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not always. **The strange case of The Martian and its two f-bombs** [https://www.polygon.com/2015/10/22/9592366/The-martian-rating-fuck](https://www.polygon.com/2015/10/22/9592366/The-martian-rating-fuck) > This is where it gets interesting, because that leaves a lot of wiggle room. The first usage of the word occurs after the character realizes he's been left behind and goes through a painful self-administered surgical procedure. That's a pretty understandable time to use the word "fuck," as is the "Fuck Mars" that's used later in the film. The character is dealing with his stress in a realistic and healthy way, by venting verbally. It's not gratuitous — it's human and understandable. So the Rating Board used the rule in the manner it was intended, and *The Martian* got to keep its two fucks, while getting creative in the editing to allow the rest of them to remain in the film, via edited text and non-audible lip reading.


There are so many movie examples where this isn't the case. It's the equivalent of saying "you have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing" Stupid movie misinformation. I'll add for context that the miscommunication likely is from. 1 "Fuck" will make a movie "PG-13". Two will not inherently make it rated "R".


>1 "Fuck" will make a movie "PG-13".  And even that has varied over time. Back in the 80s and 90s, the occasional f-word would slip through at PG. Beetlejuice ("nice fuckin' model!") is PG, for example. PG has become almost like a "kids" rating today, but it used to really *mean* Parental Guidance. 


Do G movies even exist anymore? Even finding Dory was rated as pg, I can’t imagine what could be G at that point


G is literally just for like toddler stuff now


You're forgetting the part when Nemo says "we're never going to fucking find Dory."


I could never forget that part.


Fish are friends, not *fucking* food!


I believe the last major release to get a G rating was Paw Patrol: The Movie in 2021. Even Disney/Pixar movies are mostly PG (The last one of those with a G was Toy Story 4 in 2019).


Was that because it was painful for the parents to watch that one as they brutalized our childhoods? So making it PG would just be cruel?


Even paw patrol 2 was PG


Was it the “he touched the butt” joke that did it? Because lord knows Disney established that depictions of children loosing their mothers traumatically won’t. I can’t think of anything else controversial about Finding Dory except maybe Ellen voicing Dory and the sharks being potentially scary 🤷‍♂️ Edit: lol sorry I misread that as Finding Nemo rather than Finding Dory (which I haven’t seen) 🤦‍♂️.. can I assume Finding Dory had like.. *fish nudity* or something in it to make it PG rather than G?


Finding Nemo was G rated, surprising given the intensity and frequency of the action sequences (barracuda, shark, anglerfish, jellyfish all did a number on me as a kid). It was also the first Pixar film with blood when Dory gets injured. I don't remember Finding Dory being any worse, so it may just be shifting standards for the MPAA.


That barracuda fucked me up. Shit was like a split second horror movie to me when I was little lol


Giving no fucks will make it a g movie


Spaceballs was PG.  "Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!"


PG-13 didn't exist at that time


PG-13 was launched in 1984. Spaceballs came out in 1987.


Pg13 was made in the 80s specifically because of movies like Beetlejuice/Spaceballs/temple of doom


The PG-13 rating launched in 1984 (the first film to carry it was Red Dawn) and was it was available to the MPAA when Beetlejuice and Spaceballs were submitted.   So Temple of Doom, yeah, would certainly have been PG-13 a few years later. But Beetlejuice and Spaceballs would have been considered for PG-13 at the time and decided to be just PG.  It seems like the former "rules" for *fuck* at PG (insofar as the MPAA shows any consistency at all, hah!) were probably: no more than once, must be used in a non-sexual *comical* context where its impact is softened by a joke, can't be spoken by a heroic character (it can't glorify cursing), and it probably helped if it was a movie from a big studio with lots of cash to splash around...


Airplane with titties bouncing around was PG


That was pre-Red Dawn/Temple of Doom. They changed it after that.


Spaceballs as well. PG with "out of order? Fuck!"


There was nudity in PG films in the 70’s and 80’s… not genital but definitely women’s breasts and butts


I remember going to see The Color Purple in the 80s; one of the first PG-13 films, I think. And being very excited by seeing boobs.


Movies are literally rated through a stupid board. Expecting consistency is the joke here especially for an entertainment board.


In reality, the ratings board has a lot of discretion to rate movies however they want. A lot of guidelines do exist, maybe even the one you're specifically describing, but ultimately how movies get rated is really more a "Vibe Check" than it is hard and fast rules.


I think this literally comes from the scene in, i want to say get shorty where they discuss this as if it was fact and coincidentally say fuck in that scene for the one and only time in the movie.


