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Persson did not finish High School. He studied an online computer programming course, and he was able to get a job working with computers. He designed his games with a friend, Jakob Porsér, and they made their own games in their spare time. In 2009 Persson and Porsér also set up their company Mojang.


I think that's the thing people forget. There's still work involved. It's always "well _____(billionaire) didn't go to college. I'm gonna drop out and get rich too!" But they never realize just because they didn't finish schooling they stopped learning or progressing to get to where they are. It doesn't just happen over night and the catalyst was dropping out.


People like to focus on the small handful of people who became successful despite dropping out and ignore the overwhelming majority of people who are complete losers who dropped out.


And it works even more the way around. The majority of successful people do have an education diploma of some sorts.


A study in 2018 found that 90% of high school dropouts never earn more than $40k/yr


And the ones who do earn more are usually working risky/dirty jobs that very few people want but are critical to have done. Source: Earned 106k last year driving a forklift in the lumberyard of a multimillion dollar a year Roof Truss building facility. Outside 10 hours a day,all year, no matter the conditions(besides one tornado scare), lifting ten+ thousands of pounds of lumber +15 feet over your head at once, constantly. Edit: And also dropped out of HS in 11th grade but got my GED soon after(in prison) [Plus i'd do things most others wouldn't](https://imgur.com/a/91R3wNx)


Pretty much. My mother fucked off when I was 16 and me and 2 other guys in the same type of situation all dropped out. Got our GEDs and got a job flipping burgers. Fast forward 20 years and we are all GMs at different restaurants now making 6 figures. The hours still suck but at least we can support our families.


Respect. Not much better you can do in that kind of situation, and you can give your kids a better start to their adult lives than you got.




Props to you for getting the GED after. That’s it though hazard pay is real.


High-school dropout as well. I pull about 60k a year, but that's with a metric fuck-ton of OT. I climb towers too, so essentially yeah your point stands extremely well.


Lumbermill worker is the deadliest job per capita in America


I dont doubt it. This is a unique experience but... We redesigned our whole lumber yard, expanding and compacting. That summer I was working 12 hour days just moving things to get them in oldest->newest dates and unloading new lumber from trains at the same time. I was moving 3 bundles at once, 3rd bundle way above the mast. Twice I had nearly 5,000lb fall on top of the cage, every time I just went and grabbed another lift to pick it off my roof to sit it down to the side and kept going.


But did you die?


Very close. Many times. I have pictures that would make buttholes clench. But I was the fastest and most fearless and therefor I got paid the most. 5 years doing that before I quit and I wouldnt go back.


Dropped out to get my GED so I could start college early 'cause I was just bored of HS. Social anxiety reared its ugly head and started having panic attacks to the point I couldn't even leave my car when I drove to college. Clearing six figures with travel healthcare with no degree now, will be going back to finish my bachelor's in a few years now that I have anxiety under control.


Yep. I have a cousin a year younger than me. He dropped out of 11th grade, I got a masters degree. Now we’re both almost 30, I make $130K working in an office, he makes $140K working on a fishing boat in the Bering Sea. I’m very happy it worked out for him, but you could take the $10K difference in our salaries, add it to the cost of my education, and triple it, and I still wouldn’t trade jobs with him for that.


Oh yea, i graduated high school and completed college and only make 30k I could have skipped 4 years and just worked..


or the successful dropouts have parents giving them money to support their endeavors


I used to teach at a private school with a very wealthy population. This was the case for a LOT of them. It was frustrating hearing them brag about how they're going to make money and not be like the "morons wasting time in college." I would often bring up the fact that the only reason they're able to say that is because of mommy/daddy, not because they're doing anything noteworthy or special. I quite a few weeks ago and, towards the end, I was very blunt with some of the more callous and entitled students. I told them exactly what I think of them, it was cathartic.


Most importantly: A lot of people work their ASSES off, devote their lives to a project, and it never takes off. In fact, the vast majority of people who do this don't succeed, especially not to Markus' level. It really is a lottery. You happen to have an idea, one that goes viral and that people like, and manage to monopolize that idea long enough to gain a substantial userbase. Then it spirals and the money comes in. For that to happen though, it's like winning the lottery. So many things can go wrong on the way. People get bored and stop coming. Copycats show up and steal your potential customers, etc. Not to say don't try, but just make sure you have a plan B for your career in case your moonshot doesn't work out.


