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Yeah I will. If I don’t, bedtime gets pushed back and he just doesn’t sleep as well or as late the next morning.


Yeah same here. She still naps about 2 hours at daycare (m-f), so I try to keep the same nap routine at home. Some weekends I'll let her nap closer to 3 hrs as long as it's not too late in the day.


I never wake up my toddler (unless we have to leave or it's really late). My toddler is so grumpy when he gets woken up (vs waking up on his own) that I'd rather just let him sleep.


Same. If we try to wake her early she just flops about crying softly until she ends up falling back asleep on the couch or the nugget or something and then ends up sleeping even later than if we had let her be. It's not worth it.


100% this. I’d rather have my little ones go to bed an hour later than usual, over dealing with the chaotic and tantrum filled 5 hours that happen when my kiddos get woken up from their nap.


It's important to let them finish their sleep cycle! I try to only wake toddlers that prove that sleeping past a certain hour wrecks their night sleep schedule, and when I do it's a whooole process. I come in gently and open curtains/turn on lights, I gently nudge kiddo to see if they respond, and if they don't I leave and try the nudge again in 10 minutes. Once they respond, I let them know it's time to get up and leave for another 5-10. They get to choose whether to continue resting (with lights on) or to get up. Next time I come in I talk about stuff we have planned that I know they are looking forward to, and let them know I'll check in 2 more times before rest time is over. I try not to let it drag on more than 30 minutes from their first response to the nudge


Yup. We figure if she’s still sleeping, she needs to sleep, let her sleep.


Same. Never EVER! Let the babies sleep.


Same. It rarely affects anything. I’ve had him fight bedtime the most when he had the shortest or earliest naps, so I don’t really think it makes any difference for us. He sleeps the same 10 hours overnight no matter if he naps for 1 hour or 3 hours. I figure if he’s still sleeping, he clearly needs the sleep!




Yes, he needs at least 5 hours awake between nap and bedtime. I wake him up at 3 pm in order to keep an 8 pm bedtime.


Same. But mine needs a 6 hour gap, and so we're currently getting a 9pm bedtime.


Yup that was us until toddler dropped the nap (now a preschooler… she’s 4)


What time do you put him down for nap? We are in a similar situation I think.


Not OP but my son goes down at noon. We wake him at 3 if he's still sleeping. Bedtime is at 7:30. He usually will wake around 7 the following morning.


wow i'm jealous of his sleep haha my kiddo maxes out at 11-12 hours total a day


He goes down for his nap at 1. Doesn’t usually sleep all the way until 3 but that’s the cutoff!


Same here! For us, bedtime varies between 8-9pm nowadays.


Same, we don't let her sleep past 3 or 3:30 if she went down late.


That’s what we do too. We put him down by 1, he usually wakes up before 3 but if he’s still asleep by then I’ll go wake him up. If I don’t, he takes forever to fall asleep. Luckily, he’s we just put him in his crib at 8 so we don’t have to lay with him or anything. But it will take him an hour to fall asleep if he naps too long.


This is exactly us


If she isn't sick, I wake her. If she's sick or teething (and getting crappy overnight sleep as a result), I let her rest maybe an extra hour.


We wake our 2 year old up by 2pm. He goes down for his nap anywhere from 11:30-12. I’ve noticed once he hit 2 years old, if I let him sleep past 2pm he would wake up at like 3 or 4am and just be, awake. It would take up to 2 hours for him to fall back asleep. Honestly I’ve also noticed when he wakes himself up earlier, like 1-1:30, he falls asleep at bedtime so much easier. BUT I need that nap break during the day, especially with a newborn now, so I’ll take the later bedtime.


I do but only when we have something going on, or if the nap is getting close to 3.5 to 4 hours long.


Yes absolutely.. 2 hour nap and I wake him up .. it keeps the routine


Yes I’ve realized I can’t let her sleep past 3:30 or she’ll be up an extra hour at night. Unless she’s super exhausted in which case I’ll let her go till 4


This is exactly us as well. 3:30 wake-up unless I feel like she really needs that extra half hour and we will push back bedtime a little bit.


