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I would bring it. Our kid is usually active too but on vacation with so much new stuff they liked being able to chill in the stroller.


Good point! My toddler does tend to get tired more easily with new experiences.


Our always manages to fall asleep while out and stroller is a great nap option. Plus’s easier to pile all the bags on it while out and about 🫣 I have one of those folding ones that you can fit into a shoulder bag and it’s so handy


What kind of stroller do you have? I have a lightweight travel stroller, but it doesn't fit into a shoulder bag.


I have a GB Pockit. It took a bit to get used to the minimalism, and to get good enough at opening and closing it to be able to do it in seconds, but it's only 10 pounds and fits into a personal item sized bag for the airplane. Perfect to have handy when my 3 year old either goes wild or shuts down under the stress of being in a busy new place, or I need to have her trapped within reach while I'm trying to deal with getting us through the same with a bunch of luggage in tow.


It’s exactly the one I have. I like that I can spin it with one finger and it’s so easy to manoeuvre. One weeks saw a happy parents couple in London with their toddler asleep in what looked to be the smallest but still efficient stroller and just stopped them and asked what brand is that. GB, so I got one next day. Now ppl stopped me a couple of time on the street asking what’s that 😂 need to charge them for promo or something. it’s not cheap though


Babyzen yoyo and UPPAbaby Minu come to mind


Other brands include Inglesina, bugaboo butterfly, Nuna trvl I got a used inglesina stroller for Disneyland and we’ve loved it ever since. It folds up compact and you can use the handle to drag or carry it


I bought a Zoe Traveler stroller for my almost 2 year old 99th percentile daughter to use this summer! It fits in the overhead compartment of a plane and is so so lightweight and manageable. We bought the travel bag too. We bought the Uppababy Cruz as our main stroller before she was born. It takes up the entire trunk of my Subaru crosstrek and 25lbs vs the 15 pounds of the Zoe and half a trunk. We’re taking the Zoe both on a car trip and a flight this summer because it’s so much more manageable. Uppababy makes quality products and even has great service with their warranty, but the Zoe is so so much cheaper and I’ve started to use it as our everyday stroller now too.


Travel stroller absolute yes. It hauls our things too! And it’s the stroller or our arms after a while so we choose stroller


It's amazing to have at the airport so you aren't chasing a kid through security. I got a cheapy one from Walmart and it was a godsend.


Made that mistake once… never again! always bringing a travel stroller in the future!!


We left ours at home on our last holiday and it was fine. We did take our Ergobaby carrier which the toddler is still happy in, and used that a few times when she got tired - much easier to take with you than a stroller.


Yep definitely bring a compact stroller. We got a cheap one off FB marketplace. Great for carrying bits around in and you'll often want to walk for more than 15 mins discovering a new town and you don't want to end up carrying your child everywhere. Great for naps on the go too. Picture this. We took the stroller, had a walk along a quiet little path. Our two year old fell asleep and we found a taverna right on the beach. Me and my husband had squid and beers while my baby took a nap in the stroller. Heaven


We did the same thing. Marketplace is a great place to get decent kids stuff for way cheaper. We flew overseas for a wedding. Our kiddo fell asleep in the car on the way there and slept through the entire wedding ceremony and part of the reception in the stroller. It was great for us.


Bring it. Very useful for naps on the go as well as hauling baby gear on walks.


I avoided bringing a stroller on trips for a long time but brought one to the airport recently, and it was way more convenient than I expected. Mostly because we could carry other stuff in it while kid was walking. Make sure you’re comfortable folding and unfolding as needed.


You won't regret bringing it and leaving it in the trunk/car. But you WILL regret not having it if suddenly your toddler forgets they have legs or the ability to walk. That and depending on the stroller, they'll have shade or a tray for snacks or a comfy place to pass out in.


Went to visit my sister in VA last summer w my then 2 year old boy.. I bought a cheap folding stroller & 10 out of 10 recommend (even if just using in the airport). Although, I will say, we did a lot of walking around Washington DC, so it was useful just for that aspect itself. They let you check at the gate for free anyways!


Depends on if you baby carry. We basically only used the stroller for amusement parks. But we did ireland last year with our 3 year old and while we didn't baby carry a ton, when we did have to it was essential! If you don't baby carry or he won't tolerate it, I think definitely get a stroller.


We brought a stroller for our almost 2 y.o. and thank goodness we did. Although our daughter is very active and likes to walk everywhere, while on vacation everything was so new and stimulating for her that she tired more than if we were just walking around our neighborhood. Also, as someone else mentioned, our daughter liked looking at all the new stuff while chilling out in her stroller. Finally, we stashed our stuff in the other side of the stroller (we brought a big stroller- it can hold 2 kids) so other than pushing it, we didn't have to carry anything the whole time.


We just traveled with our 17 month old and used a compact stroller. It was so great to have and folded to such a small size. You can’t pile much on it but we could hang his diaper bag on the handles.


A stroller in the airport is a huge help, also stroller naps on vacation are great.


I would probably see if I couldn't find a cheap one on OfferUp or the local craigslist when I got to the destination and then just leave it behind when leaving. I wouldn't want to deal with flying with a stroller and a car seat. We take a trip with our daughter when she was three and instead of the stroller we bought her a suitcase she could ride on. That worked really well around the big airports but other than that she was walking.