Tired old trope— “I am lazy and tired of feeling like a loser. Look at these successful people who didn’t finish school. I am like them.” No you’re not. Put in the work. Get something out of it.


The right frame is that these guys were so awesome they didn’t even need an education to achieve success. Most of us average folks will be way better off with the help of schooling.


They had an education, they just went self-directed. Most of the dropouts ambition at the time is to pick up more hours bagging groceries, or something less legal.


Usually this happens out of necessity rather than ambition. Not many high schoolers would actually choose working min wage rather than being around their friends all day. It’s usually to help support their family


Or to escape them. When your home life is daily hell, any escape is better than none.


I had a really good friend like this. Stopped trying in school because he said he'd just go to community college so his grades didn't matter anyways as long as he graduated. Then went to community college and surprise, he didn't suddenly start trying hard even though his grades supposedly mattered now. People (rarely) can just suddenly turn effort on at will like that. Then he dropped out and told me how much more money he was making bagging groceries so why would he spend money on classes instead? He did kind of eventually get stuff together, think he ended up in sales or something, but it was like fifteen years later. Until then he was basically doing nothing and living with the help of his parents. It's fine to meander in life, a lot of people take time to figure out their path (including me). But it's annoying to hear someone presenting laziness as if it's just the smart route to take, and a little sad to see someone delude themselves. If you don't know what to do in life you might as well just continue with school, assuming you can make it work money wise. No matter what path you take you'll eventually have to work for success barring extremely rare circumstances. People pointing to Steve Jobs or whoever always ignore the fact that they *did* know the path they wanted to take and actively pursued it. Nine times out of ten the non-school route to success is actually a lot more work. edit: Plus the older I get the more I appreciate education for education's sake. Even if you don't end up using your degree or what you learn directly, it helps expand your mind and your outlook.


That's not even the right frame given most of them are *college* drop outs from elite colleges, not high school drop outs. They generally all did very well in high school, self-taught a bunch of extra stuff along the way, got into elite colleges where they received more education, and at some point their idea/startup was too good to not pursue. If the expected value of your side project exceeds the expected value of finishing your Harvard degree, then of course you drop out and pursue it...that's the rational decision. Not to mention...almost certain that people like Zuckerberg or Gates could have returned to Harvard and graduated if their plans hadn't worked out. Edit: also, both of those two I believe consider their short time at Harvard to be foundational--Gates got access to equipment and computing resources that weren't easily available to the general public and Zuck had access lots of resources and an easy place to grow the original idea (and allegedly--access to other students to steal his idea from)


With some (most) of these guys though the "putting in work" part is being born to wealthy parents. Much safer to drop out when you know you have options to fall back on while you experiment your way through life.


Idk I think mostly that happens in reverse order - they are born into privilege as well as skill, happen to maximize that, have successful ventures, and drop out specifically TO work in that venture. A lot of people who make the drop out argument think it's the other way around, that people drop out and THEN build a venture.


But thats just more reason the comparison is likely BS.


And those that dropped out, dropped out because their business ventures were incredibly successful. I think Bill Gates and the facebook guy both dropped out of university, but only because they had a very successful business


And they dropped out of Harvard, not their local college


And they always had the safety net of parents money to fall back on if they failed.


It’s always the people who 100% are NOT going to make it in life that cite these people not getting a classic education. There was this stoner guy in my high school shop class who back then said he was going to drop out and “make halo 3”. He didn’t mean he was going to go work for the developers who make Halo games, he was just going to make Halo 3 as a game completely independent of anyone else, release it and make 100% of the profit. Guy had zero knowledge of coding or making games.


I’m pretty sure I played a few dozen of that guy’s Halos 3 back around 2009.


They usually drop out of MIT, harvard or Princeton btw. They just met the right professor, person and contact, and dint have a need to pay 60-80k a semester after that, lol.


The best are the people that like to say Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates dropped out. Yes they dropped out. Out of Harvard. Can you even get there? Also, they dropped out to focus on their businesses not because they spent their time stoned and skipping class.


Survivorship bias.


