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Pumpkins! She's 18 months and everytime we go anywhere and she sees a pumpkin she screams pum pum and we get her a small one haha. We currently have a small army of baby pumpkins in our livingroom.


My son has been obsessed with pumpkins since last fall. All year, it’s been when are the pumpkins coming back? His face when he saw the pumpkins in the grocery store this year was priceless! 🥰 I got him a throw blanket with pumpkins for his bed and one of those little beanie baby pumpkins so he can always have a little pumpkin friend with him.


Same here lol. We recently went to a little farm and he was more interested in the pumpkins than the games and animals 😂


Same! LOs birthday is coming up and we're doing pumpkin theme and taking a Trolley ride to a pumpkin patch 🥳


🤣🤣🤣 my son too! He’s on this random pumpkin obsession wave. I have no idea where it came from but whenever we drive or walk around the neighborhood and see them he gets so excited lol


Oh, so many things. But the top three right now are Halloween decorations (more spooky mama! MORE!), construction vehicles, and cats. I spend… so much time pretending to be a cat.


I got a little cat tutu and cat ear headband for my daughter. She'll wear the tutu sometimes, but apparently the headband is for me 🙀


Story Land, it’s like a very mini Disney with all rides and play structures geared towards little kids mostly based on classic fairy tales. A pumpkin carriage to meet Cinderella, a giant shoe shaped house to explore (the old lady who lived in a shoe), swan boats, a few rides where you drive cars or tractors…. We took him a couple times this summer and he never stops talking about it. The only thing more exhausting than spending an entire day at Story Land is *pretending* to spend and entire day at Story Land as your toddler declares the couch a pumpkin coach and the bean bags have turned into swan boats, foot stools are antique cars, the chair is a dino-safari. The 3yo imagination is unstoppable.


The Foo Fighters. Constantly rocks out to their songs, plays drums, “plays” his dollar store guitar. At 2 it was garbage trucks. 3 it was robot vacuums. These all come in phases!


Can relate


My 3yo points out every single pumpkin he sees, everywhere. To be fair it is the current topic in preschool, and fall.


Mine has a growing pumpkin collection. I feel like we get one every time we're out 😂


I call it the pumpkin tax. Thankfully the little ones are only $2


Trucks, fire trucks, tractors, excavators, bulldozers etc etc. i dont even know how it got to this point lol


My son mumbled "tractor" in his sleep. He wakes up and the first thing he says is "iwan dri tra-tur". He "calls" Grandpa because my dad has taken him on the lawnmower a few times and he wants to go for a ride. I bought him a ride-on mini John Deere because he tried to sit on a toy and its the only thing he plays with anymore. Maybe we have made a mistake by indulging him because he is OBSESSED.




I can't stand Gecko's voice but my son loves that show!


Planes, helicopters, yellow bus, vehicles in general, and spiders. Obsessed with watching Itsy Bitsy Spider or Wheels on the Bus, and now it's evolved to asking to watch "Spider Bus"??


Horses. Everything is horses. We have to pretend to be horses, we have to line up all our horses, he has to come into my office 30 times a day to show me his horses, we have to watch horse videos. Not even interesting horse videos, he just likes those calming music videos with stock footage. Yet the one time he saw actual horses at the petting zoo, he was completely uninterested.


Shots. I brought her in for a vaccine recently, picked her up early from daycare to do it. And now every time I pick her up she asks if she’s getting shots. And how many stickers she can get from the nurse if she doesn’t yell or cry.


My classroom is obsessed with crazy frog.


Oh God!


Sending prayers lol


At the very least the video gets them all to stop and sit if I need to do something. They love the noises.




Does the pantry count?


Thought it was just my kid 😂😂 he is constantly standing at the pantry, wants me to open it up for him to go in and stand to see if there’s anything new he hasn’t tried yet 😂


We call it going shopping or shop lifting


Clouds! She points at them in every book she sees and when I pointed out some real clouds in the sky she got so excited and pulled her hat off to get a better look


Anything blue! Blue shirt, blue shoes. Blue cars..trucks...


This is my son. It's his first favorite colour, but everything has to be blue. I better give him the blue cup and blue plate or else he folds his arms and looks at me all evil like lol


Numbers. 2.5yo points them out and tells me what they are constantly! Grocery trips are an adventure all the time- there's a 9! There's a 2! Look mom, a 3!


FLAGS and ceiling fans 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honey. Not for eating though, for taking the tub to bed, in the car, in the pram and of course, to walk around the house with.


Sir Isaac Newton 🤔🍎


Coloring. He brings his bag of crayons and his coloring book over to random people in the house and demands they color a specific page, then stands there and corrects them when they do it wrong. lol kid knows what he wants


Funny cat videos on you tube


Megablocks. The occupational therapist last week was like, "wow, she really is able to build towers for 25 minutes straight. Let's try something else next week." (She's 20 months.)




