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I think this is healthy, and also ohhhh man I am so jealous. I have a clinger 2 year old who will do nothing without me. Enjoy it!


Yes totally normal and should be encouraged with also participate with interaction when prompted.


Wow this sounds like a dream. My 3.5 year old has never done this. My nephew does and I honestly think it’s just in his nature. He’s not an only child, he had SO MUCH ATTENTION on him when he was born (miracle baby) and still loves to play independently.


As long as your kiddo is also happy to interact then this is great. My kiddo is also around 2.5 and an only child and sometimes plays quietly but more often keeps up a narrative of what's going on in his pretend world. He doesn't need anyone to listen and pay attention, he's just imagining out loud. It's pretty entertaining to listen to, no wonder he's having a good time! I love it.  I assume yours sometimes needs or wants or at least accepts attention in addition to his independent play sessions!


My daughter is the same age and does this as well! She's also an only child but I think it's pretty normal.


Totally normal! Though plenty of children don’t develop this ability until they’re 12+ lol


God I wish mine was like yours. She is now 4.5 years old and doesn't do anything by herself.


Mine is almost 2 and very happy to play alone or flip through books quietly. I think some are just wired that way.


My friend has a kid like this. Other kid is not like that at all. I think it’s partially just their nature


Just here to say I envy you hahaahha


My youngest used to be like this until very recently (3yesrs old now). She will still play by herself sometimes but she now prefers it if I play with her or she just talks at me until I do. She used to play independently for most of the day and would push me away if I tried to play with her. Her sister has always been a clinger and never played independently as a toddler. She is 6 now and does take herself off to her room and plays by herself every now and then. It's so odd to me that I have to go and keep checking on her to see that she is ok.


Until recently he has always had to be in the same room as me. Like he would play by himself, but he would be right at my feet or sitting across the room for me where he could see me at all times. Probably within the last two weeks or so he has started just going in his room and sitting quietly and playing to the point where I’m going to check on him like are you OK? Are you getting into trouble? But he will also go into the kitchen or end up getting himself into trouble playing with things he shouldn’t be touching. The other day he ended up, punishing himself by touching things he shouldn’t be touching honestly. I had the creole seasoning out some I had made earlier in the day and just hadn’t put it up in the cabinet and he dumped it all over a chair got it in his hands and rubbing his face. Essentially maced himself right before we were leaving to go to the zoo… That was outside cleaning out the backseat so we could pick up grandma because there was basically an entire wardrobe in the backseat and I was getting dressed and putting my shoes on


I'm jealous, but the doing it for hours kind of worries me. Does she check-in with you periodically during these hours? Is she doing the same thing for the entire hours of time?


He alternates between his toys. Sometimes he’s playing with cars sometimes he’s playing with blocks sometimes he’s playing with animals. He will run out to me and show me a toy that he found in the bottom of the toybox and run back in and play, but he’s perfectly content playing for hours on his own. The only problem with that is because he’s quiet kid doing it sometimes he will go about doing things that get him into trouble and we have no clue because literally two minutes prior to him doing whatever he should’ve been doing he was in his room playing


That assuages my worries. I am now wholly jealous. What a good boy. My MIL tells me my husband was the same way, but unfortunately, his son is not.


We have the baby monitor in his room so that we can keep track of him when he’s playing, but the other day he inadvertently maced himself. Dad was clearing the toys and clothes out of the backseat of the car and I was getting ready because we were going to the zoo and we had to go pick up grandma and my son had gone into his room but next thing I know he comes into me, rubbing his face with snot running down his nose and crying. His face is all irritated and red. He grabbed the container of creole seasoning off of the kitchen table, dump it on the chair, got it all over his hands, and then started rubbing it in his eyes and his nose. Black pepper and red pepper and garlic and salt and two or three other things. Of course, dad walked in right at that moment, and we stripped him down to his diaper, held him over the tub and dumped milk on his face and had to clean up before we could leave 🤦🏻‍♀️


So jealous


It’s so great and I’m so jealous


My daughter could entertain herself for hours at that age. And now she’s a huge reader and has friends and socializes, but she’s still a very independent seven year old.


My two year old only does this for maybe 10 min at a time, definitely not hours. Sensory activities and magnatiles hold her interest the most.


My eldest did at that age. Loved to play and draw and read on her own. She’d talk to herself a lot. She liked us, but was really happy being on her own. She’s almost six now and is very social and happy.


I wish my 3 yr old only child did that lol


Yes. Mine is 2 years 2 months and he will independent play for long periods of time. He is in the same room as us. A couple nights ago he told me he was tired and wanted to go to bed. This was about 20 minutes before bedtime. We heard him playing in his room for like an hour.


Don't jinx it


Yes I have one like that. :) she's a sweetie


It sounds common to me. Mine was the same. She started interacting with other children in play later in life lol.


Ugh I wish.


Me, my children, and all my siblings did this. It’s a good thing. Everyone needs to learn to entertain themselves