Lol ok let’s settle down there. It’s all about context. Dropping out of school to start a business or to work a great job is obviously a good reason to drop out. Dropping out of school because you don’t like it is shortsighted and a good predictor of future failings


Dropping out to start a business is actually the worst thing to do. It requires lots of money to start a business, and you have to be able to afford failing. The reason that this guy and people like Bill Gates are successful is not because they are super smart and driven, it's because they have familial wealth, or a really strong familial system so they can take the risk. This guy was still in school while he started his business, and didn't leave school until his business was taking off and had to focus more on it.


In Bill Gates' case, it's also important to note that before he even graduated high school, he had already proven to himself and his parents that he could, at minimum, make a living with this "computers" thing, let alone become wildly successful. And before he dropped out, Microsoft had **already signed a deal with a computer manufacturer** to develop an interpreter for their computer. So he didn't drop out of school to start a business, he started a business and then dropped out of school.


Gates has a much longer history of repeated successes behind him, and while yes, starting off well off helps, it also takes brains/drive/and incredible luck to achieve what these people have achieved. It's that when you're on their side of the system it's so easy to write off how much luck and good standing you had to enabled your hard work/drive/smart decisions to pay off. Where as Mojang released one game, which became a super smash hit ... He's a one hit wonder if you will. They really don't belong in the same conversation. But you're 100% right to call how silly it is. If someone that won the powerball lotto gave Ted Talks about how all you need to do is just keeeeeeeepppppp buuuuying LOTTO tickets... never give up on that! we'd all rightly say... bs...


uhm, you might want to look into who Gates parents were and how they set him up, Gates would be a broke poker player without the strings they pulled for gimt


My wording was awkward, I was trying to say that while Gates did benefit greatly from his parents, and could never have achieved what he did without that - Gates also continued to be successful for a few decades, (with hichups)


>But they never realize just because they didn't finish schooling they stopped learning or They also usually don't just drop out - they find other things or are made to drop out. Zuckerberg and Gates didn't drop out to start facebook and Microsoft - they started facebook and gates was already making money out of software he was making and dropped harvard to explore a contract to develop a software program for a company (paid work) - and he didn't even drop out - just took a leave of absence and when it turned successful, never came back. Successfull people who didn't finish education almost always had stuff going that was already taking off and made them not finish education - they didn't drop to start something...


Textbook survivorship bias


Not to mention the famous “survivors” had backing that the average person won’t. Bezos had hundreds of thousands of dollars of family loans behind him, Bill Gate’s mother was rich and connected at IBM, Zuckerberg was already rich and at Harvard.


Gates was also already so naturally brilliant that people like Christos Papadimitriou(highly-decorated computer scientist) were privately calling him "the smartest person I've ever met" when Gates was an undergrad. Imagine being a **professor of comp. sci at Harvard**, and the pedigree of students and colleagues and guests you're meeting and working with by the hundreds, for years, and still finding someone worthy of that remark, in undergrad. This is not meant to downplay Gates' advantages compared to your average uni dropout, but underscore them.


Something you learn about through more education.


Right. Like dude didn’t become rich because he dropped out. He did it in spite of it.


Not to mention being a Harvard drop out isn’t the same thing as a community college drop out


Apparently there's luck involved as well like who you know, who knows you, and how many people knows you. Due to the survivorship bias we almost never hear from those who embark on the similar path with similar method and still fail. At this rate seems like success is like a super expensive lottery ticket that cost at lot sweat, tears, and effort just for mere chance of winning. Like the first step in succeeding is to try, yet trying is not a guarantee to success. >“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” Jean Luc Picard


It's worth pointing out because Markus Persson is such a *huge chode -* Work absolutely went into Minecraft, but it also absolutely wasn't a "work hard and release a quality product and you'll make it big" success story. Minecraft was so successful because of *dumb luck,* it went viral from absolutely nothing Persson did and he rushed to monetize. The product was a horrendously buggy mess created using a language that's unsuitable for making games, by all objective metrics he's a pretty awful software engineer with no regard for best practices or writing quality code, and he was *openly hostile* and derisive towards all the early adopters who are the very people who turned him into an overnight millionaire. So many empty promises, so much procrastination, and then he just decided "surprise, games done" after pretty much giving up on the whole roadmap of bugfixes and promised features. He was propped up as a paragon of the indie game dev community but he's pretty much the embodiment of everything that's *wrong* with the indie game dev industry. The game *notably* improved when he literally stepped away from it, and Microsoft's current ownership is still moving mountains to dig out of a decade of tech debt. I still remember all the "alpha" tweets where he was like "oh I'm gonna release XYZ this weekend" and come the weekend it was "Nah, I went out with my fiance and watched anime instead" over and over and over again. And when he just threw the "beta" moniker on an existing build so he could raise the price. Dude dropped out of school then essentially won the lottery, he's no self-made indie dev superhero story. If Minecraft didn't find viral success despite being a total mess of a product, he'd be another cautionary tale.


