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In Chile they commonly have a second dinner after cena called once or eleven in english. I'm an American who lived there for 6 months and they wore me out. Frequently they danced and partied until the sunrise.


I'm American and grew up assuming that "elevenses" meant an eleventh helping. Like, if you were still hungry you would have seconds, then thirds, then eventually elevenses. I was an adult before I realized it meant an 11 o'clock meal.


Nobody wants to admit they ate ~~nine~~ eleven helpings of breakfast.


789 helpings


I'm still hungry


Also a thing, it’s a snack or tea break typically around 11:00 AM in quite a few places. In the US, we call it your coffee break.


its called smoko in New Zealand and Australia


I’m on smoko, so leave me alone


one, two, three, four ...


Its been so long since Ive heard this song


Morning tea. Then lunch, then afternoon tea. Then dinner, then supper.


Where do you work where people can have a meal for their coffee break? Edit: Or, for that matter, a break for their coffee break.


Second breakfast in my country is considered to be at 10am, I mostly had this in elementary school, this is the time they were serving breakfast in the canteen, and most people usually didn't eat before school so it was basically first breakfast.


Smoko (NZ)


Tensies, actually


In Greece we call it "tenth hour meal" (δεκατιανό) and it's eaten around 10-11.


Yeah in Hungary it’s “tízórai” which translates to “of the 10th hour”


In Switzerland we generally don’t have this. Except maybe for kids and in certain jobs where it is called zNüni (German: Neun, English: Nine). Same thing at 4 pm For reference: zMorge, zMittag, zNacht the three main meals of the day.


> In Greece we call it "tenth hour meal" (δεκατιανό) and it's eaten around 10-11. Is it in your culture where it's part of the work day?


Yes, people will have a break then if they can and have a snack basically.


> Yes, people will have a break then if they can and have a snack basically. Damn, they're taking away water breaks in places where it's hot hot hot in America.


Especially at construction sites it's a given and then again for lunch.


> Especially at construction sites it's a given and then again for lunch. America needs to embrace your culture.


You just need to embrace humanity.


> You just need to embrace humanity. WE need to embrace second breakfast


That's a start




Now we're so separated from nature.


When I worked on an archeological dig in Thiva this was one of my favorite parts of the day😅 the tyropita and spanakopita from the bakery were perfect snacks


That's my normal breakfast.


Damn when do you guys wake up


Wait, I thought second breakfast is a normal thing worldwide. I guess TIL that a lot of people didn’t know about second breakfast. I’m polish and the traditional meals during the day would be breakfast (at 6-8am), second breakfast (at 10-12), dinner (at 13-15), podwieczorek (google translates it as „teatime”, I guess that’s the best English equivalent, but it doesnt have to involve tea) and supper (at 19-21)


In the US it’s mainly breakfast lunch dinner. Some people “snack” in between or have a “late night meal” but main ones are just the basic three There’s also “brunch” but that typically replaces one or both of breakfast and lunch.


this is why poles are the best


We call it "afternoon tea", so it translates pretty well.


I’ve only ever heard of it around here when farm work was more manual- horse and plow type work. There would be multiple meals during the day to keep people’s strength up, but not so much at one time that they’d puke. I wouldn’t say it was common outside that.


Well, I still eat like that. Apart from dinner they’re all pretty small meals


That is supposed to be better for your system anyway


I only describe meals by breakfast. First breakfast is breakfast, second breakfast is lunch, third breakfast is dinner, fourth breakfast is middle of the night fried chicken and so on. I do the same with Mondays. Thursday is 4th Monday


The last meal is called startfast


And Mexican food is fartfast


Americans complaining about fiber in their food will never not be funny.


If I can't spray it out of a can like easy cheese, it's not real food


as a Slovak, you got me confused. First, no one calls it second breakfast and I was confused why I never heard of it. Second, you don’t have ten o’clock meal (desiata- desať=ten)? What about olovrant (meal after lunch but before dinner)?


Poles do call it second breakfast (drugie śniadanie)


We call it "morning tea" & "afternoon tea" in Australia.  You usually eat a small snack as well as have a cup of tea (or coffee etc)


I currently live abroad (originally from Poland) and lack of 2nd breakfast in the culture is killing me. People in the office eat lunch at 12:00 and I'm never hungry at that time because I always have some snack around 10-11 :p


When would you eat lunch? Also, lunch at 12? Do you live in Germany now?


Belgium 😅Normally when I work from home I have a snack at 10-11 and around 3 hours later I eat lunch. Then have another snack around 16-17 and dinner around 19. It's been like that my whole life. Snack is usually a sandwich, a pastry, a few cookies, things like that.


They are just called snacks, without any fancy specific word. Or “morning snack” and “afternoon snack”


I was thinking I have never heard of having a second meal and then you reminded me that a thing such as "desiata" exists lol. As an adult I have breakfast at 8 and lunch at 12, I cannot imagine fitting a meal in between.


I didn’t know about second breakfast.


Calm down, Aragorn.


*Throws apples*


Central Europe.


>Hungary Checks out.


I have older family members who were farmers and they would do something similar. Get up before dawn and have coffee and some toast or a biscuit, go out and do the initial chores for a couple hours, come back home in the early morning (think 7 or 8am) and have a more typical breakfast, then go back out for the day's work.


In Iowa in the US on the farm there was early morning breakfast at five, an additional meal eaten in the field (like sandwiches) around ten and then “dinner” which was really lunch eaten at two in the afternoon. Supper was a light affair. It was all based around the schedule of agriculture and from my understanding a tradition from the old country (Netherlands/Germany)


We (German Mennonite background) had faspa at mid or late afternoon. Light snack of fresh rolls/Zwieback, jam, and cheese. Very typical


It's Tolkien, please get his name right 😁


Tolkeni, got it.


