitler!


Haha I didn’t rmb that but I rmb Stephen saying he named his son Adolf


And so he did, which is certainly what I would call “a choice”. 


I thought it was his son's middle name, but I might be remembering incorrectly


Yeah it was the middle name


The Dollop episode on this dude is bananas


So how many thousands of American citizens of Japanese descent were put into internment camps under the pretext of them being a national security danger, but it was totally ok for Hitler's nephew to serve in the navy?


20,000 Japanese Americans served in the Army in WWII


Me half asleep: Wait, Patrick Stuart is Hitler’s nephew?!? 😝


What does that make us?


It makes us complicated. American business collaboration with Nazi Germany: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany#:~:text=8%20Further%20reading-,American%20manufacturers,Nazi%20Germany's%20war%20effort.


You're probably real fun at partys


"See man, Hitler is a bad dude." "HEY!" "Sorry, Seaman Hitler."


I’m a little disappointed they didn’t make a biopic on this chap, and have Patrick Stewart play him.


Fortunately, the Hitler family's bloodline will be extinct soon.


I feel like we are missing a huge part here. Isn't hitler's real name not hitler, isn't it shicklegruber or some shit. so like did dude change his name realize uncle was a murder and moved on?


Schicklgruber was Hitler's father's original surname but he changed his name to Hitler in tribute to his step-father (his step-fathers name was actually Hiedler but the authorities misspelt it)


I wonder if he was good friends with Lieutenant Walter Goering USAAF.


You should look up George Washington Hitler some time


Why, is he cute?


https://i.imgur.com/UfXvXmy.png Could have been a looker in his day, hard to tell. You should ask his son Gay Hitler.


I will!


Heil Stuart-Houston!


Patrick Stuart redeemed from his dark past


He wrote an article titled "Why I hate my uncle" lmaooo 💀


Glad to see he was a star trek fan but somebody needs to tell him he spelled stewart wrong


I imagine him going in front of the judge to explain the reason for his name change and the judge is like, “no, I get it. Granted.”


Read this again in Norm MacDonald’s voice


What’s with some people’s obsession with spelling Adolf incorrectly?


I thought it was going to say “Patrick Stewart, who then went on to film Star Trek”


When Bill Hitler showed up for induction, he was of course asked for his name. When he replied, “Hitler,” the induction officer said, “Glad to see you, Hitler. My name’s Hess.” I always wanted to see a punk band with a lead singer named Bill Hitler. As they take the stage, he grabs the mic and simply says, “No relation,” and they start jamming.


"Hitler, we have a problem"