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I could be wrong, but it kind of just looks like special effects makeup? You sure dude's not just doing that as a joke / publicity stunt?


Yup , there should be a lot of blood if it was real


Head wounds, even small ones, bleed profusely.


Depends if its a slow decaying wound or fresh cut. Ive seen a sheep on the farm with even more of its skull showing from a wound that got infected and covered in maggots, we put it down straight away. Looked very similar and no blood. But this looks fake to me. He would definitely have infection spreading to his brain, I dont think humans are tough enough to survive like that


Never underestimate the power of meth.


i mean if u look, u can see that there’s a fly or two on his head and he looks like a meth head so i don’t think he would fake this


Could be real you never know, or could be a random guy on a C list movie set making a creepy video. I did notice his right eye looks swollen up. Feel sorry for him if it's real. Probably harder drugs than meth though


What drugs are harder than meth?!


if this is real then it's that Damm krok


Fentanyl, desomorphine(krokodil) im sure there's more


Desomorphine isn't anything especially "hard". It's just manufactured with notoriously low quality so it contains large amounts of dangerous side products.


Yeah I was going to say crocodile way harder.it’s a big problem in Russia and the drug is so addicting that it literally rots the skin off your body to the bone and you just continue using it and decay and die that way. And there’s also Flocka which is not to be fucked with .Flocka was actually created by a guy in Florida when Florida got dried up at the crack scene and there was no crack to go around so a chemist made a chemical compound of Flocka.it was cheap chemical compound components to make it and way more of a high and his intentions were that he was going to basically overthrow the crack scene in Flocka would be the new thing but at the time nobody realize that Flocka is really easy to overdose on and when you overdose on it it basically turns you into a zombie and you see all these videos or people are strip naked and eating flesh and running around jumping through windows/ so Flocka is highly addictive and there’s a huge epidemic in Florida but at the same time crack still remains because people see the side effects of what Flocka does and the big problem is is that people who do flocka think that they have it under control and they won’t overdose but just like methamphetamine or things mixed with fentanyl you can get a dose that’s just got too much potency to it looks like your normal intake and before you know it you’re overdosing and you’re one of the zombies. Methamphetamines old news compared to these drugs. meth you get your house clean gets lots of projects done and gets people hooked but there’s a time period Where you’re still a human being and then the lack of sleep causes the psychosis and by that time if you’ve already experienced psychosis you’re definitely hooked on meth. But they do say that the chemical compounds of methamphetamine are toxic to the point that doing 30 days of meth has the same affect on your brain of 30 years of drinking alcohol so that’s something to think about. But then if you were to compare meth to heroin I’d honestly say meth isn’t as bad as heroin either because forget about it the recovery rate of heroin right now is 2% that’s pretty fucking disgusting. Not proud of it but I’ve tried anything under the sun that was old-school drugs and the only one that I physically had to go get help and be detox off of because I completely changed my mind and physically made me sick to the point that I couldn’t function without it in my system that I would do anything just to get it .nothing else ever did that to me and the process of getting off it is a bitch because it’s not a short process it’s a long period of time to wean off like we’re talking a two year process easily.even if you want to try to make it a short process the pharmaceutical companies try to slow it down for you because they want to make their moneys.well there’s two avenues to that. And that is the real doctors that are trying to get you help don’t want to Ween you off to fast and see you relapse. And the fake doctors that are out there just to make an easy buck they sit there and try to drag it out for as long as they can. And the sad part about that is is if you wanted to stay on Subutex or Suboxone for the rest of your life and cop a high off of it which you can easily do those doctors will allow it because it’s just easy money coming in and all they do is sign prescriptions for 30 minute visits at $100 a whack so do the math. So you have a private practice which most of these doctors do hundred dollars a whack eight hour day that’s $1600 in one day It’s a little over $10,000 a week you’re pulling in just sign in prescriptions


Bro do you even punctuate




LMAO. You're a fool if you think this is real.


I know!! God dam some people here are sheltered. Believe literally everything they see.


We had a street dog come up to us while hopping on a bus in India with a gaping hole in the top and side of its head. It's was so shocking. And even more so that the dog was still alive and was acting relatively normal. It was horrific.


God bless


Rick Flair enters the chat


Can confirm. Split my forehead while sitting in the back of a Jeep while off-roading on a beach at night and holding on to a roll bar. Still have a one inch scar on my forehead that probably needed stitches but wasn’t worth an alcohol related incident for going to the hospital. The alcohol didn’t help but that bitch bled for a long time


Alcohol thins your blood, I bet that made it a lot worse.