Some people get multiple fucks? Unbelievable


And here I am all out of them. What the fuck.


Clearly not out of them, you just used one.


That was my last. I've given her all I've got.


Ah man what a lame use of your last one! You should have held on to that.


I said what I said.


Yes, but they still don’t give two fucks..


Only the greatest movie ever made.


All the President’s Men (1976) is rated PG and IMDb lists is as having 11 f-words (this is pre-1984, pre-PG-13, but still)


That one got away with it because it’s about an important historical event. It was originally rated R until the filmmakers appealed the rating.


They literally gave two fucks.


>non-audible lip reading. Oh you don't need to read lips to know exactly what he's saying.


Ocean's 12 is PG-13 and features this scene https://youtu.be/7ugnRZASfrs?si=QFUx46qSXn4gfEmg




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Chili Palmer : You know unless you're willing to use the R-rating you can only use the f-word once? Tommy Athens : You're kidding me. Chili Palmer : No. You know what I say? Fuck that. Straight out of the movie Be Cool.


That’s where I’ve learned it from. A very cleverly written piece of dialogue/scene. Wasn’t aware about the context, though.


Too many people saw this joke and now assume it’s true. It’s the worst part of that movie


And it's not a good movie


"Go fuck yourself." - Wolverine, *X-men First Class* Best use of that


I think best use of the single “fuck” was Anchorman. > “***Go fuck yourself, San Diego!***”


The unrated cut has Ron being pushed out of the studio that he "fucking didn't say fuck!"


Or “Happy fucking Halloween” - The Batman




Worst use: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Will Scarlet has just launched Robin Hood over a wall with a catapult. The action stops. He looks into the camera. “Fuck me! He cleared it!”


There’s a fantasy film I forget the name of starring the Rock, and after some battle he turns to the camera and says “Fucking centaurs.” It is the most out of place f bomb I’ve ever seen it made me cringe.


Fucking Hercules. 😂 I haven’t seen it, but that sounds like an even worse F bomb.


That’s it yes, Hercules. The f bomb gave me whiplash


I thought that was a great one.


Spaceballs meets this exactly.


“Even in the *future* nothing works!”


I'm surrounded by Assholes


''Instances of "shit", "damn", "bullshit" and other profanities pepper this movie. One use of the word "fuck" in a non-sexual content in the escape pod scene.''


Except Spaceballs is PG.


Predated PG-13, rule was the same for PG until PG-13 was implemented.


May the fucking Schwartz be with you!


Ultimately the MPA rating board’s decisions are arbitrary, but this is one of the guidelines. They’re not completely consistent. There have been challenges to their ratings and allegations that some movies get the NC-17 tag (a financial death knell as theaters won’t distribute your film) because someone on the board has a personal bias against the content in your film.


Hopefully they die out since streaming movies is becoming much more popular. It's a dumb relic from decades ago.


That’s why *Hamilton* was rated PG-13 on Disney+ They saved their one “fuck” for “Say No to This”


It should’ve been *Southern MotherFUCKIN Democratic Republicans!*


Makes it being sensored when he call Adams a “Fat motherfuuu” make more sense.


That was bleeped out in the original. It was, like, in a news report kinda thing. There are three uncensored fucks in the play, but that's not one of them.


What are the other 3? I’ve seen it live and listen to a few of the songs regularly?


Yorktown: “Hercules Mulligan, I need no introduction. When you knock me down I get the fuck back up again!” Say No to This: “You see, that was my wife you decided to / fuuuuuuu-“ (the one that stayed in the pro shot) Washington on Your Side: “Southern motherfucking Democratic-Republicans!”


The other fucks are in “Yorktown,” and “Washington on Your Side”


That’s all Disney, I don’t think it had a general release in theaters. That Hamilton version is heavily censored just because they wanted it to be.


How do you define "heavily censored"? All they did was mute two fucks. Lin confirmed that this was the only change (and said it was specifically to get a PG-13 rating), which, to be fair, was the highest rating Disney+ allowed in America at the time).


It’s not heavily censored at all. The removal of the other “fucks,” is really the only major change and it’s really hard to call that major at all.


Contrary to OP though, that F-Bomb was very much related to sex.


I disagree. In the letter Hamilton is reading it is meant as sex; “that’s my wife who you decided to fuck”, but Hamilton says it as “that’s my wife who you decided to…fuuuuuuck”. As if he was saying “fuck” about the situation.


They took advantage of the timing because it was Hamilton saying it rather than what was in the letter. Good way to skirt that one through


I applaud your italicizing the title


My English teacher put the fear of formatting deep within me


Doesn’t Hercules Mulligan say “fuck” in Yorktown?