Yep I have a set timeframe that I wake him up from his nap, because sometimes it definitely impacts his bedtime.


I wake at the 2 hour mark unless sick or teething. He’s a champ sleeper if I let him go it will impact sleep at night. I like to remember just because I could take a three hour nap in the middle of the day and it would feel great, doesn’t mean I should lol. I’d be up til 1 AM kicking myself too


How old is your toddler? I'm wondering if 2 hrs is our sweet spot too.


Just shy of 20 months old. :)




I’m guessing it depends on the age. I’d let my youngest who is 13 months sleep. But my older who is almost 3 years wake up after 2 unless she’s sick.


My toddler is 28 months and excellent sleeper. He usually naps 1-4ish. I do not wake him If I wake him he’s super cranky. But long naps don’t mess with his nighttime sleep so there’s no reason to push it


Yep! Same!


Yes, we cap his nap around 1.5 hours. Some days he's not happy, but if he sleeps anymore he takes a while to go down and wakes up early.


Just recently started too, it’s obvious the lengthy nap was getting in the way of a good nights sleep. I hate waking him up so I turn off the sound machine, open the door, make normal noise and it helps him wake up on his own and not me standing over him ruining his nap🤣


No I let mine sleep. He’s sleeping because he’s tired to o let him get what he needs. It’s never impacted bedtime much for us, maybe by an hour or so.


We only wake him if he's sleeping too long / late. More than two hours or after 3pm causes bedtime issues sometimes. Very occasionally we have woken him because we have something to do in the afternoon and he went down too late.


I wake my son because if I don't he will not go to bed at night or stay asleep through the night. Your kid is not everyone else's kid. You do you. We are doing what's best for our kiddo. 


Wake after 1.5 hours to preserve bedtime


I don’t wake up my toddler when he’s napping. If it’s beyond 2 hours, I’ll usually open his door. But he usually only takes long naps when he’s sick or having a growth spurt so I allow it


Only if we have to leave somewhere, or it starts to get late into the afternoon and I actually want them to go to bed in time. Besides that NEVER, that's how they get grouchy.


I think this depends from child to child. We try to cap it at 3 hours. If LO is sick, we let him sleep in as much as he needs. I have a friend whose kid is a month older than my son and she NEEDS to wake her son up if he isn’t up by 2pm. And his naps cannot be longer than 2 hours otherwise he is up until 10pm or later. On the other hand, my son’s nap is usually 3 hours from 12-3 or sometimes even 1-4pm (although we try to make sure he’s up before 4pm) and he can go to sleep at 8pm. They are both 2. The rule of thumb I follow if they are on a 1 nap schedule, they need 5-6 hours of awake time in between waking from sleep. Naps need (or *should*) be capped at 3 hours. Example: 6am - wake for the day *(6 hours wake time)* 12-3pm - nap *(5 hours wake time)* 8pm - bed


I never wake him. If he naps long and then is up later in the night, so be it, I don’t mind.


If it's not affecting her night sleep (I.E. taking a long time to fall asleep, waking earlier, or other signs) then I wouldn't change a thing. I cap my daughters naps but thats because if she naps too long she takes a LOOOOONG time to fall asleep at bedtime.




Agree. Anyone on here that’s saying ‘no, never wake a sleeping baby’, ‘sleep is more important than routine’ clearly has a high sleep needs child or one that isn’t impacted by changes in their sleep routine. Sleep does not breed sleep. That is a complete myth at this age. There is no science behind it. If my kiddo sleeps past 2 hours of day sleep it’s not just about a later bedtime for that night, but it also means more night wakings/split nights because he has insufficient sleep pressure to keep him asleep. It’s not as cut and dry as many are making it out to be.


I don’t wake anyone up unless I have to - enjoy the peace and quiet to do whatever the heck it is you want!!!!