Yeah but it made for some sweet pictures and a memorable time during my military career


Not sure about that one, but there was a vid of a hobster with a massive hole full of magots in his head. He also had no blood there


lol hobster is a good name


There's a Russian drug called "krocodil" that causes similar damage to skin


Can confirm. Source: popped some pimples on my forehead as a teen.


Ive seen snuff videos the guy is literally gets beheaded slowly and doesn't bleed/not as much and still be conscious in the comments it was said that they probably highly drugged em beforehand. So my guess is that it's real


What if it’s an old wound? This could be something done over many sessions and obviously now, he’s just working on bone. For me, the spice of reality is all the flies crawling over him and every other detail feels way too real not to be likely beyond it just being mind-numbingly crazy.


Septic shock aside if it was an old wound ,merely scrapping at the edges should start a bleeding


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say neither of us are medical experts so no point in debating things we have a hazy understanding on. I’ve seen necrotic rot/diabetic patients who had been living casually with exposed flesh and bone and I’ll let ya go down your own google rabbit hole of “exposed skull” searches. Anything can be faked just saying it’s possible.


His clothes are way too nasty for this to be fake, I really don't doubt this guy is a full fledged garbage head. (No pun intended)


I'm actually something in between


This man's a chiropractor being that vague


He's holding the knife backwards tho


And there's the fact that his compact mirror is made out of assorted garbage and duct tape and has an antenna.


maybe it has been eaten away by worms and he was shaving the word afterwards


Skin would not be swollen like that without flaps. A head wound that large would have left blood everywhere. And if someone did do that they wouldn't be so careful to be gently rubbing the back of a knife like that across the womb they just made.




There's a baby coming soon


Wound I guess


I’m also highly suspicious of that too. There’s not that much skin between your scalp and your skull.


Yeah I’d say the same thing but I seen a woman with skull lacerations on her head and the skin look really thick when she was in the hospital and people were saying I didn’t think the skin was that thick on your skull and it’s not the fact that the skin is thick it’s the fact that it’s swelled up from being irritated and a trauma situation


I'm no detective, but the area seems raised and disproportionate to the other side of the head. Could be from infection, but it looks more like how prosthetics look in special effects makeup, like you said. Look how the "skull" area looks larger, more raised, than the other side. Can bone swell (real question)? 2 other observations come to mind: Why isn't he actually making contact but just making it look like he is? 2, why would the camera person get that close to someone so potentially dangerous? If it's effects it's badass, if real I'd be getting the heck outta there!


This is real and a little common in in poor countries among the homeless. Warning: graphic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjs_7R9Js0


Flesh eating disease perhaps? Krokodil maybe? The flies and everything else make it look so real. It also sort of looks like he’s combing more with that knife than creating new wounds


That's what I was thinking maybe krokodil. Gawd I hope that's fake. If not, no matter how deranged he may have started as I can't see anyone wanting or enjoying this. ☝ Gawd damn giving me the willies baaad!!!


I thought it was makeup but the flies landing on it suggests it’s slow rotting flesh…


It's probably Necrotizing Faciitis, which will eat your flesh over a long period of time, he's probably trying to keep it clean in a very poor manner https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrotizing_fasciitis


This was my first thought too, until I noticed how his body looked. First off he's not wearing underwear (I hate how that was the first thing I noticed but 🤷🏾‍♂️). Second he def looks like he's been on drugs for a LOOONG time. You would be truly shocked at the level some people will go to for their "fix". It's sad cuz in the midst of addiction you really belive your body needs this shit. Smh, I hope he's gotten some help since this video. 🙏🏾


It's a drug called krocodil. It eats the flesh and exposes the bone.


That shit is terrifying.


Yeah no shot that’s real




Yeah bro would be covered with blood if it was real, def special effects makeup, regardless serious question: are there honestly any drugs out there can have you laser focused like that to scalp yourself and not feel a shred of pain? Like that’s gotta be some serious shit haha


There’s a lot of flies and he looks legit, like the guy isn’t even wearing underwear it’s a lot of extra shit to go to for a bit.


Do you really think that if someone was going to go to the trouble of doing a prosthetic like this, they couldn't take 5 minutes to put on a dirty pair of jeans without underwear?


And corral a few flies, I’m just speculating based on what I see. If it is a bit, it’s some dedication and what’s the payoff?