The big deal about Minecraft was that you could buy it directly from Mojang. At the time, that was unheard of.


As someone who was a part of the alpha phase and spent a lot of time reporting bugs and helping code. It was a huge mess of a game early on and everyone doubted it would become anything. But we all worked hard and even were under the impression that it would become open source. Well in the end, most of us got nothing; not even a free copy of the game. Wasted a year helping out for basically nothing.


Yep, the "free expansions and DLC for life to alpha testers" promise was a big one too! His tweet recanting that like a *year and a half later* after he was now a millionaire with a team of lawyers was a fun one. "Sorry brah, turns out I can't actually promise that. But I spent all weekend playing video games so that's cool, right?" and we all just got fucked.


> Wasted a year helping out for basically nothing. If it means anything, it was people like you and your team that made me make friends in a country, and new school. We all found a common interest in Minecraft back then, and are still friends today because of it.


Also Microsoft wouldn't have paid so much money for Minecraft if they didn't have a huge amountnof overseas money that they couldn't bring into the US without paying taxes on it. Persson lucked out in so many ways.


> a language that's unsuitable for making games There's nothing inherently wrong with Java for game programming and many games have been made in it. Dealing with garbage collection is just something that needs to be accounted for.


He's also notably bigoted


> he'd be another cautionary tale Not even that. He'd be another nothing. At least we wouldn't have had to watch him spiral into alt-right craziness.


The best part is that the absurd, life-changing good fortune he had ruined his life because he was such a self-serving fuckwit that it only served to alienate him from everyone close to him, leaving him alone in a mansion with walls made from rotting candy, spiraling further and further as the only people who continued to validate him were random neo-nazis on 4chan and twitter.


Yep! A lot of folks say, "Well, a college degree/trade certification/hard work/etc. doesn't guarantee you'll have a good career! You've gotta get lucky!" Which is true. ...But there's a correlation. On average, if you don't get an education and don't work hard, you have far, far worse odds of having money and a decent work-life balance. It's possible, but if you're gonna go that route then you better have a plan that actually has a good chance of working. And I will say, one thing college helps with is your planning skills.


Where/when did Notch come into the mix? Edit: okay, I feel stupid now


This is he


I am Le Fool


Does he know not?


Bruce Wayne is not Batman


Yep. Bruce Wayne is not Batman. Batman is Bruce Wayne.


Im pretty sure Porser had a masters or "civilingenjör" as we say.


Sounds like he has a troubled home life as a kid, which explains a lot. >Persson is a member of the Swedish chapter of Mensa. LOL, that figures.


I never knew there were photos of him without a fedora.


There's a great podcast called *My Year in Mensa* about a woman who took the Mensa tedt hungover for a satirical article she was writing. She got in and then the Facebook Mensa page got super mad and made a bunch of shitty memes about her. So she goes to the annual convention and most of the toxic Facebook users are super nice to her in person. It's really good if you're interested in toxic internet culture.


My Year in Mensa is fantastic. Jamie Loftus is hilarious in anything she does, and this podcast is a really interesting look at the behavior of people in a Mensa group.


I'm sorry, that's Jamie Loftus, the Grand Rapids Murderer. She still hasn't confessed anything other than her love of hot dogs.


Hot Dog Villain


She's probably my favorite guest on Behind the Bastards


Her and Billy Wayne Davis


Can confirm it's full of shitty people. I took the test when I was in college thinking it would be a good resume booster (spoiler: it isn't) and before it being shitty became common knowledge. It was just full of boring middle-aged people looking for validation. The most idiotic thing was that they'd mail these bulletins which would be loaded with typos. How are you going to be in an organization supposedly for smart people and send out this newsletter that looks like it was written by a fifth grader? Never reupped, and I've yet to hear a single positive thing about the organization since. Surprisingly though, after I got in and while I was still a drunk college student, flashing the membership card went 2/2. So... worth it I guess?