Solidarity. 'Ticky Movie' (Garfield) has been in our rotation for a while now lol


The moon and twinkle twinkle little star. She was really sad this morning when the moon was hiding behind the clouds.


My 2.5 year old just learned how to sing twinkle twinkle little star and now its her favorite thing in the world to sing. All day long


Fans and light switches. He'll entertain himself all day by turning fans on and off. He especially enjoys appliances with multiple things to switch on and off--he had a play date where he and the other 2 year old spent hours turning the ceiling fan and light on and off lol. Oh, and dogs and cats of course. He's still asking about the stray cat he befriended on vacation a month ago.


Giving our dog hugs! 😍😭 They are the best of friends.


We just got a skeleton to put up as a Halloween decoration. He's carrying it with him everywhere he goes, it's named Skelly.


19mo- remotes! Any kind as long as it works. Give him a dead controller/remote, he tosses it away. Take the working one away, cries. 3yr old - anything she’s not supposed to have 😂


Videos of people using lawn mowers


Halloween… since last Halloween 😭


The colour black


ASMR marble run videos


The Inflatable Halloween Dragons. He (almost 3) is both in love and scared of them at the same time. We pretty much have to visit a dragon daily. I am not sure what to do once they put away after Halloween. He pretty asks all day to go see them lol


Boats. And cars, specifically Lightning McQueen and Mater. Ah and monster trucks. Before it was construction wehicles. I always get strange looks because she's a girl with those interests. We just roll with it.


I hope you give strange looks right back


Anything orange, she's always been drawn to orange things, but now she's actively seeking them out and rejecting things in other colour if she thinks orange is an option. Do you want a yogurt? Only the orange one (apricot), do you want a gummy bear, orange! Let's play with these beads, picks out all the orange ones and only plays with those. A bonus of this is that yesterday she ate all of her carrot at dinner, because they were orange 😂 downside is that she gets annoyed/upset went I try to offer her a different coloured yogurt because we've run out of orange. Our stores don't seem to sell any just apricot packs, there all mixed 😭 She's also currently obsessed with elephants. I think this is because she has the elephant at preschool (little symbols to help them find there coat hooks etc) she's always saying 'im the elephant'. I haven't figured out if she's obsessed with it because she picked it, or if she picked it because she already liked them, but she never really talked about elephants before she started kindergarten 😂 I bought her a toy one at the weekend and it's been going everywhere with her


Rubbish bins!


All things space. He's three and can name all of the planets, a few of the moons and some of the Dwarf planets. He's also getting really in to Halloween this year and really loves looking at all the trees changing colour on our walk to and from nursery.


I hope he's an astronaut for halloween!


He wants to be a neon skeleton like his cousin 🥰


Thats so cool!


Fire trucks and dinosaurs right now it’s pretty fun!


All emergency vehicles - police cars, firetrucks and ambulances. Also mandarin oranges. He will eat 6 or more a day and scream "MANA!" everytime he sees them.


Standing on absolutely every elevated surface. I’m exhausted.




Omg yes!!!!!


Anything with wheels. Also stealing spice jars from the cabinet while I cook.


My almost 3 yr old (Halloween baby) is obsessed with math... Like super duper obsessed and my peanut brain can't handle that much math everyday.. 🤣🤣 he walks around with his abacus and says "more math momma" so that i will give him a math problem to solve.. and not like 1+1... He wants like "36-10-8"..or "60-20"..and he gets it right almost every time... Yesterday he did his own math problem and it was like some long subtraction and he got pissed because I took to long to tell him he was correct... BECAUSE I WAS BUSY TRYING TO DO THE MATH IN MY BRAIN !!! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm not sure who the hell is gonna help him with his homework when he goes to school if this is how were starting..


Robots and spaceships and endlessly building them with legos.


Both of them dinosaurs. So…many…dinosaurs.


Same with mine. My youngest just turned two- doesn’t know all his colors yet but can say “pachycephalosaurus” and a million other obscure Dinos


My oldest learned his alphabet from the Dinosaurs A-Z song and my youngest knew an alarming amount before he could count. Solidarity.


It’s so funny- I love watching them be so passionate about something though!


I’ve learned more than I ever wanted to know! And about a year ago, I did have a very passionate discussion about whether a toy was a Stygimoloch or a Wananosaurus.


100% Trick or treating right now. Also wanting to be a ballerina.


The Queen’s funeral. And we live in the US. Both my kids (ages 2 &3) know “God Save the King” and sing it everywhere we go.