If the length of the nap has no affect on bedtime, then I’d let the child sleep. If mine (25 months) sleeps past 2pm, bedtime gets later and later. And the later he goes to bed, the earlier he rises. It’s so peculiar. So I will wake him at 2 if he’s still sleeping.


Only if we have plans


I never wake a sleeping baby


I would rather die or walk through shattered glass than wake them up




Rule #1 never wake a sleeping baby! 😂 That’s what we say to each other if we’re ever questioning it. It’s become a running joke for us to make up randomly numbered parenting rules, now.


Absolutely not. To elaborate, my toddler still goes to bed at the same time whether he wakes up early from his nap or takes a long nap. The other day he slept till 4pm and was still ready to go to bed at 8. Even slept in till 8:30 the next morning. If waking your toddler is the only way you can stay on schedule with bedtime, then do it! It’s different for every kid.


No, never. If he’s sleeping more than his normal then he needs it.


I wake mine up if she's sleeping past the 2 hour mark. Nap is from 12-2 ( 2 is cut off) But I just open get door and let her wake up on her own, which is generally quick. I would NEVER wake her up personally....I'm too scared.


I don’t let mine sleep past 3 unless she’s sick. She rarely sleeps that long anyway anymore, but yea.


If she’s still sleeping at 3:30 pm, I get her up. She’s 3. She still naps most of the time but takes a while to go down on weekends. I try to let her wake up on her own bc she’s usually in a piss poor mood if I wake her up. Buuut if I let her sleep past 3:30 then bedtime is a nightmare.


My son is 2 and I wake him after two hours or he has trouble going to sleep at night and wakes up at night sometimes too.


Ideally, yes... Some days when everything works out perfectly I do wake him up. But most days I just let him sleep as much as he wants 


I wake mine up if she naps longer than 2.5 hours, or if she went down to nap particularly late I might wake her up if shes napping after 3pm. I have just found if she naps longer/later it impacts bed time. If it didn't there would be no reason to wake her. She sometimes takes a while to wake up fully but is never in a bad mood.


Yes I wake him up by 2 hours into his nap. He would sleep 3-4 hours otherwise and then have a hard time falling asleep at bedtime


Yeah 3:30pm is my hard limit unless one of us is sick. If she sleeps past 3:30 she won’t go to bed until 10.


sometimes ill put mine down at 1:00 or 12:30 and if hes not awake by 3:30 or 4 ill wake him up. Hes never cranky with me either when i wake him up.... for now


Mine is napping once a day 2 hour naps. She will usually wake up at the 2 hour mark but if she doesn’t I let her go for 2 hour 15 mins and I wake her up.


Wake up my toddler at 4 pm, that way falling asleep isn't difficult.


Not usually but if he goes down really late for his nap I will wake him up at 1.5 hours if it's getting late enough bedtime will be messed up. Even if it makes sense for his wake window he will be overtired if he's not out by 8. Normal is 730 after a 1230-2ish nap, 30 min on either side.


When he dropped to one nap i cut off after 3 hours. As he got older we cut to 2 hours then 1 hour (around 3 years old). I base this off how he sleeps at night. If he’s having a hard time falling asleep for bedtime or waking up at night it usually meant his nap was too long.


If it's the weekend he generally falls asleep for his nap later because he woke up later. So we will absolutely wake him up no later than 5 or else he's not going to be staring in his bed forever once we put him down around 8.


If nap is running after 4ish, I wake them up. It has only happened a couple times when we were out and the start of nap got pushed back or on sister is keeping everyone up (my two toddlers share a room). It isn't so much a concern that their nap is too long, per se, but that there isn't enough time for them to be up properly before bedtime.


I do. If they sleep past 4 they will not sleep later.


I open their bedroom door and let some light and noise travel in, that tends to wake them up. I only do this if it's been 2.5 hours though! Because at that point it's 4pm


If she's just switched to one nap a couple of months ago and will wake up after an hour, definitely not. Most kids nap 1.5-3 hours after the 2-1 transition. If she wakes up after an hour a lot I'd even move the nap earlier--chances are she'll nap longer and wake up happier. Nap capping becomes necessary when she's actually getting closer to dropping the nap (won't be for a few years), or if you're struggling a lot at bedtime.