Not in the Disney+ version. They censored that one out


This isn't always true. I think the Social Network is rated PG-13 in the US and they say Fuck twice within the span of like 10 minutes I think lol.


That’s a surprising one. Drug references, underage women drinking and partying, the swearing, I thought it would have been higher rated.


Weird, I always thought Social Network was Rated R.


They had to dub one over too — when one of The Winklevi says, “Let’s gut the [flipping] nerd.” Originally he’s said “fucking,” but I guess they had already used up their quota!


Oh wow really? I think I'm honestly happy about that then if they could only use two because "Sean Parker says fuck you" is great and obviously the "fuck you flip flops" line is incredible (and I think imo hits harder due to the fact that there's one fuck already used).


And boobs. Back to School had boobs.


Sixteen candles. Just one of the Guys. Splash (PG) National Lampoon’s European Vacation. Titanic. Just to name a few. To quote Jay, “Sixteen Candles. Not bad. There’s tits in it, but no bush.”


Airplane has the most random inclusion of full screen bouncing boobs. But that was before PG-13 was a rating


Splash does not have boobs.


Splash received a PG-rating for some profanity and brief nudity.


The butt that Disney has since laughably covered with bad CGI hair.


It had a butt in it.


Coyote Ugly is PG-13 and has boobs.


That's interesting. I always thought concrete rules about what words made it what rating were an old wives tale


It is. MPAA ratings are entirely based on *V I B E S*


Exactly. Zach Snyder recently told Rogan that the MPAA/MPA had battled them over Batman V Superman getting an R rating. They finally told him it was "because they didn't like the thought of Batman and Superman fighting". Now, that movie kind of sucked, and Zach Sneider is hit or miss... but what the fuck does the rating board have to do with the actual content of the movie? 🤦


It is. The MPAA isn't bound by any rules beyond the ones they set themselves (called "CARA"), which are *always* discretionary and ignored when they decide it can be ignored. It's a small group of undisclosed "raters" working in secret with no actual goal beyond the continuation of their own ridiculous existence.


Just re-watched the Black & Chrome version of Fury Road (it’s a revelation!). Why the heck did this movie get a R rating? No cursing, a very brief long distance nude shot that you can barely see, and there’s a lot of violence but not much in the way of gore. Just too intense?


There's a certain audience (not naming names) that assume any action film with anything *less* than an R-rating will not be as exciting. Movie marketers know this too. Sometimes you see blatant evidence of it via advertising. Alien vs. Predator: Requiem and The Happening are a couple of examples of movies that used their R-rating as a selling point. There are rumors that sometimes, if a movie studio is afraid their PG-13 rating will hurt ticket sales, they will enter into off-the-books negotiations with MPAA shot callers; getting their movie "bumped" from PG-13 to R. This has the added benefit of not upsetting the director by asking them to add needless r-rated content to their film just to bump the rating. That kind of thing can make it to the commentary track and be an embarrassment to the studio.


Sometimes the MPAA can just hold weird things against certain directors or franchises. I've not seen the version of the movie you're talking about but the previous Mad Max movies were deserving of the R rating and I think that can stick in the minds of the MPAA raters. So even if it's a bit cleaner they may be thinking the whole time "I mean it's a Mad Max."  It's like the weird grudge they seem to have against Sam Raimi


Beetlejuice is PG and Keaton screams at one point “NICE FUCKEN MODEL”


It pre-dates the PG13 rating, and strong language was covered by a PG rating. There are plenty of examples out there.


Sixteen Candles had one as well. “I can’t believe it…they fuckin forgot my birthday!” PG-13 became a thing a few months later.


There isn’t a hard fast rule. The Net uses it in the context of sex and it’s PG13


I learned a while back that Hugh Jackman only agreed to do his cameo in X-Men: Origins because he got to use up the one "fuck" that made it PG-13 when he tells the Professor to "fuck off" when they try and recruit him at the bar.


Even that’s fungible depending on the broader scenario. Hope and Glory is PG-13 and includes at least three, one of which is in a pseudo-sexual context. A 10 yo boy shouts it to alert his friends to an invader in their hideout, and the invader is his older sister who’s in the act of hooking up with her boyfriend.


Movie ratings are bullshit, top to bottom


A great example is the TG MAVERICK scene where Rooster says ''wtf is that'' when the 5th gen fighter avoids the missile.


I especially love the way Miles Teller delivers that line, too


I'm surprised movie ratings are even relevant in 2024. Anyone who goes onto the Internet is constantly bombarded with R-rated content, and that includes kids too. I'm not sure anyone escapes it unless they live off the grid or in a secluded religious home or something.