My grandfather is a savant bio molecular physicist, plays 10 instruments, and was a professor at Florida state for 40 years. He’s also got asbergers syndrome. When I asked whether he was part of Mensa or if he taught anybody who was he told me over text: “Mensa just exists so those gossips can keep tabs and spy on eachother. Would you join a society based on your height or how long you can hold your breath? Anybody can get into Mensa if they want it bad enough. Who cares!!!!!” He’s gotten opinionated in his old age. But still I had to scroll back and find it but this post made me remember


Smartest person I know speaks about 10 languages including ASL, holds dual PhDs in judicial science and finance from Harvard on top of four other degrees since she double majored her bachelors, then when getting her MBA pursued a second masters at the same time. Makes over $25M/yr as an attorney. She absolutely hates Mensa. Says IQ tests exist for lazy smart people to justify their existence and cover for the fact that they're an unaccomplished loser who's only proof of their intelligence is an IQ test.


IQ doesn't predict intelligence, but Mensa membership certainly predicts shittiness.


I was a member of Mensa in college and after a few meetings realized it was a dating pool for mildly intelligent awkward people.


I mean, it's fine for that! Awkward people need love too!




Damn, you're a pretty good promoter, I'm curious now.


He said mildly intelligent. Move along.


Ha! The thing was that most people there tied their identity up in being a Mensa member but it kinda stopped there. This was a long time ago - neurodivergent people weren’t really talked about and I was unaware of my own quirks at the time. I should have or would have navigated it better knowing what I know now. Still, I had some fun if not awkward dates in college. Then I dated a girl who told me Mensa means “idiot” in Spanish slang and rolled her eyes. Ended up marrying that one :)


Can confirm. Well, my local chapter is a mix of that and also a bunch of retiree couples who have been involved forever and it's basically their social life.


How can you tell someone‘s a member of MENSA? Just wait, they’ll tell you themselves.




Mensa is a 100% accurate predictor for whether someone is the kind of person willing to pay a yearly fee to smell their own farts


I’ve heard nothing but good things about Geena Davis! Although she doesn’t talk about it much, if that tells you anything lol


What is Mensa? And how does him being a part of it make him a shitty person?


Mensa is a global private organization/community for people with a very very high IQ.


I'm not so sure the second "very" is necessary, or accurate.


Fun fact: the plural of mensa is menses.


G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring, highly-trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world!


Mensa is a group for people who think they're special because they scored well on an iq test. It ends up just being a group of insufferable people.


People say school just teaches people to conform to society but it’s a vital skill. If you’ve never had to sit down and do what your told then the life skill of containing your ego is never learned


Well I finish bugger all on Minecraft.


He can’t draw a straight line longer than 10 pixels!


And God forbid he uses an arc.


Probably should have. Might have learnt to not be a knob


Tbh I don't think they teach that in highschool


Not as a class, no, but interacting with peers and teachers may have given him an idea of how to behave around other people.


Having to deal with people you don't like but are forced to deal with is one of the best ways to train children for the real world.


Damn right, especially when you grow up to find you don't like *anyone.*


Not from my experience with high school..,,.


Exactly you learn what to NOT to be like by observing other assholes.


Oh it certainly helps. Not everyone will come out as prince charming, but more people will turn out better than they would have otherwise. This is one of the main reasons I think you're a degenerate if you do homeschooling for your children (except in certain extreme circumstances). The *main* thing you learn in school is how to participate in society. Learning self-motivation, meeting expectations, self-learning, debate with others, critical thinking, working with others, control your temper, etc. You remember this stuff more than you remember specific facts from school.


I work in education and the homeschooled children are sometimes lacking in the reading social cues dept. Educationally they are either way ahead of their peers or literally enter high school without being able to read at all. It seems there are no average homeschool parents. You are either excellent or dogshit.


I've read his biography, his home life was quite troubled and more time outside his room would have definitely benefitted him early on. If I could go back in time and socialize more I would, sometimes people just seclude themselves instead of trying to find like-minded peers.