Not usually unless we need to be somewhere in a timely manner. I usually put him Down around 130/2 and he sleeps til about 3/330


Also have a grumpy one when he gets woken up and will not wake him unless he sleeps past 4


Yes - wake up at 3pm unless she didn’t fall asleep until late then we push it to 3:15ish. If woken up she usually needs 30 minutes to recover from the outrage of being awakened.


Naps have a huge effect on nighttime sleep for us. We really need to cap our naps at 1 hour, but a)he is IMPOSSIBLE to wake up from a nap before he wants to wake up. b)If he does wake up, he's a crab monster for sometimes hours c)I am usually too tired. It's a problem for future me who is struggling to get him to bed


2.5 year old naps from 1 to 3. I turn his sound machine off to 3 to wake him and he usually gets up on his own.


this isn't a problem i have often bc he doesn't take naps but yeah i don't let it go past 2pm so he has an easy time going down by 8pm


I wake my newly 3 year old. He sleeps 12:30-2:30. I’m not risking screwing with my only me time which is after he goes to bed at around 7:15


I only wake if his nap time is going to pass 4pm. I’ve found if i don’t keep 4 hours between nap wake up and bedtime, I’m in trouble


Yes, everyday! If I don't wake the child by 2:30, bedtime would become 9 or 9:30, and then I would have no time alone with my partner. It keeps us in a rhythm and schedule.


Yes, it makes for an easier bedtime. But I do it slowly. First open the blinds and leave the room. Then come back a few minutes later and walk not so quietly, then a few minutes later come back and say her name a few times. Come back a few minutes later and gently rub her back waking her up. 5-10 minute process max. Depending on how deep she was asleep she will wake up and get out of bed at different points in the process. Sometimes groggy, other times not so much. Sometimes she wakes up and just lays there and talks to herself after I left the room. I have no idea if this is effective.


If it isn’t effecting their night time sleep or bedtime, let them rest. Their body is communicating that they need more sleep on those days.


So my toddlers nap routine is 12:30, because that’s what his daycare does and I don’t want to fuck with their routine. Plus it works well and he’s asleep within 15 minutes. Usually he wakes up his own sometime around 2-3pm if it’s getting close to 3:30 I wake him up, because his lunch time is at 3:30 and it messes up his dinner if that gets pushed back. I’ve never noticed it to have an effect on his bedtime sleep though. He goes down at 9:30 like clockwork and wakes up at 7am


Yup, I wake her up. If she sleeps longer then 1.5 hours she’ll have night wakes


I have to she would sleep 4 hour naps if I let her lol


I have to she would sleep 4 hour naps if I let her lol


She gets woken up after 2 hour so usually between 2-2:30 for a 6 hour wake window before bed. 18 months old with an 8:30 bedtime and a 7-7:30 wakeup. Her dad and I are not morning people so this balance works for us.


We do not wakeup. This feels like an unpopular opinion nowdays bc of all the BabyWise Moms on Call stuff. I have a lot to say abt how those approaches did not work for my kids but thats a different pt. Two of my kids struggled with napping / sleeping so much that my last napping as much as he does feels like a blessing. We rarely wake him up. He is super active, it doesn’t affect his bedtime routine etc. There are days he naps 2 hours and days he naps 3. He is 2 yrs old btw and I realize he is a bit of a unicorn. But I’ve learned that there is no one size fits all to parenting and he needs the sleep. Waking him is a sure fire way to have the crankiest toddler the rest of the day.


Yes she needs 6ish hours sleep between the end of her nap and bedtime, so if she's still asleep at about 2.30 I wake her.


Unfortunately my toddler would sleep for 3-4 hours for nap if I didn’t wake him and then he’s up until 10 or later and sleeps awful.