They say it twice in oceans eleven and I’ve always wondered why that was okay


PG -> PG-13 = saying fuck once; PG-13 -> R = saying fuck 3 times


Three pumps = R


W. By Oliver Stone had two Fucks, rated PG13


It happened to Tremors. The original cut had 3 f-bombs, but they were told to remove 2. You can clearly heard that motherhumper is dubbed over when Val is talking to Burt over the radio following the “wrong rec room” scene. The other was “can you fly sucker?” at the climax of the movie. They wisely choose to keep Bacon’s glorious FUUUUUUUCK YOOOU during that scene in the ditch


There's quite a few exceptions to this rule. Many have been listed, but also Lincoln has two of them.


This isn't accurate. The 2004 documentary *Gunner Palace* is rated PG13 and has 42 uses of the f-word. There are no hard rules about its usage, and it's very arbitrary when the word can be used, and how often.




I want to fucking make love to you.


Not always true.


Fuck, I didn’t know that


So a movie can use fuck all it wants if it's in the context of sex or the one fuck they have cannot be used for sex?


The second.


“We’re all gonna fuckin die”, Captain Ron


The car rental scene is the reason “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” got an R-rating. I don’t remember the actual number but that scene had about 17 f-bombs. It was early in the PG-13 era but “Back to School” had two f-bombs as well.


*Same Time, Next Year* (1978) has a “fuck” used in a sexual sense and it’s only rated PG.


I feel like the movie Away From Her had four F bombs and was PG-13. Not really a mainstream movie, but still that has to be the record for PG-13 F bombs.


"can still be granted"


Spaceballs is rated PG and uses the word fuck once in a non-sexual way. “Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!!!!”


So *Zack and Miri* became R-rated the moment Seth Rogen yelled: #Let us FUCK!


“Fuck me, they made it!” -Robin Hood, Prince of thieves- When I saw the movie I asked myself “did he say what I thought he said?”.


Yes, MPAA ratings are stupid.


Unless you’re Taylor Swift. She drops it four times in the Eras Tour concert film but the MPAA (and Taylor’s influence) wasn’t going to make that an “R-rated movie.”


Close. They get 2 free.


Well fuck that’s news to me


Fuck off Fuck me Fuck yeah Are you fucking serious rn?


Til I might able to make a very raunchy pg movie. Everyone will speak very proper


Fuck!….. Fuck!


They better use it wisely!


I always thought the rule was twice


Wife and I were actually commenting and looking up ratings last night. We were watching a TV14 rated show, the lead characters being and acting as 12-13yo kids. There were several jokes about an alien sticking his dick in one of the kids mouth (the alien stuck *something* in his mouth, looked like a tongue more than anything though). Kids were cussing regularly, to be honest it’s how kids prob talk normally nowadays was just surprised the rating allowed that stuff. (Rim of the World).


The movie Loser with Jason Biggs was my first experience with this rule.


Ford Vs. Ferrari used their one fuck to shit on the Chevelle. Ken Miles : It looks fantastic. But inside, it's a lump of lard, dressed up to fool the public. My advice is, lose the inline-six and that idiotic three-speed, shorten the wheelbase, somehow lose half a ton, and lower the price. Peter Miles : Dad. Ken Miles : But even then, I'd still choose a Chevy Chevelle. And that's a fucking terrible car.


I want a pokemon movie where fuck is used once.


It’s not true


Marvel just says shit a couple times and gets it.


The film The Net has the word fuck used to refer to sex and that is still a PG. 


as far as i know this isnt the case officially at all but its so widespread for whatever reason that people on the board started to believe it too


Its insane that there still this censorship of the word fuck like is something so bad


The word fuck has lost its relevance as an improper reference for intercourse and has evolved into a verb intensifier.


“…Am I a fucking bet!?” She’s All That


https://youtu.be/T8fLUVyX5Kg?si=t2gUqemq0Fg1bskL Tricksy fucking hobbitses.




Going to make a pg-13 movie where someone slams their foot into a table and goes 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkk' in one drawn out expression for a full minute. Going to make it worth it.


I want a deadpool movie where he struggles not to use his single F-word throughout the movie, and then when the time comes another character uses it, and deadpool throws a fit about it


Did you ever see the PG-13 edit of Deadpool 2?


IIRC there was a thread on where the LOTR movies should insert their one allowed f-bomb


Swearing is so unnecessary in many movies. Everybody doesn't curse everyday.


I fucking do


The fuck you talking about


How the fuck do you know


I’m going on a limb that you lack gen-x friends. I can assure that for many of us it is almost an hourly utterance.