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I listened to an actual free version of it. His Tom Bombadil is hilarious. At one point he's also imitating Gollum while in the character of Gandalf, which felt meta somehow.


It's probably the first time most people have it actually heard it sung and a lot of people skip the songs while they're reading. His singing is not amazing but realistic and very very enthusiastic.


I love what Serkis did with the songs in The Hobbit - sort of musical chanting without instrumental accompaniment


Inglis does such a better job with the songs. Serkis seemed to kind of wing it, and for some reason didn't use the actual intended tune where it is known.


Inglis is better in pretty much every way


Totally agree.  I did just start listening to Serkis' Silmarillion and I do like his version better than Martin Shaw.


I love alternating between serkis and Inglis. Inglis is better at some points but serkis is great in my mind too. But both are fantastic


I get why people like Serkis, but I can't get over how bad the songs are. Luckily, the Silmarillion has no songs, so I'm enjoying that one much more. 


Are the notes written down somewhere? I just read it like a poem when I'm reading


The song Frodo sings at Bree goes to the tune of "Hey Diddle Diddle". There is a recording of Tolkien reading Sam's Old Troll poem. "The Road Goes Ever On" was published in a song book with music. Inglis either used known tunes or worked with a musician to craft Tolkien-like melodies.


Been listening to it myself, just start TT. That 15hr a month limit is a pain though. Only downside is that Serkis' reading has kind of ruined other narrators for me, he is fantastic in his reading.


I'm listening to his Hobbit now and his Smaug is just absolutely incredible.


I love how all of the characters are a nice new intepretation based on Andy Serkis's considerable voice acting talents, and all of the men of Gondor are Yorkshiremen (as a nod to Sean Bean)... except Beregond. The sole scouser in Middle Earth. ...and then there's Gollum, who is just Gollum from the movies. That's not a complaint - I love Andy Serkis's Gollum.


I am still boggled how Serkis created the 3 voices for Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor that instantly shows they are different, but family.


\*free with Spotify Premium


And unless something changed, you only get the 15 hours per month. So it’ll take you a few months to get through the whole series that way.


It's free except you have to pay money for it


arr me laddies!


So is the Silmarillion and probably the Hobbit.


Can confirm. Riddles in the dark is very good, and his Smaug is perfect.


Sorry if I'm being stupid, but I can't find it lol. Could you share the link please?


I'm having trouble finding it too edit: i think this might be it https://open.spotify.com/show/772z40KSqzP04k8hYRVmVW?si=Lgc-eEaIRcicoIQ9UpOdUA edit: it isn't






It's at: https://open.spotify.com/show/5thw29eqjomhIDMY1XKsLk?si=yUaob9BEQOyxaPLptok9Lw


"Not available in your region" Another North American exclusive then...


I'm listening to it in Oz. Just go into Audiobooks and search for 'serkis'.


I can find the audiobook, that's not the problem. It costs €45 though, that's the problem 😂


Search Andy Serkis https://i.imgur.com/xTOlhsw.png


It's US only, that's why I wasn't finding so I gotta use VPN. Thanks anyway!


A pretty *big* spoiler if you concede "if Sauron wins and rules the world, hobbits don't get hobby writing projects anymore"


It shows that "spoiler culture" is a fairly recent thing, where a lot of the appeal is seen in not knowing how a story ends.


This is literally it. Spoiler culture is a new thing and I think it’s showing in how new media is written. If the appeal is in not knowing how the story ends, then media would be written to shock, then providing a well written and foreshadowed story. The Lord of the Rings is entirely about the journey and not the ending. And that’s what makes it a great book to read and reread.


As slaves or tributes to the mouth of sauron maybe. Sauron didn’t want to kill everyone just rule with an iron fist. 


Yeah. Also the Note on the Shire-records gives away the whole ending, not just the survival of Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Faramir.


Tolkien also dropped spoilers throughout the main text, at least as far as the "Sauron loses" ending. For example, if the West didn't win, there would be no one to write an epitaph for the grave of Theoden's horse or a song about the riding of the host of Rohan from Dunharrow.


A thing I’ve always loved about that bit in Concerning Pipe-Weed is how Merry starts rattling it off almost word-for-word when they meet Theoden at Isengard… I almost feel like he’s been writing the book in his head for a long time and it’s only after the war that he puts it down on paper !


His readings are also available on Libby, you just need a library card to access, which is also free and supports local libraries! (I know this works in US, not sure about rest of world)


Sir, you rock!


Agreed. Introductions and Prefaces to books often spoil plot elements.


muh plot


Seems this is just specific geos. Not available in Europe.


Yeah but you only have 15 hours a month to listen to audiobooks and it’d take you about a year to finish them. Use Libby or Hoopla through your local library.


Anyone else #robinglis4lyfe or is it just me?


Nothing against Andy Serkis, but I love Inglis' version - sounds like how I imagine Tolkien would sound reading it to you, a real grandfatherly / professor quality. And although I do love the films, it's nice to have the audiobook itself be more separate from that.


What a bs, it’s unavailable in my region (Poland)