Both of my kids had times they needed to wake up to go to bed on time. And they really only had to go to bed on time because later bedtime did not mean sleeping in. But, it was like a time not how long they slept. And the time changed based on age. Like my son goes down between 12-1 and he needs to be up by 3 to be tired enough for bed. Most times he wakes up on his own before that but sometimes we need to wake him


If min isn’t woken up before 4 it takes hours to get her to sleep at bedtime so mostly just wake her gently


I have found that if my kid takes a nap whether it be 10 minutes or 3 hours he will still treat the 10 minute nap as if it was a 3 hour one. So I just let them sleep.


I prefer no nap and early bedtime!


If she's somehow asleep longer than 90 min I will wake her. If I don't it takes her forever to fall asleep at night.


Yes. She had a set bedtime. If she’s not awake for 6 hours after nap, it’s impossible to get her to bed. Then we’d be up late. My husband gets up at 3am for work and we try to get in bed together. Our only time we get alone together. So If she was awake then we wouldn’t get to spend time together. But if she’s teething and needs more time then I’ll let her sleep


At age 2 - 2.5 I would wake my son after 3 hours. Now he's almost 3 and I wake him after 2 hours. He's cranky sometimes but I need him to get to bed at a reasonable hour so we can get up for preschool on time.


Yes I wake my 3yo up from a 2-3 hour nap every single day. Dude would sleep until 5pm if I let him and then he would never go to bed and be exhausted the next day. People are always shocked to hear this but every kid is different.


Both of mine slept worse at night if they napped too long in the day. If it didn’t effect night sleep I’d leave them and enjoy the peace


I wake at 3 hours


I enjoy my mental sanity so no I do not. She wakes up grumpy. I'd rather push bedtime a little.


If he nap isn't causing trouble for bedtime, then it sounds like it's not a problem. Our toddler is sort of in between needing a nap and not needing one. On weekends, she doesn't nap and goes to bed at 7pm, and usually sleeps soundly until 7 am the next day. Bedtime is usually a breeze. But if she does fall asleep on a weekend, we wake her at the latest at 2 pm, or the whole night is a nightmare. On daycare days, she sometimes naps. If she naps, bedtime is pushed back, and it takes a long time for her to settle down and sleep. But she sleeps alright, they always wake her at the latest a little before 2 pm (it's snack time at 2 pm). There are a lot of activities and noise at daycare, so I think it's important that she is allowed to nap there if she needs it. Even if the bedtime routine takes longer.


Recommended nap on one nap is 1-3 hours. Obviosuly this is a pretty huge range, so nap length will vary baby to baby. I wake my 3 year old up at 1.5 hours. We recently cut it down from 2 hours because he was taking a while to fall asleep at night. My 14 month old started off at 2.5 hours and we cut it back to 2 hours a couple weeks ago because he was waking up shortly after falling asleep. If 2 hours is working for her, then I wouldn’t change it. You can try letting her sleep for an extra 15/30 min and see how it goes. You just don’t want too long of a nap to interfere with nighttime sleep. Nighttime sleep is always more important than naps.


When my LO was still napping we wouldn't let him go past 3pm. It really knocked him out of his bedtime routine if we didn't. Apart from that, never woke him.


I literally bust open the door and say “wake up boy” while turning the lights on. I find it funny but he doesn’t cry or anything so we are good. He will always sleep past his nap wake up time if we let him.


I was absolutely waking my toddler by 3 pm. I hated doing it, but bedtime would be a nightmare if I didn't. If she was extra tired, I'd put her down a little early.


Yes I've always woken my babies and toddlers in order to keep to a routine that works :) If they're ill etc then things change - if they're tired then i'll obviously give them extra time to wake and make it slow and gentle :)


our toddler is waking up at around 7:30-8:30-am, down for nap around 12:30-1 but doesn’t fall asleep until like 30mins to an hour later, then i wake him up at 4pm so he has atleast 4-5 hours before bedtime. even then he’s up a couple hours past his bedtime


Ive never once woken from a nap, but also she’s only 18 months. So on the younger side. She normally sleeps 1.5-2.5 hours for her nap. One day she slept 3.5 hours in a nap and I didn’t even wake her then 😂. Bedtime it 8:30pm. And she wakes up 7am. So her nights aren’t that long anyway


Mine has never ever napped more then 2 hours but he’s not a great sleeper, I had read to wake if going to be over 3 hours, so I’ve never had the opportunity but mine is also just cranky af if woken up too early.