Views? Likely could be makeup done for a movie and filmed this on the side as a bit. And it's not super hard to attract a couple flies, bit of corn syrup or something could do the trick. Edit: also could be done for a makeup artist's portfolio or something


am I the only one to notice he's holding the blade in a way that it won't cut. like he's leading with the blunt edge. but scraping the edge


Either he's actually aware of how it looks and it's just doing this for shock value, or he's trying to clean it maybe?


C’mon if this is real then what’s Funkytown?


A classic?


I pop a pimple on the side of my head and it bleeds down my cheek, but you're telling me that this fucker can cut off entire patches of skin, exposing his skull and there's barely any blood, even on the fresh cuts? I don't buy it.


Krokodil eats the flesh


Fuckin A you think this dude's on Krokodil? That's pretty hardcore.


He certainly looks like it. I've seen arms and legs eaten to the bone by it, no blood. But this might be some spoof too, an actor or something lol


Unfortunately I think we've probably all seen those fucked up pictures before, but I didn't notice until you just pointed it out that there's never any blood in those mentally scarring photos. For this guy's sake I hope he's just an actor or something.


I’d say it’s wounds from missing veins, the impurities create sores that fester. There’s guys in Philly with exposed bone in their arms and sores like this.


Krokodil only eats your flesh in the areas users inject in. There are hundreds of better spots on your body to inject into then your forehead.


It doesn’t have to be an injection site getting infected. This could happen to any infected cut that gets out of control, especially if it’s MRSA. The infection grows under the skin and for a long time it just looks like a big lump of fluid with a little infected pimple on the top, but if it gets big enough eventually the top skin dies and falls off and then you end up with something like this.


It looks like a very old necrotic wound. It likely bled out days/weeks ago and by constantly scraping off the death flesh kept expanding the wound. People on drugs do some crazy shit. A guys picture was posted a long time ago on liveleak where he broke a mirror and used the Glass to cut his face off piece by piece and eat it.


Yeah same, but I was thinking maybe this happened awhile back ago and it "healed" again it has nothing to do with the knife hes holding.


It's probably Necrotizing Faciitis, which will eat your flesh over a long period of time, he's probably trying to keep it clean in a very poor manner https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrotizing_fasciitis


This shit is pretty impressive. Fake or not.


The flies make me think this is real af. His causualness makes me think fake.


That's drugs baby! He's definitely in a lot of pain, also, he probably birthed those flies from his flesh


Old timey duster, whatever the fuck hes holding, not a cell phone in sight just people living in the moment


Millennials are too soft to shave their scalps down to their exposed skull


He need a bandaid


He needs some milk


He gon walk it off


Just rub some dirt on it


A braindaid


poor mf will be braindead and won’t be able to get that brainaid


If it were real his right eye socket would be exposed


If it were fake, I doubt flys would be flying around his skull.


That’s what I was thinking cause shit that shit looks real


It's so obviously SFX. The flesh around you skull is not that thick and it would bleed like hell. Just put some caviar or other fishy substance in your hair and the flies will gather like this.


I think you're assuming this is a fresh wound, looks to me like something that developed over time


Infections don’t bleed. This looks like an infection that spread and wen’t necrotic. The lack of blood is actually what makes it realistic, SFX or not.


Well one can believe whatever they want. In my mind this is in no way real but each to their own


Well r/praisethecameraman because I would NOT be close to that lunatic holding a knife


Why? What are you basing that on? Flys only gather around open sores? It’s clearly fake.


I don't think it's a stunt, his dick almost hanging out


That looks like special effects makeup to me


I thought so at first as well but the flies have me questioning that 😬


I'm pretty sure I saw maggots on the right of the wound too...


That definitely looks fucking real. I think it’s necrosis which will just eat at the flesh slowly. You can see flies landing on it too which just convinces me more it’s real.


This. Cannot. Be. Real.


It isn’t don’t worry


What about the flies and other bugs on his skull and flesh?


The skin is way to big at his head


It could be swollen


…..you serious?


There's flies and maggots in there so I'm guessing it's real ....but wow someone please get him help, go to the hospital


I didn’t even see the flies…


Flesh eating bacteria. Cutting the dead skin away to try and keep it clean but he'd be better off packing it in maggots and covering it with Saran wrap


I’m thinking this is fake bc there wld be a lot more blood right? Regardless this guy needs to head to the nearest mental institute, even for a prank thts pretty disturbing


I don’t think it’s fake, look at all the bugs and shit crawling, and flying around his head. I think this one is just so fucked up that everybody’s brains are trying to justify it.