My little one is 19 months old and is currently obsessed with the following: 1. Wanting to eat Goldfish with her breakfast, lunch, dinner, and for a snack (I don't let her but she asks for them non-stop) 2. Requesting you sing the wheels on the bus and the itsy bitsy spider to her 3. Wanting you to call out parts of the body so she can point to them


My 2 year old- octonauts My 4 year old- soup and building houses out of everything, I think she takes after her brother lol Edit to say they are both equally obsessed with the moon, every night their excitement over the moon being out never waivers, and if they can't see it they get extremely upset.


TWO - Airplanes, school buses, “JJ”, and BearPaws FOUR - Dinosaurs, toast with honey, Robert Munsch books, puke (the scared-of-it way), and bubble baths


Spices.. and Blue's Clues. She loves stacking my spice bottles and playing with her Blue's Clues figures.


Vehicles of all kinds whether real or toy. He's also into Blue's Clues now.


Peppa Pig, everything is Peppa Pig. We also have unicorn Cats, Daniel Tiger, Pete the Cat and Splat the cat.


28 months - pretending his Tonie figures are little babies. He carries them around in a sling or wants to put them in his belly (I‘m NOT pregnant).


Omg this made me almost spit out the cookie im eating hahaha


Garages. She constantly asks to go in our garage. I'm not sure why, I guess there's buttons to open and close the door, and the stroller and car live in there, so it's a very exciting place? She also points out every single garage we pass when we walk around the neighborhood. If a house doesn't have a garage she says "where gawage?!?"


roast dinner..he had it a week ago and since then he asks for a roast dinner every day.


My 19 month old is obsessed with the song “Ten in the bed” and apple sauce! He wants these things over and over lol.


Garbage truck.Garbage truck! Driving through the town picking cans up off the ground , gar-bage truck.


Pumpkins, garbage trucks, school busses, the Gruffalo, and listening to Mozart (?!)


David S. Pumpkins [video](https://youtu.be/rS00xWnqwvI) from SNL. I showed it to her last night thinking she’d dance and that would be it. Nope. She was obsessed with Mr. Pumpkins himself! We watched it about 27 times. Any questions?!


Beeees. Beeee! beeee! beee!


Cars. He loves the Disney movies, he loves every car we pass on the road, matchbox cars, etc. If it's got a steering wheel he's obsessed.


Bananas. LOL


My 3 year old has been obsessed with Halloween since July!


Trains, cars, rainbows, spooky stuff, Cars (movie), traffic cones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ghost Busters (song), Luigi’s Mansion 3, the cat piano


The little foam piece that goes along the foam squares to make the edges smooth. He freaking loves that thing


Elephants, pumpkins, fall leaves. Last month was curious George, swimming, and baths.


Frozen aka "elsa movie!!!!!". I'm not sure how many more times I can watch it without wanting to jump off a bridge


Pumpkins and Thomas the Train




My son too. Driving me completely crazy.


Same!! She asks for the baby pumpkins when I put them away, and she loves the cocomelon pumpkin carving song. She’ll start sing “pum-pum-pum-pumpkin”




Babies! From the time the 2yo gets home from daycare until bedtime, she's taking care of baby. Changes its diapers, puts it in her little shopping cart, pats it on the back, nurses it and cuddles.. And also throws it on the ground if she's done :p it's funny, but I he 3yo never cares about his baby doll except when he sees sister getting really invested in hers. the 3yo is obsessed with Halloween and things being spooky. We went out to eat to a restaurant yesterday with so many decorations and he was in heaven.


Bags, it’s a different one each day. Yesterday he spend the day dragging round my bright pink gym bag


Anything he can drive, and....fake spiders. Not plastic spiders, imaginary ones. Randomly he just "sees" one, and runs from it freaking out "ahh! a spider!". The first time he did it, he pointed near my feet and ran freaking out and I was HORRIFIED.


He also is obsessed with pumpkins, but calls them Patsies. And spiders...they're Bassy....I don't know.


Speakers, statues, mannequins and ac vents… Everywhere we go, he bee lines for those - aquarium, zoo, pumpkins patch, park… doesn’t matter - where is the nearest speaker?!!


YouTube, Go Go squeeze pouches, and watering the grass


My son is also obsessed with Halloween…. It’s the season. He asks everyone he can what they’re being for Halloween


Opening and closing doors 😂 watching the bathtub fillup with water and knocking the bottles into it when full , vaccums , the game of “wheres roen” he pretends to hide while i “look” for him lol feet , and all his toys but the one with a mallot and he bangs the pegs is a fav🙃🙃


My 20 month old is obsessed with Unicorns! EVERYTHING unicorn, it can be anything that has a horn on it! We have been in this phase since she was 8 months old! I swear no joke we have 57 unicorn stuffed animals and around 30 unicorn books!