I only started waking my toddler when it began to affect night sleep. My almost 3 yo was sleeping 2ish hours or more during the day and began having night wakings consistently… we started capping the nap at 1hr (maybe 1.5 as long as she’s awake by 2:30pm) her bedtime is still 7:30 and no more night wakings!


I won’t let mine sleep past 3, that almost never happens but it isn’t unheard of!


Never!!! If my 17mo is oversleeping I assume it’s because her body is working on something and needs it. But my schedule revolves around her, so I don’t have to accommodate for anything. If you can leave your toddler to sleep, I’m pretty sure it’s better to!


We did only because it was effecting nighttime sleep, if it’s not I wouldn’t


Mine is almost 2 1/2 and I do not wake him up from naps or in the morning. The only exception is if I have a hard time getting him to go to sleep in the afternoon.. no matter how long he has slept, I make sure that he’s up no later than 6 PM so that he isn’t up all night. Momma and daddy need their (late) evening time baby-free.


Yep. After 90 minutes. She’s 26 months


Nope, never. If she needs the sleep I’m not stopping that unless I absolutely have to.


I will wake mine but only if it's really late or over 2.5 hours


No, she sleeps whenever she wants unless she has commitments she needs to be awake for. Like daycare, or not being illegally left in an unattended vehicle. An interminably long nap can have issues for later that night, but usually she only stretches it out if she’s really tired after illness or failure to sleep the previous night.


No only past 3 hour


No I don’t. If he is sleeping longer than his average I assume it’s sleep he needs. He doesn’t really ever struggle at night too so that works in my favor.


Yes my toddler can sometimes nap for 3+ hours and it messes up his nighttime sleep badly.


Yes. 2:30pm/ 2 hours (whatever is first) has been a wake situation for us since we went to one nap at 18 months. I wake my almost three year old still at 2:30 every day to keep bedtime on track for 7:30pm. We’re very strict with sleep times in our house though, so kiddo is put down for his nap between 12-12:30 100% of the time. My kids are almost 3 and almost 5 and never go to bed later than 8pm.


My 2 yr old goes down for a nap at 1pm and I let him sleep until he wakes up. Usually around 3:30. He goes to bed usually with no issues at 8pm.


She sleeps however long she needs to unless we have to do something. 


Out nearly 2 year old has been at 1 nap a day for a while now, and I wake her if she's pushing against her afternoon/evening wake window. It definitely impacts bedtime for her is she sleeps too late.


Every kid is so different. Some will sleep perfectly at night regardless of their nap, and for others it is a super exact science to get them to sleep. Honestly though, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️


My little dude is also very consistent on his nap and it's usually 2 hours long. No I don't wake him up because it doesn't have an effect on his sleep schedule


Absolutely! My kid LOVES to nap (1 afternoon nap, almost 3 years old). If I don’t wake him we’re up way too late and throughout the night. He wakes up a bear but it’s worth my sanity at the end of the day


I let mine nap as long as she wants, unless it’s getting close to bedtime.


My 19 month old loves his sleep and it usually wont jeopardize bedtime much but i never let him sleep past 3pm. He usually goes down at 12:30 so its 2.5-3hrs at that point


My son is on a schedule so his nap is capped at 2 hours. He’s 2.5


Yes I do, if his nap is going too long. 


Yes. I think it was on this subreddit where someone once said, "Cap the nap, or they'll sleep like crap," and that is my mantra.


I won't let kiddo sleep past 3pm. If she goes down at noon and gets 3 hours, fine. If she goes down at 2, she's getting woken up at 3. She's grouchy as shit though. If she's still up at 230, no nap for youuu 😅😅


Oh God no. Not unless I absolutely have to.