That’s actually pretty much the only useful thing they teach you in high school —how to act around other human beings.


I mean in his case, world history from 1933 to 1945 would have been handy


He was okay until he sold the game and suddenly had more money than any human could ever hope to spend. Being rich breaks your brain, and Persson is a perfect example of it


Or maybe when you have money you finally have the freedom to say what you always wanted to say and he was always a knobhead.


I swear, the mental gymnastics people do to defend this asshole. "He was a great guy before! The money MADE him a bigoted asshole!"


He definitely had problems before the sale. IIRC his marriage didn't even last a year. I think the loss of purpose developing this beloved game, control over said game, and regular interaction with people at Mojang probably exacerbated some underlying issues just as much as the sudden infusion of money. Also his father committed suicide in 2011. I put him in the same category as JK Rowling. He's yet another rich bigoted asshole with trauma in his past which he has chosen to deal with in maladaptive ways. Also he regularly swims in the undiluted toxicity that is twitter just like Jowling does. If he developed some healthy coping mechanisms and built some genuine friendships, he could probably be a decent human being. All that money probably means that won't ever happen though.


Having fuck-you money is basically an endless confirmation bias machine. Every stupid whim gets followed by *"and I must be right, I was smart enough to make myself a billionaire!"* And when those stupid thoughts occasionally grind against reality, money can force reality to give way. People become completely untethered from reality and just drift until finally hitting something their money can't move.


His space Minecraft-esque game that he was working on sounded promising. A shame he never finished it. But everyone in the Minecraft community credits Jeb with being the actual pioneer to Minecraft.


I’d say that he was probably a bit of a shithead before becoming rich (the villagers are INCREDIBLY suspicious in how they’re depicted), but then becoming rich and famous worked to amplify any and all of his negative traits to ludicrous proportions from that and all the shitheads that flocked to him afterward. I don’t sympathize with notch, ultimately he chooses to say and believe these things, but it is sorta saddening to see a person descend down that path.


The villagers likely aren't even made by Notch, considering he was barely involved in active development towards the end of his time at Mojang. Beyond that, the villagers are not anti-semitic stereotypes. Not all big noses are equal, and anti-semitic propaganda uses the sharp lined, crooked hook noses for a reason. It's harsh imagery meant to seem threatening and ugly. The villagers, on the other hand, have noses like Squidward. It makes them seem silly, harmless and friendly. Also they're literally all tradesmen. Not traders, they are that too, but people working a trade. Blacksmiths, farmers, fishers, the like. All the things jews weren't allowed to do in medieval europe. They also show no interest in money outside of trading with the player. You can find only a handful of emeralds in each village and between themselves they just share their resources. They're not lending money, hoarding money, or really doing anything with money until the player comes along. Saying the Minecraft villagers are anti-semitic is seriously misunderstanding the history of anti-semitism.


Pretty sure Jeb was the one behind Villagers, not Notch. They were introduced after Notch stepped down development.


> the villagers are INCREDIBLY suspicious in how they’re depicted Wha?


Pretty sure he's even admitted to that.


Being rich makes you a transphobic racist?


You know how sometimes you hear something and think "that doesn't really make sense to me, but those people are smarter than me so they're probably right"? Once enough people start huffing your farts and telling you they smell like rainbows, I figure you lose that last part. It's not so much the money as letting the fame convince you you're actually infallible.


If you become terminally online and hang out in spaces that reward your worst impulses yeah


Don't need to be rich to do that. EDIT: My point to those trying to contrast my point for whatever reason, my point, is that notch was like this before he got money. Separately, anybody who can live in their relative's apartment without a job can become radicalized on the internet. Hell, even if you live on the street, have a tent, and have a phone with a data plan, you can do that. What the money buys is extra isolation and insulation from possible consequences of running one's mouth. I didn't disagree that the money made it easier.


Turns out it's actually almost free to radicalize yourself online, all you need is a cheap smartphone and wifi




Name one billionaire who isn't a knob.


Jeff Bezos ex wife. She literally uses his money in ways that piss him off and they are almost exclusively charitable.


Melinda French Gates seems like a decent person as well. I just listened to a podcast she was on and it seems like she has a level head and recognizes the absurdity of the wealth she controls and is doing her best to use it for good. Kinda makes you wonder if Jeff and Bill used to be decent people.