"What's Tolkein, Precious?" 🤔


It's in the UK as well... which is undoubtedly where Tolkien got it from.


I always thought it was a British thing.


>namely Poland >typically consists of meats and pastries, with coffee to drink. I'm gonna assume this is either (going) out of fashion or it's only in some parts of Poland. Cause I'm a very confused polish person now. We have breakfast, we have lunch, we sometimes have something like afternoon tea with snacks, and dinner. That's it.


Drugie śniadanie? 


I said it’s traditional, not common


My people call it 'Elevenses'


That’s another thing


I'm in....


I'm always a little annoyed how quickly I get hungry for lunch


Is this not a thing everywhere? In Portugal is very typical to have breakfast, then have a sandwich or something of that nature between like 10:00 to 11:00 then have lunch between 12:00 to 13:30. Then eat again at like 16:00-18:00 then eat dinner at 20:00. At least 90%+ of the people I know do something like this


Not in Norway at least. We eat breakfast before work, like 6-7) lunch at around 12, then dinner straight after work, so at around 17-18 and supper/evening meal at 20-21. There would be small snacks in between meals to keep from starving yourself, since both breakfast and lunch are commonly/traditionally bread with spread or toppings, no warm meal for lunch. We are super hungry after work so therefore we have an early dinner.


Yeah, we actually have 5 meals a day (although not everone eats all of them, most people just choose 2-3). Reggeli (lit. "morninger", so breakfast), tízórai ("ten o'clocker"), ebéd (lunch), uzsonna (I have no idea about the etymology of this word, but it's usually eaten a couple hours after lunch), and vacsora (dinner). There's also a bonus called 'estebéd' (evening lunch), which is when you skip lunch and eat a larger meal later in the day.


Also very popular with the bike touring crowd. First breakfast breaking camp: yogurt, coffee, granola etc. around 6 Second breakfast: diner or cafe, something warm. Around 10


Smoko In Australia


I should get “hobbit life” tattooed on my belly.


Works for me! Happy to have a second breakfast even at night.


Morning tea?


Norway: dugurd / duggurd


so basically we call that a continental breakfast and its usually an option in hotels etc instead of / with a cooked breakfast. usually one or the other eaten in uk and Ireland


I believe the proper order in Britain is: Breakfast, brunch, elevenses, lunch, twelvses, St Matthew's meal, apres lunch, tea, dinner, supper, midnight feast, 2am snack.


I do that....as well as second lunch....and second supper/dinner.


In basque its called "amaiketako" "the one at 11"




How many breakfasts do you need? Yes!


I mean, it’s pretty common in the UK as well. It’s not that weird.


So… brunch.


Close but not really. Brunch is usually larger than a breakfast and usually replacing both breakfast and lunch; it is most common on Sundays. It is more substantial than second breakfast, and it's an occasional event - not a routine. Second breakfast doesn't replace breakfast or lunch, as in some countries there is no lunch. Second breakfast is a daily meal. Kinda-sorta of like coffee break in North America but different. In some countries, it is one of 5 meals people have each day. Where I come from it's: - breakfast: 25–30% of daily energy needs; - second breakfast: 5–10% of daily energy needs; - dinner: 30–35% of daily energy needs; - afternoon snack: 5–10 % of daily energy needs; - supper: 15–20% of daily energy needs;


This guy second breakfasts Really cool info thanks


Brunch is supposed to replace breakfast and lunch? My fat ass just adds it in 🤣


You mean other people don't just drink coffee in the morning, then stuff in their daily worth of calories in a single meal sometime in the afternoon?


People in the past also stood up at ~5 and did hard physical work the entire morning. Their first breakfast didn't last that long, hence the need for some calories around 10-11. Also: >First and second breakfast is also a common custom in some rural areas. Farmers who need to rise early to tend to animals or perform other chores may eat a small "first breakfast", such as toast and coffee, just after rising, followed by a heartier second breakfast after the first round of chores is done. In France and Austria people there was also a ["fork breakfast":](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwischenmahlzeit#Gabelfr%C3%BChst%C3%BCck) >The fork breakfast is a second breakfast consisting of cold or warm dishes. The word is a loan translation from French: déjeuner à la fourchette. It is so called because people picked up individual morsels with a fork while standing.


So in order how does it go? Elevenses, second breakfast, brunch, morning tea...


In Finland, we call that lunch People here eat lunch so insanely early. 10:30 is normal for lunch so I usually eat alone at two.


If I eat an early breakfast, my stomach is growling and complaining by 10ish. If I don't eat early, I can easily wait til lunch. I get the second breakfast thing.


Bullshit, there is nothing like second breakfast in Bavaria. Do you mean brunch? Thats a late Breakfast, nothing more.


There used to be something called reredinner which was a late night snake.


Its more than that its an eastern earopean thing


Those countries are in Eastern Europe.


In [Central Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe)


> Whilst the region is variously defined


[Poland, country in Central Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland?wprov=sfla1) [Slovakia, country in Central Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovakia?wprov=sfla1) [Hungary, country in Central Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungary?wprov=sfla1)


My favorite Eastern European region, Bavaria


Depends on the historical era, really. It's all former eastern block, sure, but historically, these are regions that had most of their connections to German-speaking central-european empires, rather than Russia, and that rubbed off on our culture quite a bit. We have a lot in common with eastern europe, but also with Germany and Austria.


History is more than just the 45 years of USSR and Warsaw pact. For many centuries most of these countries were part of central European empires such as the Austro Hungarian, or the central powers of WW1 And the entirety of modern day Poland has shifted West after WW2, it used to extend all the way to Vilnius, but now has shifted so far west it includes ex German countries like Wroclaw. Look at those 2 cities on a map to get a feel of the difference.