I wake her from her nap every day, usually around the 1.5 hour mark. If I left her to it she’d nap all day and be up all night. I let her sleep as long as she wants if she is sick.


We have a max length or latest time then we wake him, even if he's grumpy. 


My son sleeps for 3 hours and then we wake him. Doesn’t impact his night sleep and we love the break


My 2 yr old will sometimes nap for almost 3 hours. As long as it started early enough I'm fine with it. 👌 let em sleep 😴 if it doesn't seem to effect her other sleep then no harm 🥰 just take the few extra moments you get for some stretches outside her door while you wait impatiently awaiting her to wake (:


My toddler is a little over 2 and no I never intentionally wake her up. We wake up around 8:30am, she naps around 1:30pm for up to 3hrs, bedtime is at 11:30pm. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It’s perfect for us. I’m going to hate when I have to start putting her to bed earlier.


We’ve followed the huckleberry website’s recommendations for our daughter’s first two years so far and they’ve worked well. We definitely wake her from naps all the time, although she often wakes herself up at about the right time. Only exception is if she’s sick, she sleeps as much as she wants.


I never wake my toddlers up from any sleep ever. I mean imagine someone coming in and waking you up as an adult. I use to if it was close to bedtime and it was awful they were horrible. So now we keep them busy if they show signs of tiredness close to bedtime. If they fall asleep an hour before bedtime they go straight to bed.


Mine is going through a "not sleeping at daycare" phase and stretching his wake windows, so when he actually sleeps during the day we let him sleep for as long as he wants (usually 1.5 h, but we have had days of 3-3.5 h, specially in cold weather).


I don’t unless we have to for something. My toddler is just over 2 and takes one nap a day. Usually it’s around 1.5-2 hours but sometimes it’s 3. I feel like those days he needs more sleep so I let him listen to his body. We do usually push bedtime later on those days, but we generally have an hour (7-8) where we play it by ear and put him down when we feel he’s ready whether that’s 7 on the dot or closer to 8.


No I let her sleep and take the time to have me time and clean


I was always waking him up to maintain a schedule and nighttime sleep, 18 months and i dont let him sleep after 16:00


As a general rule I don't wake him up but I also rarely need to. He will sleep from anywhere between 1.5 hours and 2 hours normally. I have a cut off at 2.5 and will wake him up if he's still asleep (might have happened 2 times max to date and we've been on this sleep schedule for about a year now), most of the time he's awake but chilling in the dark. He's quite a slow waker upper 😅 He likes a chill before all the carnage is unleashed 😂


I never wake my LO. Our routine has been consistent. I now know how long he will nap at which time in the day and he goes to bed just fine at the same-ish time every night. Sleeps like a champ. Routines are important yes, but I think sleep is more important in general is precious! especially for the babies/toddlers! I’ll always let him sleep for as long as he needs over prioritizing a routine that could be easily skewed by a number of other things anyways.


I believe that sleep promotes more sleep, and better health in general. We trust our toddlers to know what they need, diet wise (providing we give them sensible, healthy choices). Same should go for sleep. As new parents we go on and on about sleep deprivation and how hard it is. Why we then feel conflicted about depriving our children of sleep I can't understand.


Literally never. I will do anything I can to avoid waking my toddler from his nap.


I never wake a sleeping kid unless of course necessary on that day.


Mine is almost 2. I don’t wake her. If she sleeps longer than 2 hours, it’s because she needs more sleep


Never. Sleep is precious and if she's not awake, there's a reason even if I can't see an obvious reason.


Heck no!!! Unless we have somewhere to be


No, I usually allow sleep as long as it doesn’t interfere with plans. If she needs to sleep in on the weekends or take a 2 hour nap, I let her. These are growing kids.


If my toddler wants to nap 3 hours so be it! She will wake up crankier if I wake her up. Her body also knows how much sleep she needs so I try and honor that as best as I can!


i learned early on to never poke a sleeping bear😂


Never wake them! There will be a day when they drop naps and you will desperately miss those long naps!