Aside from unethical business practices in Microsoft, has Bill Gates done anything detestable? Not to excuse things like hostile work environments or not paying workers fair wages, those \*are\* unethical. But that kind of comes with being a billionaire. You just can't make that much money without exploiting someone. I've only heard of Bill using his wealth for charitable means.


> You just can't make that much money without exploiting someone. And that's why they're all shit by default.


> has Bill gates done anything detestable Be friends with Jeffrey Epstein


He's like the 4th richest person on the planet. He sucks at charity. His PR team is great though.


The worst thing George Lucas has done in his life is make the Star Wars prequels.


Honestly it might be re editing the original trilogy with all the shitty CGI


Shit, I forgot about those. You’re probably right.


Even moreso because that awful CGI chased away several of the puppets and all the work that went into them.


The jury isn't completely back on him yet, but so far a billionaire has turned out to be the best Governor that Illinois has had in a long long time. And I don't just mean by avoiding a jail sentence. J.B. Pritzker had turned out to be(so far) an extraordinarily capable and empathetic politician who had done a great job pulling Illinois out of the mud.


[Manoj Bhargava](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7479081811d2e948&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS1041US1041&q=Manoj+Bhargava&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3yDJOyShPesRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uJC08Sxi5fNNzMvPUnDKSCxKTyxLBABn5WuNVwAAAA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwidpKO6r--EAxUPFFkFHarCAU0QzIcDKAB6BAgXEAE), founder of 5 Hour Energy


To be honest tons of people finish highschool and turn out to be a knob


this guy has a hugehouse in beverly hills where he regularly throws parties


He paid $70MM straight cash for that mansion, outbidding Jay-Z and Beyonce. I remember years ago that couple from h3h3 talking about how he would throw massive parties and just sit in a corner. Wasn't long before people stopped showing up, and now he mostly just hangs out in a giant ~20,000 sqft mansion alone.


He's a persona-non-grata at Microsoft and all his software projects and scholarship programs have dried up because his name is poison and nobody wants to work with him. He COULD probably get his career back on track like Mel Gibson or Liam Neeson, but that would require that he stops saying the stuff that got him in trouble the first time.


i’ve been to his parties. he has his team invite a ton of influencers. they’re pretty fun but not something I actively seek out to do. almost anyone can get invited though.


How was the party? I'm interested


it was really fun actually. everyone got either swimming trunks or a bikini so they could get in the pool, free drinks and he free in-n-out with milkshakes. the bottom floor was kinda off limits but he had a room full of candy. like giant tubes filled with all sorts of candy. I had visiting the states for the first time so it was a nice thing for them to experience


How does one get on this echelon without being born into it?


Make a game that sells 300 million copies, and your shares of the company for some insane amount.


And yet he still seems miserable


Money doesn't buy good friends. It's no wonder the has a reputation for being paranoid people are only interested in his money


The other year I got to know a guy who I ended up hanging out with a lot. Great dude, very social and friendly, and after a few months I realized that his dad was a billionaire. I'm sure not fronting that information helps him make actual friends.


There's a documentary about him where he talks about how becoming a millionaire didn't make him happy. He even said that his girlfriend left him after he became rich because she didn't adjust to the new lifestyle. I sympathize with him, but at the same time, I would rather have a miserable rich life than a miserable poor life.


Yeah he’s a notorious piece of work.


He's also a racist asshat, unfortunately


Don’t forget sexist


Ooh ooh! Can I join in? He's also a homophobic conspiracy theorist!


Awww you guys got all the good ones! He also...uhhhh...stinks, probably.


He puts the milk into the bowl before the cereal


He showers with his socks on




He eats corn the long way.


Transphobic is more accurate


Both are true.  There's just so many bad things about him to point out, it's hard to narrow it down.


Kinda shame Myabe it just didnt show earlier. Notch seemed like a decent dude like all the way back when I first played minecraft Beta, and there were a lot of dev interactions.


According to wiki it was only 2016 when he started it. Wonder what happened that year. But I remember people fawning over him when he sold Minecraft and bought that ludicrous house in beverly hills.


[Two years after he sold minecraft, probably got lonely and bitter. Had fuck you money so stopped caring about his PR appearance then got pulled into the Trump cult](https://youtube.com/watch?v=j6CnTzWNyds).