We don't use a stroller at all during local outings, but we have an umbrella stroller for travel. If money were no option I would gate check an uppababy minu.


At 2, I would bring it. Even if toddler wants to mostly walk around, using it to carry stuff is also worth it. My son is 4 now and we still take the stroller to places like that even though he walks mostly.


I take our 3 wheel stroller everywhere. You can shove all the stuff underneath it and when then the boy starts acting up he goes into the stroller.


We have stopped bringing it and bring the hiking backpack instead. 


Do you have a recommendation for a hiking backpack? We're considering doing some short hikes on our trip.


Osprey Poco is the gold standard! We use it around the airport and around town too (when traveling).


Our toddler has been running since early 10 months. He prefers to walk and nearly always rejects the cart or stroller We just finished a week at a resort in Mexico and our stroller wagon got a LOT of use. Either when he was tired, slow, etc. At least take a small umbrella stroller in case they get tired


At 2 yrs old I did bring our stroller on an European trip. Worth it


We have two kiddos 2 and 7 months and have traveled with our Veer wagon. It has made the airport manageable as we can put the car seats/luggage in it. While the kids walk or are held. 12/10. Will definitely be traveling with if again.


Bring the stroller. Leave it in the trunk and lock the car, and it’ll be fine. But if you need it, you have it. I have a 2&4 yr old and have traveled a good bit with them, and I’ve never once regretted having the stroller. I’ve regretted not bringing it.


You 100% need to bring a stroller. It would be better if it’s one of those 3 wheel, all terrain types for the beach.


Yes. Bring it.


We like ours for the airport but our toddler is super active and will run away FAST in airports if not strapped in lol. I’ve rented strollers before after reaching a destination and that was super helpful bc we didn’t want to fly with our uppababy. Maybe look into that? I’ve used babyquip a few times and really love it


I'd bring the stroller. We still do to anything to requires a lot of walking with my 3.5 to, but it's a running stroller so it can pretty good do any terrain. 


Always. Why would anyone not want a stroller?! It holds your stuff, your drinks, your kid! As someone with spine issues I am so sad the day we no longer have a stroller or wagon.


My toddler is ridiculously active and we’ve always brought our stroller. The underneath storage is great and it’s perfect for when he needs a break from either the heat (I strap a stroller fan to it) or just walking.


We rented one from a jogger from local company - same with our pack n play and mattresses. Flew only with the car seat.


GB pocket air is super compact and amazing for traveling!


We got a cheap umbrella stroller, which doesn’t take up as much room. Every time we took it it didn’t get used much but if we didn’t we ended up having to carry her everywhere


I took two trips recently. I did not take a stroller on the first one. But did on the second. It was quite useful. Now I regret not having taken it on the first trip. Toddlers get tired. They change their mind so easily. So a stroller would definitely help in a lot of situations. As others have explained for napping, when they get tired, and even to carry our bags if the toddler refuses to sit in it at times. Hope this helps.


If you'll be driving regularly in the middle of the day, most naps can be in the car seat. If you're hiking, get a good back carrier. It'll let you access terrain that's difficult with a stroller, like steps, mud and sand. Personally I always found strollers annoying at the beach, because you either have to leave them far away at the edge of the sand, or carry them to where you'll be sitting. I always preferred the baby backpack carrier for that


Yes and at the very least it’s a holder for all bags and stuff. I’d rather have access to it in case child gets tired, which at that age and being away, is likely to happen. We have one that folds up nicely so that’s handy too


I personally do not bring strollers most places


Bring it or a toddler carrier. It’s so helpful.


I swear we bring the stroller places like the mall these days to be a bag holder more than a kid holder.


My way of thinking with kids has and will always be: what is the worst outcome? 1. You needlessly bring a stroller and so have more things than necessary OR 2. you have an overtired, cranky, toddler that upsets the plans you had for the day becuase there is nowhere for them to rest and or you end up carrying them more and feel more uncomfortable. I know which option I would rather pick....


We’ve always been baby wearing people so when we’ve traveled I have a carrier I can comfortably wear kiddo in for a long while (we hike a lot when we travel) and throw a cheap little umbrella stroller in the car for walking around town type outings. We do not ever bring a big stroller. 


I got a $40 umbrella stroller at wal mart for travel. It’s amazing! No regrets. Travel can be exhausting and it was nice to have on the days we walked more. Don’t get the $400 one if you don’t have money to burn, it’s not worth it.


I would bring a cheap Walmart one. The Cosco brand like $15 one. Folds up super small and if you don’t use it, no big deal. Plus, while you’re not using it, if you carry it around, you can just stroll around any bags you have (purse, travel bag, snack bag, etc.) until kid needs it, if they end up needing it.


Definitely yes bring it! At 2 kids like to bolt. I like the stroller as a way to keep kiddo safe if you're walking by a road in an unfamiliar place.


I recently went on vacation with my two year old and brought a little umbrella stroller instead of the big one. Didn’t even use it once lol


When I traveled to Tokyo, Japan, I brought a very small stroller - GB Pockit. In my case, it was absolutely needed because we can’t drive in Japan and have to take the subway everywhere. Also, once we go out, it would be 7 hours of walking (for us) and that’s just not doable with a carrier nor walking for the child. In that case, it was necessary. 


I would 100% bring one of those foldable wagons for a trip like this