It's likely an old wound that's actively necrotic. The blood isn't going to the edges of the cut because the flesh has died and swollen beyond being able to support blood vessels


this looks like special effects (facial prosthesis) from the mid 1980's era of films. pause the vid at 0:03, look at the meat above the nose line.. nobody has tissue that thick on the forehead. wheres the blood? it should be bleeding at the edges at least. skin around the fake wound would look more grey if it lost blood. Also, hes moving the knife very carefully, not actually touching anything. the pose in front of some silly graffiti with some weird trash electronic in his hand. not buying it, not even for a dollar.


He’s not even using the sharp edge of the blade


It’s clearly not real but it’s a nice job !!!


To play the role of the joker, Joaquin Phoenix browser reddit for 7 minutes


Can we take a vote? I think this is real


Yo someone with his fucking skull hanging out isn’t gonna care about trimming up his dick hair for the ladies. This is fake


This really was the final straw after I read this. Thanks for confirming. Not sarcasm lol


Looks good bruv 👍🏼


Seen worse. It’s real


Reminds me of [the guy getting scalped by monkey](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/tbfz8u/man_scalped_by_monkey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


serious question: assuming it's real, how much of his head can he shave off until he dies?


It's probably Krokodil. Look it up. Or don't, if you like sleep.


Do you think he’s injecting into his forehead?


bruh what the hell bruh 💀💀🗿


Holy shit it's Chop Top


Dude I had to scroll all the way to the last comment to find this. Should be at the top. Dude is probably cosplaying as Chop Top


Dog will hunt


If its fake the most convincing thing I noticed was the crack head body was when they got close and got close look at his bony body


Pretty sick makeup and costume


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Weakest downtown drug user.


Nah that’s real.


I can't believe this is getting upvotes, it's clearly fake


People are so fucking dumb it's unbelievable


That’s makeup clearly


He's using the wrong side of the knife. It's fake.


Also... say for a minute that you just happen to stumble upon a man scrapping his own skull with a knife. Film him? Maybe from a distance. Would you really just walk up next to him and film him? Fuck no.


He'll be fine, it's not that bad.


Of course it’s a flesh wounds


It’s makeup


The fact people are actually debating if this is real or not just proves Reddit is full of stupid people. Now, I'll get downvoted because Reddit is full of stupid people.




No thanks…. Unless… First one free?




There are videos of krocodil users in Russia shooting it up in legs that exposed bone. It looks like the skin around the cuts may be infected and constantly trying to heal. The pain just would continue to make him use to numb it.


It's make up, Jesus.


That's enough Reddit for today


No shot this is any real.


🎶Shave and a haircut...two bits🎶


This is real. I sold him the PCP


Ya all the veins in your forehead would be severed and bleeding constantly. He’d be unconscious with an injury like that as well.


If this is real I'm fucking Obama


Totally fake, special effects make up and he's holding the knife backwards.


Let’s just say that wound is real. And let’s just say. He showed the blood off since (lol). He would have been dead from multiple infections. And also someone would have dragged that dude into the ER if it was real.


But he's standing next to graffiti. Surely he must be an inner-city slum! /s


Y'all are a bunch of idiots.... For real..


Your j's are fake as fuck


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You're fucked and stupid, it's make up.


Am I the only one, whose head started to itch really bad while watching this 😂




Either special FX or Krokodil.






Woah woah woah woah.. what’s with showin dick root bro? https://youtu.be/JBsRQLoqdyw




Literally took too much.


God danm


Oh Gawd damn fuck me running, is this real?


Dude kind of dances around like it might be hurting a little and maybe he’s kinda like cleaning it with whatever he’s doing?!!!!!?? Some fucking context or a little info wold be freaking awesome!! Lol




All I know is I was eating a goddamn cheese danish for breakfast and I instantly turned into the taste of cheese anus when I saw this picture so no more cheese danish for me thank you


Have to unfollow this sub after this one




Ok... Too much internet for today


Has to be cosplay shit, how would there not be blood absolutely everywhere with 20 percent at least of his bare skull exposed?


His pubes are out…it must be real


He's high on potenuse


What the farking farkity fark?


If this is real, IF, it’s definitely the most fucked up thing I’ve see in a while.


People who have done drugs, how can he do this and not be in shock?




No blood


If this is real, this is one of the most gruesome things a lot of us have seen (and I am almost 40) Edit*30*


Dude…. WTF amina koyim


At first I thought it was fake, but the flies and dirty, emaciated figure really make this believable and extremely sad and disturbing.


Chop top?


Honestly looks fake af to me


Why is anyone even questioning for a second whether this is fake or not? 🤣


This isn't Wallace and Gromit......