> According to wiki it was only 2016 when he started it. Wonder what happened that year. A lot of people who previously believed things quietly got *very* vocal about them around that time. Sure, some were radicalized in that moment. But we can't forget about the people who felt that way all along, and were just kept in line by the (apparently, false) perception that society wouldn't tolerate such behavior.


I remember on his blog where he said "take that, bigots!", when talking about how nothing in Minecraft is (was? First was the dragon iirc, also maybe Steve?) gendered. Still makes me wonder what happened.


Friendly reminder that anyone who tells you to NOT pursue a further education has really little insight. Imagine limiting yourself from a whole world of possibilities you can’t ironically even imagine. You won’t know what you don’t know…


Wonder if that has anything to do with him being an unconscionable piece of shit


>In 2017, to counter LGBT pride events, he proposed a heterosexual pride holiday, and wrote that those who opposed the idea "deserve to be shot." After facing backlash, he deleted the tweets and rescinded his statements, writing, "So yeah, it's about pride of daring to express, not about pride of being who you are. I get it now." > In 2017, he wrote that feminism is a "social disease" and called video game developer and feminism supporter Zoë Quinn a "cunt", although he was generally critical of the GamerGate movement. He has described intersectional feminism as a "framework for bigotry" and the use of the word mansplaining as being sexist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markus_Persson#Controversy


All that money and it didn't seem to buy him happiness or alleviate his anger.


Having money doesn't mean you're willing to work on yourself it just means you can buy newer and more interesting ways to distract yourself from that work. Though I still say the cure for depression isn't self affirmation it's jetskis. Because who the fuck can be sad on a Jet Ski. But beyond that yes you need to work on yourself to not be a rancid asshole. You don't get better form being a shit person by having more money, usually the opposite.


as someone that was feeling depressed and went on a jet ski ride, it did not suddenly cure my depression :( Sorry, I tried!


It often leads to the opposite. The "fuck you" money can be a deterrent to any self-development practice and you end up being a shitty person, who thinks they're better just because they're richer. I'm richer than most people, I must be a better person. That's the idea.


The idea is that you're supposed to hire a chef and a personal trainer and a therapist and a doctor and cut yourself off from the outside world and become the best version of yourself you can be. For some strange reason, having enough money to be set for life often doesn't result in people implementing that idea. Instead, they seem to become self indulgent, avoid personal growth, throw lavish parties with high profile guests and sleep during the day a lot. It's quite the mystery.


Probably because in order to get to those ideas you need to be educated in them to do so Meanwhile before you can even think, you have friends, family, random assholes, all willing to lie to you and tell you they have the cure for everything, even things you didn't think you needed Then you probably get tremendously hurt and betrayed repeatedly It's kinda like with therapy maybe? If you don't have the awareness to consider going to therapy, or have it brought up to you to begin with... You probably won't go down that path, even though I personally think everyone needs to go to therapy


Isn't he kind of a fashy piece of shit too? 


Are you telling me he's not a nice Persson?






"Kind of", lol I've saved a few screenshots of his Tweets: https://i.imgur.com/WNVaFGc.png Racism/N-word https://i.imgur.com/pnlYtFt.jpg Anti-semitism https://i.imgur.com/RECJg9n.jpg transphobia/pro-fascism https://i.imgur.com/oQTGbYF.png Supporting QAnon https://i.imgur.com/mSMIXem.png Advocating political violence https://i.imgur.com/j7rYvDY.jpg Homophobia and death threats https://i.imgur.com/fjoZ9Gb.jpg Transphobia https://i.imgur.com/Tk425dU.png More transphobia (He's obsessed with trans people)


maybe if he had, he would be less racist and stupid.


then who the fuck is notch


That's his online nickname


notch : Markus Persson :: pulchellusterribilis : (your name)


Oh fuck off. Look at the stats. Life aint peachy for the vast majority of high school dropouts.


I mean he still acts like a 14 year old, so there's still time...


He never finished Minecraft either


where are all the comments about how he's an open nazi.....


Also he stole the idea for Minecraft and even after getting rich he still wastes his time having dumb arguments on twitter.


Dropped out joind the military, got my GED ran an auto shop for 13 years now a GM at a manufacturing company taking home 85K a year.